Loving The Escort (A Racy Romantic Short Story)

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Loving The Escort (A Racy Romantic Short Story) Page 3

by Rose Perry


  Lilith arrived at exactly three. When she got there, Janet was already seated in the far corner nursing a coffee. Lilith immediately noticed how piques she looked. She was flushed and fidgeted nervously with the hand of the mug.

  When Janet saw her, she waved her over. The older woman seated herself across from the young women and greeted her warmly. “Hi, nice to see you again.”

  “Thanks for meeting me,” she replied. She tried her best to stay calm, but her chest felt heavy, she barely slept the night before and to make it worse she could hardly keep herself from bursting into tears.

  Lilith could sense that something wasn’t right, but she kept silent. She wanted to reach over and take Janet’s hand bit she didn’t know the girl well, so didn’t know how she would react. “So, what can I do for you?”

  Her throat constricted a bit and she had to swallow to get the words out. “I want to work with you,” her voice cracked.

  Lilith looked at her for a minute before replying. “Are you sure, you don’t seem like you want to.”

  That did it for Janet. The tears started streaming down her cheeks without notice. A lump rose to her throat and she felt like she was sinking into an abyss. When Lilith saw this she didn’t hold back, she reached over and covered the girl’s hand with her own,

  “What’s wrong? You can talk to me,” she cajoled.

  It was like a dam bursting open. Janet found herself venting with tears and telling the woman she hardly knew about her mother and money problems. She told her if her mother didn’t get the treatment she would die and she’d tried everything, but nothing was working in their favor.

  Compassion came over the woman and she felt for the beautiful girl sitting across from her. A waiter came over, but Lilith sent her away, asking for privacy.

  “Okay, we’ll start you at the top, with the best clients. You’ll have to sign a contract. When do you want to start?”

  “I’ll have to hand in my notice tomorrow. My boss is going to flip, but he knows my situation.” She dried her tears and tried to get some control over her voice. It was as if a weight had lifted from her shoulders.

  “So you’ll start on Tuesday. This requires you to live in the Metro Area most of the time. You may have to find an apartment there,” Lilith told her.

  “I can do it. I’ll do anything for my mom,” she replied. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. You are going to be very popular. You’re beautiful. Men will fall all over you,” she paused. “Come to this address on Tuesday first thing. We need to get you ready.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked Lilith.

  “I need to brief you on how things work. Have you ever, you know,” Lilith made her gesture with her head but Janet didn’t follow.

  “I don’t understand,” she replied.

  Lilith leaned across the table and whispered, “Have sex.”

  Janet flushed and lowered her eyes before answering, “Yes.”

  It was five years ago on her prom night. Randy was the school jock and they had been dating for two years. It was a silly thing to agree to because most of the other couples planned on doing it. She broke up with him right after and hasn’t dated since.

  “Good. Can you do your makeup?”

  “I’m not very good at that, why?”

  “You’re a beautiful girl but I can’t send you out looking like that. You need to get some clothes, do your hair and I’ll show you a few makeup tricks,” Lilith told her.

  “Oh,” she hadn’t realized she needed to transform herself. She was so preoccupied with her mother that she hadn’t thought through the entire process. She had a few hundred dollars saved up, she would use that to make herself presentable. “I’ll go shopping in the morning and do my hair before I get there.”

  “Okay, you take care of those. I promise, within a couple of months, you’ll have all you need to send you mother away.”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  The atmosphere became lighter as the two women got to know each other. They ordered coffee and sandwiches, and Janet had no idea she was so hungry. She woofed the sandwich and ordered a slice of apple pie and another coffee.

  She left the café much better than when she came. Her only problem was letting her boss know she was quitting. The best thing would have been to give him notice but under the circumstances she could not wait two weeks.

  She also didn’t know what she would tell her best friend. It wasn’t something she wanted to disclose and thought that maybe keeping it to herself was the best thing for the time being. She also had no idea what Sara would think. She had a feeling she would disapprove and she was not in the frame of mind for a lecture from her.

  * * * *

  She was right, Dineo wasn’t happy, but when she told him she found another job he understood. He knew her mother was ailing so that was what saved her from his wrath. He gave her double her salary and told her he would have given her a raise had she asked.

  She also had to tell Sara something.

  “You found a job?” Sara was in disbelief.

  “Yeah,” she replied.

  “Doing what?” her friend prodded.

  “Er, a companion of sorts,’ she replied. That’s as much as she would give.

  “Oh, you’ll be like a nursemaid?” Sara sounded excited. “I heard it pays well, but will you save the money in time for your mom’s treatment?”


  “Wow. You lucky girl,” Sara playfully punched her shoulder.

  She felt awful for misguiding her but she could not tell her the truth. She’ll tell her soon enough, she thought, but not now. They hugged and promised to call each other at least once every week. Janet promised she would come visit as often as possible on her days off. Leaving the Diner where she’d worked for the last five years was sad and she knew instantly she was going to miss it, a lot.

  She spent the rest of the afternoon at the hospital with her mother who was pleased with the news. Barbara cried tears of joy and sadness at the same time. She was happy that her daughter had found a way to get her to Canada; but she was saddened that they would not be able to see each other every day because her job meant a lot of time in the city.

  She left the hospital feeling much better. As far as her mother was concerned, she also believed she was going to be some old person’s companion in the city. The hospital was discharging her mother because the insurance had run out. Janet had hoped that she would remain there until she came up with the money, but they said there was nothing they could do. It was now left up to her to work her magic.

  It was around seven that Monday when she kissed her mother goodbye, promising to come home on her days off. A tiny hand of fear gripped a corner of her heart, telling her that she may never see her mother again.

  At home, Janet went through all her stuff to see what would be good enough to take with her. She had no idea where she would be staying but she had enough money just for some clothes, her hair and maybe two nights in a hotel, if needed.

  There wasn’t much she had that would make her look the part. She dumped a few underwear, sleepwear, a couple books and her passport in an overnight bag. Before she left the following morning, she turned off the heat, the gas and locked up. Barbara would turn them back on when she got home. There wasn’t anything to steal, but you can never be too careful.

  She left her car parked out front and took a taxi to the mall where she had her hair done before boarding the train. Janet felt like she was entering another dimension where she was a total stranger. Having no idea what awaited her, she resolved her mind to her fate, whatever that was.


  By the time she got to Lilith’s townhouse it was close to eleven o’clock that morning. She hadn’t yet shopped so she hoped to do that after the makeup session. Her makeup skills were disastrous and she was glad for the opportunity to learn from someone with experience.

  After the session, Lilith told her she could stay at t
he townhouse for a few days while she found a flat close by. She told her she hardly used the place because she had an apartment over the office and she spent most of her time there. That’s where they headed next, after which she dropped her off at the Manhattan Hall.

  Situated across this vast shopping center was Macy’s and little further was the Empire state building. Janet was in awe, she hardly ever left her home in The Valley and was always amazed at the how different the city as. She found a few items on sale and bought four outfits in total, with matching accessories.

  New York proved to be very expensive, she hardly had money left over for travel. Her first job was scheduled for that evening and she wanted to look her best. She thought about going back to the townhouse to get ready but decided on Lilith’s office instead.

  By the time she got there, it was almost six and her date was at seven. She quickly took a shower and changed into a blue cocktail dress, one that matched the color of her eyes. She had straightened her hair and trimmed the ends. It hung loosely about her shoulders and glistened from the luxurious treatments the stylist used.

  Her one treat to herself was a bottle of Abercrombie perfume for almost two hundred dollars. She’d never splurged on herself before and thought she needed something that would make her smell as good as Lilith did, rather than the cheap eau de toilets she usually used.

  She was ready by six thirty and Lilith gave her the address. It was the Langham Place Hotel on Fifth Avenue. As she rode the taxi, she realized her palms started to feel clammy. She had been so busy all day that that she didn’t realize how nerve wracking the whole experience was turning out to be.

  There was no face to the name she was given. No information about her date. All she knew was that he was a very profitable client, and maybe a big tipper. By the time she reached the hotel she felt like she needed a paper bag to breathe in.

  “Here we are Miss,” the driver announced.

  She paid him and step onto the pavement in front of the skyscraper called a hotel. Her knees felt weak and her stomach quite queasy. Added to that, she hadn’t eaten all day and felt a slight light-headedness. Taking a deep breath she ventured in, each step a burden as they got heavier, the nearer she got to her fate.

  * * * *

  Several suits were strewn across the king-sized bed. Every few seconds Matthew picked up a tie and matched it with a different color shirt. Not satisfied he threw them back on the bed each time. It was ten minutes to seven and he hadn’t chosen an outfit. He was clad in his undershirt, boxers and socks.

  For the umpteenth time, he ran the brush through his sandy brown hair. Green-grey eyes stared back at him in the mirror of the dressing table. “What am I doing?” he questioned, hearing his voice echo in the empty hotel suite.

  He stood at six feet two inches, broad shoulders with biceps that flexed when he moved his arms. His angular jawline and ample sensual lips made him quite eye catching. He finally decided on the silver tie with white shirt and black suit.

  Quickly he threw everything back in the closet and just had enough time to slather on some after-shave before he heard a knock at the door. He’d ordered dinner which would be served in the suite so he wasn’t sure if it was room service or his guest. He answered the door with a heart that was beating way too fast.

  She stood there looking up at him with eyes that were as blue as the ocean. He looked at her from head to toe and noticed how the blue dress clung to her curves. Her legs were long and slender, but she seemed uncomfortable in her three-inch heels.

  “Hi,” she greeted with an outstretched hand.

  Matt took the hand offered to him and returned her greeting, “Hi. Please, come in.”

  His voice was rich and smooth, and his hand warm. Timidly she pulled her hand away and stepped into the luxurious suite. Her pulses had quickened at his touch which she thought had more to do with her nerves than anything else.

  “Please, this way,” Matt guided her towards the main area and offered her a seat. “Would you like a drink?”

  She opted for the red wine and sat on the plush beige sofa. The suite was very spacious with a sidebar and small area that could be used as a kitchen. Off to the left was a door which Janet construed to be a bedroom.

  The wine warmed her stomach and somewhat offered a calming effect on her nerves. She stole little glances at her host as he prepared his own drink, which was mineral water with lime. She couldn’t help noticing how his suit fitted him perfectly as if tailor-made for him. She could see his thighs moved beneath the dark fabric of the pants as walked towards her.

  Her breath caught a little when he came and sat opposite her. “I’m sorry, I’m Matt…Matthew, my friends call me Matt.”

  “I’m Janet, my friends call me Jan,” she offered, for want of something better to say. As she spoke, she looked away shyly, or rather nervously. All she wanted to do was get up and bolt through the door, but her debt kept her buttocks rooted to the sofa.

  “It’s your first time too?” she heard Matt ask. Her eyes lifted and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Yes,” she softly responded. “This is your first time, I mean getting a ‘date’?”

  He knew exactly what she was asking and he responded by nodding. Matt was a software developer who owned his own company. When he was only seventeen, he created an app which made him one of the wealthiest teens in the state. At twenty-seven, he was worth millions.

  Getting a date through a service was new to Matt. After he caught his fiancée with another man he almost went off the deep end. It took some doing to get to the point where he started taking meetings again or showing interest in his business. His best friend, after seeing him lose control, shoved a business card in his pocket and told him to use it. It took him nearly two months to make the call.

  He had no idea how things worked and was hoping to get some guidance from his date. However, it was a welcome relief to find out that Janet was also new at this. “I took the liberty of ordering dinner. I thought it would be a good place to start. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind,” she replied.

  Janet found herself relaxing. She didn’t know if it was the wine or Matt. His voice was soothing enough, and the fact that she was his first escort was a pleasant surprise. When she was on her way to the hotel she had no idea what to expect, but she always thought that only old men chartered dates. It was a shock to see a handsome young man opening the door.

  At first there was awkwardness between them but they soon started to relax when they learned they were both novices. Matt offered to refill her glass, but she refused, telling him she didn’t want to get drunk.

  The dinner arrived half past the hour. They’d spent most of the thirty minutes before having small talk, nothing personal. Matt sent the waiter away and served the meal himself. The coq au vin was accompanied by parsley potatoes, buttered green beans and strawberry sorbet for desert.

  Matt picked up the conversation by asking Janet about herself. She told him the story behind her becoming a ‘model’ and how she met Lilith. He was very impressed. There was something about her that made him sit up and pay attention. He hung onto every word as her soft silky voice washed over him.

  By the time dinner ended he was captivated by her. He turned on the sounds of Bach and walked over to the window. He could feel the tension building inside him as his needs awakened. It was strange for he thought an encounter like this would be purely physical, but something about Janet evoked other emotions.

  She knew it was approaching that time and she wondered if he dreaded it as much as she did. Was he avoiding her by standing by the window? His back was turned and he seemed to be in deep thought. She stood and made a step towards him. If nothing happened she wouldn’t get paid and she would not be able to send her mother to Canada.

  She’d made one step when he turned. She stopped and stared at him as he moved towards her. Without a word, he wrapped one arm around her waist and held her hand with the other. Oh, he wan
ts to dance, she thought.

  He led her slowly to the sound of the orchestra. She felt his heat through this jacket. His aftershave was intoxicating and she closed her eyes, inhaling his musky make scent. A pulse throbbed out of control at her throat. She felt his heart thud against her and she smiled.

  Slowly his head descended and her face turned towards him. Their lips met hesitantly, then pulled apart. They met again in a soft kiss that deepened gradually. Their tongues met as their bodies closed the small gap between them.

  Finally they pulled apart just long enough so Matt could kiss her neck before trailing his lips along her cleavage. He then reached behind her and unzipped her dress, which fell to the floor in a soft thud. A tremor escaped his hand as he unclasped her bra, revealing high firm breast with small button nipples. He was in awe of how beautiful she was and he stood transfixed for a few minutes.

  It had taken every ounce of courage to get the ball rolling. He was the conqueror type and had never been with a woman he’d just met, but he had needs and better a beautiful woman than not. There was chemistry between them, which made it easier to make love to her.

  He was staring and Janet began to feel self-conscious. She tried not to show how nervous she was by standing still, but he just stood there. A shutter came over his eyes and he moved forward and swept her up in one movement. It took him about five strides to reach the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

  The room smelled of aftershave and that musky male scent he had. The smell awakened her senses and her pulse began to leap. He started removing his jacket and she closed her eyes, briefly. Curiosity made them open them again. He was removing his shirt. She gasped when she saw his chiseled chest and lean arms. The six bulges on his torso was revealed as he dropped his pants to the floor.

  The only thought that came to mind at the sight of Matt was magnificent. She’d never seen a man looking so good except for those in magazines or on television. There was one on his left rib cage that looked like a surgical scar.


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