Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet

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Shadow Force 1: the Garden Planet Page 7

by J. R. O'Neill

  “That would be fine.” He replied.

  “Follow us then.” I said and led the way out of the airlock and down to the bowels of the ship. After inspecting the canisters we returned to the main deck and the lounge to try and interest Harrod in our deal.

  “The cargo has checked out perfectly. It is good to do business with honorable thieves.” Harrod said.

  “We are not necessarily thieves.” Max said, “We are mercenaries, we don’t steal unless we are paid to.”

  “Even better.” Harrod replied.

  “We have some other merchandise you might be interested in.” Max said.

  “Really, and what would that be?”

  “Perhaps it would be best to show you.” I said.

  “Please do, you have my interest piqued.” Harrod replied.

  We led Harrod down to the row of holding cells, specifically cell three. I entered the code that would open the door. As it slid aside I had a hard time covering my surprise at the scene that greeted us. Sara and Izzy were seated on the lounge wearing very sexy and see through negligees.

  “Oooh someone new to play with.” Izzy said as she walked over to Harrod and began running her hands over his body.

  “Not now.” Max said. “This is business.”

  “Oh pooh.” Izzy said as she backed off a few paces.

  “Harrod, these two are fully trained rest and recreation specialists that we acquired as payment for a job. Now we hear that some parties on this planet will pay well for merchandise such as this.”

  “They’re exquisite.” Harrod said. “I must see more!”

  This was already getting out of hand. I felt like strangling Max for getting us into this. Still, there was nothing I could do but play along.

  “Girls,” Max said.

  Sara rose off the couch and slowly, sexily, removed her negligee. Then, walking over to Izzy she slipped the flimsy garment off of her, letting her hand linger on Izzy’s naked body. They then went over and started caressing Harrod. After a short time Harrod stepped back.

  “Enough.” He said “How much must one pay to enjoy these beautiful creatures?”

  “Sorry, Harrod. They're not for rent, only for sale.” I said.

  “The price?” He asked his voice cracking.

  “We will start the bidding at one million credits.” Max said. “Each.”

  “That is extremely high, even for such as these.” Harrod stated.

  “But worth every credit.” I said. “They have been trained in all the disciplines of pleasure. One could lie with either for years and never have the same experience twice.” I started, drawing on what Sara had told me earlier.

  “No man will pay that price without experiencing the merchandise first.” Harrod said.

  “A bidder need only deliver a fifty thousand credit, nonrefundable deposit to enjoy the experience.” Max stated, using his hand to gesture to the two girls who were reclined on the couch, still naked and engaged in a passionate kiss.

  “I will see what can be done surely there will be a few interested bidders. But I want a cut.” Harrod said.

  “Were you not ordered to assist us in anyway?” I asked pointedly.

  “Yes, but I hardly think helping you with your personal finances comes under that heading. I could check with Mohammed if you like.”

  “That will not be necessary, what did you have in mind?”

  “The night before the auction I want to spend with your two angels.” Harrod stated.

  “Done.” Max told him.

  Done! I felt like shouting. No it’s not done! Who the hell did Max think he was to make that decision for us? I was sure to kill him over this.

  “It’s settled then.” Harrod said. “Now I must leave and deliver the cargo you brought and make some inquiries as to your private sale.”

  When we returned from seeing Harrod out we found the girls now dressed in their flight suits on the bridge.

  “Max! How could you make such a deal?” I asked angrily.

  “Calm down, it won’t come to that, I’m sure.” He replied.

  ‘Why?” I asked, not for a minute believing Max.

  “I anticipate that Anwar will come to see the girls for himself before the auction, and when he does we’re gone. The charade will be over, mission accomplished.”

  “It better happen that way!”

  “Relax Ryder, you worry too much.” Max said to me. I didn’t think it was funny, but let it go.

  “Jon.” Sara piped in. “We went over all this. You knew what would happen, and why. Now just back off, this is hard enough for Izzy and me, without you adding to our troubles. Do you think this is any easier for Max? Izzy is his wife for God’s sake, not just a new girlfriend.”

  With that said Sara broke down in tears. I walked her back to my cabin where for the next forty five minutes I couldn’t get a word out of her.

  “Here Sara drink this.” I said and handed her a glass of wine.

  “I’m sorry for crying.” she said while still sniffling. “It’s just that I can’t believe how easily I fell back into character.”

  “Into character?” I asked confused.

  “Back to what I was before.”

  “Sara you aren’t back there, you’re here with me, and you’re fine.” I said as reassuringly as I could.

  “This time maybe, but what about the next time what if I lose myself in the role, like I did before?”

  “You didn’t have me before, and I won’t let anything happen to you now.”

  “Thank you, I just hope you’re right.” she replied with the start of a smile.

  “I am baby, I promise.” And that was a promise that I would die trying to keep if necessary.

  Harrod called late the next day. He reported that he had two interested parties already, and was meeting with a third the next morning. He also said that a higher up in the black market was also interested, just not at that price. I told him we would stick to the auction, and if that didn’t fetch the right price we would entertain offers from the black market. Of course we had originally planned to start there. Only the auction seemed the best bet at luring Anwar to us. Nothing is ever written in stone in this business.

  He called back the following afternoon to tell us that his morning meeting had gone well, also that the client wanted a private viewing.

  “Who is this client?” I asked.

  “His name is Anwar. He is undoubtedly the richest man on this planet.”

  Finally I thought something was going right, with any luck we would be off this planet and safely in space soon. “When can we set up the appointment?” I asked.

  “Eight tonight, has been suggested.”

  “That will be fine. Please see to the details, and we will see you then.”

  After breaking the connection I called my little crew to the lounge.

  “We did it!” I said, once we were all together.

  “Did what?” They asked as one.

  “We’ve got Anwar! He will be here at eight tonight.”

  “Great.” Max said. “This calls for a celebration!”

  “I think maybe we ought to wait until we are safely off this rock before we celebrate.” I said, although I felt like celebrating.

  “I hate it when you’re right.” Max said. “There is still so much that could go wrong.”

  That statement got me nervous as my mind raced to think of just what could go wrong. I couldn’t think of anything. The interior defenses were foolproof, right? So what could go wrong?

  Harrod arrived just before eight accompanied by another man.

  “Good evening gentlemen.” I said as the airlock cycled closed.

  “Hello.” Harrod said. “Let me introduce you to Mondor. He is the personal representative of Anwar. He has been sent to evaluate the merchandise in question.”

  “We thought Anwar would come himself.” I stated while shooting a look at Max that could freeze molten lava.

  “He is far too busy to attend to this minute
detail. If I feel that the property in question warrants his interest, then he will make arrangements to be at the auction that I am told is planned.” Mondor said.

  “That will be fine.” I lied.

  “Please, time is short and I have other appointments this night.”

  “Right this way.” Max said as we led Mondor and Harrod back down to where the girls had sequestered themselves in holding cell three.

  This time when the door opened, the girls were standing by the entertainment center. They were both dressed in elegant evening gowns and sipping champagne.

  “Oh Sara, look he’s back, and he has brought a friend.” Izzy said.

  “I hope you can stay a little longer this time, we were just becoming friends.” Sara added.

  “Nothing would please me more. Sadly though we again we are here on business. Soon though my pets, soon.” Harrod said. “You see Mondor, are they not all that I said?”

  “We shall see Harrod which head you think with. Do either you know the dance of Aphrodite?”

  “We are both adept.” Sara answered Mondor. For my part I had no idea what they were talking about.

  “You will perform it now.” Mondor said. It was not a question, but an order.

  “Masters?” Sara asked Max and me.

  “Do it.” I said, not knowing what it was.

  Sara went over to the console and programmed the required music.

  “Do you want us to perform individually or the duet version?” Izzy asked.

  “The duet if you please.” Mondor directed.

  The dance started off with a slow steady rhythm to which the girls softly swayed, moving faster as the beat picked up. Suddenly the music changed, stopping then beginning again with a soft melody punctuated with a repetitive beat from a bass drum. When the rhythm changed yet again Izzy stopped dancing and stood still. Meanwhile Sara came up behind her. Then slowly she began removing Izzy’s dress, caressing the bare skin as it became exposed. Once Izzy was fully undressed, they reversed positions. This time Izzy removed Sara’s dress. Now both girls totally naked, the music became wild, and so did the girls. I never knew the human body was capable of such moves. When the music finally ended, and the girls stopped dancing I looked over at Mondor and Harrod. The latter was clapping and saying, “Exquisite, beautiful, there can be no question now can there Mondor? Are these not two of the most wonderful creatures to ever inhabit the galaxy?”

  “They performed flawlessly.” Mondor admitted. “How is it that you knew only to use those maneuvers that are acceptable for entertaining, and not the ones reserved for the bed chambers?”

  “We have been very well trained.” Izzy said.

  “Yes, but that distinction is only made in the royal houses of the Arab Empire.”

  “We have great knowledge of the customs of many cultures.” Sara replied.

  “You may dress now, I’ve seen enough to make my recommendation. Harrod come, we must leave.”

  Max and I saw our guests to the airlock and then joined the girls in the lounge.

  “I never thought I would have to perform that dance again.” Izzy stated.

  “Again?” I asked totally clueless.

  “Really Jon, do you think she just picked it up?” Max said.

  “Well, I thought Sara might have shown it to her.”

  “Honey.” Sara said. “That dance takes years to perfect, it’s completely choreographed. Every move means something. A girl can tell a complete story to a connoisseur.”

  “So how did you learn?” I asked Izzy.

  “That’s part of my past, something I would rather not get into.”

  “Sorry,” I said. “I’ll leave the subject alone.”

  “Thank you Jon, someday I’ll tell you about it. Just not now, okay?”

  I knew when to leave something alone, but the mystery that was Izzy would someday have to be unraveled.

  “Well, what do we do now?” Sara asked.

  “We wait.” I replied.

  “If all we can do is wait then I’m going to bed, that dance can really wear you out.” Izzy said.

  “Well, goodnight then, we’ll see you in the morning.” I said as Max and Izzy left the lounge. Followed shortly thereafter by Sara and me, we made our way to my cabin, the question of where Sara would spend the night not even coming up.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” Sara asked as we settled into bed.

  “Not to be crude, but that was the sexiest thing I think I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m glad you liked it, maybe someday when this is all over I’ll show you those missing parts.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to it.” I said. “How do you think Izzy learned the dance?”

  “She never said, yet she has at some time been as thoroughly trained as I was.”

  “Then she too was once a slave?” I asked.

  “That would seem likely, though don’t you think that’s a little too much to be a coincidence?” Sara asked.

  “My thought exactly.”

  “Isn’t it also strange that everything that’s happened since we first began this mission has somehow been planned or orchestrated by Max? Now suddenly he has a wife who also was once a sex slave.”

  “When did you tell them your background?” I asked.

  “Jon don’t you listen, I’ve never spoken of my past to anyone other than you.”

  “Still, somehow they know.”

  “It would certainly appear that way.” Sara replied, her voice shaking a little with the realization that all might not be well.

  “What do you think they’re after?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, we will have to find out.”

  “How?” I asked.

  “Well, I don’t think a direct confrontation would be wise at the moment, so far it seems that we are on parallel courses.” Sara observed.

  “Well, we could use Shadow to listen in on their private conversations.” I suggested reluctantly.

  “You mean eavesdrop? I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.”

  “It’s not about comfort. I need to know what’s going on and how they know about your past.”

  “So do I, still I don’t like it.” Sara replied.

  I gave the necessary order to Shadow, and we listened.

  “When are you going to tell your sister Max?” We heard Izzy ask.

  “I don’t know, this whole episode is getting out of control. I never intended for Sara to have to go through with this. I really thought we could quickly pick up Anwar and get the information we need to smash this tentacle of the slave trade.”

  “Max, you can’t take on all the slavers by yourself.”

  “Neither can Sara, and that’s just what she has been trying to do ever since she was rescued.”

  “So why haven’t you interfered before this?” Izzy asked.

  “Because, she wasn’t exposing herself directly she always worked through S.F.I. or the New Earth terrorist task force.” Max replied, his tone of voice showing the frustration that he felt.

  “She wouldn’t be exposing herself now, if it weren’t for you putting this team together.”

  “Yes she would. At the time I organized our team, my dear sister was petitioning S.F.I. to let her work undercover.” Max explained to Izzy.

  “Well that makes sense, she definitely would not be satisfied to just stand by and let others take all the risks.” Izzy replied, then continuing she said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your sister till tonight? I’m your wife! At least I think I am, unless that also is just another part of your plan.”

  “Izzy, I love you! That’s why I married you. Still you’ve known from the beginning just how complicated my life is, and that loving me would never be easy.”

  “Then why have you kept secrets from me, especially about your sister, my sister in-law!”

  “I told you I had a sister in S.F.I. that I wasn’t on speaking terms with.” Max replied.

  “Yeah right, you’re a great one for leaving out
the details of things.”

  “You know my creed; only tell people what they need to know!”

  “Well I needed to know, so no more secrets. You, I, Jon, and Sara are a team now. So I expect you to level with them.” Izzy demanded.

  “I will, tomorrow, I promise.”

  “Well you better, or I will!” Izzy said.

  “Shadow, stop audio.” I said then directing my attention to Sara who was pacing the room, angrier than I had ever seen her. “Are you alright?”

  “No I’m not alright, who does he think he is! God! Ten years wasted, if he had just come to me I...”

  “You would have turned him in.” I interrupted. “Reluctantly I’m sure. Still you would have done it.”

  “You’re probably right, but I just can’t believe it! He’s alive after all these years. I have to go talk to him.”

  ‘No you don’t!” I quickly injected. “Do you really want them to know that we were eavesdropping on them?”

  “Well then, what can I do?” Sara quickly replied, her frustration at the situation making her tone sharp.

  “Get back in bed.” I answered.


  “Because if you don’t, I’m going to get up and drag you in, you may not know it, but watching you strut around naked has a certain effect on me.”

  “Jon, can’t you think of anything else?” She admonished me. “I’ve just heard the most disturbing news of my life, and you want to play!”

  “Sara, what we heard, far from being disturbing news, was actually great news. Max is not one of the bad guys. Actually he’s an extremely good guy. He’s spent the last ten years watching out for you, helping when he could. He was the first to recognize the threat we are facing, and he organized this mission. We would be nowhere without him. And of course we would never have gotten together, if not for your brother. So give the guy a break, he’s doing the best he can.”

  “You’re right.” Sara said as she got back into bed. “Still it feels weird, after all these years of being alone in the galaxy. In a matter of days I get the brother who I thought lost forever and the man I will love for life.”

  “For life?” I asked as I bent towards her lips.

  “For life!” She replied meeting me halfway.


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