Red Wine and Roses (The Hamiltons Book 1)

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Red Wine and Roses (The Hamiltons Book 1) Page 4

by SJ McCoy

  He looked out the car window. He’d spaced out again. He opened the door and went to get his bag out the back. He was here now. Hopefully he’d see her very soon, and hopefully this time he’d get over whatever his problem was. He was attracted to her, she was attracted to him. She seemed like a straight-up, straightforward kind of girl. There was no reason they couldn’t spend the night together.

  He looked up and smiled as Cole’s friend, Jack, and his wife, Emma, approached. “Hey, guys.”

  “Hey,” said Jack. “I didn’t know you were back this weekend.”

  “I probably shouldn’t be, but I want to be around if I can do anything to help with the wedding plans.”

  “That’s so nice of you,” said Emma.

  Cameron smiled, hoping he didn’t look guilty. He didn’t know what it was about Emma, but he had the feeling that she knew that wasn’t the only reason he was here.

  “Smoke and Laura aren’t back yet, but there’s a bunch of us here if you want to come and join us,” said Jack.

  “Thanks. Are you out on the deck? I’ll go get checked in and then come and find you.”

  “Yep, you can’t miss us. We’ve got three tables pulled together so far, and there will probably be four by the time you come back down.”

  “Great. I’ll see you in a few.” He picked up his bag and ran up the steps to the lodge. It’d be good to have dinner with the whole gang. He liked them, and it’d make him feel less like he was some creep who’d come back to see Piper while using his brother as an excuse to be here.

  He got checked in and went to dump his bag in his room. Once he’d closed the door on his way back out, he stopped in his tracks. There she was. Piper had just come out of the room next to his. She looked up and smiled politely before she realized who he was.

  Cameron grinned. “Hey.”

  “Hi.” There was a touch of pink on her cheeks.

  For a moment he was lost for words. He just stood there, grinning at her like an idiot. He had to get a grip. She’d think he was a crazy if he didn’t pull himself together. “Are you joining everyone for dinner?” She looked uncomfortable. Uh-oh. Maybe she had other plans. Maybe she had a date? She was a good-looking woman, and she was new in town. Maybe some other guy had beat him to it? He raised an eyebrow.

  She gave an embarrassed laugh. “I’m thinking about it. I can see everyone’s out there, but I feel a bit awkward about just inviting myself to join them. I was going to go into the bar and have a drink first, work up the courage.”

  Relief washed through him. “Would you mind if I join you?”

  She smiled. “Not at all; I’d like that.”

  “Great.” They made their way outside, and instead of going out onto the deck to join the others, they went inside the restaurant. It was busy, but Cameron spied an empty booth in the corner, and they snagged it before anyone else could. He’d be happy to have dinner here with Piper—just the two of them.

  Once they had their drinks, she smiled at him nervously.

  “What’s up?”

  She laughed. “I’m terrible. Earlier I was feeling self-conscious about going to join the others. Now I’m feeling self-conscious about sitting in here with you.”


  She shrugged. “I don’t want them to see us and think we’re being antisocial.”

  “They won’t.” She had a point though. He felt a little uncomfortable about what the others would assume if they saw the two of them sitting in here together. Especially since he’d told Jack and Emma that he’d come out and join them. He raised his glass. “We’ll just have this, and then we’ll go out there.” She looked relieved and disappointed at the same time—he hoped it was for the same reasons as him. He didn’t want to put either of them in a difficult situation, but he would have loved to spend the evening alone with her.

  “So, how was your week?” she asked.

  He nodded. “It was good, pretty much business as usual. How about you?”

  She laughed. “Mine was anything but business as usual. I went home, packed up my life, and came back here to start a new one.”

  “Wow. You don’t waste any time, do you?”

  “No. I don’t see the point. Once a decision is made, you just need to get on with it.”

  Cameron nodded. He liked to live that way himself.

  “Hey, you two.” He looked up and smiled at Ben. “The others are all outside.”

  Cameron exchanged a look with Piper. Would she want to explain why they were in here?

  She grinned at Ben. “I know. We’re going to join them in a minute.”

  “Oh, okay.” Ben seemed to think he’d put his foot in it. “I’ll leave you to it. It’s good to see you both.”

  Piper rolled her eyes when he’d gone.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t want him assuming we’re having dinner together and avoiding everyone.”

  “Yeah.” Cameron’s heart sank. She didn’t want Ben to think they were on a date? Why not? He downed the rest of his drink and smiled. “Do you want to go join them, then?”


  He couldn’t figure her out. She looked disappointed again.

  ~ ~ ~

  Piper mentally cursed herself as she followed Cameron across the deck to where the others were sitting. She would have loved to have dinner with him, just the two of them. She hadn’t wanted to embarrass him. He was here to see his brother. She’d been about to ask him if he’d rather stay inside with her, but he’d assumed she meant she didn’t want to.

  “Hey, everyone,” said Cam as he reached the table. “Is there room for two more?”

  Smoke moved closer to Laura and patted the space beside him. “Come on, Piper.”

  She smiled and slid onto the bench next to him. She needed to relax. Maybe Cameron just wasn’t into her. What did it matter, really? He was a good-looking guy—a nice guy—but she had so much else going on right now. Smoke was going to be her new boss. She’d be better off out here getting to know him better, than inside hoping to get to know his brother better—in bed!

  Cameron shot Smoke an odd look as he sat down opposite them. Piper had to hope that it wasn’t an appeal for help—help to keep her away from him. Maybe she’d misread the situation completely, and he wasn’t interested at all.

  Ben came out with two more menus. “If you’re quick, I can put your order in with the rest.”

  Laura caught Piper’s eye and smiled. “How’ve you been?”

  “Great, thanks. I went back to Texas while you were gone, collected my things, and put the house up for sale. Now I’m staying at the lodge till I find a place of my own.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m so happy you’re moving here.”

  Piper nodded. “Me too. The guys at the airport are great.”

  Cameron’s gaze flickered toward her when she said that. Was he hoping that she was interested in one of them and would leave him alone? She smirked to herself. No, and she wasn’t going to fool herself that that was it. He might be blowing hot and cold, but he was interested. The look on his face confirmed it for her. Men never hid jealousy well, even when it was just a tiny spark.

  ~ ~ ~

  The evening flew by. Cameron was thoroughly enjoying himself. He’d wondered how Cole was liking life up here. He couldn’t picture his brother living in a small town with no nightlife to speak of. Now he understood. Summer Lake was a great place. The resort was comfortable, enjoyable. And the people were great. They weren’t small town, small-minded types. They all had careers and interests and lives of their own. They were his kind of people. Perhaps not the sort he usually hung out with, but definitely the sort he’d like to. He couldn’t imagine there ever being any backstabbing or bitchiness here. There was no competitiveness, no one-upmanship—well, except between Cole and Laura—there was just a bunch of people who cared about each other and enjoyed each other’s company. He loved it.

  He looked up as Cole and Laura got to their fe
et. He’d been so lost in his musings again, he hadn’t heard them say they were leaving.

  “Do you want to call me in the morning?” Cole asked him.

  He shook his head with a smile. “I’ll wait for you to call me.”

  “Thanks,” said Laura.

  He knew they rarely got any time to themselves, and he didn’t want to intrude on it. And besides, if he was honest, he was happy just being here. He was ready to help with anything they needed to be done, but he was fine to just hang out, too.

  Pete raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you want to come up to North Cove?”

  Jack nodded. “We need to get home to Isabel, but we’d love you to come up.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’m going to stay here.” He turned to look at the stage where the band was playing. “They’re good.”

  “Okay,” said Jack.

  His wife Emma grinned at him. Cameron liked her, and she seemed to have a thing about trying to get him and Piper together.

  “You two have fun,” she said.

  He tried not to smile. He’d thought Cole and Laura were the only ones leaving early, but once they’d gone, the others soon followed. After a while, he and Piper were the only ones left.

  “I guess they don’t do late nights around here,” she said with a smile.

  “I guess not.” He wondered if she was about to leave, too. Part of him hoped she wouldn’t; part of him thought it’d be better if she did.

  Chapter Five

  Ben appeared and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the almost empty table. “They all left?” he asked incredulously.

  Piper smiled. “I was wondering if it’s my perfume.”

  Cameron laughed and shook his head at her.

  Ben smiled. “I think you’re safe there.” He shook his head. “I was coming to see what everyone wanted to drink. I was about to sit down for a while and chat.”

  “Why don’t you?” asked Cameron. “We might be new faces, but I don’t think we’re terrible company.” He looked at Piper. “Or are we? Is that why they all left?”

  “No, it definitely wasn’t that.” She had the feeling he was asking if she enjoyed his company, and she wanted him to know that yes, she did.

  “Okay. What do you want?” asked Ben. “It’s on me.”

  Cameron got to his feet. “No, you sit down, take a load off, and I’ll go find us a good bottle of wine.”

  Ben grinned. “If you insist.”

  Piper watched Cameron disappear inside the bar then smiled at Ben. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Did I just barge in where I’m not wanted?”

  “No! Not at all.”

  He gave her a knowing smile. “Are you sure? I feel like I’ve blundered into the middle of things between the two of you twice this evening.”

  “No. There’s nothing go on.”

  “If you say so.”

  She shrugged. Ben seemed like the kind of guy she could talk to about anything. “Okay, so I like him.”

  “I thought so, and he likes you, too.”

  “Do you think?”

  “Yeah, if you ask me …” His voice trailed off as Cameron came back with a bottle of wine and three glasses. “Did Kenzie give you a hard time?” asked Ben.

  “No, she’s funny.”

  Ben laughed. “She can be.”

  Cameron poured them each a glass and then raised his in a toast. “Cheers. Here’s to making new friends.” The way he held Piper’s gaze as she brought her glass to her lips sent a shiver running down her spine. Were they going to be friends? Were they going to be friends with benefits? That was a possibility if he was going to keep coming back here. Or was he just looking to hook up? Was she? She didn’t know yet.

  “So, what do you think?” asked Ben. “I know Piper’s going to be a new friend, with her moving here and working at the airport and everything, but what about you? Do you think we’ll be seeing more of you even after the wedding?”

  Cameron nodded slowly. This was weird. It was Ben doing the talking, but he was giving voice to the very question Piper had been asking herself. “I like it here. I want to say it’s my kind of place, but it really isn’t.”

  Ben nodded. “I’d guess you’re more used to sleek and elegant than rustic and homey.”

  “I suppose I am.” He glanced at Piper. She tried not to look disappointed. She saw herself as more rustic and homey than sleek and elegant. “The places I usually go to are sleek and elegant. But, you know what? They also feel empty and superficial. Especially compared to this place. I said I like it here, but I was wrong. I love it.”

  Ben chuckled. “You sound like the rest of them. They all lived fast-paced, high-powered lives in big cities, but none of them ever managed to be truly happy.”

  “I was thinking about that earlier. Gabe especially. I mean, to trade the life of a New York trial attorney for this? But then, he grew up here. It’s different.”

  “Maybe,” said Ben. “Maybe not.”

  “I couldn’t move here,” said Cameron. “I love my work, and it’s in Napa.” Piper had to wonder if he was saying that for her benefit.

  “Maybe you could get yourself a vacation home? Or just come stay when you need to kick back?”

  “Yeah, I think I’ll do that, at least. Will you have any of the cabins available on the weekends now the season is quieting down?” She needed to get a grip. She was making this conversation about what might happen between the two of them, and he probably wasn’t talking about that at all.

  “We should. I’d have to check.”

  “Please do.” Cameron turned to Piper. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hog the conversation. What about you? Are you having any luck finding a place to live?”

  She smiled. He was just being polite, keeping the conversation going. That was all. “I haven’t really started looking yet. I’ve just been enjoying being here. I took a boat out. I went horseback riding and four-wheeling.”

  Ben laughed. “Yeah, and she only got back yesterday.”

  “Wow!” Cameron nodded admiringly. “Sounds like you know how to get the most out of every day.”

  “I do. When you work a job like mine, you have to cram all your fun into the day or two you get whenever you get them.”

  “Oh, I know how that goes.”

  Ben looked up, and the way he smiled made Piper follow his gaze.

  “You’ve both met my wife, Charlie?” Ben asked as he got to his feet to greet her.

  Cameron stood and nodded. “We only met briefly.”

  Charlie smiled. “You’re Cameron, Smoke’s brother?”

  “That’s right.” He turned to Piper and reached his arm around her to steady her as she stood to join them. It was an instinctive move, but she wasn’t prepared for the jolt of energy that went buzzing through her. Her heart raced, and she met his gaze. He felt it too, his eyes were wide. She looked away quickly.

  “Nice to see you again, Piper. How are you settling in?” asked Charlie.

  “So far, so good, thank you.” Her voice trembled, and when she looked up at Cameron, she was reassured. Whatever current had buzzed through them both had left him as shaken as it had her.

  “Great. Well, I’m sorry to steal him away from you, but I’d like to take my husband home if you don’t mind?”

  “Of course. It was great to see you both.”

  Ben nodded. “Are you two going to be okay?”

  Cameron smiled reassuringly. “I’ll make sure she gets home safely.”

  Piper gave him a puzzled look, but Ben smiled. “Okay, well, we’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  “Goodnight,” called Charlie as they walked away.

  Piper reached for her purse. “I should get going, too.” It was probably best to remove herself from the situation. With everyone gone, there’d be no more hiding or dancing around their attraction—and she wasn’t sure she wanted to face it yet.

  The disappointment showed on Cameron’s face. “Don’t you want to help me finish the wine?”

She looked at the bottle, then up into his eyes. Damn, she could stare into his eyes for hours. They were so blue, and right now they held a question that was about so much more than the wine.

  “Do you want me to?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “Do you think we should?” she asked. He was nodding, but he didn’t seem too sure.

  “It might not be the best idea, but you have to admit, it’s tempting.”

  It was. Far too tempting. She smiled and sat back down.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Hey, Cam.”

  Cameron turned and smiled. “Hey. I hope you didn’t come down here just for my sake? I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself, you know. I’m enjoying this; I could get used to it.”

  Cole smiled and sat down opposite him. “It looks like you already are. It’s good to see you relaxing.”

  Cameron nodded. “I like it.”

  Cole looked around. “And you’re by yourself?”

  Cameron’s smile faded momentarily. “For now. I had breakfast with Piper.”


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