Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 23

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Emma Hutchinson, we don't curse folks fer no reason... especially ones involving the devil and cats. Yah do know what yah just said, right?” Moira's cheeks were flushed a gentle pink as she reprimanded me.

  “Yes. May the cat eat you and may the cat be eaten by the devil.” I opened my eyes back up and saw her with her hands on her hips. “I'm sorry, Moira.”

  “No harm, I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear yah say anyhing.” She patted my arm.

  “Thank you. It looks like we better sign those papers.” I followed her to the dining room, and found the papers on the table just waiting for my signature.

  “I took the liberty of signing my line while yah were gone. I didn't change anything, just signed. I figured yah might be a little rushed here at the end. If there's anything we need to be going over, yah can come back or we can do it over the phone.” Moira always seemed to be thinking ahead.

  “Aw. Thanks, Moira.” I hugged her- feeling her pregnant belly press against me.

  “There, there, honey. I think yah should be getting yerself ready and yer stuff packed up.” She shooed me out of the room.

  My steps echoed up the stairs. The walk to my room was solemn. The thought of going back to Italy circled around my head. I could still feel my connection to Mike. It was like a dull buzz in the back of my mind. I realized that it would always be there and that if I focused on it, I would be fully connected to him- mind, body, and soul.

  As I shoved things into my bags, my thoughts drifted back to all the tasks that were ahead of me. My wedding was approaching so quickly and instead of being a blushing bride- I had blood bonded and slept with my supposed arch-enemy. Sigh.

  I needed to get back to school, start my classes, and shift through all the people that still needed to know if they were gifted. How am I supposed to teach, learn, mentally shift through people, and get married all in something near two weeks?

  My mind was chaotic and the sheer act of getting my junk together was exhausting. Once my bag was packed, I laid down on the bed and let the cheery room take me from my misery.

  I dreamt of the conversation I would have with Dominic. Various scenarios danced behind my closed eyelids- none of them were pleasant. Time passed slow enough for me to remember every detail, every pained expression that crossed his face as I told him of my latest betrayal. I watched as his body language grew cold and distant to me and my touch. I could feel my heart break through each dream. You did this to yourself, and for your people. The thought raced through my mind at the close of each dream. It didn't stop the next one from starting.

  “Emma, lass.” I felt my mind being shaken from the land of the dreaming.

  “Hmm.” My eyes weren't quite ready to let go of the torment I was putting myself through.

  “Miss Emma, lass, yah gotta waken up now. Yer plane will be landin' soon.” The voice was male and familiar.

  “What?” I shook my head. Why is there a guy in my room? I sat straight up.

  “Sorry, lass. It's time. Yer plane will be landin' soon.” Moira's husband smiled at me, and held out a glass- I could smell the blood in it. “Moira said to bring this up to ya and waken ya.”

  “Thanks. I'll be down in just a minute.” I took the glass from him and smiled.

  I sipped on the spiked drink. The blood cleared my mind from my day terrors. I walked over to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face. I shook my head one more time- clearing it completely- and picked up my bags. I looked one more time around the room, feeling my stomach tighten with sorrow for leaving this wonderful place. Before I headed down, I let my link to Mike come to the front of my mind.

  I'm about to leave. I just wanted you to know. I'll miss you, Mike. Please take care of yourself. I knew even my mental voice trembled.

  Em, don't go. Stay. We'll figure it all out. Stay with me. His voice pleaded with me mentally.

  You know I can't do that. I have to do what's right for my people, just as you must for yours. I sent warm thoughts to him.

  When will you be back? I felt the trepidation behind his words and his fear that I wouldn't return.

  I don't know. I've got a lot waiting for me when I return. I'll try my best to come back- I'm starting a business here that I'll have to check on. I tried to sound positive.

  I can only imagine the things you're going back to. Mike's voice took on a coolness.

  None of that. We both knew what we were getting into... Dominic and Acacia are part of that. They aren't something that can be sidestepped. I love you, Mike. I have to go now. Please, take care of yourself. I knew I wouldn't hold out much longer if he asked me again to stay.

  Be safe, Em. I love you, and I always will. Know that, deep in your heart. And know I'm ALWAYS here. I felt him push our connection to the back of his mind.

  I sighed. I had not planned to feel such pain with that goodbye, but I knew it would hurt. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs.

  Moira caught me stepping off the last step. My breath escaped in a squeeze.

  “Imma gonna miss yah so much. Yah best not forget about us.” Tears coursed down her redden cheeks.

  “Oh. I could never forget you. You're so wonderful, both of you're. And I love this place. Not to mention the fact that we're now business partners.” I smiled at her, and my eyes got all glassy.

  “Pish, none of that now. Yah've got a plane to catch. Yer bike is in the front.” She kissed my cheek and pulled away from the hug.

  “Thank you, for everything.” I hoisted my bags up to my shoulder and grabbed the door. “ I'll be back before you know it.”

  They smiled at me and I walked out the door.

  The ride back to the landing spot was a lonely one. I stopped when I was just a little bit away and wiped away the tears. That was when I saw the wolf- running along the hill on the far left. When it noticed I had stopped, it did. It sat down and the loneliest howl I've ever heard ripped from the creature. I knew it was Mike. I waved to the wolf- my bond mate- and then revved the motorcycle back up and headed to the rendezvous point.

  After I was there, I sat on my bike. I knew Mike was there, watching and waiting for me to get on the plane. I didn't try to bring the bond between us up- we didn't know how the link would work with the other wolves. Well, that, and I couldn't feel his pain any more than the dull throb I was already feeling from the dampened link. I heard the plane before I saw it. It circled and did a perfect short run landing. A cargo door was opened for my bike, and I walked it in. I stepped back out and bowed my head ever so slightly in the direction where I knew Mike was. The link pulsed with more pain. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders and walked around to the passenger door.

  I stepped inside and heard another howl echo all around me. It took all of my strength not to rush back to the door. Instead, I walked calmly back to my seat- only then did I realize I was not alone.

  “Grandpa?” Shock flooded my words.

  “I thought maybe you could use some company of a particular sort, my dear.” He patted the chair next to him.

  “Oh, Grandpa!” I ran to his embrace and the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.

  “Some choices are the hardest, even when they're right.” He stroked my hair gently as my shoulders shook with my sobs.

  “I know, I know... but it's so hard.” I wailed at him.

  “Ssh, ssh. It will be okay, Emma. Calm yourself.” He pulled me back far enough to look me straight in the eyes.

  I took a deep breath and Grandpa handed me his hanky. “Thank you.”

  “Now, I think it's time that you start to tell me your story. I have a feeling you're going to need practice if you'll be talking to Dominic when we get back to Italy.” Grandpa's face was relaxed.

  “I think you're right.” I took another deep calming breath and began to tell him my story and what I had done.

  By the time I was done, we were almost home. Gra
ndpa's face never changed, he listened as I got everything out of my system. Once I finished I felt a sense of relief. I knew I had done the right thing by talking to him.

  “Now, I know you feel better. I now have a better understanding of a blood fasting ritual, quite fascinating.” He smiled at me.

  “Yeah, you find it fascinating, Dominic isn't going to think so.” I shuddered as I recalled some of my more vivid dreams.

  “You don't give him enough credit. I think he'll understand some of this, not all of this- that is for certain. I don't think that he'll like any of it. The fact that you drank from Michael will both worry him and upset him. But, as with all this, in time even that will pass. Dominic understands the importance of you two coming together- both you and him and you and Michael. I think that poor Michael will probably have a bit of a harder time with his mate- although I'm sure she too will come around.” He smiled knowingly at me.

  “I'm sure you're right, for some strange reason you always are.” I smiled at him.

  “Not strange Emma, it's my gift. You know that.” His smile brightened.

  “I've never actually tried to find out, Grandpa. You're one of the few people that I certain knows his gift, inside and out.” I shrugged at him.

  “You are right, my dear.” He laughed. “I do think that you should rest your mind during this last half hour though, he'll be waiting for you when we land- just as the other had to see you off in his own way.”

  “Okay, Grandpa.” I rested my head against his shoulder- feeling his naturally comforting air take hold of me and drag me into a pleasant light sleep.

  I felt his presence before he woke me.

  Dom? My sleepy mind called out to him.

  Cara mia. It is time, you need to awaken. His words caressed my mind.

  Mmm, this is a nice dream. I responded.

  Not a dream, Emma. His arms picked me up from my seat.

  “Oh. What... hey!” I smiled sleepily at him.

  “Hello to you too.” He smiled down at me. “Did you have a nice flight?”

  “Yes, did you send Grandpa to join me or was it his own cunning that made him come?” I laughed as Dom carried me out of the plane.

  “I wish I could take the credit for that, but that was his own doing.” He kissed my cheek.

  “I bet he would've let you take it too.” I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

  “I think we should be heading home. Your grandpa is about to leave if you would like tosay bye to him.” He gestured to the black town car- where he got such a big car in Europe the world would never know.

  “Oh, right. Thanks.” I rushed over to Grandpa. “Thank you, thank you for everything. Give Grandma my love too.”

  “No need for thanks. We all need someone sometime, Emma dear. I'll tell her. I think perhaps dinner at our house soon would be good for you as well.” He smiled at me.

  “Indeed.” I kissed his cheek and waved to him as I walked back over to Dominic.

  “Are you ready to return to our world?” His eyes twinkled in a way that told me to have caution.

  “Of course, how are we getting there?” I didn't see a car for us.

  “The bike.” My bike had been pulled out of cargo and was waiting with my bags strapped onto the back.

  “Duh. Silly me.” I waited for him to get on first, and then I climbed on behind him.

  We rode in silence. I could feel him gently trying to probe my mind for anything that I didn't already have under lock and key. I knew this evening would be when the world shifted out from under me as I told the truth. I mentally gently shocked him in a way that told him I didn't like him poking around in my thoughts. He withdrew immediately. I turned my head so it rested against his back. I felt very alone- a single tear rolled down my cheek.

  The house looked just as beautiful as the first time I saw it. But my worry sat heavy on my mind. Will I still be here in the morning? I feared that Dom wouldn't take this as well as Grandpa hoped. I stood on the steps as he walked the bike over to the garage overhang. I knew someone else would see it to it later- if I didn't end up on it again headed for my grandparents villa.

  “Shall we?” He took my bags and carried them up the steps and held the door for me.

  “Thank you kindly, sir” I tried my best curtsy at him, and he smiled- just slightly.

  “How about you just put that down right there by the stairs. I figure we best get to talking so you don't try and go traipsing around in my mind while I sleep later.” I crossed my arms across my chest- trying to look strong when all I really wanted to do was attempt to hold myself together.

  “As you wish.” He walked to the library.

  I watched his body and realized he was tense, very tense, and nervous. I thought of trying to read him deeper through his thoughts, but I knew that wouldn't be right when I had just told him to stay out of mine. He was still the beautiful blonde boy, but he wore a long black shirt, black jeans, and heavy black boots- a sign he had been to Bella Notte or he was feeling dark. I hoped it was the former. He took a seat at the head of the long table in the room. I was tempted to sit at the other end, I didn't want to show him fear. So I sat on his left- hoping he would recognize the gesture as my devotion to our relationship, as I sat closest to his heart, as cheesy as that sounds.

  “Okay, Emma. Where do we begin?” His bright green eyes bore into me.

  “I suppose, like all things, we must begin where it starts. However, before I begin, I want your word that you'll listen to everything I have to say first, you can ask questions at the end- if you still want to. I also want you to try and listen with an open heart and mind, Dominic- don't just shut down.” I stared at him.

  “ I'll try my best, Emma. I doubt that it will be easy, but I'll try.” He shrugged.

  “I guess that is the best I can ask for.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, this was going to be a long night.

  I watched the fury and hurt dance across his face as I revealed more and more of my tale. By the end, his hands were clinched into fist. I wasn't afraid he would strike me but I did fear for the furniture. When I finished I looked him straight in the eyes, and waited.

  “I don't know what to say.” His jaw was clinched; I could see his muscles tightening and grinding.

  “Say anything, tell me what you're thinking. Something.” I didn't want to have to beg to have his wrath released.

  “Emma. How could you?” His eyes were cold with pain.

  “I tried to explain to you, I had to. It was the right path to blood fast with him. I don't regret what I know is right.” I held my head high. I wouldn't be made to question things I had already done.

  “Not that. How could you sleep with him and drink from him and let that beast drink from you.” His cold fury was colored by the disgust on his face.

  “Dominic, I don't think you'll understand this, but I love you and I love Michael. Period. There are two halves to me, pulled against each other in an endless battle. Part of me is his, just as part of me is yours. I can't shut one off just to please the other. It wouldn't work, this is who I am. I need you to understand this. I've told you everything- just as I always said I would. I wanted you to know everything before our wedding. I'm not ashamed of my actions, because they were right for the person I am there. My blood fasting bound me to him and him to me, that can never be broken. Understand that as well. I'm here now, I'm here to be with you. And I'm still willing to bind myself to you as well.” I let my words fill the air around us, I knew I had not softened anything, but I was honest.

  “How can you just say that? Do you even realize that makes you out to be whore? Even worse when you let something like that drink your blood!” His temper was rising.

  “I see, well, since you feel that way I'll be going to my grandparents. I'll send for my things in a few days. Thank you for listening patiently.” I rose and turned away from him- heading to the door.

  His hands grabbed my wrists in tight vice grips. I could see his internal
struggle as he battled whatever was going on inside him. “Emma, please don't go. It is just hard and a lot to take in.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

  “I realize that, Dom. I felt I needed to tell you. A full disclosure kind of thing. I didn't want you to marry me under false ideals. I am what I am. You can call me all the foul names you can think of but it will not change how I feel or the role I will play in saving our people. I love you, Dominic DeDominico, but I will not rip one part of me away that is just as important to this battle because you don't like it.” My back was straight and I stood tall as I told him I wouldn't choose.

  “What the hell am I supposed to say, Em? I mean, seriously, you tell me that you basically married Michael, slept with him, drank his blood, let him drink your blood, and that you love him... but that you love me too? How does that even make sense?” His hands tightened around my wrists.

  “You didn't ask me to make sense, and I didn't say it would be as straightforward as most things. I merely told you I was going to be honest with you.” I pulled my arms back- breaking his fierce grip- and stepped out into the hall.

  “Look, don't go. We can work this out.” He took a few deep breaths.

  “Dom, I've worked out my side. My guilt left me when I realized I couldn't try to be something false for the prophecy to succeed. I needed to embrace both sides of who I am. Yes, I've hurt you, I didn't want to, but it couldn't be spared. I'm sorry you're hurt. And more importantly, that I'm not the person you want me to be. But I can't be someone I'm not, and I can't change the past- nor would I want to for this.” I walked to the stairs and grabbed my bags.

  “Please stay. I need a drink or something. Give me some time to think, Em. I need to clear my thoughts. I knew it would be something I wouldn't like, but I didn't expect this or so much. Please?” His anger had burned out, it was replaced by fear- fear that I would leave him and return to Ireland for good.


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