Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 19

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Of course. I would never force anything. And I would never just pull the rug out from you guys. Surely you can see that.” I felt a little hurt that she would even consider something like that.

  “It's not that I think you would. But it's something that needed to be addressed.” She sipped on a cup of tea.

  “I was thinking that you could keep this as your home, and build just on the other side of the garden an entirely new structure for your guests. That way you'll still have room. Or you could do it the other way around. It's just an idea either way.” I smiled at her.

  “I think that would be a great idea. Especially now that we're a growing family.” She rested her hand on her growing stomach.

  “That's what I thought.” I smiled at her- in truth be told, I was envious of her ability to have a big family.

  We sat and talked about small details for a couple of hours before Moira began to look exhausted. I sent her to bed to rest for a while.

  The air outside was crisp and felt alive with the amount of green surrounding everything. I walked the opposite direction from the hill. I won't be going there today. After I was about a large field away, I heard my name. I turned and saw Mike jogging up to me.

  “Hey, wolf boy, what are you doing here?” He looked really tired.

  “I wanted to see you. No, I needed to see you. After we got back from our night, I couldn't go to sleep. I maybe slept for an hour.” He yawned slightly.

  “Okay, so now you've seen me. Go to bed.” I laughed at him.

  “Nope. I wanna spend the day with you. And there's nothing you can do about it.” He stuck his pierced tongue out at me. Desire ripped through my body- it was so forceful that it caused me to stop in my tracks.

  “Fine. You can come with me.” I rolled my eyes at him and punched him in the arm lightly. “I've missed you so much.”

  We walked along in a peaceful silence. Just having him next to me was like I regained a piece of what I had been missing. When we reached the first town, Mike went inside one of the stores and bought two hot cocoas.

  “Here.” He handed it to me and smiled.

  “Thanks, I was seriously missing this.” I sipped the sweet drink and enjoyed the thick chocolatey taste.

  “So tonight, we don't run or anything. Do you wanna go out?” He looked down at his scuffed boots.

  “Are you asking me out on a date? You know that we're both engaged right?” I laughed at him.

  “Yes, I'm asking you out on a date. And I'm well aware that we're both engaged.” He held up his left hand- on it sat a simple band, it was a Claddagh ring. I sighed.

  “Well, we only live once, right?” I tried to chuckle at him.

  “Yes, we only live once.” He reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingered just a moment longer than it needed to.

  “Since it seems I'm living my last weekend, I agree. You can take me on a date.” I laughed, I knew we were both being troublesome, but somehow it was okay- it wouldn't change our future.

  We walked back to the inn. Mike left me just off the path to the actual building.

  “We don't usually come this far. I've made sure that I've covered my tracks, but I don't want them to come over here. You don't smell like other vampires, but I don't know if it's just enough to bring them or have them leave you be. I don't want to take that chance.” He took my hand.

  “Thank you, Mike. I'll see you tonight.” I smiled at him, kissed him gently on the cheek and pulled my hand out of his.

  “See you.” He whispered as I walked away.

  The rest of the day passed with me on edge. I didn't know what to expect. I made sure to message Dom and let him know I was going out with Mike that night and so I would call him in the morning instead. I got a text telling me to have fun. I knew I was hurting him, but I needed to find my center before I was able to be his and his alone. In the end, this week alone would be nothing in our long lives together.

  Moira wasn't feeling her best when evening came so she locked up the inn and went to bed. I offered to get her whatever she wanted but she said it wasn't necessary. She gave me a spare key so I could come and go as I pleased.

  I dug through my bags for something to wear that was feminine. I pulled out my boots, a black pleated miniskirt, I slipped on a black camisole and then my black velvet jacket with lace trim and corset lacing in the back. I didn't have any stocking, so my bare pale legs were showing. I felt a little underdressed but it didn't matter. I fixed my hair into a French twist and applied light makeup. When I checked myself in the mirror, I looked like the girl I was in high school- only now I appeared to have aged a little bit more. I checked the outfit over once more. I decided it would do. I tucked the key into my bra and left the house.

  I walked over to where I had left Mike earlier in the day, I made sure to blend into the shadows. He was standing in the direct moonlight. His auburn hair looked black. He was wearing all black. I had missed how perfectly he complimented my attire with his own. I stepped out of the shadows behind him, as silent as the night. I put my arms around him and breathed him in. It was like coming home after a long break.

  He reacted almost instantly. I was up against a wall with his hand at my throat. His eyes were unfocused and a low growl ripped from him.

  Down boy. I whispered into his mind.

  His eyes focused and he let go instantly.

  “I'm so sorry, Em. You can't go around sneaking up on people like that.” He let out a long sigh.

  “No harm, no foul. So where are you taking me this glorious evening?” I laughed at him.

  “Well, first we're going to the town where I have a car waiting. From there we'll be headed to the city. And the rest is an adventure.” He took my hand and pulled me into a hug that felt like a romantic embrace. When he pulled away, his eyes had become softly unfocused.

  “We have to run now, can you the way you're dressed?” He looked me up and down the way one might expect a fox to check out a chicken.

  “Hey, wolf boy, I could out run you any day.” I stuck my finger into his chest for emphasis.

  “Then, I guess I'll meet you there.” He laughed as he sprinted away from me.

  Cheating bastard. I shouted at his mind.

  It took me no time to catch up to him, and eventually pass him. I was faster and lighter than he was. When we got to the edge of the town I slowed down so he could catch up. We walked into the town holding hands and laughing. There was a sleek red Bentley waiting. I was momentarily stunned that Mike would choose to drive such a posh car, but then I was lost in the beauty of the machine.

  “Okay, Cinderella, get in your coach. Do I have to have you back by the stroke of midnight?” He held the door open for me.

  “You've got me as long as you want me... tonight.” Somehow, I knew if I said the words without the tonight then life would be just a little bit harder for us.

  “Then don't expect to be home before dawn.” I smiled at him.

  We sped off into the night. I took his hand and held it tightly as we drove. I had never seen so much green rushed by in the night, then suddenly we slowed just slightly as the world began to be less rural. We reached a city, I didn't know where we were and I didn't want to ask. I just wanted to enjoy. The car stopped in front of a black building. Music pulsed into the car. It wasn't what I would typically listen to, but I saw a mix of people outside- including goths. Mike got out of the car and then opened my door. There was a valet that he tossed the keys to. We walked over to the red carpet area. There was a line around the block. Mike said something to the doorman, and we were whisked inside.

  “How the devil did you do that?” I asked once we had been led to a private booth.

  “You've just got to know the right people.” He winked at me, I realized that there was so much to Mike that I didn't know anymore or maybe I didn't know in the beginning. My heart fluttered in response.

  “Let's have a drink and then we can dance.” He left the booth and returned with tw
o whiskey shots, a Guinness for him, and a rum and coke for me.

  We did the shots together. The whiskey burned going down, but my body felt warm- like it did when I was human. I looked at him wondering if he knew that I longed for the days before our change. I sipped the coke as he took a slug from the beer. I smiled at him, my cheeks were flushed from the liquor.

  “So let's dance.” He bounced up from his seat, he was all energy and motion.

  “Okay.” I stood and for the first time since I had turned, I felt the slightest effect of having alcohol. “Hey, was there something special about that whiskey?”

  “Yep. Special kind for special people.” He winked at me and guided me out to the floor.

  I was giddy with the idea that I could actually get drunk, it was an experience that I wasn't sure that I wanted but I was excited that it was still possible. The music flowed around us. Our motions were controlled blurs. It was hard not to let go completely, but I still enjoyed every aspect of the movements. I had never danced like it before. Mike countered everything I put out there. We ordered another whiskey and then went and sipped on our other drinks.

  “Having a good time?” His skin had rosed just a little around his cheeks.

  “Yep. This is awesome. Let's dance some more.” I pulled him back onto the floor.

  The music and lights flashed around us. I felt myself losing some of my control. Just when I thought I was about to be lost in a flash of movements, the music slowed. I grabbed onto Mike. He held me close. Our bodies were pressed against each other. We were no longer separate entities, but moved and existed in one space. It was as though I had become part of Mike and he me. My eyes locked onto his. We moved without breaking eye contact.

  I turned my head. The world seemed to speed up and slow back down. I looked back to Mike. His eyes locked back onto mine, but this time I found desire in his eyes. His lips were on mine as quickly as I registered the want. My initial reaction was to pull back. But soon my own want took over. My body heated all over. His lips were forceful and powerful against mine. My body shook with it. I broke away and pulled him towards our booth.

  “I think we should leave.” I bit into an ice cube. My body felt hot, too hot for me. My mind was firing sparklers into the universe instead of functioning.

  Mike's lips were swollen. His eyes were unfocused. He nodded his head. He threw down some money and grabbed my hand. An urgency seemed to drive us both. The valet pulled the car out for us. Mike handed the kid some money and helped me into the car. We peeled out as we left. The world whirled by, I watched him. My body yearned for his touch. He reached over and stroked my thigh. I shuddered in my seat.

  The car stopped behind a dark building. I didn't understand what was going on. Mike got out of the car and opened my door.

  “Where are we?” I asked as he led me up to a back door.

  “My flat. I keep one here for nights when I'm supposed to be hunting.” His smile faded and his skinned paled.

  Hunting... I knew they had them out hunting us. I sighed.

  “Have you ever... you know?” I asked.

  “No. I'm a tracker by nature. When I hunt, I gather information... never kill.” He sighed as he opened the door.

  The air smelled of him- only him- as we walked in. This was his private space. Most of the doors were shut, but the living room he brought me into was lavish. The room was filled with beautifully carved wood pieces. I went and sat on a hunter green futon couch.

  “Can I get you something?” He walked through a door. “Maybe some juice... or wine.”

  “Do you have any root beer?” I laughed because I hardly ever craved it.

  “Yep. Barqs.” He came out holding two cans, he sat next to me.

  “Thanks.” I took the can.

  We sipped on them in silence. The effects of the whiskey was still hot in my blood. He gently stroked my cheek.

  “I'm sorry, Em.” His eyes were pleading with me to understand.

  “Mike, I understand. There are some things we've to do that we don't want to.” I smiled at him and kissed his lips gently.

  “I've missed you so, Emma. I feel like the color has been sucked out of the world.” He nuzzled my neck.

  “I know what you mean. But we have people back in our real lives. And we're destined to heal our peoples.” I sighed.

  “No, not tonight. Tonight, there is just you and me.” He gripped my neck and pulled me towards him.

  Our lips met. I could feel the hunger growing. My fangs slid down slightly. I accidentally nicked his lip. His blood touched my tongue and I pulled back. At first I thought I would surely be sick, but as soon I registered the blood- I realized it tasted better than anything I had ever had before. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I knew my eyes were clouded with want and desire.

  Mike watched me silently. He realized what happened as his licked the small cut with his tongue.

  “They told you our blood would hurt you, didn't they?” He growled in disgust.

  “Why would they say such a thing, your blood, it's like, I can't even explain it. It is so good.” I sighed the words out at him.

  He pulled me to him. Being so close to him was like breathing in the most tempting food. He looked into my eyes and slowly brought my mouth down to his throat.

  “Bite me, Emma.” He whispered the words in my ear.

  My fangs moved down and I looked at him once more before I sunk them in. I heard his initial gasp, but as soon as I began to suck, I could feel him move with me in unison. I pulled back to make sure I didn't hurt him. My body was shaking with need and want. He opened his eyes and I could see he was suffering from the same problem. I laid him back and climbed on top of him. Our kisses became more frantic. The want was driving us. He pulled my jacket off in one motion. I ripped his shirt off. I bit his chest. Pleasure coursed through us.

  I laid against his chest. I wasn't drunk on his blood, and the effects of the whiskey were burning out. My mind was clearing. My choices were clear. This was where I would choose which path to walk down. I looked at Mike. He smiled at me. His choice had been made. Tonight is ours. The words played in my head. I made my choice. I kissed him slowly now. I didn't want to rush tonight. This would be my first, and it felt right that it would be with Mike.

  He slowed his movements and spent time caressing every part of my body. When I thought I couldn't stand anymore, we made love.

  We laid together afterward. I listened to his breathing and heart beating. My life had changed in just one night. His fingers stroked my hairs that had come loose from my twist.

  “I think we should run away together.” I mumbled the words into his chest.

  “Em, you know we can't do that.” His finger trailed down my cheek.

  “I'm tired of giving up what I want. It isn't fair! We didn't ask for this.” I buried my face into his chest.

  He tilted my chin up, his kiss was soft.

  “No, we didn't. But we aren't the kind of people to just walk away while so many are suffering.” He kissed my nose.

  “It isn't fair, regardless. I know what we have to do. But I want this. Dammit, Mike. I want you. I love you.” I pleaded to him, to myself, trying to get passed the logic in my mind.

  “I know, sweetheart. I feel the same way. And I'll always love you. But we're fated to take a different path. Maybe if there is reincarnation we'll come back and get to live our life together.” He kissed the top of head.

  I wanted to scream and cry. Instead I held onto him. We fell asleep on the couch holding each other. I knew this was how my life should be, but I also realized that it wasn't meant to be.

  Chapter six

  When I woke, my entire being felt like I was the healthiest, happiest morning person in the world. My body was warm- not just the surface warm it usually was, but warm all the way through. Mike's arm was wrapped protectively around me. His gentle snores softly blew my hair against my shoulder.

  I knew it was late morning. It was as though all my sense
s had been enhanced. I sighed happily. Something felt different with me this morning. I laid there looking at the rich greens on the walls.

  What's missing? I did a mental check, besides my clothes, I couldn't think of anything. I suddenly realized I had no hunger, no thirst, and no ill effects from drinking from Mike. Why? Why did they lie? Did they lie or is it just me? I shifted uncomfortably next to Mike, his arm tightened around me.

  I felt deep inside that they had lied to me. Hurt welled in my chest.

  What else have they lied to me about? My hurt shifted to anger. I didn't want to go into this new life with lies. I decided that when I got home I'd tell Dom everything and find out the truth for myself.

  I shifted again, trying to control my temper. Mike's eyes opened. He smiled sleepily up at me. His eyes blinked shut again- then quickly open.

  “Good morning. I thought I was dreaming there for a sec.” His voice smoothed away my anger.

  “Good morrow to you too, good sir.” I laughed at him.

  “Maybe I'm still dreaming. I think I need a kiss to make sure I'm not.” He eyed me with suspicion as he tried to hide his smile.

  “Oh, is that so?” I laughed.

  “Yep. One has to be sure that one is awake.” He tried to look all innocent.

  “If that's the reason...” I turned towards him, placed a hand on either side of his face and pulled him to me.

  My lips gently brushed against his. A hunger clawed at my body. I pulled him to me. My mouth moved in a hungry, fierce way. I could taste the desire on his tongue. My fangs slid down silently. I nicked his lip as he pressed them harder against my bruised mouth. His blood tasted sweet, I could sense all his feelings. His thoughts flowed into my mind as I gently licked his bottom lip. I knew he wanted everything I did, but he wouldn't give into selfish indulgence when it meant his people. I felt his love for me, it was palpable. His desire was the strongest item in his mind.

  I pulled back and gently kissed his cheek on each side. I looked into his eyes.


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