Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles

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Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Page 11

by Audra Hart

  Her heart races impossibly fast as her hips arch gently to meet his lips. Her hands dart out to weave her fingers into his hair. He reaches up with both of his hands, where he disentangles her fingers, brings her hands to his lips and kisses each hand, and then gently plants her arms along her body. Quickly, he unties the robe, peels open the flaps and tucks them over her arms and under her body, effectively trapping her arms at her sides. “So beautiful,” he growls.

  Through this whole process their eyes never waver, but now her eyes hold a question. His eyes beg her to trust him. She does.

  He traces the scar on her thigh with his finger tips and says, “These scars really make you feel self-conscious, don’t they?” Morna nods wordlessly. Lucian kisses the scar and says, “They shouldn’t. You are truly beautiful Morna. On the inside and the outside,” Lucian says earnestly.

  Yeah, if you’re into horror flicks, she muses to herself but remains silent and watchful.

  He kisses the scar again and then returns his face to the front of her panties, where he places another tender kiss before laving her sex with his tongue through the material of the panties. The growling sound he makes causes her sex to flood again with evidence of her arousal. “Fuck Morna! You are so sweet! I want to lose myself in your precious flesh!” he growls before he seems to get himself under control with a supreme effort. He kisses her gently through her panties again before he smiles up at her reassuringly.

  She can’t help but feel a little disappointed when he trails his lips upward, all the while looking up at her, gauging her reaction to what he‘s doing. His chilly hands are resting gently on her hips. He starts to knead the soft, pliant flesh with his strong, cool fingers.

  The fires in Morna’s blood are out of control, consuming her with their intensity as the muscles in her core quiver and she feels herself getting even wetter between her legs because his nearness and her need for him. She wants put her hands back into his hair and hold his mouth there as he licks and sucks her flesh to bring her climax.

  His icy lips make their way to the faded C-section scar on her belly. His very cool tongue darts out and traces the scar slowly, back and forth. She gasps at the contact. His tongue is cold but it burns slightly on contact. Her scar starts to tingle, then a prickly, mildly stinging sensation sets in.

  What the hell? She holds her breath as an inexplicable fear grips her heart. “Easy Morna! You can trust me, my love. You know that, right?” Morna stares into his luminescent blue eyes and feels her fears dissolve so she nods wordlessly. “Okay, love?” He breathes against her belly as his piercing eyes continue to hold her pinned to the bed.

  Her only response is to resume breathing, and then she nods again, minutely. He rewards her with her favorite lopsided grin and says, “There’s my Morna. Can I continue?” She nods again and he kisses her navel, even swirls around it with his icy tongue. Morna is surprised that this doesn’t burn at first contact and only pleasantly tingles afterwards. She finds it very stimulating, and yet another fire ignites in her body.

  His icy lips travel to her right side until he finds the scar from the chest tube, He kisses it gently, and then snakes his cold tongue over it a few times. The burn and prickly, stinging sensation that follows his tongue, is more intense this time. She moans as her body processes all the heady sensations he is creating in it. Her mind shies away from the question of why contact with his tongue burns, and focuses on the way he is making her feel.

  His hard, cool hands ease their way up her waist to cup her full breasts through the thin fabric of the bra. Her heart is racing so fast that she vaguely wonders if she’s having a heart attack. Her blood feels like it’s on fire for this man. She gasps as he buries his face between her fleshy mounds, and plants a gentle kiss in her sweet valley between her heaving breasts as he gently kneads their fullness. He uses his thumbs to expertly flick both erect nipples through the fabric of the bra. She moans deeply, as he continues to hold her emerald gaze locked with his luminescent blue one.

  He raises his head from her valley, leans upward and plants a gentle kiss on her lips. “Easy, baby, I will never hurt you,” he murmurs softly against her lips. The cool touch of his lips leaves a fire there as he trails his mouth back down to the scar above her left breast where the jagged piece of steel from the minivan had pierced her lung. Again the cold tongue snakes out and flicks over the length of the scar. When the stinging burn sets in he is still watching her closely and asks; “Are you okay, love?” She nods mutely, but he notices her eyes look a little uncertain.

  He reaches up and cups her face with both of his hands and lightly kisses her lips again. He searches her eyes for any trace of fear, and is relieved when he doesn’t find any. “You are always so strong and brave, baby.” She looks at him doubtfully at that comment and he smiles before saying, “Morna, this will be a bit more intense,” he whispers and then kisses the scar that starts at her left temple. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” is her whispered reply.

  He moves his lips to her chin then darts his tongue out to trace the length of her scar up to her temple, and then back down again, and up once more to her temple. The scar on her face is wide and deep, and this time the burn and stinging are very intense. She draws a ragged breath. “Easy, easy, sweetheart,” his velvet voice soothes. “It is okay baby, I promise.” His gaze holds her pinned to the pillow. His right hand comes up to rest on her cheek. The intense cold of his hand soothes the burning sting instantly. He kisses her lips tenderly and lingeringly. Her breathing slows marginally after a minute or two.

  He remains unmoving, watching her face closely, kissing her lips tenderly at times, and hoping to reassure her. After a bit he asks; “Is it okay if I continue and do the arm and leg?”

  “Yes, go ahead,” she breathes uncertainly. She doesn’t really understand what he’s doing, she only knows she does not want him to stop touching her.

  “You are amazing, my Morna,” he whispers as he slowly trails his hand and face to her left arm. “I will only do a small section at a time, so this will take a little while. Are you still willing, baby?” he asks gently. He reads the total trust in her eyes and says, “Yes my love, I see that you are.” He kisses her shoulder gently and then repeats the same process on the jagged scars on her left arm as he did with her cheek. Then he moves to her left leg, and slowly, and tenderly ministers to every inch of the angry looking scars that stretches from mid-thigh to mid-calf.

  By the time he is finished she is shaking from the slight burning, and stinging sensations throughout her body, caused by the minute amounts of his venom that her body has absorbed into her bloodstream. He helps her sit up just enough to peel the robe off her shoulders and free her trapped arms, then he eases her back onto the pillow. He covers her tenderly with the quilt. “I am sorry, Morna. I was too impatient. It hurts me to know how much those scars bother you. But I should not have done so much at once,” he whispers into her ear as he stretches out alongside her body, as his right hand traces small, lazy circles on her soft, bare tummy under the quilt, sending out ripples of pleasure and languid desire through her entire body.

  They lie beside each other for several minutes. Lucian is humming softly again, stopping at intervals to kiss her lips, her cheek or her neck. Finally, her body has stopped shaking but is still tense and rigid. Her eyes are uncertain as she continues to watch him. He is feeling guilty about what he‘s done. He should have waited until she remembered him and wouldn‘t be frightened. She would understand why his tongue made her skin burn and tingle. She would know that he was healing her. But he was so moved by how much the scars bothered her, and he acted impulsively.

  The tranquility spell isn‘t helping much and he knows what she really needs to relax so she will trust him to lead her back to him. He feels like a jerk for taking liberties when she is so unsure of herself, but he fears she won’t progress if he doesn’t push a little.

  He is tracing the contours of her precious, lovely face and dropping tender k
isses here and there as he wonders what happened to her in this life time to rob her of her natural confidence in herself. But, despite her uncertainty about him and herself he can feel her need, the desire that is even now coursing through her body. He smells it and longs to peel those pretty panties off of her and bury his face between her legs to taste that potent arousal. He won’t give in to that desire because he has already exposed her to so much of his venom today.

  “Will you let me see what I can do about getting rid of some of that tension?” he asks gently. He raises himself onto his left elbow and stares into her eyes, “You still trust me, my love?”

  “Yes, I trust you,” she whispers. She feels vaguely surprised that it’s true, but she does. She may not understand what just happened, but she trusts him completely. He absolutely was not trying to cause her any harm.

  “Good, now just relax and let me give you some pleasure after all that discomfort, okay?” He gives her a wicked little smile that she feels like she recognizes and she eagerly nods again.

  He grins happily at her, “There’s my brave, adventuresome girl.”

  He slowly peels the quilt off of her body, and moves to hover above her, just touching her body with his own and starts to kiss her. Gently at first, then more urgently. Her mouth opens slightly to inhale his scent and she moans in pleasure. He growls and his tongue flicks out to gently trace her lips. He strokes her left cheek with his right hand then trails it down her throat, over her shoulder and chest until he finds her left breast. He teases the nipple with his thumb through the fabric, and groans as she grasps the back of his neck with her hands.

  He parts her legs with his right knee and runs his hand down her left leg where hooks his right hand under her left knee and raises it. Then he presses his hip into her center. They both moan at the same time. He drops his right hand to massage her left hip and buttock, gently pushing her into his body. She nearly comes undone by the pressure of his hard manhood against her thigh.

  Holy smoke! I did that. I have that effect on him. That realization fills her with joy and emboldens her, and makes her feel giddy with excitement. She entwines her fingers in his soft hair as he continues to kiss her lips, her cheek, and her chin… back to her lips.

  He finally breaks away from her mouth and moves his face to her right breast. She slides her hands downward, to his neck as his hard lips work the taunt nipple through the fabric. She is disappointed that the pressure has been moved from her thigh, but moans deeply and arches toward his mouth, willing him to remove the fabric of the bra and take her eager nipple into his mouth to suck hard on the sensitive pebble of flesh.

  His right hand leaves her hip to trace along the outline of the panties. His fingertips leave a trail of fire blazing wildly on her skin. She’s panting now, her need is growing rapidly as she moans his name, desperately wanting him to take them to next level.

  He lifts his face from her breast and returns to her lips to kiss her urgently. Her hands stay firmly locked around his neck, then move up to tangle her fingers in his hair again. His left hand replaces his mouth at her right breast, where he kneads the fullness with firm, expert movements.

  Then he returns to inhale deeply of her scent between her legs. He brushes his right hand over the crotch of her panties and is delighted that they feel very wet. He can feel the heat coming from her core and is almost completely undone by it. Her left leg is still raised, bent at the knee with her heel resting only inches below her buttock. His right hand gently pushes her thigh outward to open her up to his touch. He returns his right hand to the front of the panties and rubs between her legs. Using his skillful fingers to manipulate her clit through her soaked panties. He moans as she moves her right leg outward and gently rocks her pelvis up to meet each movement of his hand, panting eagerly as she does.

  “Luca? Please…” she implores.

  He relishes her scent and taste as he uses his hard lips to manipulate her hard clitoris through the fabric. He moans in deep pleasure and whispers, “Still the same.”

  She is unable to focus on what he said because she doesn’t seem to be able to get close enough to his mouth as she arches her pelvis up as she simultaneously presses down on the back of his head with her hands. She’s now moaning, “Luca,” and her breath is coming in ragged gasps. She needs this man in a way she has never needed anyone before.

  Suddenly, the thumb of his right hand slips under the elastic of the panties and glides smoothly into her hot wetness between her legs. He smiles at her sharp intake of breath. After a several slow, deep circular moving thrusts, he is rewarded as her muscles clamp around his thumb, holding it in place. “YES!” she hisses. They both moan loudly, and his thumb is bathed in her body’s hot juices. Her body stiffens for several seconds, and then finally relaxes completely. Her hands drop weakly to the bed, and her left leg eases back onto the cool cotton of the bed sheet.

  Lucian slowly withdraws his thumb, and slips it into his mouth, closing his eyes and moaning as though her essence is the sweetest thing he has ever tasted. Dee shivers in delight at his reaction, and obvious carnality of the move. When he removes his thumb from his mouth and opens his eyes, she’s watching him through her half closed eyelids.

  He kisses her through the lacy fabric again. He rests his cheek on the front of her damp panties as he savors her familiar scent for a few more moments, before he stretches his body out on his side facing her. She’s still on her back, so he turns her gently and spoons her back into his front. Holding her to him, as he tenderly brushes his knuckles along her cheek. He kisses the top of her head, and whispers, “I love you, Morna.” She turns her face, and nuzzles into his hand before she murmurs, “I love you too, Luca.”

  He smiles broadly at her use of her version of his name, then he stares up at the ceiling, knowing she will sleep for hours. “What did you do to me?” Deidra whispers.

  “I just loved you, Morna.”

  She giggles giddily and murmurs, “Uh huh, well that wasn’t what I expected, but it was amazing.” He smiles, and kisses the top of her head again. He thinks she has drifted off to sleep and is a little surprised when she speaks softly.

  “What are you?” she whispers from her hazy fog of euphoria and sleepiness.

  “A man who has loved you completely for a very, very long time,” Lucian whispers into her ear. “Sleep, baby. It‘s okay, you just sleep.” He knows the venom will make her sleepy.

  Just before sleep completely claims her, she mumbles thickly, “But what about you? I mean you didn’t…”

  “I’m great, baby. You just sleep. I’ll get some food for you in a few hours,” he answers quietly.


  “Yes, love?”

  “You are going to give me some answers later, right?” she asks in a voice thick with sleep.

  “Yes, love, I will answer any questions you have later. Now sleep, my Morna.”

  Luca remains in bed with her for a couple of hours until she starts to shiver as her body becomes cold from having so much of her bare skin in contact with his cold body. He expected this, the last traces of the minute amount of venom have left her system, leaving her especially sensitized and tired.

  He gets up, tucks the covers around her, and then gets dressed, putters around the house for a little bit. He gets a pair of sage green silk pajamas out of her wardrobe and leaves them on the bathroom vanity where she will be sure to see them. He leaves her a note, telling her to re-hydrate and asking her to stay here until he gets back. He considers taking her car keys from her bag, but decides against it. If she stays, it has to be to be because she wants to not because he took away her option to go. He leaves a cold bottle of flavored water on the bedside table and goes out to run some errands and to get her some dinner. He’s relieved she doesn’t seem to be having any of her bad dreams and hopes he can get back before she wakes up.


  In her dream they are sitting on the ground under a massive oak tree. She is teaching Lucian
how to do something. She’s not really sure what it is, and their words make little sense to her, in fact, she doesn’t even recognize the language they are speaking. But suddenly she feels a little impatient and moves to kneel behind him as she reaches around his shoulders and takes his right hand and moves it in an arcing motion. The words she is saying are meaningless to her. Lucian chuckles and turns in her arms and pulls her down on top of him. They are laughing as he captures her face and kisses her deeply as he peels the simple dress from her body, caressing her skin like a zealot would touch a cherished icon of his faith.

  Deidra wakes up slowly and stretches lazily. She feels unbelievably happy, if slightly disorientated. She is filled with peace from the dream about her and Lucian. She tries to recall the details of her dream, but they are fading fast. But she remembers something was very different about Luca in her dream. Was it his eyes? Did he look younger? What was it? Her memory of the dream is too tenuous to grasp so she shakes her head to clear it.

  She looks around for Lucian, but isn’t too surprised nor worried that he’s not there. She sees his note, picks it up and reads it. A huge smile breaks out on her face as she realizes she hasn’t slept this well in any given twenty four hour period since she awoke from the coma almost nine months ago. And never, in all her forty-nine years has she ever felt so content, satiated and loved! Her head hurts a little but she suspects it’s from dehydration. He knew I would be dry as a bone after all of that, whatever that was…

  She opens the water and drinks half of it chug-a-lug style. Then laughs out loud. Re-hydrate indeed! She is parched. She stretches again and then gets up slowly to make her way to the necessary. She was expecting her wrecked hip and leg to be stiff and painful after being in bed so long but is surprised and very, very happy to discover there’s no trace of any discomfort.


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