My Donut Princess: The Navy SEAL Series, Novella

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My Donut Princess: The Navy SEAL Series, Novella Page 7

by Stone, Odette

  “Why aren’t you sleeping?”

  “We needed to do some work.”


  He took a long deep patient breath. “We went over the security footage.”


  “And the guy knows what he’s doing.”

  I dropped my face to my hands. “I’m going to die.”

  “Femi. I’m not going to let that happen.”

  I lifted my head. “You only have two weeks left, and then you’re returning to your life. Those guys,” I reference the four men standing outside his room, “they don’t know what they’re doing.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  He shook his head, unsure of why that was his issue.

  “I want to sleep here.”


  “Please?” I begged. “I need to sleep. And I know if you’re in the same room as me, I’ll be able to sleep.”

  “I only have one bed.”

  “Aaron, only for one night. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. This isn’t a ploy to have sex. I’m so scared.” My last word wavered dangerously.

  Three heartbeats.

  “One night.”

  My shoulders dropped in relief. “One night.”

  “And if you snore, I reserve the right to cover your face with a pillow.”

  I gave a watery laugh. “Deal.”

  I dropped my robe on the chair and climbed into bed.

  “Other side.”

  “I like this side.”

  “I sleep between the door and you.”

  I rolled over and tucked myself on the other side. I heard him open the door and talk to the guys.

  “Are they going to wait there all night?”

  “No. I told them to go back to your suite so they can get some sleep.”

  “Fine,” My eyes drifting shut.

  I heard a gun cock, and my eyes flew open. Aaron sat at the desk and dismantled a huge gun.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Cleaning my guns.”

  “How often do you clean them?”

  “Probably don’t need to do it as often here, but I clean my guns every night.”

  I sleepily watched as he expertly worked on his weapons and then, my eyes drifted shut and everything went black.

  Chapter 18


  I didn’t need to clean my guns. Moments before she showed up in my room, wearing that fucking nightie that would try a saint’s commitment, I had finished cleaning my weapons. No, I cleaned them again because I needed to avoid getting into bed with her.

  This girl would be the death of me. When she did the little pleading thing, and her voice wavered with tears, I couldn’t resist. I wasn’t typically a sucker for tears, but her tears were more powerful than having a loaded Beretta to my temple.

  I placed my three loaded weapons on the desk and glanced over at her. Curled up on her side of the bed, she looked tiny. Her long black trailed over her pillow like a veil.

  My cock twitched.

  I holstered two of my guns and then brought my 9 mm Glock to the nightstand. I kicked off my jeans and snapped off the lights. She didn’t even stir when I climbed in beside her.

  She smelled faintly of oranges and vanilla.

  My cock twitched harder.

  Using willpower I didn’t even know I had, I rolled my back to her, so I faced the door, and I forced myself to go to sleep.

  Chapter 19


  I jerked awake, and my eyes opened into that arctic blue stare. My leg draped over Aaron’s and my hand, my hand, wrapped tightly around his cock. His hard, throbbing cock.

  I swallowed hard, unsure what to do.

  “Sorry,” I croaked.

  He put his big hand over mine. Instead of removing my hand, he squeezed my fingers, tightening my grip.

  “Aaron,” I breathed. His eyes were on my mouth, but they lifted to my eyes, almost drowning me in his intensity.

  “Touch me.”

  My fingers trembled as I rubbed his enormous length through his boxer briefs. My eyes widened at the sheer size of him. He yanked his boxers down so I could I slide my hand onto his bare length. My mouth parted as my fingers glided over the silky smooth skin. He felt warm and so fucking hard. For me. This arousal, this desire was all for me.

  I squeaked as he flipped me up, so I straddled him.

  “Take off your nightie. His voice sounded rough.

  “It’s called a negligée.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what it’s called. Take it off.”

  I crossed my arms over my waist and pulled the satin fabric over my head.

  His eyes devoured my naked chest, moments before his big hands moved up to cup my breasts. Two thumbs traced my nipples until they were button hard. Fingertips trailed down my rib cage and over my thighs.

  “Touch yourself.”

  “Excuse me?” Shocked and dark desire rippled through my body.

  He grabbed my hand and guided it between my legs. “Touch yourself.”

  I’d never done anything like that in front of a guy before. I didn’t even know if I could.

  I slowly slid my fingers in my panties and tentatively touched my clit. His eyes glued to my hand, while his cock pressed up against my buttocks.

  “I want to see, take off your panties.”

  His bossy demands turned me on. So much.

  Before I could move, he put his big hands on my hips and flipped me around, so my back was against the fabric headboard of the bed. He yanked off my panties and then knelt before me. His huge cock pointed like a pistol at the ceiling. He pushed up my legs so my knees were bent and I was spread open to him.

  “Touch yourself, Femi.”

  With eyes that did not leave his face, I slid my hand down between my legs. I was slippery wet, already so turned on. I circled my clit, that was swollen and hot.

  His eyes feasted on my sex, his jaw was tight, and his nostrils were flared.

  “Can we have sex?” I was a little bit out of breath.

  “When you come.”

  With half-shut eyes, I worked myself over, imagining that it was his fingers touching me. I stared at his enormous cock that jutted out from his body with such pride and strength, imagining being impaled by it. My breath quickened, matching my fingers that now moved with more speed.

  He bent down, putting his head between my wide open legs. His hand pushed mine aside so his mouth could latch onto my clit. Sucking it into his mouth. I gasped, bending my head over his. His hand stole between my legs, and two fingers glided into me. I held onto my knees, keeping my legs open wide. Little cries escaped me as he rhythmically sucked on me, while his fingers scissored my entrance.

  My orgasm hit me like a train. Hard and without mercy. He lifted his head to watch me fall apart and then he was on his knees, yanking me down towards him, lifting my spread legs over his hips. He reached to the nightstand.

  I was limp with desire, and I watched as he ripped the condom wrapper with his white teeth before expertly rolling it on.

  “You ready for me?” His voice was harsh and low, barely containing his need.

  “For what?” I managed, “I’m done.”

  His harsh laugh ripped out of him. “Princess, that was the warm up. We haven’t even gotten started yet.”

  I bit my lip as his thumb lazily traced over my folds.

  Our eyes met. And then he gave me one of those smiles that I lived for. The smile that I could feel in my bones.

  “Did you know that smile melts off panties?”

  His smile widened. “I didn’t know that.”

  “You should be more careful. That smile is dangerous.”

  He yanked my legs, pulling me closer and then he knelt over me, fisting his huge cock, lining it up with my soft entrance.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  We both froze and turned towards the door.

  “Ignore it,” he whispered.

k, knock, knock. “Aaron?”

  It was Benny.

  Aaron’s cell buzzed. He shut his eyes, in an attempt to gain some patience or control, or both, and then he reached over to his nightstand to answer.

  “What?….no she’s still passed out….roger.”

  He tossed his phone on the bed. He swore under his breath, “Fuck.”

  “What is it?” I lifted my head.

  “Your dad is here. He’s on his way here with an ETA of two minutes.”

  “What?” I scrambled off the bed, frantically looking for my underwear and negligée. “Get dressed!”

  Aaron unpeeled the condom off his still hard dick. In my opinion, he wasn’t moving fast enough. I grabbed the wrapper and threw it at him. “Get rid of the evidence.”

  He laughed and shook his head, watching as I yanked on my clothes and found my housecoat, which I firmly wrapped around my body. My hair was an explosion of curls around my face. I twisted it into a self-made knot at my neck.

  Moving a bit slower, Aaron pulled a pair of jeans over his boxers. He winced as he tugged the heavy fabric over his bulging cock.

  We stared at each other and then I flew into his arms. His kiss was fast and hard, indicating his desire and frustration.

  “I’m sorry,” I breathed.

  “For what?”

  A sharp knock sounded at the door. I winced. “You’ll see.”

  He tucked his gun in the back of his jeans before he walked to the door. He glanced behind at me. I nodded.

  He swung the door open.

  Dad’s familiar voice boomed. “You must be Aaron.”

  Dark eyes, so similar to mine, crinkled into a smile when he saw me peeking around Aaron’s shoulder, but he didn’t speak to me. His focus was on Aaron. “Might I come in?”

  Aaron swung the door open wide, and my father stepped in like he owned the room. His eyes traveled over Aaron. “You’re the decorated Navy SEAL who’s been hired to temporarily protect my daughter.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Dad’s eyes took in my housecoat. “Did she spend the night here?”

  I lifted my chin. “I feel safe with Aaron. He’s the only one who can protect me.”

  “Well, why isn’t Aaron up in your suite where there’s more space?”

  “Because I only decided to come down here at 2 AM,” I explained.

  “I see,” my father said, looking at the messy bed.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?”

  “I wanted to make sure my little girl is safe. Why don’t we go up to your suite so we can talk.”


  He glanced at Aaron. “You come too.”

  “Yes, sir,” Aaron, picked up a t-shirt and yanked it over his head.

  When we reached my suite, I escaped to my bedroom to shower. The truth was, I needed a bit of time to recover. With shaking hands, I washed my body, remembering how only moments prior, it had been Aaron touching me. This morning had been the most exciting sexual moment of my life. Leave it to Dad to interrupt us with only seconds to spare. I wonder if Dad had figured out what was going on?

  Chapter 20


  “Would you like some coffee?” Mr. Payne asked me the moment Femi disappeared into her room.

  “That’d be appreciated.”

  “Sit, sit!” He insisted while he poured me a cup. “How do you take it?”


  He brought it over to me and sat down across from me. “So how long have you been sleeping with my daughter?”

  I sloshed burning hot liquid on my tongue and worked to swallow. “I don’t think that is any of your business.”

  He crossed his arms. “Everything to do with Femi is my business.”

  My burnt tongue protested when I took another hot sip of coffee. “Your daughter needs a life that is different from anything I can offer her.”

  “May I be frank with you, Aaron?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He paused. “Right now, if you make my daughter happy and you keep her safe, I really don’t care what happens behind closed doors. However, I need you to remember that Femi needs a different life. She’s special. As good as a man as you seem to be, you’re not going to be able to provide for her what she needs.”

  I knew that. Hell, I’d been preaching the same thing to Femi and myself. But damn if it didn’t aggravate me to hear her father repeat my words back to me. “Yes, sir.”

  “I understand that sometimes a man needs his privacy, but what if I doubled your wage?”

  I flushed. “For what purpose, sir?”

  “Femi seems to feel safe in your presence, enough that she willingly moved down to your room last night. I want to propose that you move up here into the spare room. I think it’d offer you both some much-needed privacy.”

  I swallowed hard again. Did Femi’s father just offer to pay me to service his daughter? “You don’t need to pay me.”

  “Nonsense, it’d essentially mean that you’ll be working around the clock and that can be exhausting. I insist on paying you for your time.”

  I flushed hard. “As a security guard.”

  His lips smoothed into a tiny smile. “Yes, of course, that’s what I meant.”

  I drank my coffee in silence while we waited for Femi. She walked out of her bedroom, wearing a killer black dress that hugged her curves. My dick responded.

  “Dad, you never told me you were coming.”

  “I needed to iron out your security. It kills me that you’re being threatened like this.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Her father turned his dark eyes towards me. “Aaron, I almost forgot. Clark is on his way here, and he said he’d wait in the lobby for you.”

  He politely dismissed me.

  “Yes, sir.”

  * * *

  I found Clark sitting on the couch in the lobby. He stood up when I approached. “You look like hell.”

  “Clark, I need to talk to you.”

  “Have a seat.”

  We sat down across from each other. He waited.

  “I’m involved with Femi.”

  He blinked. Then he cleared his throat. He started to laugh, and his amusement sounded until tears sparkled at the edges of his eyes.

  I crossed my arms and glowered at him, waiting until he got control of himself.

  “Sorry.” He shook his head. “But that’s fucking hilarious.”

  “I’m sorry. I know that’s unprofessional of me.”

  He sobered up at my tone. “You’re serious.”


  “What does that even mean, you’re involved?”

  “We’ve screwed around a bit.”

  “You.” He pointed at me. “And Femi?”


  “The multimillion-dollar heiress that no one can control or manage.”


  Slight panic crossed his face. “Shit, her father is on his way here.”

  “He’s upstairs. And he already knows.”

  Clark sat up and leaned forward. “What do you mean, he knows?”

  “He said that he doesn’t care if I’m sleeping with his daughter as long as I know there isn’t a future there.”

  Clark blinked in stunned silence.

  I added, “He also asked me to move into her suite. Clark, I apologize. This was never my intention, and despite my every attempt to make sure this didn’t happen, well, it did.”

  “Femi’s father wants you to move into her suite?”

  “Yes. And he wants to double my wage.”

  Clark’s eyebrows shot up. “For what?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “For services rendered as her security guard.”

  He nodded. “It’s up to you.”

  I rubbed my eyes with one hand. “I might as well. She’ll either keep showing up in my room, or I’m going to end up there.”

  “She showed up at your room?”

  “She was scared.”

  He covered his mo
uth with a hand. “You and Femi?”

  “Shut it. It’s not like we’re dating. In fact, I’ve been doing everything I can to put the brakes on this.”


  “Because this relationship has no future. She’d last half a day in my world, and the further we get entangled, the harder it’s going to be to end it.”

  “Aaron.” His expression yielded regret and pity. “Please be careful.”

  “I am.”

  So why did my voice ring hollow?

  Chapter 21


  Sitting across from my father, I silently ate my lunch. For the last 40 minutes, he’d been talking on the phone. The donut business was no joke.

  Aaron sat at a nearby table while another guard stood outside and the third guard stood across the restaurant. With his earpiece and dark sunglasses, he looked like he belonged in the movie The Matrix.

  I studied Aaron from beneath my lashes, trying to decide if I preferred him in a suit or casual wear.


  I preferred him naked.

  Those crystal blue eyes scanned the restaurant for danger. I flushed, remember how his mouth had pushed his way between my legs, sucking on my tender flesh until I bucked with a mind-splitting orgasm. I hungered for his touch and wanted to know, more than anything, what it’d feel like to have him press his big cock into my body. I wanted to connect with him. Feel him inside of me. Feel the hardness of his desire for me.

  As if he could hear my dirty thoughts, his gaze inspected my face. I flushed but refused to drop my eyes. Heat flared in his before he shifted his focus away.

  “I’ve asked your bodyguard to move into your suite,” Dad said, finally off the phone.

  My voice sounded breathy, like Marilyn Monroe. “You did?”


  “What did he say?”

  “He agreed. He’ll be moving into the spare room tonight.”

  “Dad, why would you do that?”

  “Femi, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know you two are enjoying your time together.”


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