One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3) Page 13

by Stephanie Haefner


  THOR’S KIDS jumped and cheered, convening in a huge mob on the fifty-yard line. Their first win of the season, and he was so proud. It had been a tough game, with tons of penalties and a few stops of the clock for injuries—none serious—and it made for a very long game. If he hurried, he’d have just enough time to run home and shower before picking up Penny. He cleaned up as the kids headed off the field.

  “Coach Rublinski?” It was Joey’s mom. “These football cleats you loaned us don’t fit right and they’re hurting his feet.” She held them out to him.

  Thor wasn’t sure what this meant. “He needs cleats to play. Can’t he suck it up and wear them?”

  “I have some extra money this week so I thought I’d get him his own.”

  This was a pleasant surprise. He took the muddy shoes from her. “That’s great. Go to Sports Zone. They have the best prices. Tell them he’s one of my kids.”

  Her smile blossomed. “Thank you. For everything. This whole football thing really means a lot to him. And to me, too. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him this happy before.”

  Thor was glad to see something had finally made her come around.


  THOR SLAMMED the shifter into drive and peeled out of the Sports Zone lot. Shit. He was late picking Penny up. It was only supposed to be a quick stop. Help Joey and his mom pick out the right cleats and be done. But the ones he liked were more expensive than she could afford. So Thor offered to wait in the crazy long line to get his coach’s discount for them. He couldn’t even go home and change out of his football duds. Or stop at the store for wine and picnic food, like he’d originally planned.

  This date was off to an awful start.

  His cell phone began to ring. Sure it was Penny, he answered without looking at the screen. “I’m sorry. I was helping one of my kids and the line at Sports Zone was crazy.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  It was Seth. “Sorry, man. What’s up?”

  “Having a micro emergency at the bar. A pipe burst and there’s water everywhere. Any chance you can help? Like now? I got people coming in less than an hour and I still have to get all the tables and buffet set up.”

  “Uh . . .” He was already late getting Penny. “Sure. I just need to make a call.”


  “Seth?” He pulled the phone from his ear. Dead. Great. He’d have to call Penny when he got to the bar.

  He parked behind The Red Brick and went in through the back entrance, stepping in about an inch of standing water. “What the . . . ?”

  “I know,” Shelly said, polka-dotted rain boots on her feet. “It’s a freaking disaster. But at least it’s contained to the back room and kitchen.”

  “You can’t cook in there like that.”

  “Ya think?”

  Thor grabbed a snow shovel and propped the back door open. He scooped the water and tossed it out while Shelly manned the Shop-Vac and Seth ran around mumbling profanities. When most of the mess was gone, Thor grabbed a dry mop and began sopping up the remaining water in the kitchen. Seth maneuvered around him, almost dropping a tray of roasted chicken when he slid on a wet tile.

  “Sorry, man. This was supposed to be your night off. I hope Penny’s not too mad.”

  “Shit.” Thor leaned his mop against the side of the refrigerator and reached for the ancient corded phone on the wall.

  “Oh my God! Finally! I was so worried. Your phone went directly to voice mail.”

  “I’m sorry. I needed—”

  “Why didn’t you call? I’ve been out of my mind.”

  “My phone died.”

  “You could have found another phone to use! How do I know you weren’t in a ditch or something?”

  “Penny. Calm down. I’m at the bar. I was on my way to pick you up but Seth had an emergency and needed help.”

  “Then why didn’t you call me the second you got there?”

  “Because I walked into a flooded room and thought I should get that taken care of first. I’m really sorry. I meant to call you.”

  “I just . . .” She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “I didn’t know where you were and I freaked out.”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

  “I guess. Now, anyway.”

  He hadn’t meant to worry her. “I can’t leave yet. I still need to help Seth clean this mess up. Can I meet you at your place when I’m done?”


  He hated the tone. Hated he had let her down. Worried her. Such an idiot he’d been. He should have known she’d worry. After everything she’s been though with her asshole ex. The last thing he wanted to be was another asshole.


  WHY WAS Penny acting so needy? So anxiety ridden? Of course there was a logical explanation for Theo standing her up. He wasn’t dead in a ditch—or off screwing some other girl. He was helping a friend. Because that’s the kind of man he was. A good man.

  And she needed to show him she was a good woman. A woman worthy of him, instead of some freak who jumped to the worst conclusion.

  She changed out of her Classy ’n’ Sassy clothes in favor of old jeans and a sweatshirt. She twisted her hair into a bun, ready for some dirty work, and headed to The Red Brick.

  “What can I do?” she asked as she stepped into the bar.

  Seth, Shelly, and Theo all turned toward her.

  “You didn’t have to come down here,” Theo said as he approached her, his arms pulling her in tight.

  “I want to help.”

  “We can sure use it,” Shelly said.

  “Great.” Penny pulled back. “Just point me in the right direction.”

  She followed Shelly to the back room, a quick glance over her shoulder. Theo watched her, admiration filling his eyes. That’s the woman she wanted to be.

  CHAPTER Seventeen

  Thor’s original plan was to head up to the lake, eat their picnic dinner, maybe make out a little. Snuggle under blankets with his laptop and The Goonies. But after helping at the bar, and Seth insisting they eat from the massive party buffet before they left, their bellies were too full and it was too late to drive all the way out to the lake.

  But maybe he could still bring part of the movie into their date.

  He headed toward the edge of Kenville and the old schoolhouse. It was the original building from 1885, when the town had first been established. It now served as a mini museum, but outside, the water well still existed.

  They pulled up in front of the dark building, his headlights illuminating it.

  “What are we doing here?” Penny asked.

  “Follow me,” he said, and hopped out. This was going to be either the most romantic thing he’d ever done, or the lamest. Penny met him in the front of the truck, their bodies making shadows in the beams of light as his heart slammed against his rib cage.

  They stepped to the well. “We were going to watch The Goonies in the back of my truck under the stars, but it’s getting kinda late for that. The wishing-well scene is one of my favorites. And we’re not actually inside a wishing well, but . . .” He swallowed hard, willing himself to continue, praying this wasn’t the stupidest thing ever. “What would your wish be?”

  Penny let go of his hand and placed both on the rim of the stone well, bending over to peer inside. He bent, too. It was pitch black in there, but the moon reflected off the water, way deep inside.

  “I used to wish for the perfect life,” she started. “The fancy house and car, the successful husband who doted on me, like my dad did with my mom. A bunch of kids. A life filled with fancy parties and designer clothes, extravagant vacations, and top-of-the-line everything.”

  Shit. He couldn’t give her any of that. Once upon a time, he’d had the same wish. Once upon a time, he w
ould have been able to make her wishes come true. But now . . . He was just a teacher and coach in a small town, living in a thousand-square-foot house, driving an eight-year-old pickup.

  “But I don’t wish that anymore,” she continued, turning to him. “My only wish now is to be happy. To find someone who wants to be with me—and only me—and make plans as we go.”

  His heart thumped wildly beneath his skin, scared to say what he wanted to say, unsure of how to even form the words. He forced himself to speak, but it came out as a whisper. “I want to make you happy.”

  “You do?”

  He nodded. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I don’t know what this is that we have, but it’s more than I’ve ever experienced before. I know I can’t give you what he did and I don’t know if I’ll ever be more than I am right now, but all I want to do is make you smile.”

  And with that, a brilliant grin blossomed across Penny’s face and all his anxiety melted away. She leapt into his arms, her lips on his, a giggle in her throat. He held her tight, playful kisses turning serious. He rested his backside against the stone well, her feet now back on the ground, where he was better able to hold her and touch her. There was nothing better than her arms wound tightly around his neck, pulling their bodies together.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she breathed against his lips.

  All he could do was nod and grab her hand as they dashed toward the truck. His dick hardened with every step, then every block as they rode through town to his house. He hit the brake pedal a little too hard as he pulled into his driveway, apologizing when he grabbed her hand and led her to the front door. He fumbled with his keys, and apparently it was time for payback. Her lips didn’t reach his neck, like his had hers, but her hands . . . They reached around the front of him just fine. She tucked one into the waistband of his jeans and into his boxer briefs, stroking him with a velvet palm. If he didn’t get that damn door open soon he’d explode in her hand.

  As the lock clicked open, they stumbled through the doorway. Penny squeezed his cock, and fuck did that feel good. She slipped around the front of him, but even on tiptoes she could barely reach his lips. He wrapped his arms around her and kicked at the door, closing it with a slam.

  “Where’s the bedroom?” she asked.

  Instead of answering, he lifted her up, hands pressing into luscious mounds of ass, smooth legs wrapped around his waist, and carried her there. It was a short trip down the hall, but she managed to get half her clothes off on the way. He set her on the bed, up on her knees, and she went to work peeling off his clothes. Her lips and tongue kissed a hurried path down his chest as she fidgeted with his belt buckle.

  But he wanted it slow and sensual for their first time together. He wanted to savor every second, every lick, every nibble.

  Thor gently pulled away from her. “This is so hot and I love it, but can we slow down?”

  “Um . . . okay.” She sat back on her heels. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

  “Oh I do.” He ran his fingers through her hair and cupped her chin, tugging it upward. “But I want to take my time and do it right.”


  PENNY’S MOMENT of anxious fear quickly changed to something else. Adoration? Excitement? Love? Theo didn’t want a quick fuck. He wanted real. This big, tough, manly football guy wasn’t looking for a quick wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. And that made her want him even more. The wait was going to be oh so excruciating, but oh so worth it.

  He flipped on a small bedside lamp, illuminating the small space. It was decorated simply in gray and navy, with basic furniture. It suited him, right down to the football and cleats in the corner. But she refused to waste any more time on his choice of décor. Not when there was a private strip show in front of her.

  Theo’s lips curled into a sly smile and she salivated, needing to taste him again. Soon. She kept her eyes on him as she shimmied the rest of the way out of her jeans and panties, tossing them to the floor. His hands moved to his belt, and she made herself comfortable on his bed, lounging against the plush pillows, her thighs spread wide, eyes still focused on his. As he slid the leather strap of his belt through the metal, her hand slid down her body. His gaze left hers and followed her hand as it grazed her stomach, then slipped between her folds to the center of her heat, hot and wet. His eyes bugged out and his hands stopped their unbuckling.

  “I know you want to go slow,” she purred. “But I can’t wait much longer.”

  That made him unbuckle a whole lot faster. He almost fell over trying to yank his feet out of his jeans, obviously forgetting his sneakers were still on. Crimson flashed across his cheeks as he took the time to get his shoes off. He stood there in only black boxer briefs, the head of his dick peeking out the top of the waistband. Yummy.

  Theo pushed his boxers to the floor, and when he stood tall—all six foot four of him—his dick was at full attention and completely in correct proportion to his mammoth height.

  Theo crawled to her, moving her hand and replacing it with his mouth. His tongue was hotter than her body, euphoric sensations rocketing to her core, but this wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted his massive body covering hers, the weight of him pressing her into the mattress, her legs wrapped tight around him as he filled her.

  “I need you,” she said as she pulled at his biceps. “Now.”

  Theo wasn’t much for words, but the intensity in his stare as he pushed himself up said exactly what she wanted to hear. He was hungry. For her. She expected to be devoured, like a starved lion with its prey, totally and completely ready for every delicious second. But he came at her softly. Their lips met, featherlight kisses that started there and continued to her jawline, her ear, her collarbone. As his tongue circled her nipple, her nipples as hard as diamonds, she felt her wetness drip onto the comforter below.

  Theo nipped at one of her sensitive buds and a spark of lust-filled pain radiated through her. She raked her fingernails through his neatly trimmed hair, continuing over bulging shoulder muscles. She couldn’t quite reach his beautiful ass, and felt pretty sad about that fact.

  Until he nibbled at her again, his hand on her other breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. She cupped both hands around his chin and pulled his mouth to hers, done with sweet kisses. “Please,” she begged. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  He pulled back, kneeling between her splayed thighs, an Adonis towering above her. He reached for a condom from the bedside drawer and rolled it on. She was mesmerized as she watched, so ready for all of him. She drew in her bottom lip and bit down, stopping herself from begging him to hurry.

  Finally finished, he leaned down to her, a soft kiss to her forehead. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “So ready.” She tried not to sound desperate.

  But instead of putting that gorgeous cock inside her, he slid a finger in, then two. He added a third and she couldn’t contain her moan.

  “Is that good?” he asked.

  She could barely speak as he moved in and out of her, so slick, so smooth. “Very good. Not exactly what I want though.”

  He laughed, soft and tender. “I know. I just want to make sure your body is ready and I don’t hurt you.”

  The statement both warmed her heart and made her body ache for him.

  “I think you’re ready now.” He smiled as he withdrew his fingers and situated himself between her legs.

  Theo pressed a kiss to her lips and she felt him brush against her opening. The pressure of his cock stung a little as she stretched to accommodate him, a glorious mixture of pleasure and pain, of complete fulfillment. He slid out and pushed in again, oh so slowly, pulses of satisfaction reaching every square inch of her body.

  He began to move faster, her hands traversing the landscape of his skin, over mountains of muscle. She held tight to his ass as he pumped into her, muscles tig
htening and releasing. Pushing him to her, she began to move, too, meeting him, one foot on the bed to anchor her, the other wrapped tight around him. His lips met hers, hungry, and he groaned against her open mouth. She moved her lips to his neck, his earlobe, and his body tensed against her.

  “Mmm,” he murmured, but then pulled away.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked, nervous, the chill of the room nipping at her sweat-splattered skin.


  There was that naughty smile again, and she knew. This was far from over.

  Theo shimmied down the bed, his lips connecting with her heat, jolts of pleasure zinging her core. This wasn’t going to take long at all. Her body hummed, pulsing with every flick of his tongue. And then he sucked at her clit, the sensations steadily building, and she was unable to hold still. She reached out for him, one hand to his head, the other his shoulder, as he threw her over the edge. She screamed out as her body pulsed and squeezed her eyes tight, stars flashing behind her eyelids as her head spun with euphoric dizziness.

  Now that was the kind of orgasm Bryn had been talking about.

  Penny lay there, struggling for breath, her body limp and spent. But it wasn’t over. He connected with her again, that fabulous dick of his sliding right back in. Right where it belonged. Slow and sensual, Theo brushed the hair from her sweaty forehead, his gaze locked on hers as he thrust into her, slow, tender. They were connected, in so many more ways than just physically. A flood of emotions overcame her and she had to will her eyes to stay dry.

  He kissed her, gentle nips, his tongue grazing the opening between her top and bottom lips. She invited him in, their tongues mingling as he continued to make love to her. This was no longer just simple sex.

  Theo’s body started to tense again. He was close. But she wanted to give him what he had given her. An amazing release. She pushed with her foot, nudging him to his back. They managed to seamlessly flip over, her body straddling his. She sat up, finally able to fully take him.

  “Ooh,” she exclaimed as she sucked in a breath.

  “Are you okay?” Concern colored his flushed cheeks as his hands rubbed up and down her hips.


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