My Donut Princess: The Navy SEAL Series, Novella

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My Donut Princess: The Navy SEAL Series, Novella Page 4

by Stone, Odette

  Aaron and I made eye contact before he gave her a short nod. Nice try, but she’d crash and burn. There’s no way he’d chat her up, not while he worked, not while he sat three feet from my table guarding me.

  I stared unseeing at my book. But what if he did? What if he exchanged numbers with her and told her that he got off work at 10 PM? Mom always said to me that jealousy wasn’t befitting of a lady, but knowing that didn’t stop the hot knife of emotion slice through my body. Blondie smiled prettily at him as she sat down across from him and he smiled back.

  He fucking smiled back. And not the polite, employee smile he reserved for me either.

  “Aaron.” I looked at both of them, taking small petty relish at the shocked look on her face. “You might as well let this lady have her own table. Come and sit with me.”

  It was the equivalent of snapping my fingers at a dog. For one horrible long moment, I didn’t think he’d move, but then he gracefully stood up.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you two knew each other.” She made a smooth attempt to continue talking to him.

  I smiled sweetly at her. “We do.”

  He settled into his seat, and I ducked my head over my book, while he crossed his arms and continued his Terminator impression, as he scanned the crowded cafe for potential threats. I lifted my eyes from my page and watched as my hot cyborg, one by one, assessed and dismissed the usual crowd: the casual cafe blogger, the stressed student, the yummy mummy.

  “Do you do yoga?” The blond’s voice asked from beside us.

  I frowned and glanced at her. “Not regularly.”

  She threw Aaron a coquettish look. “I was talking to your friend.”

  I turned to Aaron, who eyeballed someone behind me. “Nope.”

  She giggled. “Oh, I thought with your physique, you were definitely a yogi.”

  I widened my eyes before dropping my unseeing gaze back to my book.

  “Well, if you’re ever interested in trying out a class, I’m a yoga instructor at a nearby studio. There are some great classes for beginners. Why don’t I grab you my card?”

  Aaron watched the blond dig through her cheap leather tassel bag.

  She smiled. “I don’t seem to have any cards. Mind if I give you my private number?”

  Not on my watch.

  “Excuse me.” I held up my hand to her, like a cop directing traffic.

  She paused and frowned at me.

  “He’s working right now.”

  She gave a half laugh, dismissing me. “Doesn’t look like it.”

  “His concentration is needed elsewhere. You know those service dogs that wear a vest that asks people not to touch them? This is the same thing. We can’t afford the distraction.”

  Service dog? My face burned in shame, but in my defense, this chick severely flustered me. I couldn’t bring myself to look up at Aaron, who listened with an alertness that freaked me out.

  “Are you dating him?” Her tone indicated that she didn’t find me amusing.

  “No, but I’m his priority. So, kindly respect that.”

  My face flamed hot as I dug in with the tenacity of a rabid pit bull.

  “I don’t think there’s any reason why I can’t give him my number.” She tossed her lovely long blond hair over her shoulder.

  The bitch spoke the truth.

  I had no right to ask him not to date her. Or call her. Or even talk to her. If I wanted him to stay at this job, I needed to give him more leash.

  I shot to my feet and jammed my book into my Hermes black lizard Birkin. While pulling on my raincoat, I bumped into the table, sloshing my coffee over the edges of the mug.

  I glanced into his searing gaze before picking up my cup.

  My voice sounded quiet, stilted. “I’m going to get a take-out cup if you need a moment.”

  It killed me to walk away from that situation, but for the hundredth time, I reminded myself that I needed him more than he needed me. I knew he had another job in the Navy. How easy would it be for him to walk away from this one?

  I had just called him a fucking service dog to his face and tried to cock block a hot yoga instructor from giving him her number. I couldn’t do a better job of driving him away if I tried.

  “Ready to go?” his low voice spoke into my ear.

  I nodded, and together we walked out of the cafe.

  Chapter 9


  I huddled on my side of the backseat, feeling worse than awful. I knew I’d been a complete bitch in the cafe and for that, I felt terrible. Aaron had made it more than clear he didn’t want to kiss me or even look at me. As much as it pained me, I needed to accept that fact. If Aaron wanted to date other women, I needed to accept that and be okay with it. Even if he was the owner of the greatest kiss of my life.

  What would it be like to go on a date with him? To call him my boyfriend?

  I glanced over at him. He intently watched the world outside of the car. To him, I was only a subject, someone to protect. I wasn’t a woman, nor was I a friend. I was his job.

  Lightning flashed and then, moments later, loud thunder rumbled above us.

  “This storm seems to be getting worse,” I tried.

  He didn’t respond. He acted like I hadn’t even spoken. I would take fighting with him over this harsh and cold silence that constantly permeated from him.

  We got out of the car at the hotel. He flanked my side as we walked across the regal and expansive lobby. I scanned my elevator card to get to my exclusive floor, and the elevator started its journey upwards.

  I dug through my purse, looking for my phone. The elevator gave a sharp jerk that sent me flying against Aaron’s hard body, and then it came to a stop. I gasped when the light repeatedly flickered before the elevator plunged into inky darkness. A second later, a muted green light from the emergency lighting flickered on.

  “Oh no,” I couldn’t keep the fear out of my voice.

  “Give it a moment,” Aaron murmured.

  After an interminable wait, Aaron stepped forward and pressed the call button.

  A tinny voice answered, “Hello?”

  “This is Aaron, the security detail of Femi Payne. We are in elevator 4, and we came to a stop between floor 13 and 14.”

  “Yes, sir. We are aware of the status of elevator 4. The power grid for our block has gone out, and we’re currently working to get our generators up and running.”

  “How long?”

  “We don’t know, sir. We’re waiting for the fire department to come by and assist with the elevators, which is standard practice.”

  “Keep us posted.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  We stood in the quiet for a long moment, before I broke the silence. “How did you know what elevator we were on or what floors we were between?”

  The green light harshened his features. “It’s my job to know.”


  The longer we waited, the higher my anxiety climbed.

  The words blurted out of me. “I’m sorry I called you a service dog.”

  To my surprise, his lips twitched. “I’ve been called worse.”

  “I wasn’t trying to insult you…I…”

  “What?” His curiosity sounded genuine.

  Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut?

  “I knew that yoga bitch liked you. And right now, you’re the only thing in my life standing between me and some violent individual that wants to harm me. I selfishly didn’t want you to be distracted, but that wasn’t my choice to make.”

  “You are aware that your security team has increased to five men.”

  Air snorted out of my nostrils. “The mall cops?”

  “They’re good guys.”

  “They’re not as good as you.”

  We continued to stand. My 5-inch heels pinched my feet. I shifted my weight. These were new shoes, and I could feel a blister forming on my right pinkie toe.

  “How much longer?” I tried but failed to mask the impatience in my v

  He pressed the voice button again. “Can we get a status update?”

  “Since this is considered a non-emergency, the fire crew is at least 15 minutes out. Their check of the generators and elevators will take at least another 30 minutes.”


  I slid down the wall and sat on the cold marble floor. I crossed my leg and took off my shoe to rub my foot.

  He sat down kitty-corner to me. “Sore feet?”

  “You have no idea how torturous high heels can be.”

  “So why wear them?”

  I blinked. That was like asking why I brushed my teeth in the morning. Payne women wore heels. All the time. “I can’t exactly wear flats.”

  “Give me your foot.”


  He reached forward and tugged my foot, so it rested on his muscular thighs. His big, warm hands wrapped around my small foot. His thumbs pressed on some nerves, and my head hit the wall.

  “Oh fuck,” I gasped. “That feels incredible.”

  He smiled but didn’t speak. I worked not to let the moans of pleasure escape out of my throat.

  “Don’t you think this is beneath your pay grade?” I managed to ask.

  “I think we’re pretty safe in here.”

  Which didn’t answer my question.

  “So, are you going to call her?”


  He knew who but he liked to make me work for it. “Your yoga instructor.”

  His strong fingers kneaded my tender foot for a moment longer before he answered. “She struck me as being high maintenance. And I can only handle one princess at a time.”

  “I’m not high maintenance.”

  “How would you self-reference?”

  “I’m easy going.”

  He openly laughed, changing his face from severe to beautiful. “Sweetheart, there ain’t anything easy about you.”

  “I’ve been really trying!”

  His smile remained as he tugged my other foot into his hands. “I’ve noticed.”

  “You have? But you still hate me.”

  His fingers paused momentarily. “I don’t hate you.”

  He had a way of making me spill my guts. “I know you don’t need me, but I need you.”

  His voice growled. “You don’t know the half of that statement.”

  Confused. “What?”


  His warm hands rubbing my feet made me sleepy. I shut my eyes and leaned my head back.

  “I didn’t kiss Brent.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I lied.”

  “Still don’t know why you are telling me this.”

  “I didn’t want you to think I kissed two guys in one night.”

  “I noticed you haven’t been hanging out with your friends.”


  “Everything okay?”

  I opened my eyes, startled to see that he watched my face. “I’m scared.”

  “You know I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  I shut my eyes again. “It’s easier to watch movies in my suite.”

  More bliss while he continued to rub my feet. My heavy eyes watched him work. The man was so good-looking. Did he know that? Did he realize that with those looks he could pretty much get any woman on her back with one smile?

  The elevator lurched, and then the lights flickered on. He gently placed my feet on the cold floor, and I watched as he stood up.

  I reluctantly put my heels back on and debated my options. Mari had been texting me nonstop since our time at Bayswater.

  His voice sounded light. “Are you going out tonight?”

  In this weather? Hardly. I only wanted my pajamas and to eat something really delicious.

  “Maybe tomorrow night. Tonight I’m going to do some take-out and a movie.”

  The door slid open. He checked the hallway, before nodding for me to follow him. I waited at the door while he swept my suite.

  “All clear.” He walked back towards me.

  Call me a sucker for punishment, but I seemed to enjoy face-to-face rejection. “You can have the rest of the night off. I’m not going out…or….”

  His eyes narrowed on my face. “Or what?”

  I sighed. “You’ve probably seen enough of me, but if you’re bored, you’re welcome to join me for some takeout and a movie.”

  “What kind of take out?”


  “I want pizza. What kind of movie?”

  “Anything with Tom Hanks?”

  He shook his head. “The Rock.”


  “Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Really?”

  He crossed his arms. “Those are my terms.”

  Oh, who was I kidding? The guy could ask me to watch Japanese Manga porn, and I’d agree.

  “Those are terms I can agree with.”

  He held out his hand. “Room key.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To change.”

  “What do you want on your pizza?”

  “Anything meat.”

  “Thanks for narrowing it down.”

  He laughed. “Pepperoni, mushroom and ham.”

  “Deep dish?”

  “Sure, why the hell not.”

  Chapter 10


  I ordered pizza and enough Thai to feed a small army. Aaron showed up, carrying a pack of beer. He wore a pair of faded jeans and a black t-shirt. I stood and stared, unable to stop drinking him in.

  “What?” He settled on the couch and cracked a beer.

  “You look different.”

  “I fucking hate wearing a tie.”

  “So don’t.”

  “Dress code, baby.”

  I tossed the remote to him. “Find your best rock movie.”

  While he flipped through the screens, I texted Clark.

  ME: I think Aaron stands out too much in a suit. Can you please ask him to dress more civilian?

  “Have you seen San Andreas?”


  “You’re going to love it.”

  Aaron ended up eating most of the Thai food. I loved watching him eat. He enjoyed food like I imagined he would enjoy sex. With a ravenous appetite.

  But I didn’t love the movie. San Andreas freaked me out. I felt so tense and anxious during the movie that I almost couldn’t stand it. Natural disasters terrified me.

  “If you squeeze that pizza any harder, it’s gonna stop breathing,” Aaron teased.

  I glanced down at my hand. My numb fingers sunk into the soft crust and the sauce dripped down my wrist.

  “Oh.” I tossed it on the plate, looking around for a napkin.

  His big hand grabbed mine. With my breath caught in my throat, he brought my wrist to his lips. I almost whimpered when he licked the pizza sauce off my wrist, and then slowly nibbled the sensitive skin to the palm of my hand.

  Holy fuck.

  His arctic blues lifted to my face. “That tastes good.”

  I swallowed hard, struggling to think, to breath, to keep my heart beating in my chest. “You can eat pizza off my body any day.”

  His eyebrows shot up.

  I flushed. “That sounded better in my head.”

  He rewarded me with another one of his brain-melting smiles. The kind of smile that the sun was born from. The smile that made my insides feel squishy and hot.

  He grabbed a napkin and wiped my hands off like I was a little kid.

  “You take good care of me.”

  “You’re easy to take care of.”

  His phone buzzed. He dropped my hands to fish it out of his pocket.

  “Femi, what did you do?”

  “What?” I had no idea.

  He held up the screen of his phone. “A message from Clark: Aaron, on duty, civilian clothing only going forward. Work to blend in.”

  “Oh, that. You should be comfortable when you work.”r />
  His lips twitched. “Does everyone do whatever the fuck you tell them to do?”

  “Not everyone.”

  “And who would dare disobey the Princess?”

  I bit back a smile. “Her slave.”

  “And if she could get him to do anything she wanted, what would that be?”

  She’d ask him to kiss her. “She’d make him watch a Tom Hanks movie.”

  He laughed. “What is your obsession with Tom Hanks?”

  I shook my head.

  “Tell me.”

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Nothing is stupid.”

  “This is.”

  “Come on. Tell me.”

  “You’ll laugh.”

  “Not to your face.”

  “I can’t.”

  “I’ll watch a Tom Hanks movie with you if you tell me.”

  That was a deal I couldn’t pass up. “Tom Hanks is a nice person. He’s the kind of person I’d want to be friends with if I had a chance.”

  He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes on my face. “You want Tom to be your bestie?”

  “If I could, yes.”


  “Because he’d care.”

  “Princess.” That word was infused with so much sympathy, so much sorrow and kindness, it was almost my undoing.


  He nodded, looking away. “Okay. Do your damage. Hit me with your best Hanks movie.”

  “Have you seen Sleepless in Seattle?”


  “You’re going to love it.”

  * * *

  I woke up with my head on Aaron’s muscular leg, and his fingers tangled my hair. The TV was on mute, and a basketball game was playing.

  “What happened?”

  “You’re bestie and Meg Ryan fell in love.”

  I rolled over on his leg and stared up at his face. “Did you like him.”

  “Yeah. I liked him.”

  “Will you kiss me?” I don’t know why I said it. The moment was perfect, but my ability to ruin any mood is one of my gifts.

  He lifted me up to a sitting position and then stood up. “Femi.”


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