Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles

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Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Page 17

by Audra Hart

  She shakes her head and gets up to go to the human necessary. Her left hip is really aching this morning, and as bad as she hates to admit it, she is sore somewhere else too. Their wild loving in the shower last night was amazing but her body isn’t entirely up to it yet. She chuckles as she runs her hands down her belly and over her hips. “I better soak in a hot bath and loosen up before he gets back. He will probably refuse to touch me again if he thinks the soreness is a result of recent, uh, activities,” she thinks to herself. She strides into the kitchen naked to start some coffee. After she starts the pot and heads back to the bathroom, she is amazed at how comfortable she feels walking around without any clothes on.

  But she shouldn’t be surprised. When a man as perfect and beautiful as Luca practically worships at the altar of your body, it’s pretty foolish to feel self-conscious about walking around naked. “Wow, what a difference a few days makes,” she shrugs to herself happily.

  She adds lavender oil and eucalyptus scented Epsom salts to her bath and eases herself into the hot water. She adjusts the water to make it even hotter, then slowly she lies back and watches the hot water rise in the massive claw foot tub to cover her body. She closes her eyes and relives the all the recent loving they have shared. The water has reached her chin and she’s trying to gather up the inclination to sit up and shut the water off, when she hears it turn off, and feels an ice cold set of lips on her cheek. “Good morning, darling,” she whispers without even opening her eyes.

  “You are wearing quite a satisfied look on your face my dear.” He chuckles pleasantly. “Do you want to sit up and drink your coffee?” he asks.

  “Yes, thank you,” she says as she opens her eyes and slowly sits up to reach for the coffee.

  “Are you in pain?” he asks, as he hands the cup to her.

  “No,” she says with finality. Taking a little sip of the hot coffee. “A little stiffness in the morning is normal for someone recovering from my injuries. Do Not trouble yourself over any of this. Seth says I am making a remarkable recovery and I think last night is just a testimony to how far I have come.”

  “Uh-huh,” he says doubtfully. “A little stiffness. Baby, you were a wildcat in the shower. I bet you are much more than stiff. Is that why your bath water is scalding hot?”

  “Wildcat, huh?” She can’t help it, she grins at that description. “Luca, you worry too much. Please, do not ruin my perfect morning for me. Please,” she beseeches.

  “Fine Morna. I’ll take you at your word.” He starts to strip out of his flannel shirt when he notices the gleam come into her eyes. “No way! No funny business. I am just going to massage that hip and leg for you.” She chuckles wickedly, and blushes scarlet as she remembers another recent massage in this very tub. Luca can’t help it, he smiles with her as he plunges his hands into the hot water to begin massaging her aching body.

  Morna sips her coffee while she stares into his eyes as his hands work the last remaining soreness out of her low back, buttocks, hip and leg. The whole process is over much too soon to suit Morna. She can’t help but feel disappointed when he sits back and starts drying himself off with a hand towel. Her disappointment shows clearly on her face.

  He tosses the hand towel over his shoulder. Takes her coffee cup and sets it on the back side of the tub. “Oh what the hell, why not? I want to just as much as you do. Who am I kidding?” he growls and lifts her out of the water in one fluid motion. He stretches her out on the carpeted floor by the tub and proceeds to make love with her, very slowly, very tenderly. He revels in the heat from the bath coming off of her wet body. She shudders in delight at the chill from his hard, perfect body. It doesn’t take long until they are both clutching each other tightly and breathing raggedly, as they climax together. They lie there for a few minutes, just taking pleasure in holding onto to the other. She starts to shiver from being in contact with his cold body while she is still a little damp. He pulls back and kisses her. Then rises and helps her up off the floor. “Sorry love. I should have dried you off first.”

  “Luca don’t apologize. It was glorious.” She assures him happily. He kisses her quickly as he helps her into her robe. He picks up her coffee cup from beside the tub, “I’ll get you some more coffee,” he says as he sails out of the bathroom. She watches his naked form go. Hugs herself and smiles. “What a man!” she murmurs softly. She hears him chortle in the kitchen, “What a woman!” he calls out. They both laugh.

  Morna walks into the bedroom, the bed is already made. She shakes her head in bemused wonder, then looks around for her planner. “Looking for this?” he asks from the door. He has her coffee cup in one hand, and the planner in the other.

  She smiles at him, and reaches for both, “Yes, thank you.” They share a brief kiss.

  “Seth at 9:00, take Amanda to the dentist at 11:30, and you agreed to meet the delivery truck at The Shack at 3:00,” he says before he kisses her gently, and heads toward the bathroom. “Let me take a quick shower,” he calls over his shoulder. “Oh, and I am driving you today, by the way.” She sets the planner on the bedside table, who needs a planner when their true love has a photographic memory.

  “Sounds good to me,” she answers. She takes another sip of coffee and sets her cup down next to the planner. Walks over to the wardrobe to find some clothes. She finds a lovely tan linen A-line skirt and an emerald green, lightweight cotton, short-sleeved cashmere sweater set that might not be too hot for her to wear in the winter time.

  “What’s the weather doing today?” she calls out, knowing he can easily hear her over the shower.

  “It has turned quite a bit colder than yesterday, I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t go for that run last night. It’s well below 35 this morning,” he says in answer to her question.

  She smiles to herself that means the sweater set should be fine. She lays the skirt and sweater set out on the bed. Then goes back to the wardrobe to find some shoes. She is delighted to find a lovely pair of rich brown leather boots with a wide three inch heel. They will match her “monster purse” perfectly. Monster purse is what she calls her favorite brown leather bag that is large enough to accommodate her laptop, planner and other “necessities” she carries around with her everywhere that she goes.

  She locates a pair of trouser socks in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. She tosses the boots and socks onto the bed, then she remembers she needs underwear. She blushes as she looks at the rack holding a dozen or more matching bra and panty sets. She selects a black satin set, and tosses them on top of the clothes on the bed. She goes back to the bedside table and finishes off her coffee, and marvels that she hasn’t wanted a cigarette in days to go with her coffee.

  She heads into the bathroom to brush her teeth and tackle her hair. She isn’t surprised when she finds the flat iron is on the vanity, and ready to be used. Next to it are the anti-frizz cream, comb & brush, hairspray she prefers and a small cosmetic bag that she doesn’t recognize. No doubt, it contains all her make up basics that she uses when she puts on her “professional face.”

  Luca is already finished in the shower. She wonders briefly what he’s up to. Then notices him entering the bathroom from the hallway. He’s already dressed and looks amazing, as usual. He’s wearing charcoal slacks and black loafers. His button up shirt is a pale gray that will complement her green sweater set nicely. She looks into his eyes in the reflection of the mirror and says, “You look good enough to eat,” she purrs. He smiles in response as he watches her work to tame her hair, and then asks, “You find everything you need, baby?”

  “Of course,” she replies. “I am just not as fast as you are.”

  “No rush,” he says. “It’s not even seven yet. Take your time. What do you want to eat for breakfast?”

  “Is there any of that melon left?” She sees him nod in the mirror, then says, “Could I have some of that and a ham and cheese?”

  He chuckles, “I knew that somehow.” He breezes out of the bathroom. No doubt her breakfast will
be waiting for her before she can finish brushing her teeth and applying a little make up.

  She carries her coffee cup into the kitchen, still wearing her robe. Her hair is smooth and “professional looking.” She has applied a light layer of foundation, and a hint of blush and lip color, and touched up her lashes with a hint of mascara. But the color in her cheeks has nothing whatever to do with contents of the makeup bag. He is gratified to see her looking so vibrant.

  She sees a fresh cup of coffee on the table beside her breakfast. So she rinses out the cup she is holding and loads it into the dishwasher. When she sits down to eat, she notices a small glass of milk and two pills beside it. “What’s this?” she asks, pointing to them. He looks back at her from gazing out the window and says, “Multi-vitamin and a calcium supplement. In view of our strenuous, uh, activities, I thought it might be a good idea to take at least some small precautions. You don’t want a broken hip love. Or pelvis,” he adds under his breath.

  She chuckles, and says, “Certainly not!” Taking the pills and downing half the milk easily. Then she dives into her breakfast with relish.

  He joins her at the table. They sit in easy, companionable silence while she polishes off her meal. He chuckles softly, “I guess you worked up an appetite.”

  She laughs and replies, “I wonder why? I guess you did too. You’ve gone hunting twice this week.” She says, looking him in the eye. “Is it harder being so close to me this time?”

  Luca moves closer to her and strokes her face lovingly. “No my love, not at all,” he assures her. “I am just being cautious. Plus last night I was so revved up by our shower, I couldn’t lie still in bed. Sorry, do you mind?”

  She chuckles softly, “Not in the least. I am always amazed that you can stand to listen to me talk all night in my sleep anyway.”

  He laughs in response, “Are you kidding, that’s the fun part of night time. Sometimes you are hilarious, but mostly, it’s very enlightening. It’s a good thing you don’t try to keep secrets from me; it would be a futile effort. One night in bed beside you and I would know everything anyway.” They both laugh. And she gets up to clean off the table. “Leave it,” he says. “I’ll get this while you get dressed.”

  “I can clean up after myself,” she says.

  “Obviously,” he replies. “But I am already dressed. Face it, kiddo, I am just faster than you,” he smirks. She laughs, and then ambles off to get dressed.

  She stops abruptly and turns to him, “HEY! You stole my line! I used to say that to you all of the time during your warrior and Spell Weaver training.”

  He grins, “Yes, you did. Does that spark any other memories?”

  “Oh crap, I really am older than you…. Seventy-one years older!”

  “Good girl!”

  Morna gives him a fake pout and turns back for the bedroom. He beats her in there and is waiting for her with his arms wide open. She gladly slides into his embrace. He holds her close for several minutes, just enjoying having her back in his arms. Finally he kisses the top of her head and says, “Let’s get you dressed,” he smirks wickedly.

  He turns her until she’s facing away from him. He quickly peels the robe off her body, and runs his hands up her soft tummy to cup her breasts. He lowers his face into her neck and nuzzles her there gently. She moans and says, “I thought the object today was to actually make it out of the house,” she says breathlessly.

  He chuckles, and says, “Oh we are leaving the house today; I just want to give us something to look forward to.” He drops his hands from her breasts and snakes his hand out to grab the satiny black bra. He’s holding it before her, inviting her to slip into it. She complies, but says, “You know, I have been dressing myself for years and years.”

  “True,” he says, “but it is more fun this way. Be a good girl and go along with me.” She smiles as he hooks the bra behind her back and then cups her breasts, again, through the satiny fabric. He growls softly in her ear. Then he picks up the panties. He holds them open in front of her and rests his cheek against her back, and slides downward, never lifting his cheek from her flesh. When he has the panties low enough, she steadies herself on his arm and steps into them, one leg at a time. He slowly, torturously pulls them up into place. He breathes against her back as he works his way up. Then he leisurely rubs the crotch of the satiny panties before he growls again and steps away quickly before she can reach around and grab him.

  “Tut, tut,” he playfully chides as he reads the obvious disappointment on her face. He quickly helps her into the slacks and sweater set. Then hands her the trouser socks and boots after he sits on the bed.

  “Not fair,” she playfully pouts. “You get me all revved up, and then hand me my shoes.” He laughs playfully as he stuffs her laptop and planner into her “monster purse.” Then he offers her his hand when she stands up after she pulls on her boots.

  “You look lovely,” he breathes as he takes her hand to twirl her around to admire her.

  “That’s your doing, you bought the clothes. By the way, I really appreciate that. They are all lovely, and apparently, all of them will fit perfectly.”

  “You are welcome love, but we both know it’s not the clothes that make this woman,” he says with a wink and a light kiss on her nose. “We better go; it is almost 8:30. We don’t want to be late for Seth, especially not since you have cancelled twice this week. He may tear both of us a new one.” He chuckles softly and Morna knows he’s really not worried about Seth. But that makes her wonder about the young PT.

  “Hey, is Seth like us?”

  Luca smiles and shakes his head no. “He has magic in his blood and is a natural healer. But he’s not a spell weaver.” Morna nods as she digests that information.

  He shoulders her bag and indicates she should lead the way. At the top of the stairs he retrieves her cane, and gently grasps her arm as she descends the stairs. She knows he won’t let her tackle the stairs unassisted for a while, not after the incident on Monday, so she gracefully goes along with his unnecessary assistance.

  She heads for her old Camry when they exit the house, but he says, “Wait and let me get my car out of the garage.”

  She shakes her head no, “I think it’s a bad idea to take your BMW to The Shack, don’t you? Besides, I have some packages in the trunk for the girls at The Bridge.”

  He concedes the point and opens passenger door of her Camry for her. She’s embarrassed when she smells the old cigarette smoke in her car. “Sorry about the stink,” she mumbles.

  “No problem,” he says. “Do you mind if I take it to get it detailed for you?”

  “No, I don’t mind. Thanks, that would be great,” she says hiding her smirk knowing he can’t stand the smell and that’s why he wants to detail it.

  They ride in companionable silence for few minutes. Finally, he asks, “Do you remember Magdrid yet?”

  “No,” she reluctantly admits.

  “How about Brigid? Do you remember her?” he asks.

  She smiles brightly as the face of one of her best friends comes to mind. “Sure I do,” she beams.

  “Great!” he says. “Would you like to go see her next week?”

  She hesitates, and then says, “I really don’t think a trip it Ireland is a good idea right now.”

  “Brigid is in not in Ireland, she’s in Chicago. She’s a neurosurgeon now, with a very successful practice there,” he supplies blandly.

  Morna stiffens a little at the word neurosurgeon. Then asks, “Is there any particular reason that you want me to see my best friend turned neurosurgeon on such short notice?”

  “Honestly? Yes, I am concerned about the gaps you apparently have in your memory. Maybe the injuries from the crash are causing it,” he replies quietly.

  “I thought as much,” she says. Then concedes, “Well, it might be a good idea. If I am going to get all of all of my magic back, so we can try to break this damn curse, I need my memories, right?” She sees him nod in agreement, and goes on to say,
“It will be great to see one of my old friends. Are there others of our old friends nearby?”

  Luca gets a shuttered look on his face and nods, “Others are nearby.”

  Morna looks away feeling sad. What the hell was that? What did I say? She knows intuitively that she hurt her beloved without meaning to. I hope I get more memories back soon. I feel like I am treading through a minefield. She’s not sure what she said, but knows that she said something that bothers him. “Do you think we can get in on such short notice?” she asks to change the subject.

  He laughs heartily, “Brigid would move heaven and earth to help you, and you know that right?”

  She chuckles, “Yes, I do seem to know that about her.”

  “Good!” he says. “So it is settled. I’ll contact her later and set it up. Ah, here we are at Seth’s. Get ready, I bet he’s going to tear into us for missing your appointments this week.” She laughs at his mock look of concern over Seth’s ire.

  He parks the car, and then comes around to open her door and help her out. She accepts his hand up out of the car, but refuses the cane and walks into the PT offices without any trace of a limp. He puts the cane back into the car, and follows behind, smiling at her stubbornness, but is feeling very pleased to see she seems to be healing so well. He wonders why the spells he has been weaving to promote her healing seem to be helping so much more now, when they have been mostly ineffective for nearly a year.

  Once inside, he takes a seat in the waiting room as she signs in at the reception desk. He listens as she chats idly with Cathy, the receptionist. Cathy says, “Deidra, Seth will be right with you. Take a seat and I will let him know you are here.” Then she turns to Luca and purrs “Good morning Mr. Michaels. Good to see you again.” Luca smiles and nods at the receptionist but his attention is fully on Morna. When Morna sits beside Luca he takes her hand and brings it to his lips for a nibble at her fingertips. Cathy sighs softly as she watches them and then goes to tell Seth his 9:00 appointment is here. Morna looks Luca and chuckles, “I forgot how women react to you. I guess I am not the only one.” Luca just rolls his eyes at her.


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