One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) Page 6

by Stephanie Haefner

  There’d be more opportunities, and maybe taking it slow was better for her anyway. Technically, she was still a married woman. For a few more days, anyway. Her lawyer said the papers should be ready soon.

  She had the late shift at the shop, which meant the morning was completely hers. Maybe she’d hit up the new boutique down the street. They had some cute things in the window. Oops. Forgot. No money for that kind of stuff anymore.

  What else? It was nice out. She could go for a walk. Scarlett would love that. She turned to the sleeping pup lying next to her in bed. “Wanna go for a walk?”

  Her little head sprung up at the last word. She jumped off the bed and ran away, returning with her pink leash in her mouth.

  Penny scratched the space between Scarlett’s ears. “Give me a few minutes to get ready, okay?”

  After brushing her hair and teeth and splashing some water on her face, she pulled on a pair of black yoga pants and a hot pink Classy ’n’ Sassy hooded sweatshirt. She was almost to the door when her cell rang, Blaire’s name on the caller ID.

  “You need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and meet me at The Lotus Sanctuary.”

  “Hello to you, too.”

  “No time for pleasantries. Kitty just told me she can’t make it today. You have to take her spot. There’s no way I can let this appointment go to waste.”

  Penny knew how hard it was to get into Lotus. Usually months. She hadn’t been there in ages, and she could already smell the cucumber and aloe in their skin softening face mask.

  But then her practical side kicked in. “I don’t know.”

  “You can’t be serious. There is no reason on earth to say no to this. I won’t accept anything but yes.”

  “Well . . . ” Penny had a good excuse. She didn’t have any money. But could she admit that to Blaire?

  “I can’t believe this. Fine. I have a long list of women who’d die for this opportunity. I’m sure—”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Penny was so weak, but at least she was woman enough to admit it.

  “Of course you will.” She could practically hear the smirk on Blaire’s face. “See you then. Ciao.”

  Penny yanked her sweatshirt over her head as Scarlett jumped at her leg. “I’m sorry, baby. Later. I promise.”

  The little dog gave a growl then turned, nose in the air. Yep, there’d be a tiny dog turd in one of her shoes when she came home.

  After throwing on the chicest outfit she could manage in that minuscule amount of time, she made it to Lotus just as Blaire stepped out of her chauffeured car.

  She gave Penny her usual air kisses. “Are you okay? You look sick.”

  “No. I’m fine. Maybe it’s because I don’t have any makeup on.”

  “Ah. That’s it. You really should avoid going out like that.”

  They walked in and were met with the heavenly scent of lavender. Oh man, Penny had really missed this. They were immediately served champagne from a silver tray. The good stuff. Blaire checked in and explained that Penny was taking Kitty’s spot, then joined her on a white leather couch.

  “Kitty refuses to leave her house. Bad reaction to her latest Botox injection. I told her to suck it up, but she won’t. Her loss is your gain.”

  Penny hated to admit it, but so far, she agreed.

  A woman appeared before them, dressed head to toe in white. “You can follow me.” She led them to changing rooms with fluffy white robes laid out for them. “Please change into your robes. I’ll be waiting outside.”

  Penny closed the door behind her. Even the changing room was more luxurious than her apartment. She snagged a fancy chocolate from the platter and sipped her champagne. She remembered when this sort of thing was a weekly ritual instead of a treat.

  She changed and met Blaire and the spa employee outside her room. They followed her to another room, where they were instructed to lie down on plush chaise longues.

  “Martika and Kloe will be right with you.”

  Within seconds, another spa employee appeared with a tray filled with champagne and more treats. Blaire took the champagne but shook her head at the chocolate delicacies. Penny knew it was because of whatever fad diet she surely insisted was the way to stay thin. Screw that! Hand her the fancy treats she’d never again be able to afford.

  “A little birdie told me you were with a superhot guy last night at Russell’s.” Blaire sipped her champagne. “I need details.”

  Penny knew it wouldn’t be the same as dishing with Bryn and Mia, but it was better than nothing. “His name is Theo. Dore. Theodore. And he’s hot. And muscular. He used to be a football player.”

  “Did he play for the Newford Nitro?”

  She recalled her conversation with Theo on the phone, the night they’d talked for hours. He’d talked about his dreams for football and the NFL and how they hadn’t exactly turned out as planned. “No. A different team. I can’t remember which one.”

  It wasn’t a lie, exactly.

  “So, what does he do now? I heard you guys had the chef’s table last night. He must make good money if he can afford it.”

  “He’s a football coach.” Again, not a lie.

  “Fabulous. Do you think he can get Richard access to the sidelines at next week’s game? He’d totally die if he could. He’s such a freak about that stuff.”

  “Maybe.” Shit. That was a bad answer. Penny was digging herself into a hole. She needed to change the topic immediately. “So where’s the next trip?”

  “We leave for St. Tropez in three weeks. I can’t wait. We’re staying at this villa on a secluded beach. I can walk the beach naked if I want.”

  Blaire continued, blabbering on about the upcoming trip and all the fabulous things she’d be doing there. Penny gave a few mmmm-hmms and ooohs and that was enough to satisfy her. Martika and Kloe arrived and slathered on the wonderful concoction of cucumber and aloe. After that, they moved on to the massage portion of the morning.

  It had only been a few months, but damn, did she miss this stuff. The relaxation and extravagance of it all. Her parents had worked hard to raise an unspoiled child—and they’d succeeded—but she did become accustomed to many of the amenities that money allowed. And sadly, it was hard to get used to not experiencing these things on a regular basis.

  The luxury had to come to an end at some point, and Penny really needed to get ready for work. The women dressed and met at the front desk to pay. Penny handed over her card while Blaire yammered away about her latest decorating disaster.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Woodley, but your card has been declined.”

  “What?” Embarrassment blazed across her cheeks, her stomach suddenly weak. This had never happened to her. “I don’t know how that’s possible.”

  “I’ll try it again,” the girl said, sympathy, or maybe pity, across her face. A moment later, she handed the card back, her voice lowering. “It’s still declined.”

  Penny’s hand shook as she took her card back. By now, Blaire and the other spa employees were looking at her. She then realized why the card was declined. It was her debit card, and her checking account only had about a hundred dollars in it. She didn’t know what the damage was for the morning’s pampering, but it was surely far more than a hundred bucks.

  She fidgeted with her wallet, sliding the debit card back in its place, and pulled out her shiny platinum card. What was another couple hundred dollars when she already owed fifteen grand? She handed it over, feeling as if she might vomit.

  This was definitely a wake-up call. She needed to get a second job. Immediately.


  THOR WALKED the sidelines as his kids ran a few practice plays, shouting out commands as needed. He enjoyed coaching far more than he ever thought. He’d wondered if doing it would make him nostalgic and sad for a game and life he could’ve had. And sometimes i
t did, but he liked helping these kids. He liked being a good role model for them, something positive. Not all kids had dads, or the ones they had were a waste of skin. He didn’t have a dad growing up and his coaches filled a void in his life. He’s glad he could be that for his players.

  He blew his whistle. “Water break!”

  Most trotted to the bench, but his quarterback migrated toward the cheerleaders practicing nearby. He approached one of the girls and took off his helmet, smiling as he bent to kiss her.

  Ah, young love. It reminded him of how much of an idiot he’d been the night before with Penny.

  He’d been so ready to kiss her. A real kiss, not that lame peck on the cheek. He’d had fun with her at dinner. They’d talked and laughed. He’d really enjoyed being with her. And yeah, he was definitely attracted to her. He’d certainly checked out the sway of her ass when she’d walked in front of him as they made their way out of the restaurant.

  But it was more than her body that he was attracted to. The sweet sound of her laugh, the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled. She had movie star hair and the most perfectly straight white teeth he’d ever seen in real life, but she was far from prim and proper. He was actually surprised by how much she ate—she ate everything Chef Kevin had laid in front of them. He liked a woman who actually enjoyed her food and didn’t worry about every last calorie.

  He liked a lot of things about Penny, and he was an ass for ending their date the way he did. He wasn’t even sure why he didn’t kiss her. Maybe he was intimidated.

  Laughter broke into his thoughts and he looked up, realizing his whole team was laughing at him.

  “Coach. We called your name like three times but you just stood there with a goofy smile on your face.”

  “Oooh. Must be a girl.”

  “Coach is in looove! Coach is in looove!”

  Thor’s cheeks heated as his players laughed and joked. “Keep laughing. ’Cause now you have to run three laps.”


  “Aw, man!”

  That would teach them to make fun of him. “Get movin’ or it’s gonna be four.”

  They took off and he shook his head. Damn kids. He pulled out his phone to text Penny. He had to apologize.

  Hey. I was just thining abt u. I had a great tim last night. I hope we can go out agin soon. And this time I promis it wont end so lame.

  He hit send and finished practice, trying not to check his phone every five minutes for a response, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t wait to hear from her.

  When practice ended, the boys headed for the locker room and he went to his office to freshen up and change for Open House.

  As a phys-ed teacher, he didn’t have to do much, but he liked talking to parents about his plans for the year, what sports he planned on teaching the kids, what lessons he’d give in physical fitness. He didn’t get nearly as many parents as the regular teachers did, but he was glad to talk with the ones who did stop by.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket as he spoke with the mom of an overweight tenth-grader. She expressed her concerns and he assured her he’d keep an eye on him and help him find some activities he enjoyed that would help him create a healthier lifestyle. He hated to rush her, but he really wanted to check his phone.

  Finally, she left. Perfect. He sat on the bleachers and swiped his finger across the screen to unlock it.

  Hi. Just got this now. Busy night at the shop. I had a lot of fun last night too. And yeah, I would’ve liked it to end differently too ;)

  He felt like a chick in a romantic comedy, the way his chest fluttered at reading her words. His hands actually shook as he replied.

  Next time I’ll kiss you for real

  His phone dinged again within seconds.

  Then I hope the next time is real soon.

  More flutters. He could leave school and drive over to Classy ’n’ Sassy. No one would care, right?

  But that’s not the way he wanted it. He really liked her and wanted to do it right. It could wait. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t text flirt some more. He started to reply, but a voice pulled him away.

  “Coach Rublinski?”

  Ugh. He knew that voice. Joey’s mom. He’d talked to her on the phone a few times since their first encounter. She’d complained about how exhausted Joey was. How sore his muscles were. How dirty and smelly his clothes were after practice. What could it possibly be now?

  “Hello, Ms. O’Conner. What can I do for you?”

  “My kid eats like a horse, thanks to you. I can’t afford to keep up.”

  “I’m sorry about that, but he’s doing great. He works harder than any other kid on the team. I think it’s a great experience for him.”

  She sighed. “I can’t argue with you. I’ve noticed the change in him. In a good way. So I guess we’ll continue with it. For the rest of this season, anyway.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Thank you. You won’t regret it.”

  She walked away and Thor exhaled with relief. He knew football wasn’t a magical fix for Joey’s problems, but at least it was something. And he was glad his mom saw it, too.


  PENNY KEPT her phone close by, giddy at the texts she’d exchanged with Theo. And she certainly needed some giddiness in her day. The morning’s relaxation had vanished in the two minutes of horror she’d experienced with her debit card decline. She’d practically sped home so she could make some calls and set up some interviews with the places she’d jotted down the other day. Then she had to rush to get ready and get to Classy ’n’ Sassy by one.

  “You look happy,” Mia said as she passed by the front counter.

  “I got a couple texts from Theo.”

  Mia’s eyebrow rose. “Oh, really? So things are going good with you two?”

  “They are.”

  “Good. I’m happy for you. But be careful. You’re just getting out of a bad relationship. You don’t want to move too fast with the next guy.” Mia was always a worrywart, even with Bryn, so she took no offense to her natural tendency for caution.

  “I won’t.” Just then, her text alert sounded. “I’m going to take my break now. Is that okay?”

  Mia looked around the shop. It wasn’t too busy, and Chanel was already taking care of one of the customers. “That’s fine.”

  She scooted out the employee entrance to the parking lot. There was a little area off to the side with a small table and chairs. It was a perfect place to get some air and get away from the shop for five minutes. She immediately opened her text messages.

  Sorry Lots fo parents to talk to. but back to our conversatin and the kiss that will happen next time.

  Oh yes. She most definitely would like to get back to that chat.

  Sounds fantastic to me. The question is when?

  Can’t do tomorrow but wed I have practis til 6. Free after that

  :( I have the late shift at the shop on wed. How about Thursday?

  I work at the Red Brik thur, fri & sat nites

  Ugh. Their schedules just didn’t match up.

  I guess we’ll have to wait then.

  She shouldn’t be so sad about a guy she recently started dating, but she hated to type those words. She wanted to see him now!

  Don’t woory It will be worth the wait.

  That sounded promising.

  I’m holding you to that.

  Penny sent her last text and headed back inside. Barely two seconds later Mia called her name.

  “Can you come here?”

  She headed to Mia’s office door. Chanel was already in there, standing next to Mia, leaning over to look at her computer screen.

  “What’s up?” Penny asked.

  “We were looking at the website and noticed a few things. You need to remove all the Oliver stuff, since he’s no longer a Classy ’n’ Sass
y model.”

  “I did that already.”

  She turned her screen and pointed to a picture of Oliver with his dildo box on the “About Us” page. “Chanel saw this and told me about it.”

  Of course she did. “I’m sorry. I must’ve missed it. I’m pretty sure I deleted the rest of his photos and removed all his info.”

  “As soon as you can, please go through and double check.”

  “I already checked the whole site,” Chanel piped up. “The rest is clear.” She flashed Penny a stellar smile.

  “Great. So are we done here?”

  Mia continued. “Chanel thinks we need an overhaul on the social media platforms. Can we integrate them with our Web site better? She said there’s a way to do that.”

  Then just have Chanel do it, since she’s your pet now. “Absolutely. I’ll get right on it.”

  Penny left before anything else could be said, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. This sucked. Six months ago she was part of the Classy ’n’ Sassy team and no one second-guessed her. She had friends who adored her. She had a husband and was trying to get pregnant. Now all of that was gone.

  Her phone dinged in her hand. Another text from Theo.

  We’ll figure smethng out. I can’t wait to see u

  And it was exactly what she needed.


  The rest of the week dragged by for Thor, even though he was busy. He’d talked to Penny on the phone a few times and they’d texted back and forth like crazy. His heartbeat sped with just the sound of his text alert.

  It was finally Saturday, and even though he couldn’t sleep in much, he loved Saturdays. It was the season opener for his varsity squad. They worked so hard each day at practice and he was pumped for their first real game. His first real game as head coach. He’d been coaching peewee kids for years, but this was high school. It was a whole different ball game, literally.

  He arrived early, and was the first one there. He wanted to make sure everything was set up just right. His players started to arrive about an hour before kickoff. He instructed the assistant coaches to lead square drills while he went over his plays, deciding which to run first.


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