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Inferno Page 3

by Harley McRide

  “Baby,” Boomer said softly as not to freak her the fuck out, which was already happening anyway, but he wanted to minimize the panic. “Let’s just say the authorities and the Furies don’t get along too much. And they would revel in the fact one of us was here illegally, and I hate to say this, because you are with me, they would love to throw the book at us.”

  “But we were kidnapped,” she said.

  “Yeah, and trust me, they will not care much,” Boomer said and Georgie frowned again.

  “If I call my parents, I am sure they will be able to help sort this out. Tony is good…” Georgie argued.

  “Listen,” Boomer said softly. “We are going to call your parents and my brothers, but we need to make sure no one knows where we are right now. If anyone finds out, we will be on the run from a lot more people than we are right now.”

  Georgie looked at his eyes and she sucked in a breath, oh shit, she had no idea what the hell she had gotten into but he was asking her something with his eyes. He was asking her to trust him, she didn’t know him, but weirdly enough, she did trust him. So she nodded and then looked back at Edwardo who was shaking his head.

  “Hermano, use my phone, call who you need to, but then, you are gonna need to get the fuck out. Sorry, I can’t have this kind of heat coming down on me right now, you know what I have in the garage, if anyone searches I am fucked, which means you are fucked because the shipment is for the Furies.”

  Boomer put a hand to his nose and nodded. “Yeah, let me call them and see what we can do.”

  “What the hell do you mean you lost them?” the President of the Vipers snapped into the phone. His men had just called and notified him that they had lost the girl, and the biker. Fuck, they needed that payday to make this shit happen. There was no way he was going back to that cunt and asking for more money. Her lackey kept killing his best men when he did that.

  What the fuck, though, did they expect that helping them locate the girl and her mom was easy? It took time and money, which they didn’t have and he was going to make sure at the end of this, the club would be able to bank some serious cash.

  Being able to get one of the most wanted men from the Furies MC would go a long way in making his plan happen. The bastard had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. The girl, well, they had seen her come out of the compound and decided she had to mean something to one of them.

  “They blew up our building,” his man shouted in the phone.

  He frowned and looked up at the ceiling. “Really, you left him, HIM in a room with flammables? Are you a moron?”

  “We thought we got it all. Besides, we checked him for lighters and shit, we have no clue how the hell they even started the fire,” his man snapped.

  “Well, fucking find them before they slip back across the border, the Columbians were paying a lot of money for that fucker, you need to find him and get him back. They are already on their way and if we don’t produce, we are gonna be screwed,” he said and hung up the phone.

  Motherfucker, he had it planned down to the last detail and yet these assholes were gonna fuck shit up. The Furies were already a pain in his ass, by just being who they were, but this, shit, it could put a fucking target on his ass.

  The Columbians were due in today to get Boomer; he didn’t trust his idiots to do a damn thing. Throwing his leg over his bike he turned and grinned. Yeah, he knew just the guy who could help him, the bastard knew everything that went on in TJ, he would know where he was at.

  Chapter Three

  “Fuck, do we need to ride out? You know the rules, those fuckers will not help you in any way, if you get caught, you are going to jail,” Fling snapped into the phone.

  Edwardo had given him a phone to use while Georgie went to get cleaned up. He had waited until she was gone from the room and out of ear shot before he had called Fling. Some shit she did not need to hear, and this was one of them.

  “Brother, you think I don’t know that. Trust me I do, I don’t even have my damn phone to call our contacts. They are watching the border already. Edwardo made a few calls and found out right now the Vipers have people on all crossing points from here to fucking Arizona under watch. Brother, the Columbians are due here today,” Boomer said and he heard Fling growl in frustration. You would think this would be simple, they were literally five miles from the US and yet they couldn’t get there legally or illegally right now. It was fucked up and there was no way to get Georgie home without him, it would leave her in too much danger since she had now been tied to him.

  “What do you want to do? You already know they don’t want you, they want me. I could get word I will meet them,” Fling said and Boomer closed his eyes.

  “Man, you know that isn’t true, they only care about one fucking thing, money. We hit them where it hurt, and now they want payback and revenge for their family. Fuckers, don’t give two shits how they get it either, you know that. You know we need to do this right this time. No one left, we made a mistake by only going after the one of them, not involving his whole family, well they are the only ones left, and they are the only ones who would have come for us. So, we need to figure out what we are doing this time. Either we figure out a way to make peace, which you and I know is not going to happen, ever. Or we make sure they are all dead this time,” Boomer said into the phone and his response was met with silence.

  Shit, it sucked they were bringing this shit back around, fucking sucked bad. Sunny was gonna freaking flip out when she found out, it wasn’t going to pretty. These last three years since Tommy had died had been hard. Fuck, the whole club had taken his death hard. What had happened after was what built their club to what it was now. Shit, people had no clue what the Furies did, no one but the members of the club themselves.

  “No choice, brother, you know that. I gave them kindness one time, a second just doesn’t fucking happen. They should have moved on like we had to do, but they came back for seconds, it is time those fuckers know what we are really capable of. This time the message will not be misconstrued,” Fling said grimly. “Get your ass back here as soon as you can, take the route that we used before, and I will make sure you have back-up. We still have contacts there. I will see what I can do about tracking the fuckers, give you a head start maybe, but you and I know they will be hot on your tail. So, keep an eye out and make sure if they do catch you, stay alive until we can get there.”

  Boomer nodded and heard the water turn off and finished the conversation. By the time Georgie was back in the small living room, cleaned up and looking fresh, he was already planning things in his head. First things first, they needed transportation.

  “I am going to go find Edwardo, and we need to get out of here. Most everyone knows Edwardo, and knows we do business with him. They will be showing up here soon. The only reason they haven’t is because I am sure they were laying low as well for a little while,” Boomer said and handed her the phone. “Here, make your call, you have about ten minutes before we gotta get out of here. Make sure you don’t tell them where exactly you are, the phone isn’t secure. Just tell them you escaped and are heading home. When we get on the road, we may be able to buy a burner phone if Edwardo was able to get me enough cash.”

  Georgie nodded and then said, “You don’t know my family, so I get what you are saying. But if they have called Tony, my brother, already, he would have tapped their phones to locate whoever calls them. Trust me, I won’t need to tell them anything, all I have to do is call, and they will know where we are. However, I will try to convince them not to come here and try to help us. ‘Cause yeah, they totally would. I know you are used to doing your whole club thing, but my brother, Tony, he is a little frightening, and his friends growing up, yeah, they are just like him. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me keeping my mouth shut, I am used to it.”

  Boomer laughed and shook his head. “Look forward to meeting them.”

  Georgie looked in surprise and then she grinned. “You say that now…

  With a chuckle, the large man laughed, and then went in search of Edwardo. She took a deep breath before punching in her mother’s cellphone. This was so gonna suck, like bad.

  “Hello?” her father yelled into the phone and before she could say a word her father said, “Who is this? Are you the one who has my daughter?”

  “Gimme that phone,” her mother snapped and she heard them fighting over the phone. Georgie rolled her eyes, she wasn’t so sure her brother hadn’t told them to stall whoever was on the line, so she waited a minute and listened until finally her father came back on the phone.

  “Now,” her father said and before he could launch into his speech, she said.


  “Oh my God, Georgie? Are you okay? Where are you? What do they want?” her father said.

  “Dad, listen,” she said softly. “I am fine, I am no longer being held by them, we escaped.”

  “We?” her father said. “Who is we? Where are you, we will come get you right now.”

  “NO!” she yelled and closed her eyes. Yeah, this was gonna suck. “Listen, before you freak out and stuff, just listen to what I have to say.”

  “Okay,” her father said and she sighed.

  “Boomer, the guy who was kidnapped with me, well he has this under control, call Creed and Fork they will know what is happening. Seriously, you need to make sure you talk to them before you do anything, Dad. I know what Tony has probably already done, and that is cool, I will call you in a while when we get on the road and give you an ETA, but right now, uh, I can’t,” Georgie said.

  “How do I know you aren’t saying this out of duress and they are trying to throw us off the trail while they sell you into white slavery and we never see you again?” Georgie held out the phone and then looked down at the receiver like she thought a hand would come out of it. What the hell?

  “Dad, you and Mom need to stop watching Criminal Minds.” She laughed and her father made a noise over the line.

  “Why? It’s good, and you never know when knowing how to find a killer will come in handy. I have learned a lot about blood spatter and stuff on them,” her father said and Georgie sighed.

  “Listen, I love you, and I promise I will call when I can. Talk to Creed,” she said and Boomer walked back into the room and raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and nodded. “I have to go.”

  “Georgie?” her father said and she paused and waited. “I love you, so does your mother, so does Sofia and Bob, and Tony, and Maria…”

  “Dad, I know, I love you all too.” She laughed and hung up the phone and set it down on the table. “Yeah, unless we want to wait for my brother to send some guys to come get us, we better get a move on.”

  “We don’t have enough time to wait, Edwardo said the Vipers are already looking, someone is on their way here now,” Boomer said and held out a hand. “We gotta move.”

  She nodded and grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her out the front door. In the yard sat at older Harley, it was black and in pretty good shape at least, though it wasn’t the custom ride she was used to, it was sweet none the less. Edwardo smiled and handed her a helmet and she thanked him for everything, the man actually blushed, which was kinda cute. Boomer got on the bike and then held out his hand as he glared at Edwardo. Georgie laughed and shook her head and then mounted it with ease without his help.

  Edwardo nodded and waved as he went back into his house. She really hoped he stayed safe, if those assholes came here to find them, there was no doubt in her mind they would do what it would take to find them, she just didn’t get why. Georgie wasn’t dumb, she knew Boomer was holding something back. She was gonna find out, for some reason or another she was dragged into this, and even if he disagreed with her, it was her safety, and her life, and dammit, she deserved an explanation.

  Fling stood and threw his bottle against the wall. Those motherfuckers were never going to let this shit go, he should have known, goddammit, he should have fucking known. He should have killed them when he had the chance, but honestly, so much blood had been shed at the time, and he had gotten his vengeance.

  Sunshine walked into his office with a frown and said, “Okay, wanna tell me what the hell is going on now?”

  Fling turned and looked at his wife, fuck, how was he going to tell her something that would bring back one of the worse times in their lives? They had barely made it through everything three years ago, bringing it all back up again—this wasn’t going to be good.

  “Boomer,” Fling said and she frowned and nodded.

  “Okay, what about Boomer?” she asked.

  “He was kidnapped last night with a woman from the Ops Shop,” Fling replied.

  “What? Are you serious? How did we not know this?” Sunny yelled and then pointed to the door. “You need me to get the guys? Where are they? Who?”

  “Hang on, baby,” Fling said and she nodded slowly when she saw the pained look on his face and she braced herself. Honestly, she thought her husband was going to tell her Boomer was dead, which would have been devastating. However, what he did say, dropped her to her knees before he could catch her. “It has to do with Devon.”

  “What?” Sunny said, tears already gathering in her eyes. “What about Devon?”

  Fling knelt in front of her and pulled her close to him and said, “I am so sorry, this totally sucks but I need to tell you this before I tell the others so you and I can figure out how we are going to deal with Sam and Lena. They may hear some rumblings.”

  Sam and Lena were their kids, they were young when their brother, Devon, had been taken from their lives, but they still remembered their brother, and still missed him every single day, just like Fling and Sunny.

  Sunny nodded and took in a deep breath and said, “Sorry, go ahead, you just caught me off guard.”

  Fling closed his eyes and said, “Baby, come on, let’s sit on the couch and get comfortable.”

  “Wow,” Sunny said quietly and allowed him to pull her up as she stared at the look on his face. “You are being too nice; this is gonna suck, isn’t it?”

  Fling nodded and sat down next to her and took her hands. “Listen, we will make it through. Boomer is fine, he escaped and called me. What I need you to know though is that he overheard the guys who took him and a woman called Georgie, they were waiting for the Columbians to come and get him. They were paying a lot of money for him. The only one left is Alejandro Ortiz, the brother of the man who was responsible for our son’s kidnapping and death.”

  “Still?” Sunny said with a hard, steely expression on her face. “Those fuckers still are trying to hurt us? What the fuck?”

  “We end this now. I am sick of looking over my shoulder,” Fling ground out and Sunny looked at him with a concerned expression.

  “I agree, but if the State Department hears about this, we are screwed. We already moved the club to get out from under the local police who were about ready to arrest us for anything they could make stick. Here, we are close to the border, it could either work for us, or go very bad,” Sunny said and Fling nodded.

  “We plan this down to the T, this time, they are all going to be dead, all of them,” Fling said.

  “If you get caught, we will never be able to help you out,” Sunny said, with a sad look on her face.

  “We knew this coming in, it doesn’t change anything, they still need to be taken care of. Maybe this time, we send a message to all those fuckers who seem to think they can fuck with us. It works all the way around, Sunny, you know that. Everyone knows already we do not fuck around with shit, but with this, no one will fucking cross us and we can continue to do business and not look over our shoulders all the fucking time. I knew this time was gonna come, I knew it and still I let them live. Fuck, I should have killed them at the time, then it would have been over,” Fling said.

  “Then we would be no better than those animals, you know it and so do I. However, the bad part is, we need to make sure everyone knows this is comin
g down the pike, they need to plan, just like us. They took this journey with us, and yeah it has worked out so far, but you and I know we have been lucky, like way lucky. We haven’t lost anyone yet to this crap, but we could. They deserve to make the decision again,” Sunny said and Fling sighed and nodded and said.

  “Go ahead, get everyone together,” Fling said. “I will make some calls and get things ready. When Boomer is clear and free and back here, we finish this shit.”

  Sunny stood and walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for a second. Unfortunately, this was going to seriously suck.

  Chapter Four

  Her ass hurt, her thighs hurt, and damn it all to hell, her freaking back hurt. When they finally stopped about three hours outside of TJ, running parallel with the border, Georgie wanted to kiss the ground. She loved riding, loved everything about feeling the wind in her hair and stuff, but riding this long and tense, they were going to get stopped or caught, and trying to keep her distance to the man, who right now was making her panties wet by just being him, was driving her nuts.

  Over the last three hours she had tried to rationalize her attraction in her head. It was an intense meeting for them, being kidnapped, escaping, explosions, hell, even him being sweet, all of it, was wrapped up in an intense meeting. Relationships built on an intense relationship rarely worked out. Because when everything calmed down, the two people usually didn’t have much in common.

  She clung to this bit of information when he pulled into the café and they dismounted and walked in. He grabbed her hand and she was going to pull back, but it felt right. Just an intense reaction to him saving her life, she thought and allowed him to pull her behind him. When they got to an empty booth, she slid in but instead of taking the side across from her, he slid in next to her, and she tensed. Crap, too close, he was way to fricking close.

  “Uh,” Georgie started and Boomer turned and looked at her and smiled.


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