My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11)

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My Solace (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 11) Page 12

by Alanea Alder

  "You'll see." He leaned down and teased her lips with his own. When she was thoroughly distracted by his kiss, he lifted his finger and she groaned at the new sensation. Again, he began his steady slide up, then down. "Oron, I can't..." How could she explain that she had never come twice like that? "Let's take care of you," she started to reach for him when he suddenly moved his hand a bit lower and began a circling motion directly under her clit. "Oh god," she breathed. "Please be ready Oron, I don't want to come again without you."

  He simply nodded then moved between her legs. While on his knees, he opened her wide and draped her legs over his thighs. "Tell me right before you fly," he commanded.

  She thrashed her head from side to side as a new pressure built. Just when she thought she was falling apart she screamed out his name. "Oron!"

  With a primal roar, he reached down and plunged deep into her body. "Please, please, please," she begged.

  He lifted his hand from her body and leaned down, so they were nearly chest to chest. "Kiss me Oron, I want us connected in every way," she gasped each word.

  Oron didn't hesitate a moment. He captured her mouth and his tongue began to mimic his cock. He entered her slowly then teased, before thrusting back in.

  She dug her nails in his back and met him thrust for thrust. They weren't just having sex; this was beyond making love. He made sure he knew every inch of her body and he was welding them together.

  When he slammed to the hilt, the bite a pain triggered her pleasure. He threw his head back and yelled her name. He slowly withdrew from her body as two balls of light lifted from their chests, swirled, merged, then separated. They then drifted down and settled back within their chests. The ball of light that came to her carried with it a piece of Oron. She knew then she would never be alone again.


  Izzy practically danced around the bathroom as she got ready. The connection created with Oron was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She found herself rushing when getting ready for dinner so that she could return to his arms. She rolled her eyes in the mirror. Her happiness caused her to act ridiculously.

  She pulled her favorite robe from the bag and slipped it on over her freshly perfumed body. When underthings appeared and slid into place, she yelped. Looking at herself in the mirror, the intricate embroidery along the cuffs and hems mesmerized her. The woven designs looked as if the flowers were simply resting on her sleeve.

  She chose to wear the teal one Oron liked so much in the shop. She artfully arranged her damp curls into a cascade down her back. Right now, her hair looked brown, but she knew as it dried it would brighten to a deep auburn. She didn't have much make up with her, so she made full use of what little she did have. Bronzer doubled as eyeshadow, lipstick doubled as a blush and she used some mascara coated floss to apply eyeliner. All in all she thought she did an impressive job.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, Oron stood from the chair where he had been waiting for her and his mouth dropped. "Iz, you look..." he shook his head, but his eyes went right back to her. She loved that he hadn't even been able to complete his sentence.


  "No, love. That teal is amazing on you." He walked over and cupped her face with his hands. He gently kissed her lips, then stepped back. She scrunched up her nose at his lukewarm greeting.

  "If I kiss you the way I want to, we won't make it to dinner."

  She turned back and eyed the bed longingly.

  "Come on Iz, don't tempt this poor warrior, I am only so strong."

  She laughed and this time when he held out his elbow, she placed her hand on it and allowed him to escort her to dinner.

  She thought they were heading to the queen's chambers, but instead, he steered her down a different hall. "Where are we going?"

  "We met in mother's chambers earlier for privacy. But I can guarantee you Cord has pulled out all the stops, so we're heading to the smaller more intimate dining room."

  "Smaller dining room?"

  Oron grinned. "The larger one is meant for balls and can seat nearly one hundred people. The smaller dining room can seat up to fifty, but the table can be shortened by adjusting the spell."

  When they walked in, every man at the table stood. Once again feeling nervous and as if she were on display, she hurried to her chair. She sat and allowed Oron to scoot her chair in.

  "Izzy that color was meant for you," Amelia said by way of greeting.

  Meryn looked disgruntled. "My dress still wants me in robes. I'd kill for sweatpants. I had some really cool tee shirts lined up to show Aleks too."

  Izzy hid her smile, but had to admit Meryn looked stunning in her evening robes. The contrast between the deep brownish-gold and shimmery pale gold made the entire ensemble look stunning. "At least they're comfortable," she said. And they were too. Nothing chafed or was too tight.

  Meryn exhaled. "True."

  Aleksandra turned to her. "How did you like your excursion into the city? Did you find a lot of clothes to buy?"

  Izzy looked down at her hands, then up at her new mom. "I liked the Border City; they were like normal people."

  Meryn brightened. "Border City."

  Izzy turned to her future cohort. "Yeah, it's next to the Dark Forest where there's brownies and goblins."

  Meryn stared at her. "Wicked."

  "No, Meryn," Aiden started.

  Izzy gave her a serious look. "Yeah, Oron said I wasn't allowed to go there." She kept a straight face and shook her head.

  Meryn met her eyes and she swore she could almost hear her agreeing to sneak off to the forest with her. Meryn looked over to Oron. "Well, if Oron said we shouldn't go, then it must be too dangerous."

  Izzy nodded. "Absolutely."

  Amelia didn't look convinced. "Right."

  Izzy turned to Meryn desperate to change the subject. "How are Finley and Feris?"

  "They're good. Aiden and I got them settled in the little room next to ours. You would have thought we'd given them the moon when we told them that it was their new room." She glanced down. "Another reason I miss my hoodies, there's no room for Felix in my robes."

  Izzy looked at her questioningly.

  "He rides in the boob pocket to stay warm," Meryn answered. "These robes smush everything up and together, so I don't have a pocket for him. If I had known I would be stuck in these robes for an indefinite period of time, I would've brought the scarf Aiden's mom knitted for me over the holidays, she added a pocket for Felix," she paused. "Shit! Where will Finely and Feris go? I only have so much space down my shirt."

  Izzy looked around the table. She was pretty sure that conversations like this had never happened at the fae royal dining table before.

  Cord walked up behind Meryn and dished out her soup. "What if you had a vest with multiple fur lined pockets? Each sprite could have his own space, then maybe have a larger pocket where all three could be together," he suggested.

  "Kick-ass idea, Cord. Once Dani is done being all formal, I'll see if we can work that out. No wonder you're a super squire!" Meryn exclaimed.

  Cord looked down at her. "Super squire?"

  "Yeah, Sebastian said that you've been serving here so long that you've forgotten more recipes than he's learned."

  "He's such a good lad. For that, I'll send him some fae honey as well," Cord said, looking pleased at the compliment.

  "Any word about Pip's progress?" Aiden asked.

  Meryn shook her head. "They must be busy getting him all used to the sky."

  "What do you mean Meryn?" Aleksandra asked.

  Meryn took a deep breath and launched into the story of how she met the twins and Pip and how they were her brothers now. When she explained how Pip had gotten frightened by the open sky, Izzy felt terrible for the poor little guy. "But Nigel and Neil are helping Sebastian and Magnus to get Pip ready, so they can catch up to us soon," Meryn explained. She rubbed her chest. "I miss them. Like a lot. This shit sucks."

  The queen's expression was unreadable
. "And the animals who mistreated him?"

  Meryn gave her a satisfied smirk. "Sebastian is handling it."

  Izzy turned to Doran. "Speaking of assholes. What about Garrick? Please tell me he hasn't gotten away with what he's done."

  Doran practically growled. "I pulled the whole colony onto the garden lawn and explained that the queen would not abide, nor tolerate the way the boys were treated. They were very contrite, though some were just more concerned about being caught." He turned to his sister-in-law. "You may have to issue a city-wide decree stating that although we as fae do not interfere with the running of the sprite colonies, they still need to follow our laws and guidelines and allowing their young to starve is unacceptable."

  The queen nodded. "I will have Portia circulate an edict tomorrow, first thing."

  "Why do they have separate colony hierarchies, don't they all report to you?" she asked.

  The queen shook her head sadly. "When I created this pocket world, I asked the fae creatures of Earth if they wanted to join us. Some followed contingent on being able to keep their own species sovereignty. I am queen, but the only one who reports to me amongst the sprites, for example, are their chieftains. I cannot directly discipline one of their people."

  "Sounds complicated," Meryn commented.

  The queen sighed. "They did not want to trade one prison for another. Earth was becoming a dangerous place for magical creatures, but many stayed behind rather than be under my rule even in the slightest. I have heard nearly all that stayed behind have perished."

  "Ultimately, I have the final say in matters, but their leaders still handle the day to day administration of their people."

  Brennus grinned evilly. "I tend to encourage people to listen. It makes things run smoother."

  Meryn stared. "That's right, you're the unit leader for the Tau Unit as well as Royal Consort."

  Brennus looked from Meryn to Aiden. "Ari Lionhart tends to act in that capacity more than I do, to be honest."

  "Lionhart? Rex's baby brother?" Meryn asked.

  Aiden wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. "No, Meryn."

  Meryn scrunched up her face. "No, Meryn. No, Meryn. No, Meryn," she repeated.

  "Who's Rex?" Izzy asked.

  Meryn fanned herself. "Awesome Elder with amazingly defined biceps. He's Ari and Declan's older brother and like a super politician. He came with us to visit his parents for a while."

  "When do I meet him?" she asked Oron who was giving her an amused look. "Why do you need to meet the Elder?" he asked sensibly.

  "Because as an Elder I bet he could explain your world from a unique perspective," Izzy answered.

  Brennus chuckled. "She's got you there, son."

  "You can talk to Byron McKenzie when we get home. He's just as knowledgable and safely mated." He looked around. "Where is Cristo? Wasn't this whole trip his idea?"

  Brennus frowned. "He evidently hasn't found what he is looking for amongst my brother's things. He said he will continue in the Eirlea vault tomorrow, then if he still hasn't found whatever he's looking for, he will seek permission to enter the EirDan vault after that."

  "Y'all just letting him chill in your vault?" Meryn asked.

  Brennus smiled sadly. "Cristo, along with Thane, Rio and Ange served together with Eamon in a Vanguard squad. If I can't trust one of the men Eamon considered a brother, I'm not sure I want to face the world that would be."

  "Do you know what Cristo is looking for?" Thane asked.

  Doran shook his head. "No, he hasn't told us."

  "Eamon also left some things with us over the years," Thane laughed suddenly. "I asked him one time if the fae vaults would be safer and he said that if anyone got past us to steal his things, they were welcome to them."

  Brennus chuckled. "That sounds like him."

  "Hey, do you have any sprite sized Kevlar in your vault?" Meryn asked Brennus.

  Brennus' mouth twitched fiercely as he clearly fought to smile. "Meryn, I don't think sprite Kevlar has been invented yet."

  "Oh." She frowned. "Why not? They need extra protection being so little."

  "I'm not sure."

  "Can you make some?"

  Brennus shook his head. "I'm afraid I only wield weapons, not craft tools. But I'm sure you could probably find a willing craftsman in the city."

  Aiden patted his mate on the back. "Don't worry Meryn, we'll commission some for the boys before we leave. Felix proved himself to be an invaluable warrior in Noctem Falls, he deserves to be outfitted as one."

  Meryn blew kisses at Aiden then swiveled in her chair to face the queen. "Random question."

  "By all means, dear."

  "Is your sun a real sun? Would it hurt a vampire who has a severe sun sensitivity?"

  The queen lifted her wine glass. "Our sun isn't the actual sun. It is the core of fae magic, as such, it provides us with not only warmth but also light. But it sounds as if your vampire friend is reacting to UV rays, which aren't present here. All of our plants have adapted to grow under the light of our false sun," she explained.

  "So Vivi and Etain can come visit." Meryn pulled out her phone and sent a text.

  The queen set her glass down. "You were asking for Vivian Vi'Aerlin?"

  "Yup, she gets wicked sunburn."

  "That is excellent news! Allia and Alain have been begging me to convince their brother Etain to visit. I knew he was reluctant to do so since he had just mated, but I had no idea she had such a severe reaction to the sun. I know that Etain's mother will be thrilled to see her son again."

  Meryn's phone dinged and she picked it up. "She said they would schedule a visit later. Magnus keeps threatening to go on an around the world cruise, so she's had to hold the fort down while Beth keeps Gavriel from choking him."

  Aiden groaned. "It will be years before Gavriel returns to Lycaonia."

  Meryn smiled slyly. "When we get back, I'll have Sebastian install Magnus in his office and shove Gavriel through the portal. We'll be fine."

  Aiden brightened and set his spoon down as he had finished his soup. "Thank the gods you got on Sebastian's good side."

  "How'd you do that?" Thane asked.

  "Murder," Meryn said bluntly.

  Law choked then glared at Meryn. "I know you keep doing that on purpose, Meryn. Quit trying to kill me."

  As everyone laughed at Law, Izzy noticed that Meryn hadn't been joking. It just confirmed the fact that she needed Meryn in her life because she was turning out to be crazier than she was.


  She was slightly tipsy as Oron steered her back to their room. "She has sooooo killed people."

  Oron laughed. "Probably."

  "I loves her."

  "I know."

  "What we doing tomorrow?"

  "Well, while you were enjoying your third glass of wine, Ryuu let me know that your coffee supplies arrived. I imagine you will be getting your new coffee station set up."

  "Not coffee station." She shook her head.

  "What then?"

  "My altar! I am Coffee Goddess rawwrrr!"

  Oron opened their door and ushered her inside. "Come on, it's time for good Coffee Goddesses to get to bed."

  "You gonna sex me up?"

  "Not tonight, baby."

  "I like your penis."

  Oron chuckled as he unbuttoned her robe. "I'm glad. He likes you too."

  "He does?" she asked, as she tried to get a rogue hair out of her eyes.

  "Yes, immensely." He hung up her robe, then removed his own.

  She looked down. "I'm naked."

  "Yes, you are." He hung his own robe up and kissed her nose.

  "No sexy time?"

  "No baby, not while you're tipsy."

  "But I thought your penis liked me."

  "He does and he also respects you."

  "You're gonna make me cry, you have such a kind penis."

  "Yes, love, I know. Now, climb into bed."

  Izzy tried to climb on, but seemed to lack the coordi
nation. "Push my butt, but not in a sexy way."

  Oron laughed and did as she asked. She landed on the covers and started giggling. "You bopped my butt."

  Oron pulled the covers out from under her then rolled her onto her pillow. He gently tapped a glowing crystal, plunging the room into darkness before she felt the bed dip as he climbed in. He pulled her into his arms and covered them with the blankets.

  She wiggled a bit and felt something hard behind her. "Your penis does like me!"

  "Izzy! You're killing me," Oron groaned.

  "You called me 'love', no take backs," she said, before yawning.

  "I'd never, ever take that back, Isabelle."

  "I love you too, Oron. Never been in love before, glad it's with you."

  Oron arms tightened around her. "You're saying that again tomorrow when you haven't been drinking."

  She yawned again. "Okie, dokie, Mr. Pokie," she giggled as she pushed back against him.

  "Dream of me," he whispered.

  "Sounds like a plan," she said, right before she fell asleep.


  "Oh my god, I hate you! How could you let me ramble on like that!" Izzy wanted to lock herself in the closet. She was barely able to function this morning as she pulled on her new robe. This one was fuchsia. All she could hear echoing through her head as she pulled on her new clothes was her voice telling him that she loved him and some stupid nonsense about his penis.

  Her sexy mate was all smiles. "You were adorable."

  "Did I really say I loved your penis?"

  He shook his head and she felt a moment of relief. "You said you liked my penis and that you loved me," he clarified. "But I'm not counting that as your first declaration of love, you have to say again while not under the influence of three glasses of my mother's best wine."

  Izzy headed for the closet, but Oron intercepted her. "I love you, Izzy. I don't want my first declaration to be from when you were drinking either."

  She looked up at. "I really do love you, but it scares me."



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