The Guardian

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The Guardian Page 4

by J. L McFadden

  Hours had past as the young female paced back and forth on the old wooden floors, she was dressed in form fitting black pants, a peach colored, woven shirt under the white cotton turtle neck that she was wearing beneath it. Her mannerisms were like non-other, her eyes were bewildering and you never really understood where her focal point was at. She could mesmerize anyone with her beautifully eccentric oddities to her mannerisms. She kept pondering to herself: How could he have hurled and slammed Alex in such away, a hundred and sixty five pound man tossing a two hundred and sixty plus pound man like a rag doll. She cogitated what his potential might be, could he actually be what Adela believed. These were the questions that were racing throughout her mind as she paced the called wooden floors of her bedroom in this ancient old castle.

  John started twitching on the bed catching Galechka’s attention; she sprung over to his side and sat beside him caressing him trying to calm down whatever nightmare might be bothering the man that it seemed she was falling for. Behind the rapidly shuddering eyes was a clear vision of what happened on that night a long, long time ago. All four of them were taking a cruise in Keith’s new lancer, blasting music and laughing as he wiped around the corners. John’s girlfriend Kathy was sitting in the front while John had taken the back with Tom. Kathy insisted that she should get shot gun for this trip. All of them were cracking the usual jokes to each other same as usual and then out of nowhere as they screeched around the corner with the tires squawking, an old lady appeared out of the blue; Keith grabbed his wheel yanking it to the right to avoid her and then to the left trying to correct, while over correcting the car began to tip. Frantic Keith tried to do little corrections to his steering praying to gain control. Every person in the car was holding their breath, hoping for the best until the car began to flip off of its wheels, this is when everyone began to scream; Kathy’s was more blood curdling than anyone else’s. All bracing their hands onto the roof as the car spun off of its wheels, the far tip of the driver’s side of the hood was the first to make contact with the ground and then the roof. The roof not only slammed into the road beneath it but bounced off and back down three or four times as the cars rocketed forward grinding and sliding across the pavement. Sliding erratically until hitting a pot hole sending the car back up into the air this time having the passenger side roof make contact with the ground since it was not the side heading forward leading the car to roll, flip and jump up from time to time until it slammed into the side of the building, bouncing off and coming to a standstill a few feet away from the wall. Glass was smashed and flung throughout the car, the car resembled a crumpled up beer can that was then ejected onto the city streets. They were all hanging from their seat belts, Keith and Tom were out cold and Kathy was screaming, kicking and thrashing about trying to get loose from her suspended prison that was her seatbelt. John could feel the warm blood running down his face unsure of how bad it was, but he was too preoccupied with trying to calm down Kathy who was about to lose her mind out of fear.

  Calming himself down enough to get his wits about him, he reached down and picked up a glass shard and began to use it to cut the seatbelt that held him fast. It was not a quick cut he had to hold the glass firm and taking little knicks out of the belt at a time, while feeling it also cut into his flesh, but he was more worried about Kathy; he was saying anything that he could think of to calm her down and was trying to keep her from hurting herself any more than she had already done. As soon as he got through the belt he fell head first into what was the roof of the call slicing himself up a bit with the glass that was scattered all along the ceiling of the car. He rolled himself around so he could now see her and see that gas was leaking out of the hood. He could smell the fire and the gas and knew he had only a short time. He reached out with his hand reaching for Kathy’s saying:” Hold on baby bird all is going to be,” he reached his hand out for hers and right as he clasped finger tips and was getting ready to say, “fine.” He felt someone grab a hold of his ankle ripping him out of the car and flinging him in the direction of some dumpsters. As his back slammed up against the dumpsters a woman out of some god unseen place appeared in front of him shielding the back of his head with the palm of her and as he slammed into the dumpster and as the car exploded placed her other hand against the dumpster pushing back against the blast, with John’s face fully in her warm bosom, he could feel her pushing back as they and the dumpster propelled back and slammed up against the wall, five feet behind them. She leaned back removing John’s face from the safe haven that was her chest. At this moment he could see her eyes for the first time frightened and shaken John knew that he belonged to this woman. She kissed his head and vanished without a trace.

  John started to settle down as Galechka kept saying: “shush, shush it’s going to be o.k. Shush,” she kissed his head and cheek pleading, “please calm down, I am here now.” She could feel her feeling for him growing and this frightened her more than anything. John went back into a sound sleep and she laid her head on his chest listening to his heart beat as he slept.


  A few days had gone by and Galechka was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to come to. She would only leave his side at times when Adela was watching over him. After having some more time to speak to Adela, Galechka realized that they needed to keep him safe as long as they could until he was strong enough to protect himself.

  Galechka leaned up against the headboard of her bed reading a book as she waited for the stranger beside her to wake up. She carefully turned each page by the far top corner each with her small delicate looking fingers as she reached the end of each page. Finally, He started to come to; she cocked her head to towards him to see if he was really coming around or not. She then laid the book gently down on the table that sat beside her antique wooden bed. She rolled onto her side facing him with her head held up with her hand waiting for him to look at her.” Good evening stranger, “she said with a slightly evil smile upon her lips, “Take it easy, it seems you wore yourself out in your little tuffle at the pub.” His sight was very blurry but as time went by this angelically beautiful woman’s faces came more and more into focus. She was the most exquisite thing he had ever laid his eyes upon. He reached out his and she in turn took his in hers and guided it onto her face and closed her eyes as his hand rested on her milky white skin that felt as soft as the finest silk. She took a deep breath, looked at him and said:” I believe it is time we get you fed; you have to be starving by now.” John just nodded his head not knowing what to say.

  She stepped out of the bed as eloquently as ballerina and reached back for his hand slowing pulling and helping him out of bed. It seemed that he was very weak from the fight or the three days without food. She tossed her hair as she spun around keeping her hand in his leading the way out the door and into the hall way. The floor was made of very old barn wood and the walls of stone and mortar, having lights that looked like candle holders every six or seven feet. There was a stairwell that spun into a half cirlcle leading into a lower level. She led him through the maze of hallways until they made it to the kitchen that seemed to be placed in some back wall of the castle. The kitchen had an old wooden table at the far corner lit by the moon light that was shining in through the small window. The rest of the kitchen was very modern; stove counter tops all were very up to date. The stove had 10 burners and was made of stainless steel not something that you would not expect to see in an older castle. She motioned him to take a seat at one of the stools alongside the center island.

  Galechka smiled as she mixed the pancake mix, she seemed to love preparing food for her unexpected guest. “Hope your hungry I am making a huge amount; after two and a half days you should be able to eat a horse,” she jokingly said as she threw everything together,” I will show you around the castle a little late, but you can never venture too far away from my side because it is not safe.” John took a moment before he spoke,” You mean because you’re all vampires and I am a human?” Galechka looked astou
nded, she thought to herself how could he know. So she spoke up,” How do you know, that we are all vampires?”” Are you not?” “Why yes, but how did you know?” “I am not sure, it is like I can just feel you and it just felt to me like you were a vampire, so I guessed everyone else here had to be also.” Galechka was taken back by this comment not sure what to make of his assumptions; in some ways she was relieved that she did not need to break it to him, but in another it scared her.

  Adela seemed to float into the room with extreme eloquence that one would expect of from a Royal woman. For some reason whenever you look at this woman you think of the old aristocratic royal families from the grand old era. She had grace in her manner that one could only be born with and not taught by any matter of fine education. There was an aura of power to her that over whelmed and made you respect and fear this woman all in the same heartbeat. You could tell by her stride being that of royal and good nature or not that she was a being that should not be pushed or angered.

  At the corner of the bar with her hand resting she began to speak “So, your starting to feed the stray that followed you from the streets of the good old U.S.A,” She had a loving a ponderous look when she looked at John,” You know little boy you need to be careful that one can rip your heart out without any hesitations, but don’t worry you will come back for more and more.” She passed behind Galechka and ran her hands through her hair like a loving mother. With her lips just a hairs width away from Galechka’s ear she whispered,” My little girl, I know you and he is going to drive you mad; please do not kill him.” Galechka nodded her head with a smile still feeling Adela’s breath upon her ear after a kiss to the back of her ear and a slight nip Adela started back with,” He we connect with you in ways you will not understand and will feel more and more of a need to be with you.

  We are taking him to the wolves training grounds day after tomorrow, where you will stay with him and encourage is training.” Adela passing with her cooking lifting the skillet off of the fire for a moment to ask: “What about my duties and taking care of my part of the business?” Adela rebutted with, “He is duty #1 for you as of now. Until he is strong enough to protect himself you need to be at his side at all times.” Galechka nodded agreeing Adela and both looked up at John in sequence and smiled at him. John did not know to be scared or delighted with his new found life; being reborn of sorts.

  Vitaliy appeared behind John without any signs or sounds surprising all but Adela, placing his hands on John’s shoulders, causing John to have jump out of his ski. He quickly was standing up on the bottom rungs of the stool using them to spin himself around and onto the floor beside the stool. He tried to run his arm around Vitaliy ’s neck like he always did without fell, to find himself on the other side of the kitchen with Vitaliy foot on his neck. John not understanding how with was transported to this spot, there was no time for this to happen; there was no memories of them moving across the kitchen, but realizing Vitaliy was making a point and not trying to harm him.” Did you see that Galechka? Did you see how no one had a chance to save him? Some of the ancients could be and most likely are faster than myself. You must always be on guard,” Vitaliy removing his foot from John’s throat and reaching out to help John up, “ The good news is he has skill and we need to develop it as his strengths start to reveal themselves.” John looked at him in a confusing manner “What do you mean?” Vitaliy smirked and said: “ In due time my young friend, in due time.”

  The Wolves Den

  A crisp and damp night right, in a forest that seemed as old as the hills around it is where John had found himself with Galechka and Adela. They could hear wolves howling in the distances and seeming getting closer and closer. Adela broke the silence, “John you will need to listen and trust these men. They are going to help you develop your new strengths.” John not being sure about what they were always talking about said: “What are you talking about? What do you mean new strengths?” With one hand on the back of John’s shoulder she whispered softly in his hear,” You belong to her and as you two grow, you will find yourself with more and more abilities. You are something very rare and as far as I know the first one in almost a millennium.” John looked shocked and said under his breath knowing she would hear him:” How do you know this?” “Because my dear boy, I watched my Guardian have his heart ripped from his chest trying to save me.” John gasped and with a nervous shake in his voice retorted,” Will this happen to me? “Grasping his shoulder a little in a reassuring way she told him: “Not if we can train you, before they realize you are a Guardian. That is why the wolves are training you.

  In moments they could hear the feet of the pack beating on the ground and then silence, as the pack was just out of John’s eye sight and out of the mist and fog walked a group of shirtless men and a few fully dressed women. One of them seemed to step out into the beams of the sun as a perfect soft spot light onto her long blond hair and she had blue eyes that could cut through the sky. She stretched her back and neck in a manner that showed off her perfectly curved body strutting over to John with an unreal sway that was sexier than anything that John had seen. She walked straight up onto John and looked him up and down, spinning around on her heals remarking, “Not too shabby,” she turned her head just enough for John to see her eye and said, “ If you want a warm body to curl up with, you might want to seek a woman a little more like me.” Adela was quick to have Galechka by her throat to keep her from tearing into the temptress.” Galechka, no matter what she says or tries a Guardian will never leave the one he was born for; you will better understand this later on, so no cat fights. I am serious we need them to train him, before the other vampire clans catch wind of him.

  A monstrous chuckle that rumbled the ground came from a mist the trees and out stepped one of the largest men that John had ever seen. “Adela it seems as though we have a bit of catting going on between a bitch and a vamp.” Adela laughed heavily and joked back:” Yes, yes Bernandas it does seem that way. You know girls will be girls.” Bernandas opened his massive arms inviting Adela into them. He rapped them around her embracing her warming in his powerful grasp.” Adela, are you sure about this?” “Yes, this is the first chance we have had in a millennium to go after the ancients.” He sighed and looked into his old friends eyes, “You know what happened last time?” “Yes, that is why you need to train him without my coven knowing. I have led my coven to believe that he is Galechka’s familiar that was attacked and was too valuable to just replace with someone else.” He took Adela’s chin into the palm of his own lifting it up so that her eyes gazed upon his own; she was not even half his size. “Adela, my pack will do their best.”

  A loud thunderous clap came from Bernandas’s hands and he spoke with roaring voice, “Alright! It is time that we get things rolling. John you are going to follow Vixen through this path that you starts here and will end there,” Bernandas was pointing to an adjacent path. Just to his far left hand side,” Vixen is to keep pace and you will do your best to keep up.” Benandas pulled Vixen a side and told her:” Not too fast the first round; we need to figure out what he can handle before we push him. Do you understand me?” With her usual sassy attitude she walked away saying: “Yeah, I got it. Don’t hurt the Vamp’s little toy too much. I will just give him what he can handle.” She turned and winked at John making Galechka angry as hell, but kept her mouth shut as her lady had told her.

  Vixen hunkered down in putting herself in place to start a race; looking back over her shoulder she said in a flirting voice, “Try to keep your eyes on the train instead of my tail,” she winked again at him making Galechka’s blood boil. Vixen added, “I know it will be hard to do with such a nice hard tail in front of you.”

  Bernandas interrupted her little taunting game and crouched down beside John,” Listen boy, do your best to keep up, she is one of my best. This is just to let us measure you, so keep your eyes out for targets, but skip them until next run.” Bernandas headed in front of them and said, “Ready set Go!”

  Vixen tore off in front of him, leaving him in her dust. To only hear a howl coming from Bernandas telling her: Stop showing off and slow down for him. John soon caught up with her, already feeling the strain as they head up a steep inclined hill running around trees, jumping over logs that had fallen in the path, at times ducking, jumping and rolling through something landing on their feet running.

  Vixen was impressed with the boy keeping up so well, so she stepped up the pace at they came to the top of a clearing she took a sharp left leaving John to run off the trail a bit and need to spin around and play catch up with her again. This path was rockier and had huge stones and boulders that they had to zig and zag around and at times run through a creak that was anywhere from knee to thigh high.

  Vixen laughed as they came out of it, “Don’t worry we will be dry before the end.” John was a little perturbed by her comment worrying about how far it could be. His eyes felt weird, he could see more and more in the dark as he was chasing her through this old spooky forest. He had to admit that it wasn’t a bad view to be following. Her rump was fully rounded and had a perfect set to balance them out in front, even though he mostly had a view of her slim, toned, athlete rear. Head to toe she was a marvelous creature to bestow. She was pointing out targets, which appeared to be for someone to hit as they went through this path.


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