Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3)

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Fanged Fury (The Adventures of Sydney Sedrick Book 3) Page 18

by Mandi Casey

  “Does that feel like you were mistaken, Sydney?” His eyes burned bright red. The orange rim glowed vibrant in the darkness of the room.

  The hard bulge in his pants felt plenty real to me. Taking my hand, he forced me to cup him in my palm.

  Warm, firm, and long, his erection pulsated against me.

  When he was through with the demonstration, he released my hand. Placing both his palms on each side of my face, he said, “We will one day be together in life as we are right now.”

  Daire placed a gentle kiss upon my lips, dressed, and strode out of my bedroom door. I never heard his footsteps on the stairs, nor the sound of the front door closing. I’d have to ask him how he got into the house, and out, without setting off the wards.

  Waking up with a start, my chest heaved.

  Daire had infiltrated my dreams, again.

  Chapter 11

  The box weighed heavy against my sore muscles as I carried it out of the storeroom. New books on Celtic history had arrived so they needed to be unpacked and shelved. It wasn’t opening time for Morning Sun yet, leaving me time to take care of a few chores before customers would be coming in to shop.

  Sundays weren’t especially busy as of late. I anticipated having plenty of time to myself. After filling the shelves with the new tomes, I sat behind the counter with Grandma’s journal.

  Dear Granddaughter, You will need to learn to protect yourself from the political game the Others play, for they will try to use you as their pawn. You will be more powerful than I. The Others will use those powers against one another. The powers that will continue to grow from within will not be the sole weapon in your arsenal. You, yourself, your very being, will wield power. Being the Selected comes with the ability to sway the wolves and vampires to do your bidding, for they will fear your change in loyalty. They won’t want to lose you to the opposite side. Both the wolves and the vampires suspect what each other’s prophecies would do to their own kind should they be fulfilled. I suspect that is why they keep the details guarded so well under lock and key.

  The Elders are charged with the interpretation of the Scrolls of Knowledge. No one else can read the scripts for they are written in a language so old it is obsolete to the rest of the vampire population. Kieran has been given the ability to read the scrolls, but he insists he has been in its presence but for a few occasions and never for any length of time.

  My dear, I fear my beloved Kieran knows more of the prophecies than he is willing to divulge. I suspect the prophecies involve the Selected bloodline, including the blood of our family, not just our own. I have never spoken of this with your mother or aunt, for they already know too much of the Others. The Others being aware of their existence is dangerous, for they could be used at any time against us.

  The vampires are well aware that we, as humans, have emotional weaknesses they no longer possess. They are capable of feelings, but like I have discussed before, they do not use or allow their emotions to cloud their judgments. The vampires are business people. They live their lives as such. To my heart’s dismay, I’m a prime example of the collateral damage of such an action. Kieran loved me, I don’t doubt for a second. Over time, I’ve realized he did have a choice, despite his insistence that he did not.

  My lover chose vampire business over me. When we meet, the longing is still there in his eyes. It tears at my heart that he gave us up. Forgive me, Granddaughter. I fear I still hold an ounce of bitterness to the lot I’ve been handed in life. I’m sure you will find yourself doing the same at times, but no matter, you will still have responsibilities as the Selected to uphold, just as I do now. I will always love the vampire, just as I am sure he will carry a torch for me. No matter how little the flame grows, it will continue to burn.

  Using your position as Selected has its advantages. The most important action you can take is concentrating on developing and strengthening your powers. The Others can help you accomplish this. Spend time with both the vampires and the wolves, take whatever battle training they are willing to give you. Practice is crucial. Honing your physical skills will assist in tuning your Selected power reflexes. They will be more apt to be available when you most need them.

  Closing the book, I leaned my head back, stretching the muscles in my neck. Turning to the front door, I waited for my visitors to arrive. A wolf’s heat warmed the room. I was surprised when the clawed slashes on my hip began to burn.

  Blake and Matt were approaching the store.

  The door chimes jangled. Blake entered with Matt at his heels. Both wolves sniffed the air instinctively. Blake eyed me with suspicion.

  “My mate, was that blood-sucker here last night, after we left the bar?” A twinge of hurt sounded in his voice.

  Tired of always having to defend the smells of the world against Blake’s super-sensitive nose, I said, “No, Blake. You dropped me off at home last night, remember? I went straight to bed after you left. Daire hasn’t been in here.”

  Guilt weighed heavy in my chest. Blake would be heartbroken if he ever found out about last night. I cared for him. I may even love the big pushy brute, but I had that blasted curse on me I still hadn’t figured out what to do about. Last night it had come to a head. Daire had happened to be the one to appease my uncontrollable lust. There was nothing more to it.

  Or was there?

  My brain hoped that wouldn’t be happening again anytime soon, but my body was all for Daire making another appearance in my bedroom. Thoughts of last night had riddled my morning with unexpected visions of Daire’s half-naked body. Mini erotic quakes racked my body at the most inopportune moments, like when I stood in line at Mountain Bean waiting for my coffee. I had to cover a groan of pleasure that had made it past my lips with a cough.

  Blake shook his head. “I must smell things then, because your store reeks of him. Maybe it’s my overprotective nature of you rearing its big head again.”

  I laughed. Crossing the distance between us, Blake put his hands on my cheeks to give me a chaste kiss. My body’s reaction wasn’t quite as strong this morning from his touch, but it was stronger than it would have been before the curse.

  Even though only in a dream, Daire had satisfied my lustful needs last night. He’d taken the edge off. I was grateful, but it wasn’t like I could ask him to wait until I fell asleep every night for a booty call so I could walk around during the day not wanting to jump every semi-attractive man that came into my sight.

  Matt stood with his arms across his expansive chest. Being in the store with both of the wolves stirred my senses, but the reaction wasn’t quite as sharp as it would have been had Daire not spent quality time in my bed. When I say quality, I mean serious quality. Blake being able to smell the half-breed in the store didn’t make sense, though. There was no way his scent still lingered on my body. It had been just a dream, right?

  “Selected, are you ready to go rogue hunting tonight?” The Mobile, Alabama, wolf was all business. The brand he’d scarred me with tingled with a mild burning sensation. I wondered if I could sense Matt’s mood through the mark, because the burn felt heavier in his presence than at other times.

  I looked at Blake in question.

  “We came here to tell you my father wants to ramp up security around the city. Meaning he wants us to go rogue hunting, tonight.”

  “I close at nine o’clock. You guys want to pick me up at the house? Give me half an hour to get home and change.” I smiled, happy with the thought of doing something helpful for the wolves. Hopefully it would divert Matt’s attention away from thinking Morris was an incompetent pack leader.

  Blake grabbed my hand. “Sydney, you don’t have to go with us. Matt insisted we come by to offer for you to come with, but not if you think it’s too dangerous.”

  I gave him a reassuring squeeze. “Blake, I’d love to get out. Sounds like fun.”

Standing alongside the counter, Matt placed his hand on my hip, covering the mark he’d placed upon me. Searing heat coursed through me from the mark and my body shook with spasms, making me lose my balance.

  I squirmed on the floor in agony, rubbing my legs together to soothe the ache between my thighs. Through the hot torture I heard the sound of boots scraping on the floor, moving away from where I lay behind the counter. The intense need began to recede.

  Blake bellowed at Matt but I couldn’t make out his words through my agony.

  Finally, through the rushing noise roaring in my ears as wave after wave of desire crashed into me, I heard Matt say, “Something’s wrong with her, Blake. A poison courses through her essence. I can feel it polluting the bond through the mark.” Matt’s voice turned venomous as he continued. “You’d know this by now if you’d marked her yourself. You should have completed the life-mate bond as soon as she hit the city.”

  The roaring slowed to a gentle lapping wave of sound, allowing me to come to my senses. Sitting up, I held out a hand for Blake to help me up. He gently kept an arm around my waist to ensure I didn’t fall.

  With concern in his eyes, Blake grabbed a tissue from the counter to dab the sweat beading on my forehead then framed my face in his warm palms. “Sydney, do you know what Matt’s talking about? Because the wolf marked you, he can sense when you’re ill, when things aren’t right.”

  Breathing heavy, I took a step away from him. Taking a seat on the stool, I said, “I don’t know, you guys. Somebody put some kind of curse on me. I’m having a hard time dealing with it. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to go with you until I can figure out how to undo what’s been done.”

  Matt let out a growl of frustration. “You mean to tell me you don’t even know who did this to you? What about the half-demon you’ve been hanging out with?”

  Blake swung around to glare at me. “The new bodyguard Kieran assigned? That’s who did this to you?”

  Blake’s eyes filled with cold accusation, causing anger to bloom in my chest. I’ve realized something about myself. When I get pissed off, my thought processes kick into high gear, allowing me to react fast and efficiently to everything going on around me.

  “For your information, my new bodyguard is the only one able to help me with what’s going on. He thinks the curse was done from someone who’s come from the Underworld. He’s working on it. That’s all I can tell you right now.”

  Matt stepped close to the opposite side of the counter. I put my hands up. “Matt, don’t come too close to me. That’s never happened before. I don’t want you touching the mark again, you hear me?”

  Heavy fists pounded on the glass. The sharp sound of the clear top splintering speared through the air. “Don’t tell me what to do, Selected. I’m not a pet wolf you can command like Blake here.”

  Blake took an aggressive stance, shoving me behind him. “I will not have you coming to my city and insulting my woman, Matt.”

  Matt extended his arms. My heart felt like it was being squeezed inside of my chest, like it was ready to drop to my stomach.

  “Blake, tread carefully. You have much to lose. I, on the other hand, have nothing. The Selected has been poisoned. That is the matter we should be focusing on, not your pride.”

  “Guys, maybe you should just go on without me tonight. Daire said he’d swing by to check on me so go find some rogues. Be useful for once.” I gave Blake a smile while batting my lashes for good measure.

  Blake put his hand on my shoulder. The warmth spread like soothing fingers through the aching muscles in my back. “Sydney, you should stay away from that guard of yours. We don’t know him. For all we know he could have put this thing on you in the first place.”

  Matt nodded in agreement. “Blake’s right. Stay away from that abomination. You can’t trust a vampire. And demons? They’re not even from our earth. The Moon Goddess becomes ill just from their existence.”

  “You two do what you have to do in regards to the rogues. I’ll do what I have to. I need to get rid of the curse. Blake, call me tomorrow. Let me know how your hunt went.”

  The other wolf shook his head. “I don’t think so, Selected. You’re coming with us tonight, and that’s final. You need protection. That’s what we’re going to provide you.” Leaning forward over the glass, he grabbed the back of my head to bring our faces close together. “I don’t care what you want, our job is to protect you whether you like it or not. That includes protecting you from yourself if necessary, by any means I see fit.”

  He released my neck just as Blake’s fist rushed through the air. A loud crack of crushing bone sounded as his fist connected to Matt’s face. The Mobile wolf flung away from the counter, landing on his back. In an instant, Matt was on his feet, eyes glowing bright green.

  I screamed at the men, “Don’t do this in my store. You two take it outside. Better yet, go roll around in the snow to cool off.”

  Running between them, I shoved them away from each other. Taking my hand, Blake lifted me through the air, placing me behind him. He turned to make sure I was away from Matt. His amber-bronzed eyes blinked before facing Matt.

  Blake’s fingers extended. The nails grew thick while elongating to points. Matt responded by rushing at Blake with an arm out, striking Blake in the chest, taking them both over the counter. They struggled in the cramped space between the counter and the wall. The sound of an elbow going through the drywall had me groaning with irritation.

  “One of you is going to fix that wall by the end of the week.” Running into the storeroom, I grabbed a bucket. Filling it with water, I carried it out to where they continued to wrestle on the floor like children. Ignoring the water as it sloshed over the sides, I dumped the cold contents onto the men.

  Matt jumped over the counter, shaking out his hair like a dog would do, getting water everywhere.

  “Sydney, you should ask Blake about the prophecy. He has not been honest with you because he thinks he loves you more than his own pack.”

  Blake stepped from the storeroom, scrubbing a towel over his head to dry his hair. He scowled at me then threw the towel on top of the counter, now cracked thanks to Matt.

  “What’s he talking about, Blake?” I had known for a while Blake was keeping information from me, but I’d assumed it had to do with pack business, not my involvement with the prophecy. Grandma Maria was right. The prophecies were made up of layers. It seemed I’d only begun to scratch the surface, just as she had done so long ago.

  Now it was Matt’s turn to be glared at. Blake said, “You know what? I think it’s time we leave, Sydney. We’ll pick you up at the house like we planned on.”

  At the front of the store, I stood facing them. “Neither of you is going anywhere, not until you tell me what you’re hiding.”

  Matt grinned with vindication while remaining silent. It was obvious he was enjoying watching Blake struggle with how to respond.

  Blake threw his hands out. “There’s nothing to tell, Sydney. It doesn’t matter anyway. Matt, the jackass, even admits that I love you, that we are life-mates. The prophecy has no bearing on our lives, so just leave it alone.”

  Stress tightened Blake’s face and he clenched his jaw. I knew him well enough to know he wanted to leave. The wolf didn’t want to be pushed, but I didn’t care. He’d pushed me enough. Now it was my turn.

  “If you don’t tell her, Blake, I will. She may want to hear how you’ve been keeping secrets about the blood of her family from her all this time. Heck, if I were her, I’d be downright pissed at you. I may even consider taking someone else as my life-mate just to get even.” Tipping his head in my direction, Matt winked.

  “I wouldn’t have you for my life-mate if you were the last wolf on the planet. Blake and I are not—”

  “Fine,” Blake said coldly. “I will tell you, but don’t ge
t pissed off at me. I’m not the one who made the prophecy, nor did I plan on seeing it through.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Matt let out a laugh. “This ought to be fun. Remember, Selected, I’m available in case you come to your senses. You may find that Blake isn’t wolf enough to be your mate.”

  Blake took a step toward Matt, raising his fist to inflict more damage to Matt’s gorgeous, but injured, face. His cheek was still swollen from the last pounding Blake had inflicted a few moments ago. If Matt were human, his face would have been caved in.

  “Blake, ignore him. You know he’s trying to get a rise out of you. You’re falling right into his games. He’s just playing on your temper.”

  “Sydney, the prophecy says what I’ve already told you. If you mate with an alpha wolf, leader of our pack, the resulting child is foretold to own the ability to control their change into a wolf.”

  “Blake, you’ve already told me that, what’s Matt talking about? He said something about the blood of my family?” Walking to the couch, I took the seat closest to the fire.

  Matt brought his arms up, giving me an unobstructed view of what was beneath. In fact, it was quite the show he put on. The green T-shirt he wore stretched across those glorious abdominal muscles. My fingers itched, aching to feel him under my touch. The arms of his shirt stretched tight around his biceps. My eyes traveled upward, meeting his. He smiled. The bastard had caught me sneaking an appreciative peek.

  Blake stared at his boots. The black leather tips were dusted with white from the salt on the ground. He shook his head. When he lifted his eyes, I thought I saw sorrow, anger, and vengeance as he glared at Matt.

  “Sydney, it is said the Moon Goddess demands the blood of the Selected to be spilled for the prophecy to be fulfilled.”


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