Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 9

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  The human fell to the floor, covering his head.

  I heard him shout to the others standing there, “Class dismissed, could someone please go and tell Master DeDominico about this,” it sounded as if another animal was trapped, but I couldn't risk going back for it.

  I ran. The wind ruffled the fur in my ears, and filled my nostrils with all the surrounding scents. I picked up the odor of a large cat, but something was wrong about it. I stayed far from it. Now was not the time for curiosity. The soft pads of my feet made no noise as I ran through the trees and underbrush.

  I heard the word 'Emma' shouted again somewhere in the distance from me. I ran faster. I would not be caught by these creatures in my pursuit was all I knew.

  I ran until the sun was up, and my body was exhausted. The trees had thickened around me. I found a low-lying cave of sorts. The air around it smelled stale, a clear sign that it had not been used in a great many moons. I crawled into its mouth, the floor was soft from all the small leaves and debris that littered the floor. I found the deepest spot I could fit into and curled into a tight ball. My breathing slowed and soon the exhaustion from my flight caught up to me. Sleep claimed me.

  I blinked one eye open and then the other. My entire body ached. I was in a dark place, and it smelled of the Earth and soil. I closed my eyes again. When I opened them back up I was fighting to see where I was. I reached my hand out and felt cold stone. What the hell? I began to panic. Both my hands made contact with rough rocks as I pushed them out to try to find my way out. A small opening just to the right of my head had me breathe a sigh of relief. I tried to roll over to my belly when I noticed two things. The first was that the space was so small I couldn't turn over, and the second was that I was naked. How the bloody heck did I end up here and like this? I didn't have time to think about this. I wanted out of this tiny space. I wiggled as best I could on my back out of the hole.

  The ground scraped against my skin. I knew I would have some serious deep cuts when I finally got out. After squirming for what felt like forever, I was inside a larger- but still low- cave. My back felt instant relief as I rolled over to my belly. I army crawled out of its mouth, just to bump into a giant black cat. Oh, crap. Is that a panther? My mind was racing. I must have woken it because it stretched and then looked at me.

  I was suddenly standing face to face with a very nude Leland.

  “Um, excuse me? But when the bloody-freaking-aye did I fall into the damn twilight zone?!” I shouted at him.

  “I see you don't remember. Not surprising. You are the first person I ever met that has been able to fully morph into their predator on the first try. I never thought... then again that was probably my mistake. I mean, it's you, isn't it?” He looked at me in amazement.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I lost it.

  “Emma, do you remember going to Tracking class yesterday?” His eyes were bright.

  “Eh, yeah. I went and you were talking about something about connecting with one's inner animal or something. Why am I out here naked?” My head was beginning to throb.

  “You changed! Emma, you frigging turned into a beautiful black wolf. I tried to get you back but you got past me and took off. I had to follow you. I've been out here making sure you were okay all day. I had a student tell Dominic about this. I had to make sure you were safe. But, oh my god! You frigging became a damn wolf. No one has EVER become a wolf. You truly are unique.” He was bouncing on his toes from the excitement.

  “What do you mean, no has ever turned into a wolf?” I was seriously wondering if I was a damaged vampire.

  “In the history of vampires, since we learned to morph into our internal predator- there has never been one that could take the shape of our natural enemy!” Leland's voice was thick with his accent as he shouted his news at me.

  “Great, you think I'm going to go and enlist in some sort of anti-wolf campaign? Yeah, right! My best friend happens to be a werewolf, you git!” My temper was near the surface and I could feel my skin prickle, the wolf inside me was stirring again.

  “Do you not understand how important you are? You could be the blooming difference between us being hunted down and murdered or our survival!” He was in my face now, his hazel eyes were filled with excitement.

  “So not interested. I'll not out my best friend. You are S-O-L if you think I would.” My muscles were tense I wanted to run and get away from this guy.

  “Emma.” He took my hand I wanted to pull it back instantly. “I'm not asking you to go against your best friend. I'm merely pointing out the fact that you, darl, are the only vampire that can go near the werewolves when they're in pack form and fit in. You are the piece that links both worlds.” He crooned at me.

  “Leland, let go of my hand before you lose your own. I'm going now.” It was a simple statement, but it was the truth, and after I said it I shifted back to my wolf form and ran.

  Who the hell does he think he is? We need to strike a balance, my dear internal predator. You can't just take me over, we have to share. I felt ridiculous talking to myself, but I knew she could hear me. There was a soft growl in response.

  I don't want to do anything that would create more problems within the two communities. So it looks like this wolf shifting thing will have to be mastered completely and then we can reach an agreement as to what's okay. The air rushed by as I let her control my body. I knew she'd take me back to where I needed to be.

  Dominic. The name came from her, and I knew she caught his scent. It was like cold water in my veins, she allowed me partially back into my body. I could smell him. I ran towards him.

  Dominic put his hands up in defense and took a low crouching position. “Whoa, there doggie. I'm not going to hurt you.”

  Dominic. I called out mentally to him.

  “Emma?” His eyes widened in shock. “So it's true.”

  Yes. I answered him. I need to shift back now. I spoke to my wolf self, and she released the control she had over my body- I willed myself back into human form.

  “Um, you're a bit nude there, love.” He shrugged out of the coat he had on.

  “Yeah, apparently it's better than shredding your clothes. I thought you would've brought mine with you.” His eyes continued to size me up, my nudity was not the issue at hand.

  “The student that came to tell me what happened, mia bella, didn't say you would be naked. I was told you changed and took off and Leland had to go after you.” Concern filled his eyes.

  “Yes, I changed. And now I'm freezing and I think your friend is an idiot.” I said as I began to march back in the direction as to what I hoped was the school.

  “There's a car not far from here. I'm sure we can discuss how Leland handled this later, let's just get you home.” He wrapped his warm arm around me and walked me to the borrowed school car.

  When we got back to the school, the word had spread and I felt like an even bigger freak. Once I was dressed, I got an official request to meet with the school head. I was tempted to tell them all to blow me as I walked off, but I went anyways.

  The office was cold, even with my cooler temperature. The room was large, full of windows, and overly expensive antiques. There were lush thick red drapes over the huge windows, but I doubted they actually helped to keep this room any warmer. Even with all the rich colors from the oriental rugs, well-worn leather wing back chairs by the enormous fireplace, and beautifully carved desk and bookcases, the room still felt cold. I decided it was the small squat of a man behind the desk that allowed such a welcoming setting to be so frigid.

  He was about five foot, balding, and round around the middle. His face didn't hold the wrinkles of someone that smiled a lot, rather it seemed to be stuck in a constant frown. His eyes were a cold black, matching the few strands of hair he managed to comb over the giant shiny bald spot on the top of his head.

  I desperately didn't want to have anything to do with the little cold man. As I stepped further into the room, I noticed Dominic standing next
to Leland in his panther form. I was briefly annoyed by the fact that Leland clearly had enough sway with this little man that he didn't need to switch back to human form. Ugh.

  Dominic stepped forward. “Head Master Spawling, may I introduce Miss Emma Hutchinson,” he gestured to me with a hand sweep.

  “Yes, Miss Hutchinson, I've heard quite a deal about you.” Spawling's words were like nails on a chalkboard.

  I managed not to grit my teeth. “Unfortunately, Head Master Spawling, I've not had the pleasure. How do you do?” I tried my best to tone up the snobbery in my voice- he was so beneath me with his snakelike ways.

  “Quite fine. I understand that you have a rare talent.” His words were a statement. Something I'm sure will be of great use to the vampire community. His words echoed in my head.

  “I've quite a few of them if you want to get technical, so you'll have to be a little more specific than a 'rare talent'?” I didn't know why, but I felt I had to give him a hard time. I could only imagine all of the poor students that this man had intimidated.

  “So the attitude is a truth. How about your ability to heal- even bring back from the dead?” The calculation was present in his eyes.

  “Yes, but I've yet to try it on a human. Feel like volunteering?” I cocked my brow and fought the desire to sneer at him.

  “Emma!” Dom gasped.

  “It is quite all right, Mr. DeDominico. I've dealt with unruly students for more years than she has been alive. As interesting as your offer sounds, I'll have to decline. I would like to know more about you though. You can heal beyond what most dream of. I hear you're also quite talented with your mind. You're a Seer as well, if I'm not mistaken?” Spawling merely smiled at me.

  “Yes, sir. I can also turn into a wolf, which is why I assume you have deemed me worthy to summon me into your nice office. But I'll tell you the same thing I told Leland. I. Do. Not. Care. If. I. Can. Become. A. Wolf. I. Am. Not. A. Narc!” My temper was very near the surface, and I was tempted to try out my mental training from Betty- I wanted to hurt him bad.

  “No one is suggesting that you become a spy. And, I did call you in for your unique talents. However, the wolf aspect was merely icing on the cake. You see, Emma, you're a great asset to the vampire community. You are beyond our several professors here, and I'm sure with a little more control training you'll surpass Leland there with the ability to morph.” I heard a soft growl when he vaguely gestured to Leland.

  “So what? I don't plan on being part of the teaching scene. My people need me. I'm only here to ensure that I get the proper training before I fulfill my destiny.” My words were strong and once they were out I knew they were absolutely true.

  “Yes, your destiny. Let's talk about that.” He steepled his hands.

  Oh, that is so it! Dominic, I'm leaving. This is shit. I kept my face calm. “My destiny, as of this moment, is leading me out of this room.” I turned and walked to the door, unfortunately Leland was sitting his big panther butt in front of it.

  A low warning growl escaped from him.

  “Oh, please. You are no scarier than bunny slippers with fangs. Now move before I make you.” The threat seeped into my words in a frightening way.

  Leland moved like he was ready to pounce on me. I rolled my eyes, the inner wolf was begging to be released. “You're nothing more than a lap dog, move.” I growled.

  He didn't move. His body never left the attack stance. I released the wolf inside. My clothes swiftly shredded into tatters and I was once again the beautiful black wolf. My size was nowhere near the panther, but I knew Leland well enough to know he wouldn't be out to injure me. I was beginning to doubt whether or not I should hurt him just so he'd learn. My fur hackled and a snarling growl escaped from deep within me.

  Dominic stepped between us. “Leland, I think you should let her pass.” His hands were up in a surrendering gesture.

  Not bloody likely. I heard Leland project his thoughts.

  Move you idiot. My fight isn't with you. I told Dom.

  Mia bella, this is not the way to win this battle. His words were pleading, but calm.

  I thought for a moment. The layout of the room was very box-like with the door on one end and the windows on the other. But as I retraced the memory of the room, I realized that there was an open window just to the left of Spawling's head. I knew instantly what I would do.

  Dominic, I never took you for a coward. Nor did I ever expect you to stand against me on something so important to me. This issue is not up for debate. I will not be used. I've our people to help. I am done here. I turned faster than anyone expected and leapt through the window and made sure to slap Spawling with my tail on the way out.

  Chapter three

  When I woke up at my grandparents' house, I knew I needed to talk to Grandpa. But first I had to check my email. I didn't bother to check if I had gotten any phone calls. I didn't want to deal with school, Dominic, or Leland. I had called the school and requested a temporary leave of absence. Taraneh in the office accepted the request and put in the paperwork.

  I logged onto the spare laptop I kept in my room at my grandparents'. The room was still packed up, and the walls were a plain beige. The internet booted up quite happily, it was like putting on a favorite sweater. My inbox boomed with messages from Dominic. I wanted to just delete them all, but then my eye caught something. I had two emails that were not from Dom, one from Issy- his sister, and one from Kelly.

  I clicked the one from Kelly first.

  Hey Em, I'm going to be in Italy for a shoot. Well, not just any shoot, but my first serious one! I thought maybe we could hangout. I know that you've got all that school stuff going and all. But hey, it isn't everyday that I'm in town. :) So, I'll be there about a week after your classes start. I know it's totally earlier than it was originally planned, but I know you'll figure out how to make time. I'll give you a call when I get there. See ya soon.



  It was strange to hear from Kelly. It had only been a few months since I had last saw her. But our relationship was so different from where it began. She was the little girl I bit in kindergarten, and our friendship was nonexistent until Acacia appeared in town. It was as if having another person challenge her territory of queen bitch caused Kelly to be nice to me.

  Kelly was a nice enough girl once you got passed her cold exterior, and she was an awesome ally when you had a common enemy. I was glad I helped her make it into the vampire world of modeling. There was no way she would have made it without an insider, especially one with influence.

  I was happy she was coming. Having a friend here would be the distraction I needed to give my mind a chance to heal and strike a balance from everything that had happened. I just needed time to breathe and get a hold on everything. All I wanted was a chance to go back to the way things were when I was a kid- calm and peaceful. I almost forgot... Issy wrote me an email too.

  My memories jarred me back to the task at hand. I needed to know what was going on with Issy- Dominic's wayward sister, and my childhood best friend. Did my message finally get to her?With a trembling hand I clicked on the message from her.

  Emma, I'm not sure what to make of your messages. I've received them all, but what am I supposed to do? You say this horrific thing will come to pass if I don't change my path, but where am I to go? I don't belong in the vampire world, I'm not human, nor wolf. My place is with Jack. We made the choice long ago to stand by each other no matter what. You foresee both our deaths, and should that come to pass, then we will be together. However, I don't know if my path or the path I might take because of this vision is the cause. To change my course might alter both our lives. I can't risk that for Jack or myself, there is too much at stake. Please let my brother know I'm well. I'll be in contact soon, and I'll try to keep in touch more frequently. Perhaps next time you're in London, you'll come and see us. You are always with me Emma.

  Please be safe yourself.


  Her se
nsible nature was difficult to handle. My memories of her, were of a little girl. She was not level headed as a little girl. I would have easily called her a free spirit.

  I sat in my computer chair with my thick green robe on, and pouted at the screen. I don't know what I was expecting, but this response was not it. How do I even respond to that? I felt frustrated and annoyed for not knowing what to do next. I knew I needed to write back, but I didn't know what to say. I swiveled my chair away from my desk. I looked out the window. The sky was a beautiful shade of pink, the sunrise was at its peak. I sighed. This isn't how I wanted to start my day. I took a deep breath, I needed to center myself. I turned back to the laptop and clicked 'reply.'

  Hey Issy, I just wrote to make sure you were okay. I needed to know what I had seen wasn't true yet. I'll pass the message to your brother. I hope that one day soon I'll be able to see you and it won't be on such ugly terms as my vision. I miss you. Please remember to keep in touch with me, if only to calm my worries. Please take care of yourself. Em.

  It was short. I just didn't know what to say to her. I rolled my shoulders and stood up. What am I going to do today? The shower beckoned me from the small bathroom attached to my room. I grabbed the small suitcase I had under my bed for just such occasions and followed the sirens call.

  An hour later, I was downstairs sipping some hot cocoa mixed with blood and waiting for Grandpa to get off the phone. His pale blue eyes seemed stressed from the conversation he was having. I could have easily followed both sides but I tried desperately to push out any traces of the chat from my mind. This task was a challenge to myself because of my abilities.

  “Thank you for the privacy, Emma.” His words were crisp.

  “Oh, no worries, Grandpa.” I smiled at him.


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