The Guardian

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The Guardian Page 9

by J. L McFadden

  “No my dear lady, but we do not really know much about them at all,” retorted Vitaliy .

  “Adela, most of those whom knew anything about guardians has been killed to silence any information to spreading to others.” Replied Bernandas

  Adela sat for what felt like a life time to those waiting for her words as she sat there pondering all things over tapping on her cup as she tried to formulate any logical conclusions from what she has over heard. Several questions ran through her mind as she was deep in thought: Could this be an actual factor? Could he be a werewolf? Could it be a hidden attribute, maybe a failsafe for him to save himself? If this is possible could there have been other guardians that could have vampire traits?

  The biggest problem was no one really knew anything about this creature at all; no one knew what it could do when it matured and realized its abilities. The room could see that Adela was perplexed about the thoughts running through her mind and stood silently waiting for any sign that she wanted someone to speak.

  “What if this was a fail safe?” She asked them as she sat up in the chair carefully placing the cup on the saucer that was already sitting upon the tiny table in between the two chairs,” What if they are a sub-species of the werewolves? I joke you not, have the wolves not been long protectors of the vampires? Even through the cruelties the wolves seem to have an instinct to protect a master, is this not also true for the guardian?”

  “Well, to be honest,” Vitaliy started while taping his thumb down his fingers as he leaned on a book case at the side of the fire place,” we know next to nothing of them; anyone that knew one, except for yourself has been eliminated just as quickly as the guardian.”

  “This is true,” she admitted as she nodded her head and tapped her fingers from her left hand upon those on her right, in front of her face as she gathered her thought,” they have always been so careful to get rid of all evidence. If it was not for them leaving me alive, none of us would know of this.”

  “Yes mam,” Bernandas interjected,” why did they get so sloppy this time? They let all three of us live even though we all knew of your guardian.”

  “What is the news on his progress?” She asked.

  Vitaliy cleared his throat before stating,” Well when Galechka is not crushing his heart, he is making great progress. It has been some time since the last time, but I fear you need to have a heart to heart with her; she does live in some sort of fantasy world.”

  “Yes she was treated as a doll when she was human,” Adela admitted, “I believe she was the dictator of her house and the whole family was afraid to say anything to her.” Pondering for a moment she continued with,” I have allowed her to carry on with this under our roof as well, I am afraid to say. Rest assured I will have a persuading talk with her. How is he handling your speed?”

  “I have been working on meditation with him,” Vitaliy leaned up off of the wall and walked out of the shadow so she could see him clearly,” because he is not blessed with speed like yours was, but he is blessed with what seems to be almost limitless strength. With the meditation he has been doing better and better at countering my moves.” He reframed for a moment and continued,” It is possible that he is gaining speed and it is not the meditation, but I am doing my best so he can handle the ancients speed as well as their power. I think even the oldest of the ancients would be surprised by his strength.”

  “My thoughts as well,” Bernandas added, “The boy puts a hurting on me even when I dish out everything I have. The younger wolves refuse to train with him anymore, unless it is group attacks and even then they are nervous.”

  Adela motioned them to join her in Bernandas’ eating area. She always loved the huge round table that he built, “Bernandas, cold you fetch us some more teach and maybe you have some of the sweets I like; I need a sometime to gather my thoughts and want you both to keep telling me what have you seen in his training. While Bernandas was putting the kettle on the fire Vitaliy started tailing her what he had witnessed and believed needed to be the next steps. Bernandas sat down and discussed with the Vitaliy what he believed needed to be done. Both man agreed and disagreed; while she sat and listened they only pause long enough to serve tea. After they had both said there lot, Adela sat there tapping on her tea cup finger after finger only stopping the rhythm long enough from time to time to take a sip of her favorite tea, only Bernandas could make it so well. After a long time had passed and both men patiently waiting for her response she got up from the table and both noticed how lovely her tight younger looking derriere looked.

  “Ok, if you two are done looking at my fanny, “she mentioned,” I think it is time the boy trains with me; besides my mind reading I could also use some exploring of my new abilities. This war I do not plan on leaving just to him, I lead by example. In the evening I will begin his training.”

  Both men looked scared, because now they had to control their thoughts about her and other women around her. They looked at each other with the look of what are we to do?

  “Bernandas, I am going to my usual place of stay here and I bid you both a good night.” She headed up the half flight of steps and paused,” And boys, don’t worry I know men are men and you will think what you think, so do not be nervous about my new found ability. Vitaliy ,” she said waiting for a response.

  “Yes my lady.”

  “I need you to keep a careful eye on me and the boy; I need both of you to scan the area and make sure we have no spying eyes, because John and I are going to make a lot of noise.”

  Both men said “Yes my lady,” in unison.

  A New Way of Training

  It was early evening, the sun had just settled behind the hills and there was an unfamiliar knocking at John and Galechka’s door. It was Bernandas and he told John to hurry up and it get to the training ground. John was scrambling round trying to gather his things and Galechka was trying to help him.

  “Bernandas, I am coming along today.” Galechka stated boldly.

  “I think not, not today there is something going on and I will come back for you a little later.”

  “What do you mean I cannot?” She said angrily not being used to being told no.

  He motioned to her that it was about John, “We have a huge, gigantic problem that I need your help with.”

  She looked and pointed towards John without him knowing. Bernandas hinted more or less behind John’s back. Galechka knew it had to be something serious by the nervous energy of Bernandas.

  “Galechka, you need to get ready for patrolling.” He mentioned.

  She looked at him with a: what are you taking about look. He motioned to her to get ready and told John to hurry up. John followed him out the door and matched up with Bernandas’ speed; it was clear today was different and things were more serious. John was astounded to see the young and extremely attractive girl waiting in the training area.

  “I am sorry are you Adela’s relative by any chance?” He asked

  Adela laughed, “ I am Adela,” she smiled and looked at the ground and back up biting one of her knuckles slightly,” It seems you are not the only one learning how to deal with new powers. The problem is I need to help you realize yours while I am realizing my own.”

  Bernandas interrupted them for a moment,” I hope you do not mind Adela, but I am taking Galechka today.” Adela looked puzzled, and Bernandas continues,” I am having her and Vitaliy help my pack patrol the area; I figured she would be more likely to sneak up on an unwanted guest, since they cannot smell her as easy as one of mine.”

  “Great idea, please keep a wide perimeter, because we are going to get loud. Oh, Bernandas we will probably destroy some of your land and trees.”

  Bernandas shook his head, he loved the trees, but he knew what was needed was needed, so he quickly headed back to get Galechka and explain to her how she was going to help his pack and Vitaliy keep an eye out for spies. His idea was Gal and Vitaliy would not be noticed as fast by a vampire spy, because the werewolves smelled repuls
ive to most vampires.

  Adela stepped forward leaving John speechless, yes he only had eyes for Galechka, but how could he ignore the mass changes that had taken place with Adela. She was younger looking and hotter. It was almost like she had some power over men to make them want her, but her beauty was profoundly captivating. She was wearing the same hooded outfit she had on the night before, but it didn’t hide any of her ungodly features that would trap any man’s eyes.

  “I hope you are ready for this John.”

  “Do you have no faith?” He jokingly stated.

  “I think I am more than anything you have ever dealt with before; I think you have never had to handle a woman like me before.” She said while looking down and to the side with an evil grin.

  “Are you really so sure?”

  “Wow! I guess I am going to have to school you well boy.”

  Next thing he knew she was tapping him on the shoulder and he thought: How the hell I was just looking at her. He closed his eyes and turned around asking, “If you are that fast, how am I going to fight you?”

  “My speed is not what should scare you; what should scare you is my strength and the fact I am starting to be able to read minds.”

  “You can read minds?”

  “Yes, I cannot control it and it only happens when it wants to on its own.”

  “So are we training me or you today?”

  “Funny you said that, because I am not sure, and on top of everything else I have to worry about not killing you during training.”

  John’s face lost all color and expression as those last few words ran out of her mouth. On top of everything she had to worry about not killing him; was she serious or just trying to spoof him. With the look on her face and demeanor of her body language he could tell it was no joke at all. He pulled the bill of his cap down getting his game on and preparing for what he knew was going to be a rough day.

  “Ready John?”

  “Yes mam, never more so.”

  She decided to see how hard she could hit him, so she started with a barrage of hits and kicks, each one a little stronger than the one before; John in the beginning did well with blocking and countering, but it was not to long until she found his threshold and stayed there and kept through it at him at that strength, but mixed up what attacks she gave him. He did his best to block, duck and even counter some of her attacks, but the force was more than he was used to. They went from one side of the other and it was mainly Adela that was dishing out the attacks. John more and more looked as if he had had it.

  “Come on! Damn it. Are you going to just be my boxing bag?” She shouted at him.

  John not knowing what to say was heaving for breath; he felt as him he did not have an ounce of energy left as he felt every inch of his body was screaming out in pain from the beating it had just experienced.

  “Listen to me John; you need to learn how to tap into your guardian powers more. There are going to be others much faster and stronger than myself and I am not giving you all I have,” she said as John was leaning with one arm on a tree and was resting his head on his hand,” Whatever it is that makes the guardian give you more energy and strength you need to learn to call upon it. Are you ready?”

  He was unsure about being able to carry on, but he closed his eyes and thought about the one that he loved. There loving memories, the things she says that makes him laugh and smile and then he thought about the monsters that wanted to kill them both and felt his strength gaining as he was reminding himself that he needed to stop the ones who wanted to bring them harm. Adela was pleasantly please when John turned towards her and his eyes were glowing even more than before.

  That a boy is what she thought as John approached her. She gave him a moment for him to focus and said,” Now John we are going at the same pace as before, but this time you need to be attacking me too.”

  She was surprised when she landed her first blow right in the square of his chest and he just looked at her as he brought his hand down to strike her arm away and they continued to fight; John was dishing out as many attacks as her and hitting way harder than before.

  Adela had decided to up the game and give him the hardest hit she had ever given anyone; keep in mind this was by no far as hard as she could hit, but blew him off of his feet and knocked him ten feet back into a tree sending a huge spiraling crack up the massive tree that had to be centuries old. Walking over to the tree that John at firmly been slammed into motioning with her finger in the air to John not to attack.

  With her hand caressing the tree realizing that the crack ran deep she shook her head in disgust. Thinking about how her pure friend was going to react; this was they tree they had climbed as children and played hours on end in. She could picture it as if it was yesterday. There laughter from before she was turned. And they cruelly had him bitten in front of her, telling her that they had given her friend as her first slave. Baldemar had always been a sick bastard and enjoyed torturing Adela even from the beginning.

  “Bernandas is going to pitch a fit tonight,” she sighed before continuing,” because this was the very tree he and I played on as children.” She sighed again,” His father was one of my father’s servant and we grew up playing together despite the social class difference.”

  “So you have known him your whole life?”

  “Yeah, he has always been like family to me and it broke my heart to see how he was turned.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She patted and hugged the tree as if it was an old friend before saying another word to John.

  “When my family was wiped out by Baldamar and his coven, it was over this land that they wanted, he decided to turn me and keep me as his trophy piece for this victory. He always tried to control my heart and was infuriated when he realized that even though I was turned I still had enough love for Bernandas to not only hide him, but not to feed on him, so he drug Bernandas down to the basement where he was now keeping his prized werewolf and held him for the beast to take a bite out of my dearest friend. I am hoping to see you rip out this man’s heart by the way.”

  She grabbed him by both of his shoulders and rubbed deeply whispering in his ear,” Let’s call it for the day; we don’t want to kill any more of his trees.” The walked to the fire ring where Galechka was standing and Adela left John with his woman telling Galechka to take care of him and to have him ready at the crack of dusk for more training. Galechka was taken aback by the changes that she noticed in Adela, how could she look so much younger in all ways?

  “You need a shower,” she hit John as she said this,” badly! Oh god! You have never smelt so bad before.”

  “It’s been a rough day hun.” He said as he was rubbing his face being completely worn out from the training that had been dispatched by Adela,” Lets head home baby, before he notices what we have done to one of his trees.”

  “What tree?”

  “Adela flung me into their child hood playground of a tree and I think wolf-boy is going to take it badly by her reaction.”

  “Oh god, he is crazy about any tree let alone something like that.” She grabbed his arm and started to drag him back to their place of stay.

  While he was taking a long, long hot shower Galechka was preparing dinner for him, she knew he had to be starving. Somehow some way he was sneaky and quiet enough to sneak into the bed chamber and light a slew of candles, which took her by surprise as she entered the room looking for him, finding not only the flowers, but him sprawled out on the bed face down with only his shorts on.

  “Today, was hard on you sweetie?”

  “Yeah, Adela wants not only to get me ready, but figure out her new strengths.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, you don’t know do you?”

  “Know what?”

  “She has become an ancient and has a lot of new abilities and has no idea the strengths of her old ones.”

  She climbed up onto his back sitting on her buttocks so that she could massage his achi
ng back,” So she is going to fight them herself.”

  “No, we I mean she and I are going to do it together; she is still way weaker than the others and believes that I might just need a little help.

  Galina in a fit rolled off of his back and said,” Your food his getting cold go eat and get to sleep.” She did the quote simple with her fingers,” You two have a lot of training in the morning.”


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