Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea

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Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea Page 28

by Liz Eeles

  ‘Is it champagne?’ Katrina took a flute glass from Robert’s tray and gave the bubbly liquid inside it a sniff.

  ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t run to the real stuff but it’s nice all the same. What do you think of Driftwood House?’

  Katrina looked around the hall, which was festooned with balloons and streamers. ‘Old houses aren’t really my thing. But it doesn’t look awful.’

  High praise indeed from the queen of mean. Nessa, eavesdropping in the corner, began to snigger and Rosie shot her a stern look.

  ‘I hear that your very modern house at Bellesfield is lovely, Katrina, and I’m told you’re very talented at interior design.’

  Katrina stopped bristling and flicked her hair over her shoulder. ‘I do have a natural flair for colours and furnishings.’

  ‘Then perhaps you’d do me a favour and have a look around? I could do with suggestions for any last-minute improvements I could make.’

  ‘Are we just talking about the house?’

  When she gave Rosie’s pretty jumpsuit a once-over, Rosie resisted the urge to inform her that it was a present from Liam. She would be the bigger person here because she was happy and in love.

  ‘Just the house would be great, thank you.’

  ‘So let me get this straight, you’re asking for my help?’

  Hhmm, Katrina was really pushing it. Rosie’s smile grew even wider.

  ‘If you don’t mind.’

  Katrina nodded and pulled a small notepad from her Gucci bag. ‘I don’t mind at all. I’ll make a few notes as an aide memoire. You could paint that wall over there an accent colour, for a start.’

  Nessa sidled up when Katrina, already scribbling furiously, wandered into the sitting room.

  ‘Are you going to do what she suggests?’

  ‘Probably not, but it’s good to get her on side, and she’ll be so busy dissing the house she’ll forget to have a go at me and Liam.’

  ‘Crafty. You’re good at getting people on side, aren’t you? Talking of which, is your… is Charles really going to put in an appearance?’

  ‘He and Cecilia said they’d call in if they got a chance, and I hope they will.’

  It hadn’t been plain sailing over the last few months since finding out that Charles was her father. Keen to make up for lost time, he wanted to spend hours with her, whereas Rosie, still mourning her mother, wasn’t so sure.

  But the two of them had met up a few times and Rosie had discovered they had some traits in common. On the negative side, they were both impatient, with a tendency to be judgemental – though Rosie’s days of being judgemental about Heaven’s Cove and the people in it were over. But they also shared a sense of humour that Charles usually kept well hidden.

  Cecilia mostly kept out of the way, but she’d become warmer to Rosie when their paths did cross. Rosie had definitely gone up in her estimation when she’d turned down the money Charles offered to do up the house and had arranged her own bank loan instead.

  ‘Oh, my goodness! Look who’s arrived,’ yelled Belinda, rushing into the hall from the kitchen. The wine in her hand sploshed over the side of her glass and dribbled onto the floor. ‘Charles and Cecilia Epping have just pulled up outside. How on earth did you manage to get them here?’

  Rosie smiled. ‘They’ve taken an interest in the house and the work that’s been done.’

  ‘Even though it turned out that the house didn’t belong to them?’

  ‘That’s right.’

  Rosie tried very hard not to let her face give anything away. Belinda wasn’t daft, and she didn’t quite believe Rosie’s story that additional paperwork had been found which showed Sofia and David had bought the house some years before.

  The Eppings don’t make mistakes like that, she’d told Rosie. But she’d been assured that, on this occasion, they had, and they’d both be willing to tell her so should she need further corroboration.

  ‘Are you ever going to tell her the truth?’ asked Nessa, watching Belinda rush to the open front door.

  ‘Maybe one day.’

  ‘You do realise that finding out you’re Charles Epping’s secret love child will cause her head to explode?’

  ‘Shhh, keep your voice down because I imagine a lot of people around here would have the same reaction.’

  ‘Does he-who-shall-be-nameless want you to tell people the truth?’ she whispered.

  ‘I think so, though Cecilia’s not so sure. Anyway, they’ve both said it’s up to me.’

  ‘That’s good, so you can wait until you’re ready.’

  Rosie nodded, though she was still getting used to the whole idea and wasn’t certain she’d ever be ready. She wasn’t sure that her mum would want the village to know about her affair with Charles, and it felt disloyal to her dad. So it would remain a secret between them for the moment. A secret she was happy to keep.

  So much had changed for Rosie over the last few months. Her mum was gone, she’d moved back home, and Matt had disappeared from her life completely, apart from a recent text saying he was fed up with Carmen and asking if their relationship could be rekindled. She hadn’t replied. And then there was Liam.

  Rosie caught his eye across the room and smiled. He winked back.

  ‘Mr Epping and Mrs Epping, too,’ boomed Belinda, suddenly, almost curtseying at the front door. ‘What an honour that you’re gracing us with your presence.’

  Charles and Cecilia stepped into the hall, and Cecilia shot Belinda one of her best haughty glances – the ones that no longer made Rosie quake.

  ‘Thank you for coming,’ said Rosie, hurrying over. Charles had put on a smart grey suit in honour of the occasion, and Cecilia was wearing her best pearls. ‘You’ve probably met Belinda in the past. She’s a stalwart of the village and I doubt that Heaven’s Cove could run without her.’

  Belinda blushed and dipped her head as Charles and Cecilia shook her hand.

  ‘Well,’ said Cecilia, gazing around her. ‘This place is looking very special, Rosie. Well done.’

  ‘I’m sure that your business is going to be a great success,’ added Charles.

  Belinda narrowed her eyes when he bent and kissed Rosie on the cheek. She definitely knew something was up, but she wouldn’t find out what from them.

  ‘Hello,’ said Liam, gruffly, wandering over and standing so close to Rosie she could feel the heat from his arm against hers.

  ‘Liam, it’s good to see you.’

  Charles held out his hand and Liam, with only the slightest of hesitations, shook it. The two had reached a kind of truce since Charles, with no fanfare, had reduced the rent on the fields at Meadowsweet Farm to the old level before the rent rise.

  ‘I need to take Rosie away for a minute if you’ll excuse us. My dad will get you a drink.’

  As Robert plied the couple with fizz and orange juice, Liam linked his arm through Rosie’s and pulled her through the crowd to the back door.

  ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘You’ll see.’ He led her into the back garden and around the side of the house. ‘Now close your eyes.’


  ‘Just do it. You trust me, don’t you?’

  ‘Of course I do.’

  She closed her eyes as he led her forward. She could feel the sunshine on her back and taste salt in the sea breeze.

  Liam put his hands on her shoulders and manoeuvred her into position before saying gently, ‘Right, open your eyes.’

  She was in front of Driftwood House. Lily was standing by the door, holding a large picture she’d drawn. There was a big house with smoke drifting from its chimney and a stick figure with yellow hair, that Rosie took to be her. Driftwood Guesthouse is open! was painted across the top in big red letters.

  ‘Mummy did the spelling,’ she lisped.

  Rosie laughed. ‘It’s wonderful, Lily. You’re going to be a brilliant artist.’

  Behind Lily stood Nessa and Alex, holding a piece of red ribbon across the doorway of Driftwood House.
/>   ‘Here you go,’ said Liam, thrusting a pair of scissors into her hands. ‘We thought you should officially declare Driftwood Guesthouse open.’

  ‘Wouldn’t the Eppings as VIPs be better suited…?’ began Belinda, but she was drowned out by Nessa shouting ‘Speech!’

  People crowded into the hall behind her to see what was going on.

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’ Rosie looked at the faces turned expectantly towards her. If only one of them could be her mum. She blinked away the tears that were threatening. ‘Um, thank you for coming, and thank you to everyone who’s helped to get Driftwood ready for its first paying guests who are arriving next week.’

  ‘Hooray,’ shouted Peter, one of the team that had carried out all the work. The other team members were in the kitchen enjoying the beer, the last time Rosie looked.

  She took a deep breath. ‘I came back to Heaven’s Cove a few months ago not under the best of circumstances, and I didn’t think I would stay. I was determined not to stay, in fact. But that was before I realised there was a lot to stay for.’

  Rosie glanced at Charles Epping, who gave a slight nod, before she turned and smiled up at Liam. ‘So thanks all of you for welcoming me back to Heaven’s Cove, and I hope that Driftwood Guesthouse will bring in lots of tourists to enjoy our wonderful village, and to spend loads of money in our local shops.’

  That elicited another cheer.

  ‘I lost such a lot when my mum died.’ Rosie swallowed. ‘But I’ve gained a great deal too, and I know she’d be so happy to see her beloved Driftwood House survive and thrive.’ She brandished the scissors. ‘So I guess there’s nothing more to do except cut the ribbon.’ She caught the ribbon in the teeth of the scissors and snipped. ‘I now declare Driftwood Guesthouse well and truly open for business.’

  Liam scooped her up into his arms as everyone cheered and clapped. And for the first time ever, Rose felt she truly belonged in this special village. That was her mum’s legacy to her.

  ‘I’m so proud of you,’ Liam whispered, stepping with her in his arms over the threshold of Driftwood House. ‘Welcome back home, my darling Rosie.’

  If you were totally swept away to Heaven’s Cove, why not visit another beautiful village in New Starts and Cherry Tarts at the Cosy Kettle by Liz Eeles.

  Get it here!



  Fans of Cathy Bramley, Debbie Johnson and Jenny Colgan will fall in love with The Cosy Kettle café, where slices of lemon meringue pie are served in the sun-dappled garden – and where Callie’s new beginning collides with an old flame…

  After yet another failed romance, twenty-six-year-old Callie Fulbright is giving up on love. She’s determined to throw all her efforts into her very own, brand-new café: The Cosy Kettle. Serving hot tea, cherry tarts and a welcoming smile to the friendly locals proves to be the perfect distraction, and Callie feels a flush of pride at the fledgling business she’s built.

  But her new-found confidence is soon put to the test when her gorgeous ex reappears in the quaint little village. She’ll never forget the heartache Noah caused her years ago, but when they bump into each other on the cobbled streets of Honeyford she can’t help but feel a flutter in her chest…

  As Callie and Noah share laughter and memories, she starts to wonder if this could be her second chance at happiness. But when Callie discovers that someone is mysteriously trying to ruin the café’s reputation… she has an awful suspicion that Noah knows who’s involved.

  Was she wrong to ever trust him again? And can she find out who’s behind the lies and rumours, before it’s too late for The Cosy Kettle?

  Available here!


  If you want to be the first to know when Liz Eeles has a new book out, you can sign up here.

  We promise never to share your email address with anyone else, and we’ll only contact you when a new book is released.



  Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea


  New Starts and Cherry Tarts at the Cosy Kettle

  A Summer Escape and Strawberry Cake at the Cosy Kettle

  A Christmas Wish and a Cranberry Kiss at the Cosy Kettle


  Annie’s Holiday by the Sea

  Annie’s Christmas by the Sea

  Annie’s Summer by the Sea


  You’ve reached the end of Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea – thanks so much for reading it. I’ve loved creating a close-knit community on the beautiful Devon coast and rather wish I could move to Heaven’s Cove myself. Writing this book has helped get me through the pandemic lockdown, and I hope, in turn, that it’s given you a few hours of enjoyment and escapism.

  My next book, which I’m writing now, is also set in Heaven’s Cove, at the height of summer. I’m introducing lots of new characters to the village, but a few old favourites will be popping in too. You can find out when that book will be published by signing up at the following link. We won’t ever share your email address and you can unsubscribe any time you like.

  Sign up here!

  I’ll be posting updates on how the writing of the next Heaven’s Cove book is going on social media, along with other writing stuff and lots of photos. So do stop by and say hello if you get a chance. The links to my Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram are all at the end of this letter.

  Finally, before signing off, can I ask a quick favour? If you did enjoy Secrets at the Last House Before the Sea, it would be great if you could post a review, which might encourage new readers to visit Heaven’s Cove. It doesn’t need to take up a lot of your time. Just a few words would do, and I’d really appreciate it. Thank you.

  Until next time, take care and happy reading!

  Liz x



  The Cosy Kettle café is the perfect place to escape this summer, for fans of Cathy Bramley, Jenny Colgan and Debbie Johnson. Guests can tuck in to fruit puddings and strawberry-studded ice cream, but for Flora, the warm summer breeze is blowing in big changes…

  When Flora finds out about her husband’s secret fling, she escapes to the one place she feels safe: her beloved café, The Cosy Kettle, in the charming village of Honeyford. Serving up cream teas to her café regulars is the perfect way to soothe her broken heart, and although she’s never lived in the area, the little community welcome her with open arms.

  She’s soon lodging with local eccentric Luna in her remote and beautiful Starlight Cottage, snuggled between rolling green hills. Luna’s handsome son Daniel lost his wife several years ago, and as Flora gets to know him, sharing walks through the blossom-scented woods, they both slowly begin to heal… and she realises that behind Daniel’s quiet exterior, there’s a passionate nature that makes her forget all about her ex-husband.

  As she settles into her new life, hosting a baking competition for the village’s summer celebration seems like a great idea… but with Daniel’s mysterious silences leading Flora to believe he’s hiding secrets, she can’t help but wonder if she can really trust him. And when the race to bake the perfect Victoria sponge stirs up old rivalries between locals, Flora starts to feel like she’s bitten off more than she can chew.

  After her new start, will Flora ever truly belong in Honeyford? And, this summer, can she risk opening up her heart again?

  Get it here!



  Fans of Milly Johnson and Phillipa Ashley, the Cosy Kettle café is waiting for you to find a comfy spot by the fire and snuggle up with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Amidst the twinkling lights and falling snowflakes, Becca has a wish to make this Christmas…

nbsp; Running from heartbreak, twenty-five-year-old Becca has moved to the cosy village of Honeyford. Living with her best friend Zac in a little stone cottage, and serving mince pies and steaming gingerbread lattes at the Cosy Kettle, is the perfect escape from her past.

  But starting over isn’t always plain sailing, and Becca’s shyness is holding her back from making her mark on the café. To make matters worse, her crush on blond-haired, blue-eyed local heartthrob Logan gets stronger by the day – but he can barely remember her name. So as the snow starts to fall in Honeyford, Becca has one big Christmas wish: to completely reinvent herself. Becca dreams of bringing the Cosy Kettle success and finding romance with Logan under the mistletoe.

  As she gets a makeover, cosies up to Logan over mulled wine and plans the most festive celebration the café has ever seen, Becca wonders why she waited so long to step out of her comfort zone… Zac, on the other hand, thought she was perfect before – always caring for others – and he misses the quirky girl with the bright blue hair.

  When Logan turns out to not be all he seems, Becca is left wondering if he’s really the one for her. With her party plans also going awry, can Becca save her beloved Cosy Kettle in time for Christmas? And has the key to her happiness been in front of her all along?

  Get it here!



  ‘An idyllic, beautifully written, heart-warming story that made my heart swell with joy… Absolutely beautiful; I love everything about this book.’ The Writing Garnet Blog, 5 stars

  When twenty-nine-year-old Annie Trebarwith receives an unexpected letter from a great-aunt she’s never known, she leaves her shoebox-sized flat in London and catches a train to the rugged Cornish coast.

  Salt Bay is beautiful and Annie begins to kindle a bond with her great-aunt Alice. Even though there is zero phone signal and the locals – including the gorgeous but brooding Josh Pasco – can be decidedly grumpy at times, Annie starts to feel at home in Salt Bay.


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