A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3

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A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3 Page 12

by J. L. Clayton

  “But I was never trained, and I did very well in blocking people from my mind. I’m still not fully trained and I’m keeping all my walls up.” I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. “If I was to let one of my walls down and let my cyphering free, you wouldn’t be the only Seer in Callamose.”

  She nodded, “Why yes, child. I am most informed of your wonderful abilities. Feel free to use them on me anytime you please. Unlike your friend, I am not hiding anything. To be so vast in one’s own magic, the manipulator would have to either be the Chosen One, as we know you are, or someone from the Traveller’s bloodline. Because you are the Chosen One, well that just leaves one other option…”

  I shook my head, ready to have Cris’s back, when Eli cut in.

  “We do not have time for this. As I recall, you are here for your friend, Nikko. So what is the question you really need to be asking that can help you? Because, my dear, we are all here to help, so we can worry about what the young man is up to later.”

  He was right, but the way he said it pissed me the hell off, so I asked him a random question that’s been plaguing my mind for a while. “What were you up to when you took my memory away? Eli, you could have saved me so much pain. When you gave me my memories back, it was as if they were fighting with themselves and giving me a massive headache.”

  Eli shook his head, “I am sorry you were put through that… I can’t even imagine. I am truly sorry for the pain you felt.”

  “Well, you are never getting near me with that mind cleaning magic again.”

  Eli laughed. “I use soap now. It cleans everything.”

  I glared.

  Subrand laughed. “I believe that’s called making a joke.”

  “I didn’t think that was funny," I sighed. "Okay, give me the scoop on what I need to know on how to save Nikko. Oh, and one more thing… will you tell me what’s with the number seven and what it means?”

  Subrand opened the book. I was a little worried, but I knew it was time.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I had a lot on my mind after talking to Eli and Subrand. I learned some really crazy things. Eli told me that the number seven stood for The Seven Deadly Sins. Surprisingly, my mother was the one that had that magical ability put inside me. He said the Three Hags of Fate told my blood mother that if she didn’t take the gift they have bestowed upon her, I would not survive. My mother, distraught and worried, believed this bogus story and accepted their offer. At the time, my blood mom didn’t know it was a trick.

  Ah yes, there is always trickery and mischief in Callamose. Come on, Mom. Gosh! I knew that, and I was only sixteen.

  It turns out that Crispin’s father wanted me inflicted with The Seven Deadly Sins. It was a power-play, something that would teach Crispin a lesson, insuring that it would make him stronger. So this is what’s living inside me as we speak, boys and girls: The Seven Deadly Sins, which are as follows:

  (1) Wrath, also known as rage: It may be described as unwarranted and uninhibited feelings of hatred and anger.

  Yeah, I’ve had that a lot in my life… I was kinda feeling a little ticked-off the moment after learning about all of this crap.

  (2) Greed, also known as materialism, meanness, or my personal favorite, longing: It’s like gluttony, a sin of excess… So mainly it means to desire material possessions.

  Greed had me confused. I might be a little greedy when it comes to clothes. I do admit to being mean on occasion, but that’s like everyone in the world. If greed meant longing in a I-wish-he-would-kiss-me or I-wish-I-had-those-shoes kind of way, then hell, I guess the sin does show up in me.

  (3) Pride, also known as arrogance: Pride is considered the most serious of the sins. So, essentially, it means someone thinks they’re better than others.

  What? Really? So pride can mean so many different things, but as Eli so elegantly informed me, when it’s under the consideration of the sins, it takes on a totally different definition. I always thought I was too proud and stubborn, but to believe that I’m better than someone… I just don’t see it.

  (4) Gluttony: It’s an overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste.

  I’m guessing that this one has yet to show up because I am way too skinny to have gluttony in me, so this one is just ridiculously bogus.

  (5) Envy, also known as Jealousy: Just like greed and lust, envy is characterized by an insatiable desire.

  So I might get a little jealous at times, but come on…who doesn’t?

  (6) Sloth, also known as Laziness.

  I’m sure everyone can understand the meaning of being lazy.

  (7) Lust, also known as a yearning within: Lust is an intense and uncontrolled desire, which is usually thought of as an uncontrolled-frenzied-sexual hunger.

  Basically, it means one person wants to, as Marvin Gaye would say, “Get it on” with another person, but there is a whole lot more to lust than just wanting someone’s body. It could also include the uncontrolled desire for power.

  Eli told me what “lust” meant. He then said, “Charlize, this is why you have so many suitors. They are either lusting after your power or your body, and unfortunately, the pendulum can fall both ways when it comes to The Seven Deadly Sins.”

  After Eli told me the story, I felt like someone slammed me in the gut with a sledgehammer. So, what he was really saying was that I can force the seven on anyone, and they can also be forced on me. That nearly crushed me. Was what I felt for Tru, Jace, just lust? Sure, I can see were the lust would come in when Cris and Asher were around. I would be an idiot not to look at them and drool, but I generally thought what I felt for Tru and Jace and what they felt for me went beyond the surface, beyond any supernatural thing. The feelings between us came from the soul. Trust me, I know how seven ways of screwed up it sounded to care for two guys, but that was me. Deep down, I was believing, hoping and wanting them to feel the same way. I felt completely and utterly foolish. I never thought I was sexy, this hot-to-trot girl that all guys wanted.

  So then why did I believe any of these stunning guys in my life could look at me the way they did and not have some kind of magical force behind it? Heck, they never really started noticing me until I moved here. That thought brought up another question. Eli told me that was because only the supernatural ones would feel the pull. I think I hated him in that moment, even though it wasn’t his fault that some evil being tricked my blood mother, it was still him telling me this awful, ugly truth. I felt my heart break away just a little from my chest cavity.

  I just think what he was telling me was a bunch of B.S. Really? My blood mother had those hags shove sin into me before I was even out of the womb. Well, maybe I’ve always been this badass girl and I just didn’t know it. I mean, come on. I did have sins inside me, and seven at that, before I was born. Plus, my sins are deadly so…badass right?!

  So, it seems Crispin’s father set it up so that his son would want to kill me. Daddy didn’t want someone to have as much power as his son; therefore, he had the hags (that’s a good name for them because these ugly, old, Biddies have royally messed up my life) trick my blood mom into giving me one of his powers, which didn’t make any sense whatsoever.

  First: If he wanted me dead, why not kill my blood mother which subsequently would have demolished any chances of me living?

  Second: If he, for some reason, didn’t get the chance to kill my blood mom, why give me more power than what I was already going to get?

  Eli had no answers for that.

  All of this was making my head hurt, and it was starting to sound like some cheesy, scary movie with bad actors. I mean, everything is written in a freaking book. Everyone has to believe it because it is foretold in the freaking book! Why can’t we just be like, Oh who cares what that books says, what the Seers see, or what the hags preach, and the prophets teach? Let’s just all get along and be happy with what was given to us, but n—oo! We have to be all, I want more power! Ugh.

sp; My mind churned with anger, and that freaky message that Subrand gave me before I left the room replayed over and over in my head. I stood up to leave, but as I turned, Subrand grabbed my hand. I glanced at her and saw only the whites of her eyes.

  I shuddered, trying to pull away, but she wasn’t having it. Subrand tugged me close, our faces nearly touching, and in a haunting voice, she began to chant, “The land you walk will be torturous, with forbidding’s untold, traveling with many as few you know. Be afraid; be aware, these few are out for your essence, which churns a dark melodic sound deep within the depths of your soul. Chosen One, you are for some, yet pure, as you cling to reality. You’re fighting against madness, and that will only get you so far. Now is the time, as you tread forward through a dark, dreary abyss to grab hold. So be worried, the fairies seek to stray you from your goal that is within your reach.”

  After the wacked-out message that barely made sense, I asked her what it meant. She gave me some mumbo-jumbo about not ever knowing what it meant, only that the gods sent it to her.

  If you ask me, the gods needed to be just a little more vague. You know, let’s not make it easy. I didn't need to understand the prophecy at all. Ugh!

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  There I was, standing in front of a massive alabaster gate with iron fig leaves woven around it. The picture it made was beautiful. The ground beyond the gate was a light pink color. Right in front of my face was this bizarre-looking doorbell in the shape of a cat. Normally, something that looks like a cat wouldn’t be so bad, but this cat had no eyelids, no bottom lip, and it looked like it was alive. The part that you grab ahold of to ring looked like it was the cat’s tail, except; it was only chunks of hair and skin.

  I sighed and looked back at my ragtag team, which consisted of two Dragons, two guardian parents, two overly jealous guys (a wolf-shifter and a warlock), one vampire, one unidentifiable supernatural hottie, and me. Yeah, we were badass for sure.

  I focused on Zeb. His skin looked like black silk shinning bright under the hot sun. His lush black and white hair was in tiny braids. All Zeb was wearing were some loose white pants and flip-flops. I had to admit, it was an odd combination, but with his charming smile and muscular bod, I was sure no dragon girl would complain.

  “Youngling, there are more important matters to focus on than whether or not I am appealing to one’s eyes.” Zeb whispered into my mind.

  “Ugh, did you really just read my thoughts as I looked you over?! Never mind, that was clearly a rhetorical question, but knowing you, I’m sure you feel the need to answer me, but save it.” Zeb winked. I growled inwardly and fortified my shields. I seriously hated people reading my mind, and I hated being in other people’s minds. Of all the magical abilities I could have received, why did it have to be this one? I gave myself a mental shrug and looked at Oz. He was very tall and willowy with deep, dark eyes, the color like the depth of the ocean floor. His hair was as green as moss.

  Eli said, before I left, that Zeb and Oz would lead us to the gate, that's why they were here now. Soon, Prince Reese would be here. He was supposed to take us to his father, King Demetrius of the Seelie Court. Apparently, I had to parlay with the king!

  Eli said something about having to go through the fairy land and ask for permission to use a portal from the Queen of the Unseelie Court. That way, we can cross over to the shadow lands, where I was to seek out the three Trees—The Tree of Life, The Tree of Death, and The Tree of In-Between.

  I looked at my mom and asked, “Do you think this will be hard? I mean we are dealing with fairies, and what I know is that they are all out for something.”

  Mom gave me a reassuring smile. “Sweetie, I wouldn’t really know. I’ve never been on the other side of this gate. But, I believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. You, my brave, beautiful girl, are only just becoming who you are meant to be. Just remember to keep your guard up and be ready for anything. Fairies are nasty creatures.”

  Asher chimed in, “Fairies are mischievous, evil things.” He gave me a devilish grin and licked his fangs. He came in close, blowing his breath across my skin as he said softly, “But I love bad things, Kitten. I can sink my teeth deep into something bad!”

  I blushed and quickly stepped back.

  Jace quirked his eyebrow and grinned willfully. “Really? That line will never work on her. I’ve always heard that vampires are smooth-talking sex gods, but all I hear is a generic version of a poorly thought out pick up line.”

  “Ok, what the hell is up with this guy—Asher?” Tru asked, looking confused and ticked at the same time.

  I opened my mouth to say… well, I really didn’t know what I was going to say. I was a little shocked to be honest, and I think the fact that I was about to be in Fairyland was not helping. Tru didn’t give me a chance to say whatever brilliant thing I would have come up with. I was sure it would have been genius.

  “No, look C. I get that you were over here for a while and that he bit you and all, but why is he here now? Why in the hell do we need this bloodsucker’s help?” Tru huffed.

  Asher grinned impishly, and the next thing I knew, Asher had Tru by the neck, holding him aloft. It happened so fast that I gasped and felt my eyes go wide in awe. In the few seconds it all went down, we stayed quiet, just watching the craziness unfold, too dumbfounded to even react.

  “Down boy…” Asher said. “Or do I need to put a muzzle over that mouth of yours because I have more right to be here with her now than you. As I recall, mutt, you were acting like it was breeding season, and we know that any bitch will do for an alpha.”

  Tru’s eyes cut my way. I saw regret, hurt, and humiliation. It seemed as though reality finally came back, and when it did, it flew in and slammed into us with little resolve. I called on my cyphering powers and felt the magic of a vampire wash over me. I trembled. It felt like death had kissed me and then he left me without a heartbeat. It was like I was suffocating. I knew it wasn’t real. I knew it was just the magic of the vampire moving through my veins, so I tried as best I could to block the feeling that I was dead out of my head. I had only siphoned off a vampire once before, and Quilisa ended up truly dead. Shaking my head from that thought, I quickly stepped up to Asher, and as nicely as I could, I removed his hand from around Tru’s neck. Tru fell to the ground like a dead body hitting pavement. It was a bone-jarring sound, but I knew he would be okay. I diverted all my attention toward Asher, hoping he wouldn’t retaliate.

  Asher cocked his head and chuckled. “Why, Kitten, all you had to do was ask, and I would have let the mutt go. You know I would do anything for you.”

  Mom and Dad stepped up beside me. With their arms folded, they glared at Asher. Cris and Jace just stood off to the side.

  Tru got to his feet and said, “What the fuck? How?”

  Asher shook his head, seeming to relish what he was about to tell Tru. I was getting a bad feeling. “Still so young and naïve. If your grandfather would have told you about this world, I wouldn’t have to give you a little lesson about vampires, and before you say anything, your grandfather does, indeed, know about this world. He just chooses not to share that bit of knowledge with his people. But you see, boy, I am bound to her, and that gives me insight to her mind and body. I can read her thoughts. I can see through her eyes. Yes, she can block me out, but when she saw you ready to mount up, well, Kitten’s walls, they came tumbling down. So wolf, now who do you really think is better being here with her? You?" Asher pointed at Tru. "Someone willing to mate with the first female he can get his paws on?! Or me?" Asher pointed at himself. "A trained assassin only willing to protect her and keep her safe?”

  Jace laughed. “I do believe that would be me!”

  I shouted, “Okay, that’s enough.” All eyes were on me, and I was about to blow their minds. “Everything right now sucks. I get that, and everyone is jumping down each other’s throats. You guys are acting like asshat’s just to be in the Chosen One’s good graces
… or pants!” Cris opened his mouth to say something, but I silenced him. I brought my hand up and said quietly, “Silentium!” A purple sphere and stream of light shot from my palm and encircled everyone. Shocked expressions stared at me. I looked over at Asher and beamed. He nodded solemnly, but I could see the amusement on his face.

  Oh yeah, I so know what I’m doing now. I have freaking ancient magical knowledge in my head, and I’m not afraid to use it.

  “I learned some wonderful news today from Eli and Subrand. Well, it’s not really wonderful, and I have to get this out before we go off and save my best friend. First, I want to thank Asher.”

  I turned and faced him. He folded his arms and crossed one foot over his other, looking sexy and smug at the same time. I guess he knew this was coming. He must have read it in my mind. I shook my head and continued. “Thank you for fixing my mind, for giving me back what was taken from me and restoring my brain back to its normal condition. Others could have done it, but no one, other than you, offered it to me.”

  Someone stomped the ground in frustration. I looked over and saw Zeb purposefully kicking up dirt as he was striding toward me. I held up my hand which halted his movements. This big, bad dragon had one leg up to step when I threw my hand in the air. I didn’t even use magic, but it seemed to do the trick. Zeb stopped in his tracks, frozen in a semi state of movement. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

  He shrugged and lowered his leg. Because my silencing spell was still in play, I couldn’t ask him why he stopped when I didn’t even use magic; however, it was funny. I nearly laughed, but I knew I had to stay focused.

  “Yep, Zeb, I’m talking about you and all the other council elders. You have the power to do it, but you didn’t, and I guess I’m okay with that. There is nothing I can do about it now, but what I’m not okay with is that I have these sins living inside me.”


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