Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet

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Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet Page 2

by J. R. O'Neill

  “Shadow, bring up program five on full video surround.” Immediately the walls of my cabin became a scene from a mountaintop, where a family was setting up a picnic. The wife was beautiful with long curly brown hair, a set of full lips that at this time were spread wide in a smile showing her beautiful straight teeth. Her daughter, who was just as gorgeous as her mother, was busy spreading out a blanket while the baby, another girl, this one with red hair, was in a playpen curiously watching all that was going on. It was at that point that I walked into the view of the holo recorder, and walking up to my wife I took her into my arms and gently kissed her on the lips. Not to be outdone, my daughter Emma ran over and threw her arms around us both, we all fell to the ground laughing and giggling.

  The scene was one of my fondest memories of my family, and I would watch it often. It reminded me of why I now did what I did.

  “Five minutes to touch down.” Shadow announced.

  I regretfully terminated the program and headed for the bridge. As the doors slid open I was pleased to see that Sara had moved to the copilot’s position, leaving my command chair open.

  “Sara, what do we really know about Max?”

  “Well, to start with, Max served with the 10th squadron of attack fighters in Space Force from 2979-2987. He then left for Special Forces training, and training he got. Two years of intensive defensive and offensive training left him a virtual killing machine. At the start of the Arula conflict he was inserted behind enemy lines; his work at both taking out high profile targets, as well as his numerous acts of sabotage, no doubt saved thousands of Federation lives. However, as you already know, when the conflict ended he had to be disowned and his actions labeled as those of a rogue agent. In any case he has been shunned ever since.”

  “It sounds as though he got a shitty deal.”

  “We’ve all gotten shitty deals so let’s just get on with it.”

  I agreed, but wondered what shitty deal, other than being partnered with me, she had gotten. Someday I expected I would get an answer to that.

  Max was still at the Hyatt the agents stationed there reported. Now, all I had to think of was a plan to at least let me get close enough to have a conversation.

  “Unidentified person approaching the ship.” Shadow announced.

  “On screen.”

  What I saw was a large man with a hooded parka pulled up over his face, calmly walking towards the main airlock.

  “Arm exterior defenses.”

  “Already done, boss.”

  “Ok, activate external speakers.”

  “You’re on.”

  “Please identify yourself.”

  With that the man stopped and pulled the hood off exposing his face.

  “It took you long enough to get here Jonny.” Mr. Max Decker said.

  Well I sat there in shock for about thirty seconds, as did Sara.

  “Max, you’re supposed to still be at the Hyatt.” I needlessly said.

  “Jonny boy, I’ve been slipping away from you for five months, actually that’s how I’ve been amusing myself. You really did not think a few inexperienced agents were going to be able to keep me cooped up, now did you? And by the way, would you please open the airlock? It is cold out here, oh and say hi to Sara for me.”

  How the hell did he know Sara was even on board? Or me for that matter? I was beginning to feel like a puppet in a show.

  “Shadow open exterior lock and I want every weapon this man is carrying disabled.”

  Cycling lock now, Shadow responded as both Sara and I headed to the airlock to meet our man of mystery.

  “The man is completely unarmed.” Shadow reported.

  “Very well, open interior doors.” and as they opened I got my first up-close look at Mr. Maxwell Decker. He was a giant of a man, well over six feet tall and probably three hundred pounds, with no apparent fat. He had short dark hair and chiseled features; I could see Sara’s look of admiration, but Max’s reaction to her was entirely different. He looked at her lovingly but not the least bit sexually, and Sara was hot enough to turn any man’s head, God knows it had turned mine.

  “Max, I should be showing you the interior of one of the holding cells right about now. But instead we are going to the lounge so you can explain just what the hell you are doing on my ship.”

  “Sounds good, I’ll lead the way.” With that, he turned right and headed down the passageway, taking a quick left, then a right turn. He stopped at the door to the lounge, placed his hand on the scanner and the door slid silently open.

  Ok, this was getting weird. The scanners were programmed only for my hands, and now Sara’s, surely not Max’s.

  “It’s ok Jon, we’re on the same side, and I’ve been on board Shadow at least fifty times.”

  “Shadow is this true?”

  “I have no memories of any such incursions.” My rather offended sounding computer replied.

  “Jon let's have a seat maybe a little drink, and I’ll explain everything. “Shadow I’ll have my usual.” he added. At which the synthesizer jumped into action producing a vodka and tonic with a twist of lime just in time for Max to reach in and get it.

  I finally gave in and ordered a rum and coke, Sara simply asked for a non-alcoholic beer. We all took seats on the lounges with both Sara and me looking quizzically at good old Max to start the conversation, a task he seemed reluctant to do.

  “I guess I had better start at the beginning.” He finally stated.

  “That would be nice.” I added.

  “Ok, about seven months ago I heard about a plan to ransom the Sol System including old Earth.”

  “Seven months! We just heard about it this week when we got the demands.”

  “I know, it was me who sent the demands and the schematics to Ed last week.”

  “You sent them!” both Sara and I said almost simultaneously, and not without a great deal of quizzical anger.

  “I knew of the plan but not how to thwart it. I knew if left it in the hands of S.F.I. nothing would be done in time. Therefore, I decided to put together my own team and defeat these assholes before they could get started. I chose you and Sara as the main members. Jon, you are the best tracker I have ever come across, a man of honor, and Sara is just about the best agent S.F.I. has ever produced. So I let you follow me around the galaxy as I put together a plan to disable the device. However, in so doing I found a problem. Once this is activated the black hole it creates will be out of control, it will destroy all of mankind in just a matter of years.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Without a doubt, I’m just glad it didn’t take S.F.I. six months to figure it out.”

  “I still cannot believe there is anything capable of destroying the entire galaxy.” Sara said.

  “There is now!” The test results speak for themselves. Our only saving grace is that I have a seven month lead on these scumbags. They also have set up a fail-safe system. It requires the cooperation of five high level Arab terrorists with complex neural transmitters imbedded in their brains. We don’t believe they can physically access them. Although according to my information they will automatically transmit the de-activation code when they are within range of the device. We will have to get all five terrorists on the surface of the Earth at the same time and fully conscious to boot, for the device to be automatically deactivated.”

  “Why the surface of Earth, is that where the device is located?” I asked.

  “Not exactly, the device itself is most likely hidden in the asteroid belt. It is the disarming device that is on the planet.”

  Well, I thought getting two Arabs to agree on one thing is hard enough. Getting five, well that is just about impossible.

  If I only knew!

  Chapter Two

  We were about one hour from the jump point and I was alone on the bridge trying to sort out the last twenty-four hours. I am not used to being manipulated, even if it was for a just cause. However, apparently I had been being manipulated for more than six
months, and to say my pride was injured did not even come close to how I was feeling.

  “Jon, do you have a minute?” Sara suddenly asked, surprising me as I had not noticed her arrival.

  “Sure.” I replied, “What’s on your mind?”

  “I just wanted to apologize. It appears you’re not the complete pig I thought you were.”

  “Nice apology. I guess I’m sorry for thinking you were just some bimbo that Ed kept around for window dressing!”

  “Touché “

  “Jon, I just found out about your family, and I’m truly sorry. I also was a victim of the pirates when I was young, and I’ve dedicated my life to eliminating the slave trade ever since.”

  “You were enslaved?”

  “Yes, but I would rather not get into details just yet. The wounds are deep and I would like to get to know you better first.”

  “Ok, but my door is always open if you need to talk.”

  “Thanks, and I’m sure sometime soon I’ll take you up on that.”

  It was right then that Max returned to the bridge, interrupting a conversation that I knew would soon have to be finished.

  “I have the coordinates for our first jump.” He announced. “We’re going to New Libya.”

  “May I ask what for, since this is after all my ship?”

  “Well, actually the ship belongs to S.F.I., and before that it belonged to me. I owned the company that did the refit, which is why Shadow doesn’t remember me. She was programmed not to. There are also a lot of other modifications that are not in the blueprints but trust me, you and Sara will be briefed on all of them as soon as we have time. But right now we are heading to New Libya using the cover of three very rich and very bored socialites. Our new IDs are being processed as we speak. I’ll be using a holographic disguise, as I am rather well known in this region. You two are fine, there should be no one there that recognizes you. So my name will be Max Randall. You two are the Vander Hoff Children, Jon and Sara we will be using our real first names to keep the confusion down. You two have never worked a day in your lives, and now after the deaths of your parents, you spoiled children are looking for some action in your lives. The man we are going to meet is a Mr. Rashid. He is a low range official in the group we are trying to connect to, but low range or not, for now he is the most important person we have any connection to. So play your roles well, this man and his entourage are not to be fooled with.”

  “So we get to play brother and sister?”

  “Yeah, loving brother and sister; so please put the obvious hostilities between you away and bury them until after the mission.”

  “Max, let me tell you that will not be the only thing I’ll be burying after this mission.” Sara replied, staring me straight in the face, with pure venom!

  The transformation from apology to hatred had been so swift it threw me for a loop. For the life of me I had no idea what she had against me, but whatever it was it was starting to scare me. I apparently had no friends in this endeavor.

  “Shadow set course for New Libya, standard pursuit mode, and Max how about filling us in on your plan?”

  “Ok, Jonny boy, I guess you guys deserve the truth, and the truth is, we are just going to wing it. Once we meet with Rashid we should be able to get a better handle on the situation. He is the manager of the newest and most luxurious resort on New Libya. It is so exclusive the admission charge is one million credits per person, and as you can imagine that comes with a lot of perks. Perks I’m sure we will enjoy, you see we have no budget for this mission and I intend to make the most of it.” Max said only half- jokingly.

  “Shadow, clear us for jump.”

  “Aye, aye captain.”

  “Let’s go.” and with those final words began the craziest, but most important mission of any of our lives.

  Max suggested we go to our cabins and have the clothing synthesizer produce some very classy eveningwear. That taken care of, I went to my cabin to shower and change, where a little while later I heard a knock. As the door slid open I saw Sara, at least I thought it was Sara... But the woman standing in front of me hardly resembled the woman I had so recently met. Her long blond hair was pulled high into a bun, the dress she was wearing was a long and deep burgundy colored gown. It was slit up the side almost indecently. Her ruby red lipstick accented her perfect teeth and her matching shoes with incredibly high heels made the perfect accent to the dress. I was star struck. This woman was perfect in every way, except I couldn’t stand her, nor she me. Yet since the death of my wife Rebecca no woman had caught my eye, not to mention my emotions. Not like Sara. I both hated her and loved her at the same time. Right now with her standing so innocently at my cabin door with an expression of needless approval I simply said, “Dear God, you look like an angel.”

  Her smile of contentment really started to soften my heart towards her.

  “Jon, do you remember saying your door was always open?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, I’d like to tell you my story now before we get to be friends, as that seems to be the direction we are heading.”

  Again she appeared to have done a complete turnaround. All I could say was, “Ok, I am all ears.”

  “Well here goes. I was about eight, my brother ten or twelve, when the low budget transport we were on with our parents was hijacked by pirates. All the adults were lined up and shot right in front of us. I remember my mother lying on the floor trying to reach out to me. One of the pirates calmly walked over to her and shot her in the head. Our eyes were still locked as the life force gave out in her.

  I just sat in shock as the pirates separated the boys from the girls. They dragged me onto a different ship. At the time I didn’t know what it was, but now I know it was just an empty ore freighter. We were stripped and locked into one of the holds. To say we were terrified would be an injustice to how we were really feeling. Still, the worst by far was still to come. We spent about ten days locked in the hold, naked and with no sanitary facilities. The oldest was Anna and she did her best to keep the rest of us girls calm. For me, I just spent most of the time sitting in the corner on the cold hard plasium, remembering the look in my mother's eyes as she died. I guess I was in shock; what I do know was that I stopped being Sara and became more of a zombie. That turned out to be a good thing. Arriving at our destination, we were hauled out to the main deck and hosed down before being led off the ship. We ended up in a windowless room where one by one we were hauled out, still naked and scared to death. When my turn came I was led out of the room and into an auditorium where there was a large audience of men. I was led to the middle of the stage and the auction began. I was apparently a top commodity as the bidding began. I was finally sold for 200,000 credits and immediately transferred into the custody of an Arab man whose servants draped a robe over me. I was escorted to a locked cabin on the man’s ship. There was every amenity in my room that is on Shadow, which is one of the reasons I have been so hostile towards you. The flashbacks are happening almost continuously as this ship is so comparable to the one I was first enslaved on. The only thing I think I need to apologize for was my judgment of you. I thought that you were just another piece of shit bounty hunter. I didn’t know you were also a victim. I now know a part of your story and it explains a lot. I spent at least two days on the ship before two women came into the cabin. They bathed me and then dressed me in an outfit that was obscene, then taken to the master’s cabin where I was warned to obey his every command. The only penalty for disobedience was death.

  Well, I obeyed every command. I did things that night I had never even heard of. Needless to say, I was no longer a virgin in any way.

  He kept me and used me until I was about fourteen. I guess his taste in women was just little girls and I had grown up physically, but mentally I was a mess. I no longer remembered the happy years of my youth; I only remembered my time with him. So when I was summarily sold into a mining camp as the girl of the hour, and used just about every one of those h
ours, I longed for my years as Omar’s play toy.

  I spent probably two years in the mining camp. I was used by so many different men, and even a couple of woman that I no longer paid attention to who was on top of me. It no longer mattered. I had become used to being a sex slave. Eventually I was replaced with a younger version of myself and sold again; this time to an entirely different class of slave owner. For the next two years I was trained as a recreation specialist. I was taught all the nuances of how to give true pleasure to both men and women. Then I was assigned to a brothel where my services were sold. I never knew who my owners were or whether they ever used me. I just obeyed orders and did as I was told. I had no emotions left by this time. I guess I had just accepted my fate and never thought it would change. I was there for years, how many, I don’t know.

  Then one day one of the clients turned out to be an undercover agent of S.F.I. He somehow negotiated my purchase in complete violation of official policy. He brought me to a recovery center, and eventually I was recruited into S.F.I. But my hatred of men in general was not dampened; that is until now. Somehow I find myself softening up, especially towards you. That’s why I’m telling you this. There can’t be any lies, or acting with us if we’re to be true partners. You had to know about my past. I’m sure that you are completely disgusted by now, and probably don’t want anything more to do with me.”

  This was so far from the truth that my feelings were a jumble. Now I was having the flashbacks, about the day my family was killed.

  Without even realizing, I took Sara into my embrace as the carefully applied makeup she had a put on earlier started running, along with the tears that were pouring from her eyes. The sight of her sudden vulnerability completely overcame the wall I had been building against her. She held me as tightly as I was holding her. However I was quickly becoming angry and frustrated at the injustice that plagued our galaxy. I then and there silently added the hunting and killing of the people responsible for what had happened to the innocent little girl that was silently being held in my arms.


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