Key To His Heart (Gay Romance)

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Key To His Heart (Gay Romance) Page 24

by Trina Solet

  On the day of their pool party and swimming lesson, Ant was jumping with excitement. Leon had gone down to set up the food and drinks. Once Phillip got Ant ready, they went to join him.

  When they arrived, Leon's friend was already there, wearing swim trunks in a red and yellow Hawaiian print. Phillip would have looked him over thoroughly, but he couldn't turn his eyes away from Leon. He was wearing blue swim trunks and looking glorious, lean with broad shoulders and skin like honey. The taste and feel of his body came back to him in indecent flashes. Phillip would need to get that under control.

  "No running," he warned Ant who couldn't wait to see what Leon had on the poolside table.

  There were several tables scattered around next to recliners and folding chairs. Most of them just held a bottled water and a phone. Potted palms were spaced out along the walls. One wall of windows looked out into the courtyard and gave the poolroom some natural light.

  There weren't too many other people there. A few residents were in the water, swimming laps and others were lounging. None of them were ready for a party except for their little group.

  Getting closer, Phillip and Ant could see Leon's party setup. There were two colorful pitchers with drinks and a bowl with fruit on toothpicks as well as glasses with umbrellas sticking out of them. It was all very festive, and so was Leon's friend. He was laughing and gesturing like the party had already started. Ant stared from him to the table, as if he couldn't decide what was more interesting.

  Leon interrupted Pavel mid sentence so he could make introductions. "OK, guys, this is Pavel. Though most bears are omnivorous, he only eats pizza."

  "A bear?" Ant said and looked up at Pavel like he found that completely believable.

  A blond with a big, sturdy body and a dynamic personality, Pavel shook Phillip's hand hard as Leon continued introductions.

  "Me too. Me too," Ant said and offered his hand.

  "This is Pavel. He's Katya's brother," Leon said.

  "I like her!" Ant said.

  "And this is Ant, the Ant-man," Leon said, and Ant got a big handshake but a gentle one.

  Now Leon turned to Pavel. "OK. You've had an eyeful of my boyfriend. Now take back what you said," he demanded.

  "Like I even know what I said." Pavel gave Phillip a once over as Leon glared. "Fine, I take it back," Pavel said and Leon was satisfied.

  Joining Leon as he was filling up their glasses, Phillip took the opportunity to question him.

  "What did Pavel say?" Phillip wanted to know. Not that he was insecure.

  "He said 'Eh'." Leon looked displeased but didn't say anything else.

  Phillip stared at him, waiting for more, but Leon seemed to think he fully answered his question. He went to serve the drinks, but first he had to tell Ant why there were pineapple and strawberry slices in his drink as well as an umbrella and a spiral straw.

  "When you're sitting by the pool, you have to have fruity drinks with little umbrella's in them," Leon explained to Ant. "It's a rule."

  "These are all virgins. Did you forget how to spike a drink?" Pavel asked him after he drank some and then poured himself a second glass from the other pitcher.

  "We're here to teach a kid to swim. We need our wits about us," Leon told him.

  "And I need a beer," Pavel grumbled.

  "Do a belly flop so we can tell Ant that he should never, ever do one," Leon told him.

  Pavel was game. He did the other swimmers the courtesy of yelling, "Belly flop!" before jumping in. The splash was impressive. When the geyser of water settled, Pavel was doing a slow backstroke and all the other swimmers were giving him dirty looks.

  "Look at him, he floats like a cork," Leon said as Pavel bobbed in the middle of the pool.

  "He's going to get us banned from the pool," Phillip said.

  Looking around, Leon yelled, "Sorry everyone! He won't do it again!"

  To start the swimming lesson, Phillip and Leon helped Ant put his water wings on and took him toward the edge of the pool. Leon jumped into the pool while Phillip sat with Ant on the edge.

  "Are you nervous?" Phillip asked him.

  "Maybe," Ant ducked his head. "The water is too big."

  "We promise not to let go of you until you're ready, OK?" Leon told him.

  "OK," Ant said, but he was still uncertain.

  To ease him into it, Phillip stayed with him on the edge of the pool. Then Leon swam a few laps and Ant gave him a round of applause. Seeing how beautifully Leon swam and dived and how much fun Pavel had clowning around in the water, Ant couldn't stay on the sidelines. "It's not too big. Let's go in," he decided.

  "Good for you," Leon praised him.

  Phillip handed Ant to him and saw Leon hold on tightly to the little guy. Ant clung to him, his arms around Leon's neck until Phillip slipped into the water. He took Ant in his arms while Leon swam around them. Watching him swimming, Ant's fear eased. This time Leon showed off even more and made Ant smile.

  "Swimming is fun if you know how to do it. Do you want to learn?" Phillip asked him.

  Ant nodded without taking his eyes off Leon. In no time they had him dogpaddling back and forth between them and then to Pavel as well. Soon enough Ant forgot all about his fear of the water. He was splashing and kicking and laughing at Pavel's antics. Feeling much braver now, Ant would have taken off his water wings if Phillip let him.

  "Next time," Phillip said.

  "Can we bring the fishes here so they can swim in the pool?" Ant asked, but Phillip had to nix his bright idea.

  "No. Sorry. It's the wrong kind of water. It would make them sick," Phillip explained.

  "Can you picture this pool full of fish? How cool would that be?" Pavel said, getting excited about the idea. Then he did a back flip in the water and Ant clapped and splashed in approval.

  Pavel was like a big kid. He swam with Ant riding on his back, hanging around his neck and shrieking. Having met him, Phillip was losing the last shreds of jealousy over his friendship with Leon. It was stupid to be jealous in the first place, but Phillip couldn't understand how anyone could know Leon and not want him desperately. His own desire was so overwhelming, it left him blind to any other man. All he saw was Leon, droplets of water on his skin and a big smile on his face.

  Chapter 44

  Leon considered the pool party a complete success. Ant took to swimming like a fish and Pavel had to eat his words about Phillip's hotness. As soon as they got back to the apartment, Ant bragged to the fish that he could swim too. He wanted to wear his water wings to bed and was making plans to go swimming again even as Phillip was trying to get him to go to sleep.

  Leon had already said goodnight to Ant and texted with Pavel, who had decided his new requirement for a boyfriend was "Must have a pool". Now Leon just stared out the living room windows. A dark view dotted with stars and city lights filled his vision as he waited for Phillip.

  Having finally put Ant to bed, Phillip came up behind Leon. Leon turned his head for a kiss as Phillip wrapped his arms around him. Locked in his embrace, Leon leaned back against him and let out a contented sigh.

  "Should we go to bed too?" Phillip asked as he nuzzled Leon's neck.

  Looking at the time on his phone, Leon was going to say it was way too early. On second thought, he decided that the idea sounded kind of promising.

  They went to Phillip's bedroom with their arms around each other. The room was dark and Phillip turned on only one small lamp. To Leon the room was becoming familiar and welcoming, a place full of delights but also safe and comforting. This was where he found himself in the arms of a man who would never wrong him, never abandon him, and who wanted him so much he couldn't wait for a more adult bedtime.

  Now that they were alone together in the dimly lit bedroom, Leon could give Phillip the attention he deserved. As Leon undressed him, Phillip tried to get him naked as well, but Leon stopped him.

  "I can see that you're in a hurry, but I want you naked first," Leon told him.

  "Be quick,
" Phillip demanded.

  "Listen to you being bossy, like some kind of boss or something," Leon said while his fingers were busy with buttons.

  Once Phillip's clothes were laying wherever they happened to land when Leon threw them aside, he just breathed for a moment and took in the sight of Phillip naked, hard and all his. He ran his hands over him, slowly tracing the contour of every muscle.

  "So what has you so worked up?" Leon asked while giving him brief, teasing kisses.

  "You," Phillip said as he stripped him. "You were giving me merman fantasies," Phillip told him.

  "You have those?" Leon asked as he stood half naked in front of Phillip and pictured himself with a fish tail.

  "Now I do. I find that I have all sorts of crazy thoughts around you," Phillip said and leaned down to kiss his chest. As Phillip's mouth reached his nipple, a shiver of pleasure ran through Leon. "You're too beautiful," Phillip told him while looking up into his eyes intently.

  The heated look took Leon's breath away. "Listen to you sweet-talking me. You live in a building with a pool. You don't need to sweet-talk me. Just invite me over."

  "You have a standing invitation," Phillip told him and pushed him down on the bed.

  He had left Leon's boxers on and now he slowly eased them over Leon's growing erection and down his legs. Phillip climbed on the bed too and kneeled over him. It didn't take much. A small lick here and a feathery caress there and Leon was on fire.

  Every stray touch ignited his longing. His skin tingled and his body writhed, begging for more. His desire became unbearable and Phillip's name was constantly on his lips.

  He only shut up when Phillip kissed his mouth. The kiss was smoldering but it didn't last. Phillip pulled away even as Leon's hands gripped his shoulders to hold him close. He moaned for more but Phillip only stared down at him.

  Leon brushed his fingers across his lips, dying for another taste. In that kiss he could taste sweet love and searing passion. He couldn't get enough, but Phillip's lips moved on.

  His kisses drifted down, soft and lazy. They blazed a path to Leon's cock, burning into him, branding him Phillip's forever. Then he took Leon's cock into his mouth and Leon forgot his own name. The wonderful suction melted his bones, but that ended too soon as well. Through his curses, Leon heard Phillip saying something.

  "I want you to turn over." Low and seductive, Phillip's voice couldn't be ignored. Leon had to shut up and listen, and then obey.

  Phillip kissed the back of his legs then gripped his ass. His voice deepened and rumbled through Leon's whole body as he told him, "I want to see how you like this. Do your best to relax."

  Phillip was rubbing his back as he got into position, ass up, head down on the bed. Kissing his way along his spine, Phillip moved down the crack and to his hole. To hold his legs apart, Phillip pushed his arms between Leon's legs and hooked his hands at his hips.

  His tongue flicked out and Leon gasped. Every lick sent a shiver through his body then Phillip's tongue pushed in. Leon's body twitched helplessly, charged by Phillip's intimate touch.

  Did he like this? In the sense that it was driving him out of his fucking mind – yes. He didn't need to say it though. His constant moaning and near sobbing told Phillip how he felt. And with his arms wrapped around his legs, Phillip could feel him shudder after each thrust of his tongue.

  Groaning and shaking Leon was begging mindlessly. He wanted Phillip's cock inside him. If Phillip wasn't holding him in place, Leon would have been sitting on his cock already.

  Helpless to him, with no pride or reason left, Leon still managed not to handle his own cock. He needed Phillip to make him come. If he didn't, he would die. In a raspy voice, he begged Phillip to fuck him.

  "If you are sure," Phillip said, releasing his hold on him.

  "I'm beyond fucking sure," Leon gasped. He didn't change position just turned his head. "I'm not just in love with you. I'm in love with the way you fuck, and I want you to be all mine."

  "I am."

  "Then show me," Leon demanded. "And I don't want you worrying about me. Just give me what I want."

  "You talk tough," Phillip said, his voice a low, dangerous whisper.

  Then he reached around and took hold of Leon's rock hard cock. He stroked it lightly and watched him pump into his hand and moan. Phillip let go and got them both ready. By the time he was done, Leon was a needy, pleading mess.

  Finally feeling Phillip's cock at his hole, Leon held his breath and gripped the sheets tighter. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears. Phillips hands were moving over his thighs, rubbing his back. Then one hand hooked over Leon's shoulder and Phillip started to push in. Every inch sent Leon further out of his mind until Phillip was all the way inside him, filling him up. It was all too much and it was amazing.

  "So good, fuck," Leon moaned. "I love you so much."

  "I love you too," Phillip whispered as he pulled back for a thrust.

  His hushed words of love only made Leon moan louder when the thrust came. That was the start of Phillip pounding him slow and hard. Leon felt like his bones were going to shake apart and he loved every minute of it. And when Phillip picked up speed, it got even better.

  Phillip established a beautiful rhythm that pleased every inch of Leon's body. Leon was rising on a current of pleasure that was coming straight from Phillip and sending him higher with each thrust.

  When Phillip grunted his name, Leon knew he was close. He took hold of Leon's erection and pumped in time with the hammering of his cock inside him. With his cock in Phillip's strong fist, Leon couldn't take any more. His grip was tight and electrifying. The pounding Leon was receiving blew his mind. It sent him right over the edge. In the next second, Leon was coming hard and Phillip was right there with him, moaning his release and calling his name.

  Panting and spent, Leon reached back but Phillip didn't let himself drop on top of him. He rolled off and settled against Leon's side. They were sweat drenched and satisfied, caressing each other as they came down.

  If they could only stay like this, but they had to make themselves decent and the bed too. After they did all that, they weren't even sleepy any more. They went to have snacks, snuggle on the couch and watch bad TV. It didn't matter what they did. They were close. They were holding each other. It was like they were still making love.

  Chapter 45

  On the day of his birthday, Leon was nervous, but he tried not to pass on his discomfort to Phillip and Ant. There was the boat trip tomorrow to look forward to, so he focused on that. Still, they had to get through his birthday shindig first.

  They got on the road late in the day. The drive was nice and scenic as they skirted Danning proper to get to the suburb. That meant that Leon didn't see much to trigger his memories and that wasn't a bad start.

  The suburb where his mother now lived was sprawling with big lawns and old, ranch style homes that had seen better days. Whatever its flaws, the neighborhood was way better than any place they ever lived during his childhood.

  It was early evening when they arrived and the light to the west was already turning ruddy. White clouds were burning orange and red, and Leon made sure to point them out to Ant and tell him it was a magic trick.

  As they were getting out of Phillip's car a few blocks from the house, Leon warned Phillip about what to expect. "It's not going to be a diverse or accepting crowd. But we won't be staying long."

  Phillip looked like he was preparing himself for the worst, but Ant couldn't wait to be released from his car seat. To him, a party was a party.

  There were vehicles parked up and down the street and in front of the beige house that Leon hardly ever visited. A wooden fence surrounded a huge back yard. That's where everyone had gathered.

  As soon as they turned the corner into the back yard, they smelled the barbeque smoke. People Leon barely knew were milling around with drinks in their hands. Sighing, Leon looked over at Phillip and Ant. Ant still looked excited, but it was clear that Phillip was fully awa
re that he wasn't among friends. Leon was seeing a steely-eyed expression that he never got to see. He knew it was for his sake and it made him smile.

  Moving among the guests, Leon looked around for his mother and stepfather. He greeted a few people along the way and introduced Phillip and Ant to them. They were a hit with most of the female guests, but a few of the guys gave them hostile looks. One guy was shooting them a particularly nasty stink-eye and Leon gave him one right back. Then he gave him another one for Phillip and one more just for the hell of it.

  Leon finally spotted his mom and Gary as they came out of the house carrying bags of ice and hamburger and hotdog buns. The introductions were brief and no one was happy to meet anyone. Phillip was cold and formal, and even Ant didn't warm up to Leon's mom and Gary. As for his mother, she wanted a private word with Leon.

  She pulled him off to the side. "Why did you bring him?" his mother asked and gave Phillip a mean side-eye.

  It was a complaint, not a question, but Leon decided to answer her anyway. "He's my boyfriend and my boss, and it's my birthday so there's three reasons for you."

  "Well, Gary's people aren't the sort to put up with that sort of thing," she said and looked around her like she was embarrassed.

  "We'll try not to dry hump each other too hard in front of the kiddies," Leon told her. He was damn proud to be with Phillip, and he didn't give a crap what she or anyone else thought.

  "You better watch your mouth. Gary won't tolerate..."

  Leon walked away before she could finish. He would have walked right out of there if Ant wasn't busy watching a squirrel try to get into a birdfeeder. Two little girls were with him. They were yelling at the squirrel, "That's not for you", but the squirrel did not listen.

  Ant might be having a good time, but Phillip definitely wasn't. His face was as grim as if they were at a funeral. Leon was so grateful to him for coming along and making the event bearable.


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