The Princess in the Tower

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The Princess in the Tower Page 8

by Cordelia Gregory

  “Please stop the car.”

  Before they could stop her, she was undoing her seatbelt and trying to move across Alexandrov to reach the car door unable to take anymore.

  “Stop the damn car,” Ilya shouted afraid she would kill herself by throwing herself out while it travelled along the winding road through the forest at speed. The car screeched to a sudden halt. Before Ilya could undo his seatbelt, Diana was struggling to crawl over Alexandrov and evade his grasp. She struggled so much she made it and before he could get out and reach for her, she was running, taking off into the dark forest. Both men started to run after her at top speed but soon lost her in the darkness.

  She heard them calling out her name. Diana had no idea what she was doing. She was terrified of the night noises around her. Somewhere an owl hooted, and a bird rustled leaves while roosting in the bushes.

  “Diana. Diana, where are you? Answer me.” She heard Alexandrov shout her name from one direction and then Ilya from another. They had obviously split up to find her.

  She couldn’t think straight; everything was swirling around her. She put her hands to her ears to block out the sounds and fell to the ground on her knees with a strangled scream.

  It drew attention to her whereabouts. A minute later, Alexandrov and Ilya came to the clearing where she had fallen from opposite directions to find her rocking herself back and forth on the ground. She quickly stood and tried to bolt from them not wanting them to see her completely out of control.

  “Diana, stop,” Alexandrov demanded, reaching out to catch her. “Don’t keep running away. We want to help you but can’t unless you tell us what is wrong and stop hiding from us,” he said with frustration fighting to keep hold of her fiercely struggling body, but she shoved him hard and gained her freedom. She started to run again. “Diana, stop now or so help me when I catch you I will colour your bottom crimson with a spanking like you have never had before.”

  His words struck a chord, snapping her out of her panic. She turned to look at him and lost her concentration. It was enough to make her trip on a twig and fall to the ground. Alexandrov pounced on top of her before she could stand again. He pinned her to the floor of the forest amid the moss and twigs.

  He lay flat on top of her and leaned towards her ear.

  “Why did you run away from us?”

  He held her arms flat at the side of her head as Ilya came to stand over them. Her fear was turning to anger.

  “I don’t know. Let me go. I don’t want to be outside. Take me back. You have to take me back.”

  She writhed underneath the billionaire desperately trying to gain her freedom. “I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel safe. Take me back.”

  She kicked out at him as he looked down at her lost for words. Ilya came to bend down next to them and ruffled her hair.

  “I think Diana might be having an anxiety attack from being outside. It has been so long. She isn’t used to it, Alexandrov.”

  “Let me go,” she screamed kicking out at the Russian once more lost somewhere between blind panic and rage at having the fear in the first place. Alexandrov winced and decided to take action.

  She felt him let go of her hands and flip her over on to her front with ease. Before she knew it, he was raising her body up on to all fours and was pulling her dress up and over her bottom to bare it.

  He pressed the front of her body down.

  “Ilya, hold her down.”

  “What are you doing?” Ilya didn’t sound convinced as he moved in front of Diana and held her in place holding her arms down on the ground.

  “I’m going to bring her back to her senses and calm her down.”

  The clear sky prevalent earlier that evening had covered over and now the first drops of rain where beginning to fall around them, wetting Diana’s bare pale flesh.

  “Take me back,” Diana heard herself cry over and over again even though it was the last thing she wanted them to do.

  “Hush, little one. You will feel better after this. Daddy is not going to take you back to that prison. We will help you, baby girl. Please don’t be afraid. We will take care of you now. I do this for your own good.”

  Alexandrov moved to the side on his knees and raised his large male palm to slap one of her buttocks as the rain began to fall heavily, making the sting of the first strike harder than she could have ever anticipated. She yelped loudly and cursed him. Still she begged him to take her back, growling with anger at him.

  Placing his hand in the middle of her back to hold her down, he firmly spanked her bottom. Increasing the delivery of each stroke of his palm, he allowed the rain to cool her hot pink skin. She could not escape Ilya’s strong hold on her arms. All she could do was look up at Alexandrov delivering her spanking as a practiced art from the side. The spanking was harder than the first he’d given her in the tower room but shorter.

  Her rage and pain came to the surface and screamed out through her lips. Every strike forced the painful emotion out of her body, forced her to admit its presence and then exorcise it. Each slap brought her closer to calmness and freedom from her panic. When he turned his attention to the tender backs of her thighs making her squeal loudly with the sting, she blurted out, “I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  The adrenaline was receding, and her breathing was returning to normal. She felt exhausted as though she had been running a marathon. She could only utter small sobs as the rain soaked her bottom.

  “Good girl,” he said giving her four more strikes before ending her spanking.

  He rubbed her bottom to calm the heat coming from it and peered between her thighs. Despite the tempest of emotion she had just endured, she could feel she was wet and highly aroused, ready and prepared for his entry had he wished to penetrate and ride her. She felt Alexandrov kiss her bottom and the backs of her thighs with tender love.

  “Do you feel better, little one?” he asked, looking down at her while rubbing her wet bottom.

  Diana meekly nodded, feeling comforted and grateful the spanking had made all of the nasty uncontrollable emotions go away. The forest still made her nervous, but her fear had receded to a manageable place. Ilya bent to kiss her hair and let go of her arms. Alexandrov covered her bottom with her dress and both men helped her to her feet. Alexandrov stripped off his suit jacket and made her put it on. She was shivering with the aftershocks of the adrenaline, not just the rain. He slipped his arm underneath her legs and lifted her up into his arms. She clung to him like a child as he carried her back to the car, with his brother following.

  He sat her in the car between them again. They nestled close to her as the driver pulled away from the side of the road and set off on their journey to the airport once more. Diana let her head fall on Ilya’s shoulder when he reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “We will get you help to deal with this, little one. I promise.”

  She nodded. He leaned over and brushed his lips against hers, turning her head to face him so he could deepen the kiss. Alexandrov lowered his lips to her shoulder and trailed his fingers up and down her arm. Ilya moved his mouth from hers to allow his brother to take over and kiss her deeply. Her body warmed and felt comforted by their loving attention.

  Ilya spread his palm over her leg and slipped it down beneath her dress forcing the material to rise upwards as he smoothed his fingers along her inner thigh. He caressed it, teasing her, watching Alexandrov kiss her before allowing his hand to cup and hold the tantalising mound between her legs. Ilya squeezed it possessively and held it for a moment. His hold was strong, protective and loving.

  Alexandrov placed his hand on her opposite leg and moved it slowly along her inner thigh forcing the dress to rise further until her pussy was exposed and Ilya’s hand was revealed holding her so tightly. As Ilya reached for her vagina, he let go of his hold and sunk his fingers inside the wet, soft, pink flesh that now belonged to him and his brother. Alexandrov followed suit.

  They stroked her clit and the lengt
h of her pink, wet pussy. They studied her face, watching her pleasure replace her fear, taking turns to knead and pinch her clit and make her pussy flood with its creamy nectar. When their fingers circled the rim of her entrance, Diana was panting out of control. Once more they took turns slipping their juice coated middle finger up inside her, stroking her silky wet muscles lining her channel until they each pushed their fingers inside her together. She let out a small cry when they firmly thrust them upwards and stretched them high to reach her G-spot. Once more they kissed her one after the other as they teased the sensitive area building her tormented pleasure higher and higher until they forced her orgasm upon her, and she sobbed her deep, intense release as the car drove on.

  Chapter 10

  Diana woke, blinking her eyes in the warm sunshine pouring through the windows. She gave a pleasurable sigh. For the first time in a long time she felt comfortable and had slept right through the night in between her very protective daddies who were determined to keep her in their sights in the large Empress bed. Upon arrival at Alexandrov’s large Georgian Mansion in the countryside, in the early hours of the morning, he carried her straight to the bedroom and into the shower. The shower was large enough to accommodate three and the brothers enjoyed cleansing and soothing her body with lavender bubbles.

  Their movements were slow and caressing, as they cleansed her aching body. Alexandrov stood before her inside the shower as the hot running water spurted from jets to the side, back and front, spraying over their bodies. He captured her lips while Ilya brushed his own lips across her shoulder to suck at her throat. Every gentle arousing touch was precise, fluid and deeply sensual making her sigh with contented pleasure. The way they kissed her left Diana in no doubt they hungered for her, perhaps even for her soul. Every touch had purpose and deep possessive meaning.

  Alexandrov circled the sponge around one breast flexing it back and forth over the nipple until it became taut. At the same time his brother smoothed another natural sponge down over her back, lathering her spine. She felt their eyes caress every dip and swell of her curved figure. At first, she’d been embarrassed by their scrutiny when they had barged their way into her tower room that evening but now, she enjoyed their appreciation of her form.

  She gave a small gasp when Alexandrov brought the sponge between her breasts applying a firmer pressure down over her body at the same time as Ilya did down her back. Electricity danced between her thighs in anticipation. Ilya dipped the sponge over the swell of one bottom cheek and then between the crease soaking the small hole. Alexandrov was to follow his lead lowering his own sponge down between her vaginal lips, spreading them wide. For a moment, they continued to rub watching the reaction of her body as it became more aroused. Diana gyrated her pussy up against the stroke of both sponges, feeling her desire intensify, as the water struck her breasts and bottom with force, washing away the lavender soapsuds. She swept her hands through her long, blonde hair being soaked by the water and moved restlessly.

  Diana never believed she would find an interest in sexual pleasure ever again after James’ brutality and the resulting numbness it created but the Russian brothers were awakening something deep inside her she’d forgotten had ever existed. It was a need to be loved on every level, emotionally, mentally and physically. They were prepared to give it all to her.

  She wondered if they were getting her ready for their penetration, but she was to receive a surprise when both men lowered themselves to their knees in front and behind her. They dropped the sponges to the floor of the shower. Alexandrov spread his palm over one of her thighs and used his free hand to splay her pussy open. She watched him study the wet, pink folds as though he were waiting for something. Ilya cupped her bottom and firmly parted her buttocks wide. She had never felt so open and displayed to a man, let alone two. There was nothing she could hide from them.

  No words were spoken as both men leaned forward to flick their tongues over each tender opening. Diana gave a small cry. She had never been kissed between her bottom before and to be so intimately caressed in those places made her cheeks warm and her first instinct was to bolt. The thought translated into her body and she tried to move away. Alexandrov whose hands were now holding both thighs tightened their hold just as Ilya’s grip on her buttocks became harsh. She wasn’t going anywhere. Alexandrov’s tongue lashed up and over her clit almost in unison with the tip of Ilya’s own curling and twisting around her anus before slipping quickly inside. Diana tipped her head back letting out a feral cry of satisfaction.

  Both men picked up the tempo of their pleasurable assault forcing her to put her arms out to the sides and hold on to the wall for support. Ripple after ripple of melting hot pleasure swept over her body in waves. Her pants and cries were testament to both Ilya’s and Alexandrov’s control of her body and the temperature of her desire. She was completely helpless in their hands.

  This time there was no command to come. It could not be held back. The dual penetration of her anus and pussy when Alexandrov stretched his tongue up inside her channel to lap at the silky wet muscles consumed her. Diana felt her legs begin to buckle. The orgasm came sharp and fast making her buck like a woman possessed. Once more that feeling of faintness from the exquisite pleasure swamped her, and her body started to fall but she would not reach the floor. Both men rose to catch her. They laughed and spoke to each other in Russian as she clung to them trying to get her breath back amidst the hot water cascading down her body. It was still early days learning Russian, but she knew enough to learn they were congratulating themselves on provoking her reaction.

  Cleansing ended with a grooming ritual. They smothered her in oil, taking their time to massage it into her pale skin, over her thighs and buttocks right down to her feet and toes. Then they patted her body dry with a fluffy white towel.

  “I don’t have anything to wear to bed,” she complained.

  “No and you won’t again, little one,” Ilya chided her and caught hold of her chin raising her face up to him. “Nightwear or panties are not allowed unless we give you permission, Diana. Do you understand?” There was something different about his tone now. It sounded more parental. To her surprise she responded instantly to it without question.

  “Yes. Okay,” she answered in a small voice lowering her eyes not wanting to displease her Daddy.

  “Yes, what, kotyonok?” Alexandrov prompted her softly, removing the towel from her body. His tone was also now parental, fatherly.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl,” Ilya softened his tone. “Now it’s time for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you. We have lots planned.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Addressing each brother as Daddy seemed to come effortlessly now. Previously, the word had only been used occasionally but now the brothers were working together and appearing to insist on it. She wondered what they had planned for tomorrow. Somehow, she knew it would be nothing she had ever expected or encountered before. The idea made her a little nervous but there were no doubts they would take care of her. Alexandrov picked her up in his arms and followed by his brother they walked back into the bedroom.

  The large white Empress bed draped with crisp, cool white linen had been turned down by the maid in preparation. He laid her down in the middle of the bed, allowing her tired head to sink into the cool pillows. The brothers got into the bed either side of her and swept an arm over her body. The feeling of warmth and safety after so many nights being alone and afraid made her cry. Their response was swift, pressing their faces next to her own, brushing soft soothing kisses over her tears to wipe them away until she fell asleep in their arms.

  Now, she was awake, they were nowhere to be seen. Last night had been wonderful. It had felt like paradise. The only component missing to this paradise was the return of her missing young son. A sadness swept over her as she reconnected with the emptiness she carried inside her since he had been taken away from her at birth. How could she have allowed herself to feel happy and f
orget him for even one moment? The sudden guilt and shame were strong bringing hot burning tears to her eyes.

  She lay thinking of him. It would be his birthday next month and he would be three.

  What do you look like now, Ethan?

  Diana hadn’t been allowed to name him but, in her head and heart, that was the name she used for her son when she thought of him in secret. She could still hear her screams in her mind the moment they took him away from her. She hadn’t even been allowed to hold him. All she could remember was the shock of black hair and those beautiful brown eyes looking at her as the midwife cut the cord while he lay on top of her stomach and James held her arms back so she couldn’t reach for him. She gave a loud sob and found herself reaching for her breath, the claustrophobia of the situation threatening to make her scream as though she were back reliving the moment.

  The pregnancy had been a nightmare. She’d spent the whole time confined in the tower. Her blood pressure had risen and the doctors who colluded with James informed her she had pre-eclampsia and the birth would have to be induced in case full eclampsia developed. If that happened, she could have a stroke and both mother and baby would die. As a result, Ethan came into the world the following morning.

  Diana would never get over James’ callousness and rejection of their son. He was a different man from the one she’d married five years previous. Had he ever loved her? He was cruel and calculating. All he had ever thought about was himself. Every time she’d asked about her son, he would refuse to tell her anything until a few days after the birth when she told him she would not design anymore and kill herself. James told her he had arranged for the child to be raised and cared for by a family in Russia. If she did not design and carry on working as normal, keeping up his pretence of her being a recluse, he would have the child killed. She knew he was serious and with his connections she had no doubt it could be easily facilitated. She’d begged him not to kill their son and thrown up with fear when he’d left. She would do whatever it took to keep Ethan alive.


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