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Inferno Page 1

by Harley McRide


  Furies MC

  Book One

  by Harley McRide

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

  © Copyright June 2016 Harley McRide

  Rights & Permissions ©Copyright June 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.

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  ISBN #978-1-311-63269-2

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  Once again, I will digress and use my dedication for someone who I completely admire, not because she has written a book, or because she is famous. No, Lauree Hamm is a regular woman, with a regular family, who is an extraordinary person. I will admit, when I became an author, I did not realize how invested I would become in my readers’ lives, and yes it is creepy to some, but to me, I feel like it makes me a better author, because I have a purpose to write books. If I can give just one of my fans, a little bit of a chance to relax and focus on something other than the real world, I have done my job. Lauree is the parent to two wonderful boys, one just happens to have cystic fibrosis. Even with these challenges, she is still the most positive person I think I have ever come across. I love seeing her pictures she posts that gives me a small look into her life and I am honored to consider her not only a fan, but an online friend as well. Lauree and her husband are amazing people who have proven children thrive when loved unconditionally. Thank you to her and her family for being a wonderful example of what it I consider an example to us all.

  Every parent is a hero, do not get me wrong, I feel like being a parent is one of the hardest jobs around because of the dedication we give as human beings to raise a child to be a wonderful person. And because of that, I will from here on out, dedicate my books to women and men who I have been honored to be allowed to not only share my stories, but also to be given a glance into their world.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Books by Harley McRide

  Excerpt from Rain’s Fall

  About the Author


  “Shit, we were in Mexico, illegally, oh God I was totally going to be thrown in a Mexican jail and turned into some woman’s bitch,” she said and Boomer had no choice but to laugh. Especially when she looked like she thought he hadn’t heard.

  “Yeah, you said that out loud. Cute.”

  “Uh, yeah, who are you?” the woman said and Boomer smiled and winked.

  “Vic ‘Boomer’ Malloy, at your service,” the large man said and she frowned, she didn’t know him, why the hell had she been kidnapped with him? “And you are?” he said and she jumped, shit.

  “Sorry, Georgie Roark,” she said and then looked around. “What is happening?”

  He stared at her intently, shook his head, and said, “You don’t remember?”

  He had been driving to the Ops compound when he had seen a light on in the shop he knew they were opening. He had wanted to get to the party to grab a beer, the day had gone completely to shit, and he needed it. He couldn’t wait to move down here, he hated LA, there were too many fucking cars, and even though San Diego was large as well, just a few short minutes and he could be in the desert or the mountains. Either way, he was more than ready to move.

  The club needed to move anyway. It was time, they had been increasingly getting more and more attention from the police, and that wasn’t going to work for them in their line of business. The Furies had developed their reputation over the last three years, they wanted people to understand if they fucked with them, they would end up dead, no questions asked. Their club had their hands in everything, well, all but drugs, they wouldn’t push drugs at all; guns, protection, smuggling, yes. They were in high demand for their services, but the local authorities didn’t seem to appreciate it. They needed to place some distance between the locals in LA and their club. Hopefully, this would do it, or they would be stuck sending another message to the police to leave them the fuck alone. Their first message wasn’t received correctly. However, if they needed another lesson, the Furies would certainly give it to them.

  Plus, Fling was going to talk to Creed and Fork, they were hoping to share in the shop they were about ready to open up. Boomer did detailing paint on bikes, he loved drawing a tank out and creating something cool. He also didn’t want to open his own shop, he wanted to be able to come and go as he pleased. This would be perfect if the Ops let him.

  As he had pulled up to the back of the shop he had seen a van and two men dragging an obviously unconscious woman behind them. Fuck, he hadn’t even thought to play it cool, hang back, follow them. Hell no, he had gone in guns a blazing, and damned if he hadn’t walked right into their trap, and ended up getting caught right along with the cute little woman! He wasn’t a small man, he was six-six and weighed two-seventy. He used to play ball, and yes, he meant footbal
l, the great American sport, in college and almost turned pro. Of course that was before he had blown out his knee and lost everything. Then he had gone into the military, specialized in things that went boom, hence the name. Spent three tours in for a total of eight years, and then retired. Now he blew shit up for fun, which was exactly what he wanted to do.

  He had fortunately remained conscious, since the men hadn’t thought to knock him out so much as to just contain him. Boomer knew where they were, and honestly, he didn’t want to freak the woman out more than he had to. Getting across the border was gonna be tricky. He needed to make a few calls when he got outta here, but they weren’t going to be able to go across here in TJ, they were going to have to go another way, and it would be illegal, and dangerous.

  The guards had been talking already, the border patrols were bought and paid for by them, so they wouldn’t be able to get across here, which meant going further into Mexico, which was dangerous itself, but also, Boomer didn’t really have too many friends here, in fact, he was probably public enemy number one to a few of the cartels. Especially since he had blown up a few of their warehouses. Should be interesting at least.

  He looked back to the female and grinned, yeah she was cute, this was gonna be kinda fun.

  Chapter One

  Have you ever had one of those moments where you totally wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to face how freaking nerdy and weird you were? she thought. Why couldn’t it happen right now?

  “Yeah, still talking out loud, babe, and I think it is cute and all, but right now, we need to get the hell outta here,” Boomer said and Georgie groaned.

  “I need to see a doctor about that, dammit,” she grumbled and then shuffled around and stood up. She instantly put a hand to her head, shit, she had gotten hit by a Mack truck. “Hell, I feel like a two-bit whore who got fucked up the ass and didn’t get paid.”

  Boomer stopped what he was doing and turned and looked at her and grinned. “Wow.”

  “What?” Georgie said and Boomer shook his head.

  “This outta be fun.” He laughed and then went back to picking the lock on his leg. She looked around, gross, they were in a dirty room in Mexico, where the hell had her life taken a turn into the twilight zone? Shit, Sofia, double shit, her mom and dad. They would know by now she was missing.

  She looked at the huge, muscular, seriously, panty wet worthy man who was with her. His blond long hair made her want to run her fingers through it to see if it was as soft as she thought it was. He was drop dead gorgeous, she giggled to herself when she instantly thought he reminded her of Thor. ‘Cause yeah, he was that hot. She needed to focus, they were in some serious trouble.

  Hell, this wasn’t going to turn out well. Sofia, well, her men could control her, slightly. But no one was going to control her mom and dad when they found out she was missing. Heck, Mexico wasn’t ready for her mother to cross the border, she would if they asked for a ransom, and the people had better run and fucking hide because Sonia Roark was a ‘Take no Prisoners’ kind of woman. Damn.

  “I have no clue what to think right now. This really sucks, but we are gonna need to work together I assume. So Boomer? How did you get that name?” she asked, knowing she was jumping around, but she had no idea the protocol for being kidnapped, how did one get to know a fellow captive. She decided to focus on his name, it could mean a million things. She knew when a club gave their member a road name, it was usually something they had done when they were stupid. She really hoped it wasn’t for something stupid.

  “Well,” he said, still playing with the lock at his foot. “When I was young I was curious, so full of myself, I figured I didn’t need college or training. I went into the military for a while, but the rules were just a bit too tight for me. But, they did give me a start to the training I needed. So I got out, and found someone who knew a lot about explosives.”

  “Okay, wait,” Georgie said, holding up her hand. “You deliberately learned how to blow things up. For what? I mean, most people learn things because they want to make a career out of it. How on earth do you make a career out of explosives?”

  Boomer grinned and shook his head. “Not sure how to answer that, George, I mean, I could lie and tell you I was planning on using the skill in construction, or maybe in the mines. But honestly, I don’t really walk that whole straight and narrow line. So, basically, I think I will plead the fifth on that question and move on. Needless to say, I can blow shit up, like anything, I can make it big, make it small. So these guys may have nabbed you because of the Ops but they got a whole lot more than they bargained for and trust me, I am gonna make sure they understand that.”

  “Now to more important questions. Who kidnapped us? Why did they kidnap us? You are assuming it has something to do with the Ops, but what if we were kidnapped for money?” she asked and the man turned to her and smiled. She couldn’t go any farther, her chain stopped her. She looked down at it and growl, so not cool, they had chained her like a dog.

  “You sure they didn’t hit you too hard?” he laughed and then said, “Party, compound, you, shop, tried to save you but they hit me too. Babe, you have to know, the Ops own that shop, no one in their right mind would ever fuck with them, no one. So it is either a complete dumbass who happened along and broke into the Ops Shop, or it was even bigger dumbasses who planned on taking you to start some shit with the Ops. Either way, they are dumbasses who seriously fucked up by taking you.”

  “Okayyyyyyyy,” Georgie said and nodded. “But I just started like a few weeks ago, it’s not even opened yet, how in the hell could they know I worked there and wasn’t just a chick walking by? I mean, I ran inside, but when they nabbed me, I was outside. That was quite a chance they took, I’m not even involved with the Ops, I mean, I know some stuff was going down and everything, but seriously? And Mexico, what the fuck? I can’t be in Mexico, Americans have been warned about coming here, did you know that? It was on the news, my mother made me watch it. Did you know the Cartels put people’s heads on pikes, like literally, they put people’s heads that are cut off their bodies on pikes? That is gross, seriously gross.”

  Georgie knew she was babbling, but holy shit, she was freaking, out in another country and God knows if anyone had figured out that she was missing. Her parents and sister had been three sheets to the wind the last time she saw them, which meant they would probably still be in bed right now.

  Why the hell was she such a dork and had left the party, she should have stayed, gotten drunk, maybe laid, and then she would be, well there and not here, she thought, shit wait, she said it out loud again.

  Boomer turned and smiled at her after he heard the click of the lock releasing. “Babe, we need to work on that.” Damn, she was cute, and a little wacky, but cute more than wacky, he would fuck her. But right now, he didn’t need wacky, he needed calm and quiet, he needed to figure out how the hell to get out of here without getting killed. That would be a good thing.

  He stood and went to the door and listened. He heard the faint murmur of voices and he turned and walked to the window and looked out. Shit yeah, he knew where they were and this was so not a good thing. The border was far enough away that there was no way they could make it there without getting caught. He assumed these pricks had vehicles, and on foot, they were screwed.

  A plan began forming in his head, first they needed to get out of here. Edwardo, the Furies contact on this side of the border, would help him. But, he wasn’t sure what they could help with since they were technically here illegally. Getting back in the US without anyone knowing they were here was going to be interesting. He turned and looked at Georgie who was staring at him intently.

  He walked over to where the chain was wrapped around her ankle and he began picking that lock. She was hot, long black hair, and gorgeous tits. He could so get into her, she was his type, totally. She was a little on the small side, kinda tiny and cute. He looked up at her and she was staring down at him, her gaze
swept over his back and he saw her lean forward a bit and look at his ass. Yeah, he could fuck her. She was also probably gonna be a little pissed when he suggested what he knew he was going to have to suggest.

  “We are gonna be fine,” Boomer said smoothly and listened for the tell-tale click in the lock. They would be, hopefully. He looked around the room, once they got out of the chains, they needed to get the hell outta here. “Let’s see what is what around here.”

  He walked to the door and gently tried the handle and he could tell the lock was stronger than the door appeared. It would be hard to break it, even with his size. He looked at the hinges and grimaced, they weren’t an option either, they were too rusted, the pins would take a while to get out. Boomer heard the murmur of voices and then stopped and put his ear to the door again.

  Shit, there were more than he thought downstairs. He heard more voices, two of them saying they were going to get smokes before the ‘show’ started. They needed to get out of here before that happened.

  “Come on,” Boomer said. Georgie nodded and stepped close to him toward the door, but he was stepping toward the window, they kinda did a little dance and then he put his hands on her waist and held her still while he stepped around her.

  “Wait,” Georgie said confused. “I thought you wanted to get outta here?”

  He nodded. “We are, not that way though.”

  “What do you mean not that way? Like not out the door? Are you serious?” she said and he looked over his shoulder and winked.

  “Yeah, very serious. Two guards ran down to get some smokes, there are a few more downstairs to get by, the odds aren’t too good when we have no weapons. So we have to go out the window,” Boomer said and she looked at the window and took a step closer and looked across, and then down.


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