One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) Page 9

by Stephanie Haefner

  He saw her Mercedes pull into the lot and met her outside. She walked toward him and he could tell she’d had a shitty day.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked as she approached.

  “No. Today sucked.”

  He pulled her into his arms and squeezed. It felt good to comfort her, to be there for her. “What happened?”

  “Can I get a margarita first? If I don’t get a buzz going, I might not be able to talk without crying.”

  Uh-oh. Not good at all.

  The hostess seated them and right away he ordered Penny a drink. Two drinks. So she wouldn’t have to wait for a refill.

  “Thanks. That was really sweet of you.” She smiled at him, and hadn’t even had a sip of margarita yet. “I feel better just being with you.”

  “Good. And when you’re ready, go ahead and talk.”

  She relayed her story from her day at work. How weird Mia had been about her new job and schedule, to having her ideas shut down, yet again, and now being forced to work with the new girl. The first margarita went down and she started on the second.

  “I just don’t feel like they value me anymore. I used to be part of the team and now I’m just . . . there. Chanel is the new teacher’s pet. You should have seen Mia today, fawning all over her, hanging on her every word. Like Chanel’s some marketing goddess.”

  More margarita. Thor wished he would’ve ordered a beer instead of his cola. Mia and Bryn were his friends. He’d known them since they were all little kids. Whatever choices they made, it was for the best interest of the store.

  But he knew better than to say that to Penny.

  “It’ll all work out,” he said, figuring it was the best thing to say. “They may not act like it, but I’m sure they know how valuable you are. They’d have to be blind to miss it.” He reached for her hand. “I can see how amazing you are.”

  That made her smile. “Thanks.”

  “Just continue being you and the novelty of the new girl will wear off.” He placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Let’s forget about them and the shop and concentrate on what’s important.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “What we’re gonna eat, of course. I know this isn’t fancy, but they have the best guacamole.”

  “I like how you think.”

  They spent the rest of the meal sampling each other’s food and talking about other great restaurants in the city. The places they could go on their next dates. He liked thinking about the future. He’d never really thought that way with a woman before. And he was ready for something more.

  With Penny.


  PENNY WALKED into her apartment after another amazing evening with Theo. And another ridiculously awesome, toe-curling kiss. She could only imagine how those lips would feel on the rest of her body. He sure had a way of making her forget her troubles.

  She could tell he’d wanted to defend Mia though. Of course he would—they’d been friends forever. A few months ago, if anyone dared to bad-talk Mia or Bryn, she would’ve been first in line to bitch them out. But sadly, things had changed and she had no clue where she stood with either of them, friendshipwise or at work. She didn’t know how she felt about them, either. But she realized it had been wrong for her to say the things she had to Theo. She shouldn’t put him in the middle of it. She hadn’t meant to. She’d really just needed to vent.

  Mia and Bryn were the people she used to vent to on a regular basis. But what do you do when the people you used to vent to become the ones you’re venting about?

  Penny needed more girlfriends. And Blaire didn’t count. She couldn’t possibly understand.

  Her phone started to ring. Theo calling already? Nope. Big brother Wesley.

  “I’ve been home for a week and you’ve yet to welcome me.”

  She shook her head. He loved to razz her. “Sorry. You’re back and forth so much I figured you didn’t need a welcoming committee anymore.”

  Brother and doctor extraordinaire, Wes spent a lot of time in various parts of the world setting up clinics and helping those in need. Lucky for her, he’d been home when her life fell apart and she was the one in need. He’d helped her move out of Jack’s penthouse and let her crash on his couch while she got back on her feet. Even got her drunk a few times to help ease the pain. That’s what big brothers were for.

  “How was Africa?”

  “Good. Helped set up a school and made sure the kids had their vaccines. Even delivered a baby.”

  That was a scene she wished she could have witnessed. “Cool. Gonna settle down and become an obstetrician?”

  “Maybe. You never know. How are things on your end?”

  “Good.” She debated how much she should tell him. Would big brother really want to hear about her love life? “I’m seeing someone.”

  A pause. “Already?”

  “Yes. You can’t choose when fate steps in.”

  “Fate? You’re not getting serious with this guy, are you?”

  “Not really. But he’s . . . different. I like him. A lot.” She tried to contain her enthusiasm, but was failing.

  “Oh geez. You’re not gonna get all girly on me, are you? That’s what you have friends for.”

  “Right now you’re all I got. But I don’t want to talk about that. So you’re just going to have to suck it up and let me be giddy.”

  “I don’t even know what giddy means.”

  “You’re about to find out.” Penny laughed and went on to gush about Theo. It was an interesting experience, filled with groans on his part and surely a bunch of eye rolls, too.

  “I’m happy for you, but be careful,” Wes warned. “You haven’t even signed your divorce papers yet. Don’t go getting all serious about this guy.”

  “I’ll be signing them soon. Are you saying I should toss away a great guy just because he came along right after I was dumped?”

  “I’m just saying be careful. You’ve been hurt enough.”


  “You’re going to Dad’s birthday party next Monday, right?”

  “Ugh. I forgot about that.” She hadn’t seen any of her family since the breakup, aside from her mom and dad and Wes. The thought of explaining it all, over and over, made her stomach churn. “Do I have to go?”

  “Mom pretty much told me I’m only allowed to miss it if I’m dead. So, yes. You have to go. Are you bringing Mr. Wonderful?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  The night was sure to be awkward and uncomfortable for her. Was it right to subject him to that? But she couldn’t help feeling the whole thing might be a little more bearable if she had him by her side.

  CHAPTER Eleven

  Penny went about her day of work, pretending not to be affected by what had happened over the last few days with both her bosses. Mia seemed oblivious, like she hadn’t done anything wrong, so that part was easy. But Bryn was still pissed. And Penny hated that.

  Bryn approached her at the front counter. “Can you assist the customer in changing room B, or do you have plans?”

  Did she seriously just say that?

  “Bryn, come on,” Mia said, and Penny was shocked that she was somewhat sticking up for her. “Can’t we all be professional?”

  “I’m being perfectly professional. I was simply asking if Penny could do me a favor or if she had something else to do instead.”

  “I’m not busy right now. I can help the customer,” Penny said. She didn’t need more tension in the shop than there already was.

  Penny tended to the woman, doing a bra fitting and fetching a bunch in the size she needed. “Ring your bell if you need anything,” she said before leaving the fitting room area.

  Bryn was wrapping up a purchase when Penny returned to the counter. “All good?” she asked.

  “Yep. I did everything
she needed me to.”

  “Good. I’m glad you could help her out. She seemed like she was in a bind.”

  “Bryn . . . ” Mia’s tone was warning.

  “What?” She rang up her customer and wished her a good day.

  Penny had had just about enough of the subtle digs. This was ridiculous. “Look, I’m sorry that I didn’t come running when you called, but I have a life of my own, too. I had plans with Theo, and why is my love life any less important than yours?”

  Bryn’s mouth fell open, her eyes softened. “Oh, I didn’t realize.”

  “Realize what? That I have a life?”

  “I guess. I’m so used to you being able to fill in whenever we need you.”

  “Jack was an ass and he worked all the time, or as I now know, was spending his time fucking a stripper. He didn’t have time for me so I had all the time in the world to try and keep my mind off my worthless life. Working here helped. But now I have a real love life for the first time ever.”

  “You do?” Bryn’s face lit up and she crossed the distance between them and hugged her. “I’m so happy for you. And Thor.”

  The tension drained from Penny’s body and she put her arms around Bryn and squeezed. Maybe everything would be okay between them. Maybe everything could go back to the way it used to be. “Thank you.”

  Bryn pulled away. “We need to celebrate! And dish details.” She left and came back with a bottle of wine from the closet.

  “It’s barely even noon,” Mia objected.

  “So? This is what we do. We celebrate things and chat. We need wine, and why does time even matter? Then we can sober up before we go home.”

  “She has a point,” Penny said.

  “Okay, fine.”

  Mia grabbed glasses and Bryn poured. “I want to know everything.”

  Penny sipped and let it all out. The dinners, the kisses, the texts.

  “Aw! I’m really happy for you guys,” Bryn cooed. “But I need to know about the sex!”

  “Why?” Mia asked. “You get all the sex you want now. Do you still need to live vicariously through everyone else?”

  “No. I just like hearing about sex. And maybe I can pick up a few pointers.”

  Mia and Penny looked at each other and burst out with laughter. “I don’t think there is anything you could learn from either of us.”

  Bryn shrugged and downed the rest of her wine. “You never know.”

  Ding. The bell sounded from the changing area.

  “I’ll get it,” Bryn said, springing from her seat. “But not another syllable until I get back.”

  After finding the woman matching undies for her new bras and ringing her up, the shop was empty once again.

  “Okay. Continue.” Bryn refilled everyone’s glasses.

  “There’s really not much more. We haven’t done it yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “There just hasn’t been an opportunity.”

  “Sure there has! There are always opportunities for sex.”

  “I don’t know. We’re going kind of slow.”

  Mia chimed in. “I think that’s best. You aren’t technically even divorced yet.”

  “Yeah. I don’t want to just jump into bed with someone new.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Bryn said. “I can respect that. But when you’re ready, be prepared for an orgasmic experience. I’ve heard from many reputable sources that he’s fantastic in bed.” She then grabbed a sample Logan dildo from the counter and held it up. “And this is small in comparison.”

  Whoa. Penny didn’t know if she should be terrified or thrilled. But a more important question nagged at her brain. “So . . . how many is many?”

  “Your boy has quite a reputation for getting around. For a while, all the girls knew if they needed to get laid all they had to do was go to The Red Brick and ask.”

  Penny tried to control her shock.

  “But that was years ago.” Mia jumped right in. “He’s not like that anymore.”

  “Oh . . . yeah.” It was as if Bryn had realized her faux pas. “He’s definitely calmed down. I haven’t even seen him flirt with anyone in a long time.”

  This was a lot to take in. Her number was really low. As in two.

  But it sounded as if Theo had been with dozens, maybe even hundreds of women. Her sexual experience hardly went any further than missionary and the occasional night when Jack was too drunk to care and let her ride him. Hell, she’d experienced more sexual positions with her vibrators than she had with her husband.

  She’d thought about what it would be like to have sex with Theo and it sounded magnificent. But now? Now she was a little worried.


  “GO GET some water,” Thor yelled to his players, and they trudged off the field to the sidelines and their water bottles. He was working them extra hard today, hoping to avoid another loss. His phone dinged in his pocket. A text from Penny.

  Any chance we can meet up for dinner after practice tonight? Can’t wait to see you again :)

  He couldn’t wait to see her, either.


  My place. I’m feeling like pizza.

  sounds perft to me. I can pik it up on theway


  Someone was in a good mood. That made him smile.

  C u then

  The rest of practice dragged. Part of him wanted to end early so he could get to Penny’s sooner, but he couldn’t do that. As the defensive coordinator ran one more play, Thor called and ordered the pizza. In thirty minutes he’d be picking up the pie and on his way to her apartment.

  The boys hit the showers, and Thor and the other coaches cleaned up the field, picking up balls and the cones they used for drills.

  “Anyone want to get a few beers?” one of them asked as he shoved a ball into a net bag. “My old lady’s been nagging on me all week. I sure as hell ain’t going home yet.”

  The other coaches laughed, so Thor forced a laugh, too, silently thanking Penny for not acting that way.

  “I’m in,” said one coach.

  “Me, too.”

  “Thor, what about you?”

  He wondered how to answer. None of them knew he was dating someone. “I have plans tonight. Maybe another time.”

  “Plans? What does that mean?”

  He stacked bright orange cones on the bench. “I have a date.”

  “Aw, how sweet,” the first guy mocked. “Remember what it was like to date, guys? Fancy dinners, fucking whenever or wherever you wanted. Blow jobs on the regular. That shit doesn’t happen once you put a ring on her. And forget trying with kids around. They really fuck everything up.”

  More laughter from the coaching crew, but Thor couldn’t even force it this time. He didn’t know much about marriage, having few examples in his life, but was it really that bad? He refused to believe that.

  “I have to go,” he said, and flung a bag of balls over his shoulder, heading for the equipment shed.

  More laughter, but one of the guys trotted after him. “Don’t listen to that asshole,” Ben said. “I have a great wife and I love my kids. He’s just a miserable son of a bitch.”

  Thor nodded, taking in his words. “Thanks, man.”

  “Enjoy your date.” He slapped Thor on the back and headed for his car.

  He would. He’d make sure he savored every minute with Penny. Maybe he was lame, but he never thought marriage and love was all about sex anyway. Yeah, of course he liked having sex, but there was more to life. He didn’t know if what he had with Penny was love, or was even leading there, but it sure as hell was better than anything he’d had before.

  Now he was more anxious than ever to get to Penny’s. He got the pizza and made it to her house in record time.

  “You’re here earlier than I thought,�
�� she said as she opened the door.

  He didn’t give her a chance to say anything else. Curling his one free hand around her waist, he pulled her to him, his lips immediately finding hers. A soft sigh escaped from her throat and he tilted to his head to deepen the kiss, her arms wrapping tight around his neck. He wanted her against his body, to feel every curve, but he still had the damn pizza in his hand.

  He pulled back, trying to control his labored breaths. “One second.”

  They stepped into her apartment and he set the box on her stovetop. He then turned and lifted her up onto the kitchen counter. Her arms were back around his neck, breasts pressed to him. This was more like it. He tried like hell to control his roaming hands, but had to give in. He let them explore down her thighs to her knees, wrapped in skintight little leggings that he loved. He lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She locked her ankles around him. God, he fucking loved that.

  But then her plump lips left his and traveled to his neck. Oh shit. If he let her keep doing that, soon he wouldn’t be able to stop. And he didn’t want their first time together to be on her Formica countertop.

  He pulled back, deep breath in, hands resting on each side of her.

  “That was one hell of a hello,” she said, both of them grinning like idiots.

  “You want some pizza?”

  “I do.”

  She unhooked her legs and he stepped back, happy his shirt was long enough to cover his erection. She handed him a plate and they loaded up with gooey slices, then sat on her couch.

  “I don’t have The Goonies, but there’s a John Hughes marathon on tonight.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  This right here: pizza, eighties teen movies, and a gorgeous woman who got his blood pumping in all the right areas, but also made him laugh. This was better than meaningless sex. This was what life was supposed to be like.

  CHAPTER Twelve

  As the credits rolled on The Breakfast Club, Thor and Penny stayed snuggled into each other with her head on his chest. He didn’t want to move. It was too perfect.

  Her hand traveled up his stomach and gently rubbed across his chest. “I have something to ask you.”


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