Storm Breakers: Age Of Magic - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Storms Of Magic Book 3)

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Storm Breakers: Age Of Magic - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Storms Of Magic Book 3) Page 21

by PT Hylton

  “How’s it end?” Olaf asked.

  “Captain Huck gets locked in a barrel and drowns when it rolls off the ship. Petur gets devoured by a bear.”

  “Hang on. This is a children’s story?”

  Fannar chuckled as he walked by. “That’s a happy ending by Barskall standards. Don’t even ask about the Sleeping Snow Princess.”

  Elliot watched all this, a wide smile on his face. Each moment was bringing him closer to Holdgate. Closer to home.

  They’d stayed in Gren nearly a month after defeating Dahlia and Magnus. At first they’d hidden up north, far from Ammaas, but then the inland Stone Shapers had arrived, surprisingly ahead of schedule, and implemented immediate changes. The boulders were removed from the roads, allowing everyone access to the city. Riders had gone out to villages, proclaiming the old laws abolished and freeing the villagers to return to their ancestral homes on the coast.

  When the leaders of The Foggy Day were confident the inland Stone Shapers were serious about changing things in Gren, they’d decided it was time to go. Tomas and the council had provided them plenty of supplies for their return voyage in thanks, though they still refused to release Ragnar and his followers from their prison in Horg.

  The biggest surprise to Elliot was that Gideon had decided to go with them. The Stone Shaper said he felt too much guilt over the role he’d played in his brother’s regime to remain in Gren. Elliot suspected there might be another reason too. Once someone had a taste of life aboard The Foggy Day, it was difficult to turn away from it. Gideon was onboard for whatever adventure came next.

  The Tall Grass Raiders had all elected to leave Gren, though it had been a tough decision for some. They’d also visited the Barskall with children living in the south, but most of them had decided to stay where they were. Elliot understood—this place had been his home for a long time. But now he was going to his real home.

  He knew things wouldn’t be easy in Holdgate. From what he’d been told there was still a lot of work to be done there, but he’d have Syd at his side.

  And perhaps he’d have Abbey at his side too, if he ever worked up the courage to tell her how he felt about her.

  For now, he was content.


  Otto tried in vain to catch his breath as he walked up the mountain path. He had a retinue of eight soldiers with him, not that it would be enough if the man he was meeting with decided to turn on him. They didn’t call him a warlord for nothing.

  It had taken three days to travel from Algon to this place deep in the mountains of Kaldfell. The trip hadn’t exactly been easy—he was much more comfortable in his council room then trekking along an ancient road into the mountains—but he’d made it. He could hear the Barskall warriors up ahead now, shouting, fighting, and drinking in their camp, never mind that it was just past noon.

  When Otto and his men reached the camp, the Barskall took him straight to the largest tent. He waited outside for only a minute before he was ushered inside.

  The man sitting in the large chair at the front of the tent wore no shirt, and a thin sheen of sweat covered his muscular torso. His gaze was filled with disdain as he stared at Otto.

  “I’m surprised you actually came,” the warlord said simply.

  Otto nodded, aware he was bobbing his head a little too quickly. “I’m glad you allowed me to come.”

  Tracking down the Barskall had been no easy task. They’d followed up on countless rumors and hints before finally finding one that had paid off. Otto had been working on it long before Benjamin and The Foggy Day had come to Algon, but their visit had given him even more reason to continue the search.

  Once he’d found the Barskall, it had been another struggle to convince them to listen to what he had to say. The first three envoys Algon sent simply hadn’t returned. The Barskall had finally agreed to meet with an Algon official and promised his safety.

  So here Otto was, meeting with Eril, warlord of the secret Barskall army.

  “Tell me,” Eril began, “what is this important matter you must discuss with us?”

  Otto took a step forward. “I believe your people and mine could be of great use to one another. We’re going to bring down the city of Holdgate, and we’d like you to help.”

  Eril squinted at the smaller man. “And what would we get in return?”

  “You’d get the city of Holdgate.” He smiled. “Whatever’s left when we’ve finished. It may be mostly ashes, but the city will be yours.”


  Abbey dreamed the woman’s voice again. The one calling for help. This time she didn’t see rolling green mountains. Instead, she saw a symbol as the woman spoke.

  It was a skull that looked almost human, except for the teeth. A pair of bones crossed behind the skull. And behind that was the image of batwings.

  The symbol filled her entire field of vision, and she found she couldn’t look away from it.

  “Help us,” the voice said.

  “Help you? I don’t even know where you are. Why do you need help?”

  “Help us.”

  “I need more information. If you can’t—”

  “Later,” the voice promised. “For now, it is enough that you know we are in trouble. Will you help us?”

  The symbol grew in front of Abbey until the skull was larger than her whole body. “Yes. I will help you.”


  After waking, Abbey went topside and found Syd and Dustin standing near the bow gazing out over the water. She sidled up beside them.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, Syd,” she said. “Now that Elliot’s back, are you going to grow your hair out?”

  Syd thought for a moment before answering, “You know, I just might do that.” She glanced at Abbey. “Though I’d certainly get a fancier hairstyle than yours. What are the noblewomen in Arcadia wearing these days?”

  “How the hell should I know?”

  “Are there even noblewomen left in Arcadia?” Dustin asked. “I thought they had a whole uprising thing.”

  Abbey shrugged. “We could always go check it out.”

  It was quiet for a long moment while the three of them stared at the water. Finally Syd spoke.

  “I’ve been looking for Elliot for a long time. I never made a lick of progress, not until you two showed up. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

  “Wow, Syd,” Dustin said. “That was touching. And you don’t have to thank us. I would have done it just to see Gren, though I’m still a bit disappointed there were no giants.”

  Abbey touched Syd’s arm. “I’m just happy we could help. Bringing your brother home was an amazing experience.”

  A smile broke out on Dustin’s face. “Whatever. She just wants him to bone her.”

  Abbey slapped Dustin on the arm. “Shut up.”

  “Hey, I’m a Storm Caller,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t think you’re allowed to hit me.”

  Captain Syd chuckled. “Discipline is my area, and I think I’ll allow it.”

  Abbey’s face grew more serious. “Listen, I’m going to need you two to take me somewhere soon.”

  Syd raised an eyebrow. “Where?”

  “I don’t know. Not yet. There’s someone who needs our help.”

  “This level of specificity is what makes you a great leader, Abbey,” Dustin joked.

  “I’ll know more soon, but first we need to return home. Dahlia left an army of Barskall warriors on the Kaldfell Peninsula. We need to deal with them first. Hopefully I’ll have more information by the time we’re done.”

  “Let’s hope so,” Syd said. “But if you say someone needs our help, I’m there.”

  “Me too,” Dustin added.

  “I figured,” Abbey said. “You’d never let me have all the glory for myself.”

  The Foggy Day sailed east from Gren, gliding across the water toward a place they hadn’t been in a long time. Home.

  Author Notes - PT Hylton

  Written September 11, 2017

  Thank you for reading Storm Breakers!

  Figuring out Gren and the Stone Shaper culture was a ton of rocky fun, and CM Raymond and LE Barbant played a big role in helping me determine what their magic and their society would be like. Huge shout out to those guys.

  I don’t have a wrap-up video for this book (much to Michael’s delight, I’m sure). I considered creating a video that just said: “What are you doing? Go read Michael’s author notes!” But they keep me chained to the writing desk these days, and my camera isn’t within arm’s reach.

  Please, send Cheetos and Coke products.

  It felt a little sad saying goodbye to Dahlia. Just kidding, she deserved everything she got, and seeing her finally face justice brought a big old smile to my face.

  Even though Dahlia’s gone, she left quite the mess behind. Abbey and company are going to have to take care of Eril’s Barskall army and the conniving councilmen of Algon in Book 4 That will end the first story arc of the Storms of Magic series.

  Books 5-8 will deal with the mysterious dreams Abbey started having in this book, and they’ll take her and her friends to a new area we haven’t yet seen in the Age of Magic. We’ll start to see hints of that in book 4, as well as something left behind by a KGU character you might be familiar with.

  Storm Raiders (Book 1) is now available in audiobook, and I’m delighted with how it turned out. Gabra Zackman narrated the book, and she’s an absolute powerhouse. Seriously, do yourself a favor and listen to the free sample chapter on Audible. The way she brings these characters to life is incredible.

  Storm Callers (Book 2) should be out on audiobook any day now as of this writing. Gabra once again nailed it.

  One more thing I have to say: LMBPN publishing has some amazing people working behind the scenes. Not only do we have the best readers; we have the best team. There were people dealing with actual hurricanes during the final days of this book’s production process, and they still got it done.

  It feels kind of strange to be writing about magical storms while so many in the real world are dealing with the devastation of real storms. If you’re among those affected by the hurricanes, my thoughts are with you. If the people I’ve chatted with online are any indication, my readers are tough as nails.

  One more thing… There’s now a Facebook group for fan fiction in the Kurtherian Universe, if you want to join us there. It hasn’t really gotten off the ground yet, but maybe you can help us out with that!

  Okay, that mild electrical shock I just felt means it’s time to start working on Book 4. Thanks again for reading.



  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written 09/14/17

  WOOHOO! Thank you. Not only have you read THIS BOOK. But PT didn’t authornote block me with a video, and now you are reading MY author notes.


  I’ll double PT’s comments about the Houston (where I have family and friends) and Florida (where we have friends and co-workers…same thing actually) hurricanes.

  Our hearts are with you as you clean up. I have to say, the Texas and Florida people have some damn gumption. Perhaps occasionally obstinate, but they are the type of people I’m proud to have around me in tough times.

  I’ve told the story in other notes that my youngest brother, Paul, is into guns. He has (and I have shot) a legit sniper rifle.

  It was a little scary, I’ll admit.

  Anyway, if it comes to a Zombie apocalypse, I’m trying to make our way to Brenham, Tx. Those people are going to be safe. Just saying.

  We have a fantastic team of people working in the Age of Magic, and now Age of Madness (stories in editing next week!) that are headed by CM Raymond and LE Barbant. Not only PT Hylton, but Justin Sloan, Candy Crum, Amy Hopkins, and now Hayley Lawson, Dan Wilcox and I think I might be forgetting someone (I know of another, but I don’t know if he is joined, yet. These guys keep me in the dark.)

  We have more stories in this Age planned here shortly. As we wrap up The Second Dark Ages (with stories by Justin / Craig and myself), we give way to the Age of Madness that begets the Age of Magic.

  It’s all tied together, you will see.

  If you have a favorite author (Kurtherian or not, doesn’t matter) give them the gift of a review. It helps their livelihoods in the future in a positive way and helps us moving forward to push to get these stories out.

  We can’t make it happen so amazingly well without your support.

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  PT Hylton

  For a chance to see ALL of PT’s different Book Series

  Check out his website below!


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  Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  **New Series**

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Messiah (01)

  The Darkest Night (02)

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *




  Restitution 2017

  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)

  Angel of Reckoning (04)

  Born Into Flames (05)

  Defending The Lost (06)

  Saved By Valor (07)

  The Etheric Academy

  * With TS PAUL *


  ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)

  ALPHA CLASS (03) Coming soon

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles


  Nomad Found (01)

  Nomad Redeemed (02)

  Nomad Unleashed (03)

  Nomad Supreme (04)

  Nomad’s Fury (05)

  Nomad’s Justice (06)

  Nomad Avenged (07)

  Nomad Mortis (08)

  Nomad’s Force (09)

  Nomad’s Galaxy (10)

  Trials and Tribulations

  * With Natalie Grey *

  Risk Be Damned (01)

  Damned to Hell (02)

  Hell’s Worst Nightmare (03) coming soon

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)

  Sanctioned (04)

  Rebirth (05)

  Retribution (06)

  Cloaked (07)

  The Age of Magic

  The Rise of Magic

  * With CM Raymond / LE Barbant *

  Restriction (01)

  Reawakening (02)

  Rebellion (03)

  Revolution (04)

  Unlawful Passage (05)

  The Hidden Magic Chronicles

  * With Justin Sloan *

  Shades of Light (01)

  Shades of Dark (02)

  Shades of Glory (03)

  Storms of Magic

  *With PT Hylton*

  Storm Raiders (0

  Storm Callers (02)

  Storm Breakers (03)

  Tales of the Feisty Druid

  *With Candy Crum*

  The Arcadian Druid (01)

  The Undying Illusionist (02)

  Path of Heroes

  *With Brandon Barr*

  Rogue Mage (01)

  The Revelations of Oriceran

  The Leira Chronicles

  *With Martha Carr*

  Quest for Magic (0)

  Waking Magic (1)

  Release of Magic (2)

  Protection of Magic (3)


  Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01 (7.5)

  You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin

  Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 02 (9.5)

  Bitch’s Night Out

  Bellatrix: Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 03 (13.25)

  With Natalie Grey



  Available at and iTunes

  Table of Contents





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three


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