Home > Other > THE BACHELOR PARTY > Page 13

by Paula Detmer Riggs

  As soon as she'd pushed Jessie over the threshold, her little girl had started screaming bloody murder. It was as though she'd taken a sudden and intense dislike to something in Shepherd's only she could understand.

  To Sophie's dismay, none of the tried and true methods she'd used in the past had succeeded in soothing the obviously unhappy baby. It was then that Ford had simply plucked the little girl from the soft stroller seat, settled her firmly in the crook of one strong arm and strode off, talking to her in a low, calm voice, leaving Sophie standing by the counter with her mouth open. By the time she'd made a fast trip to the dairy department, Jessie was no longer screaming.

  "Don't worry, Miz Reynolds. Ford knows all about amusin' fractious babies. Learned right early, he did, when his mama used to make him look after little Lucy so's she could—" He stopped abruptly, his face rapidly turning from pasty pale to hot pink. "Well, no sense saying out loud what it was that Ford's mama did, rest her soul. Point is, Ford pert near had full charge of his sister from the time she was no bigger'n your Jessamine, so don't you be worryin' when she's with him."

  "Oh, I'm not worried," she said, craning her neck for a better look at the rear of the cluttered market. "It's just that Katie is waiting for the whipping cream."

  "Knowing Katie, I reckon she'll find somethin' to occupy herself until you get back."

  Mr. Shepherd angled a stringy hip against the scarred counter and crossed his arms over his bony chest. "Never did know a girl who could stay busy the way she does. Why, I recollect the time she was in her last year of high school or was it her second to last … hmm, let me think a minute…" Lips pursed, he paused to search his memory, and Sophie grabbed the opportunity to excuse herself and hurry toward the rear of the cavernous store.

  The sound of delighted baby giggles led her through the stockroom to a screen door opening onto a large fenced-in enclosure. Relief ran through her as she caught sight of Ford's broad back.

  He was crouched in front of a large rabbit hutch, with Jessie perched like a pampered princess on one strong thigh. One arm encircled her back, holding her secure, while he cradled a baby rabbit in his cupped hands. Crooning nonsense syllables, Jessie was busy rubbing her cheek against the baby's soft white fur. It didn't take a mother's eyes to see that Jessie obviously adored the fat little creature. Sophie was certain she hadn't made a sound, but suddenly Ford looked her way.

  "Shopping all done?" he asked.

  Nodding, she pushed open the door and joined them by the hutch. "I didn't realize the Shepherds raised rabbits."

  He nodded. "For as long as I can remember, anyway. I used to bring Lucy here when she was about Jessie's age."

  She swept her gaze along the row of neat cages, laughing at the bewhiskered bunny faces, with their soft, vulnerable brown eyes and pink wiggling noses. Crouching, she touched a finger to the baby's oversize ear.

  "Well, hello there, Peter," she murmured. "How are you today?"

  "Bun," Jessie asserted, her eyes sparkling.

  Sophie's heart turned over. "You like the bunny, don't you, sweetheart?" Jessie bobbed her head vigorously. "Give the bunny a kiss good-bye."

  "No, no!" Jessamine bounced up and down on Ford's hard thigh, her eyes full of snap and determination.

  Ford's mouth twitched. "Stubborn little thing, isn't she?"

  "I guess she's decided Peter belongs to her."

  "It does seem that way."

  Jessie jabbered something in her special jargon, drawing her feathery eyebrows together and looking indignantly from one adult to the other. At the same time, one fat hand smacked Ford on the side of his hard jaw, and Sophie bit her lip.

  "Whoa, there, slugger," he drawled, laughing as he captured the flailing little fist in his. "Can't have you puttin' the sheriff down for the count. Might give some bad guys around these parts ideas."

  "Here, let me take her," Sophie murmured, reaching for now wriggling little girl. "Say bye-bye to the bunny, sweetheart. It's time to go home."

  "No!" The baby flung her arms around Ford's neck and held tight. He looked startled, but pleased.

  "We'll come back and see the bunny lots of times," Sophie promised with a coaxing smile. "Tomorrow, even. Okay?"

  Jessie turned away, her small square chin set at exactly the same angle as her mother's.

  "Guess she's comin' to trust me, even if her mama still has doubts," Ford drawled smugly.

  "Or she just knows a gullible ally when she finds one."

  Fighting back a grin, Ford tucked Jessie against his side and got to his feet. Instead of returning the rabbit to its cage, he snuggled the furry little body against his belly and wondered how the hell he was going to get the three of them out of this mess.

  "Might not hurt her to have a pet to take care of," he ventured, testing the waters.

  "Ford, she's only nine months old! Besides, there's Beau. He'd take one look at Peter here and see his next meal."

  In her agitation, she'd used his given name for the first time. He told himself he'd crossed an invisible line she'd drawn between them, though he sure as the dickens didn't know how he'd managed that, just being himself like he was.

  "I get your point," he admitted reluctantly, "but I have a feeling it's gonna be a mite difficult explaining the brutal realities of the animal kingdom to your daughter."

  Sophie had only to look at the rapture on her daughter's face as she petted the tiny rabbit to know that he was simply stating fact. Reluctantly, she lifted her gaze to his. She wanted to be angry with him for introducing Peter in the first place, but she didn't have the heart. Besides, how could she fault him for wanting to spoil her little girl when she had to fight every day to keep from doing the same thing?

  "I'm open to suggestions," she said, trying not to think of Beau's sharp teeth. In spite of the aged dog's fading faculties, he could still get around surprisingly fast when the mood struck him.

  "We could always keep Peter at my place."

  "That's very generous of you to offer, but—"

  "Generous, hell," he muttered. "I'm just trying to figure out a way to make Jess here happy without making you mad as a little hornet in the bargain."

  "I'm not mad," she murmured, smiling at Jessie because smiling at him seemed too intimate all of a sudden. "I realize you were only trying to do a good deed."

  It was the wrong thing to say. His mouth drew tight, and his eyes flashed. "I'm no Boy Scout, Sophie. Whatever I do, I do because I want to, not because I'm tryin' to pile up a bunch of points."

  "That's not what I meant at all," she declared, her voice rising and her cheeks heating.

  "Just so's that's understood."


  "Fine." He shifted Jessie to a more comfortable position, then whispered something in the little girl's ear that had her giggling.

  "Here, hold Peter a minute," he said, handing Sophie the wriggling rabbit. As soon as his hand was free, he slipped it behind Sophie's back and drew her against him. He was kissing her before she could think, arousing her before she could push him away.

  His hand flattened against her back, urging her to curl against him while he patiently, gently explored her mouth with his. She felt infused with new energy, new life, as she strained against him. Her breasts swelled and throbbed against the muscular wall of his chest, tangible signs of the urgency building inside her.

  It was as though her deadened senses had suddenly come to life, blossoming under the stimulation of his mouth and his body.

  Distantly, in the back of her mind, she wished he didn't have Jessie tucked against one lean hip, keeping him from pressing the hard length of his body against hers. All that was womanly inside her longed to feel his hands stroking bare skin, to feel the heat of a hard, masculine arousal filling her, soothing old hurts, healing old wounds.

  When he finally lifted his mouth from hers, she swayed, and felt the muscles of his forearm bunch, supporting her until she managed to stiffen her suddenly liquid spine. Her senses were swirling,
her mind clouded. Lifting her lashes took effort. Focusing on his face took concentration. When her vision cleared, she all but gasped aloud at the violent need she saw reflected in his dark eyes.

  "You were saying?" he drawled, his voice hoarse and a little breathless.

  "I won't be coerced," she murmured, dropping her gaze to his mouth. He had strongly molded lips, with a sensuous fullness that she hadn't noticed before. The corners, though, held a tension that she suspected never completely relaxed, even when he slept.

  "Into what?" he demanded, his eyes the color of storm-drenched flint.

  "Whatever you're trying to coerce me into," she replied lamely, her mind suddenly muddled.

  "Now that's what I like, a decisive female."

  "Oh, shut up," she muttered, bending to set Peter on his four furry feet.

  "Yes, ma'am." So quickly she found herself frozen, he'd deposited Jessie on her padded bottom next to Peter and was pulling her into his arms again.

  "No," Sophie murmured, but his mouth was already finding hers. This time he wasn't so patient, nor as gentle. This time the hunger she tasted was sharp and insistent, as though he was no longer capable of restraint. His arms pressed around her as his tongue urged her lips to part.

  Dimly aware of Jessie's soft patter, she fought for sanity, fought to push him away, only to find her arms stealing around his neck. The sounds she heard came from her now, soft moaning pleas that invited the invasion of his probing tongue.

  He lifted a hand to her hair, fisting his fingers there to hold her still while his mouth tasted. Pleasure ran along her spine to gather in a hot pool low and deep inside her. As though feeling the same sensations, his body shuddered, his thighs going rigid against hers. A groan broke from his lips, and he pulled his mouth from hers.

  "I've always had rotten timing," he said, drawing a long stream of air into his lungs. "But it's goin' to happen. Sooner or later we're goin' to make love." He rested both hands lightly on her shoulders, not trapping her so much as steadying her. Or perhaps himself.

  She shook her head, a feeling very close to despair pressing in on her. "No, Ford, we're not."

  His smile was lazy, his hand just as lazy as he brushed the rough pad of his thumb over her lower lip. Her mouth trembled, before she firmed her lips, igniting a flare of heat in his eyes.

  "Oh, yeah, it'll happen. And when it does, it'll be because it's what we both want." He held her gaze for a long moment before he released her.

  Turning away, she crouched next to Jessie, who was still sitting where Ford had settled her, contentedly sucking her thumb as she watched the little white rabbit munching tufts of grass at the edge of the concrete.

  "Time to go bye-bye, sweetheart," she said, scooping Jessie into her arms. Instantly, the baby went rigid, then began screaming.

  "I don't think she wants to leave quite yet," Ford drawled, watching Sophie struggle to control her squirming, frantically kicking child.

  "She … ouch!" Jessie's heel caught her in the solar plexus, and though the pain didn't last, it was momentarily intense enough to make her flinch.

  Scowling, Ford snatched the baby from her and hoisted her high above his head. Sophie opened her mouth to shout a protest, when a sudden silence descended. Instead of screaming, Jessie was now staring at Ford intently with something like astonishment shining in her chocolate-colored eyes.

  "That's better," Ford said gently, bringing her into the shelter of his body.

  "How did you know to do that?" she asked, halfway expecting Jessie to start yelling bloody murder any minute.

  "Trial and error. Lucy used to be a holy terror at this age, too. Darn near had me ready to wring her neck more than once. Guess it was providence that had me shovin' her up in the air one day. I think the shock of finding herself all but suspended in midair drove the cryin' right out of her."

  Sophie tweaked Jessie's toes. "Whatever, I'm glad it worked."

  Jessie yawned, her eyes sleepy. She rested her head on Ford's shoulder and poked her thumb in her mouth.

  "Better get her out of here before she starts up again," Sophie said, glancing uneasily at the rabbit. The quick frown crossing Ford's tanned face told her that he'd forgotten all about the cause of Jessie's tantrum.

  "Good idea. You take her, and I'll put Peter back in his cage."

  She took the baby, who fussed a little at leaving Ford's arms. Another mark against him, she told herself while knowing that it was just the opposite.

  "Let's go find the stroller," she said, turning toward the store. Behind her she heard Ford mutter a curse, followed by the sound of scuffling. Turning instinctively, she nearly laughed aloud at the sight of Ford's supremely conditioned, marvelously male body sprawled flat on the concrete. As for the rabbit, all she saw of him was a fluffy white tail as Peter streaked for the bushes in the corner of the yard.

  "Are you all right?" she asked, her voice suspiciously unsteady.

  He flipped to his back, then sat up. Why did he have to look so adorable with his hair flopping over his forehead and a smudge of dirt on his chin? she wondered, her nerves beginning to unravel.

  Narrowing his eyes, he glared up at her. "I'll be just fine, provided you swear never to tell a solitary soul what you just saw."

  She struggled to hold back a grin. "Actually, I didn't see anything—"

  "Good." His expression cleared. "Could be my luck's changin' for the better." He got to his feet and brushed the dust from his front.

  "—other than our illustrious sheriff spread-eagle on the ground," she continued when his gaze leveled on hers again.

  His mouth pulled up at one corner. It wasn't really a smile, but it still had her stomach fluttering. "Something which you will never reveal."

  "I won't?"

  "No." He advanced on her, his movements slow and deliberate, like a boxer setting up an opponent. She took a step backward, her arms tightening around the baby.

  "You wouldn't attack a woman with a child in her arms, would you?" she protested plaintively.

  "Oh, yes, ma'am, I would. Maguire men have no scruples at all." His eyes grew dark and turbulent, and his jaw set. She took another step backward, only to find her back against the building. She was reminded again of a wolf on the prowl as he stopped in front of her and braced both arms at the level of her shoulders.

  "Want to argue some more or shall we get right to New Year's Eve?" he asked, slow and easy.

  "New Year's Eve?" she asked, peeking past Jessie's curls.

  "One of my deputies is having a party. He's invited me to come, and I tried like hell to get out of it, but you know these young bucks. Won't take no for an answer, so I'm stuck. I want you to go with me."

  He leaned closer, his voice a menacing growl, but she noticed that he was careful not to crush Jessie's small body between them. She felt heat radiating from his skin, saw it in his eyes. For an instant she had a vivid image of the two of them locked together on clean, smooth sheets, his mouth on her breast, her hands tangled in that thick, tousled hair. Like a persistent ache, need spread through her until she felt heavy and hot inside.

  "I'm, um, busy."

  "It wouldn't be a date," he persisted as though she hadn't spoken. "It would be a favor, and though I hate to bring it up, you do owe me one for driving you and Jessie to Doc's in the middle of the night."

  Neatly, deftly trapped, she sneaked a peek at Jessie's face. It wasn't nice to hope her daughter would suddenly take a notion to throw another tantrum, but she was hoping just the same. Traitor that she was, the little dickens was sound asleep, and Sophie nearly groaned aloud.

  "It wasn't exactly the middle of the night, and in case you've forgotten, I offered to take a taxi," she grumbled, "but you're right. I do owe you a favor, and if you want me to go to the party, I will."

  Ford felt elation run through him with the same fiery kick as Frenchy's finest, but he kept his expression controlled as he stepped back.

  "I'll pick you up at eight."

  "I'll be rea
dy." She shifted the sleeping baby from one side to the other and waited for him to open the screen door. "Don't forget the rabbit," she replied over her shoulder as she sailed past him. "And wipe the dirt from your chin before you head back to Katie's."

  His sudden rumble of laughter stayed with her all the way home.

  * * *

  Chapter 7

  « ^ »

  Christmas in the South was different, Sophie discovered, and it wasn't only the warm weather and bright sky that distinguished Christmas Day from the ones she remembered. It seemed that Christmas dinner lasted all day. After the sweet-potato pie, Katie served coffee and homemade mints, followed by an offer of turkey-and-cranberry-sauce sandwiches. Between courses, the ladies "visited" and the men played cribbage.

  By seven-thirty Jessie had finally succumbed to the bustle and excitement and had fallen asleep on Ford's shoulder. Over his quiet protest Sophie had taken her up to bed, grateful for the respite from so many conversations flowing at once.

  It was close to eight when she came downstairs again, determined to plead fatigue in order to make it an early night. Ford was waiting for her in the foyer, holding Beau, who was enthusiastically licking Ford's hand.

  "You and I have been nominated to take Beau for his nightly constitutional," he said when she was nearly to the bottom of the stairs.

  "I'm afraid I'll have to decline that honor tonight," she murmured, rubbing Beau's ears. "I just came down to say good-night to everyone."

  "Aren't you feelin' well?"

  "I'm fine, but I do have the morning shift tomorrow."

  The old dog made a rumbling noise of pleasure in his throat and closed his eyes, and Ford found himself in the infuriating position of envying an old hound dog.

  "A turn in the night air is just what you need to make you sleep like a baby," he drawled, knowing it was damn thin as reasons went, but he was desperate. If he didn't kiss her again soon, it was a good bet he'd spend the rest of the night wishing he had.


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