Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 28

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  I looked at the face of my best friend, the only person that knew my secrets besides the other vampires, and burst into tears.

  “Oh, honey... you'll ruin your makeup.” She cooed at me as she stroked my hair.

  “I... just... don't know... what the... hell... I am... doing... any... more.” I wailed at her.

  “No one does. But this is a big step if you don't think it's the right one.” She tilted my head to look in my eyes.

  “I know I'm doing the right thing. It's just that I'm like a split person. I love Mike and I love Dom... just as I love my people, and this stupid prophecy is fucking ruling my life!” I grumbled in exasperation.

  “What prophecy?” Kelly confusion bunched up her brows.

  “Just this stupid thing that says that even though Mike and I love each other, we will wed our respective partners, but through our love we will eventually reunite our people and stop the feuding.” I decided that it was best to leave out the dying part.

  “Well, do what you want... not what you think you have to do.” She seemed pleased with this answer.

  “It isn't that easy. Once Dom and I get married, we're moving to a damn palace. We will be the royals of the vampire world.” I didn't know how to explain it all to her.

  “Okay, so there are some layers I'm missing to this thing and its complexity. Nonetheless, you have to be happy in the end.” I could tell that for Kelly it was all black and white.

  “Yep. But I'm settling down... Let's get back to getting ready.” I shined her my brightest smile.

  “Hmm, I'm sure that works on... like... everyone, but I know its bullshit. But since this is your wedding, it's your show. But know I'm here, even down to the last minute.” She winked at me as she walked off to get the staff.

  I gratefully took a sip of my coffee and prayed that I would make it through the rest of the day.

  I was placed in a fluffy robe and shoved into a chair as the next part of the “get-Emma-ready” plan progressed. My face was covered in an ugly green mask and two women attacked my hair. As I sat there, I wasn't actually sure what the hell they were doing, but I can honestly say that it hurt like hell. They pulled, yanked, and pinned my hair all over my head. Water was sprayed, a smelly mist was spritzed, and then they were twisting my hair in ways I'm sure it never wants to be done again- EVER! Finally they placed the giant space helmet of a dryer over my head and told me to relax- like that was going to happen in this place of torture.

  Once my hair was to their liking, they turned me away from the mirror- informing me that I had to wait to see the finished picture- and began doing my makeup. I felt the foundation powder go on thick. A part of me wanted to take their little makeup pad and smear the foundation across their faces, but I realized that I probably shouldn't do such things on this day of all. I closed my eyes and drifted to Mike's point of view.

  He was out running again- alone, as usual these days. I didn't know where his pack was or Acacia for that matter, but I felt for him. I wanted him to have people by his side that would make him feel happy. The lush fields gave way to thick trees and suddenly he stopped. He morphed back into his human form and walked to a small clearing. I could feel the magic crackling in him before he even threw the first spell.

  So, he's out practicing magic? I felt confused by this.

  I watched as he threw several different spells, both for good things and bad. It was mesmerizing and intense.

  Click, click, click.

  What is that sound? I felt myself being pulled out of my connection to Mike and back into the real world around me.

  “Um, hello, Emma?” A woman's voice called before she began snapping in front of my face.

  I reached up at lightning speed and caught her hand. Her face paled and she looked startled.

  “Firstly, it's Miss Hutchinson. Secondly, it's very rude to SNAP at one's clients. Thirdly, I don't care if I was asleep and drooling on myself, you need to learn some serious manners about the way you interact with people.” I snarled at the woman- applying just a little more pressure with each of my words.

  “Yes, I'm so sorry, Miss Hutchinson. It will not happen again. Please excuse me.” The woman bowed to me as she backed away and hurried out of the room.

  I shifted in my chair and looked at the other woman that was attending to me. “Was there something you two needed?” I said as icy as I could.

  “Um... no... yes... Miss Hutchinson. She was only trying to get your attention to see the final production, is all.” The poor creature stumbled over every word.

  “Well? Are you going to show me?” I purred at the frightened thing.

  “Yes.” She turned my chair to show me what I looked like.

  My hair was side-parted on top, but pulled back into a pile of tight curls. When the woman turned the chair I could see that the back had been crisscrossed, kinda like when you're doing a French braid. In front of the pile of curls sat my tiara of black onyx and red ruby. The centerpiece of it was a bat, surrounded on either side by small red roses in full bloom. The woman explained that my spiderweb veil would attach to this piece. I absolutely loved it.

  As my face lit up, I looked at how my face had turned out. My lips had been painted a deep cherry red. My cheeks were slightly highlighted with blush- I think it was meant to ensure the blushing bride look. My eyes were lined with black, and shadowed in the colors of my dress- black with red highlights. My face was beautiful! I beamed at the women.

  “You have outdone yourselves. I'm very pleased.” My voice was like honey and the woman was lapping it up.

  “Thank you, Miss Hutchinson. It was a pleasure.” She bowed and walked away.

  I turned to look at Kelly and saw the frustration on her attendees faces. It was apparent that they were not enjoying the short hair to work with.

  “Um, I'm not a professional, but perhaps you could just spike it into small curls?” I suggested.

  “We will try, Miss Hutchinson.” I saw a sense of relief flood the poor man's face.

  Kelly's makeup was done, it was done dark and dramatic- very stereotypical vampiress makeup, but she pulled it off.

  “I'm sooo sorry. I shouldn't have cut my hair before this.” Kelly was on the verge of tears.

  “Hey, none of that. You'll ruin your makeup.” I smiled, “besides, you'll look killer with the way I told them to do it.”

  She was turned away from the mirror, so she just nodded in hopes that I was right.

  As they quickly did the style I asked for, I realized that Kelly's new cut was very becoming for her. It sharpened her features and made her into more of a model. Once the last sparkly hairpin was in place, I knew it was perfect- even the stylists seemed pleased. They turned Kelly's chair and she gasped.

  “What's wrong?” I was instantly worried.

  “Nothing! It's so BEAUTIFUL!” She squealed again.

  “I'm glad you like it. You know, the maid of honor shouldn't outshine the bride, but I would let you quite happily... you look so gorgeous.” I smiled at her.

  “Pssh, you'll be the most beautiful vampiress to exist.” Kelly looked like a pixie and I knew once she was in her dress it would be hard not to envision her as an evil fae that would quite easily snatch children from their cradles.

  “Okay, now to wardrobe...” A small plain woman said as she ushered us into yet another room.

  Amelia was standing there in all her violet glory. She was in a simple black dress. Her purple eyes were warm and happy.

  “Merry Met, Princess.” She curtsied slightly at me.

  “Merry Met, Amelia, and it's just Emma. I'm not a princess.” I bowed slightly to the woman.

  “You're our princess, and after this wedding, you'll be our queen. Plain and simple. It has been foretold and so the families that have always taken care of the vampires will finally rise to royalty when their children wed.” She purred as she started toward her racks of clothing.

  “Let's not remind me.” I smiled and tried not to let it dampen my fragile

  “No worries, let's get that little body into my masterpiece.” She beamed.

  I stripped off the robe and closed my eyes as I was instructed- apparently everyone was big on surprises.

  “Now, Kelly, how about you go with my assistant Javier and get your sweet little self ready?” Amelia's voice was friendly and full of confidence.

  “Kay, see ya in a bit, Em. I'm sure you'll look fabulous.” Kelly sounded so excited, and I could only imagine what runway shows would be like with her.

  “Now, Emma, keep your eyes closed and in a second I'm going to have you step into the base skirt, afterward I'll pull the dress over your head. And don't worry your style will be fine.” She held my hand as she positioned me where she wanted me, I heard her faint footsteps and then two loud unzippings.

  I stood as silent and still as I could manage. Anticipation pulsed through my body.

  “Okay, left foot... right foot. Hold still.” Amelia was all business.

  I felt the rough and smooth textures of the inner skirt.

  “Now over the head... no sudden movements, please.” I felt the smooth silky material slide over my body- all tingles and coolness.

  “Can I look now?” I asked as she began tying me into the dress.

  “Not yet, impatient one.” She pulled on the strings of the corset, cinching it as tight as possible.

  I felt the soft wispy material of the veil rest slightly against my face as she attached the piece to the tiara. I could almost feel her stand back and look me over for faults and flaws.

  “Now, I'm going to lead you over to the mirror, no peeking yet.” Her voice was natural, not giving away anything.

  “Can I look now?” I asked as soon as she stopped me.

  “Yes, open your eyes, Princess.” She purred.

  I slowly cracked my eyes. I blinked several times as I took in my transformation. I looked like a vampire princess, there was no other way to explain it. The black and red, the spiderwebbing on the veil, the detailed beading on the bodice and trailing down the side- all of it added up to one thing, and that was vampire princess.

  “Ohmygoodness!” My breath caught.

  “So... do you like it, hate it, wanna burn it, frame it?” Her violet eyes begging to be told she did a good job.

  “I love it! How did you manage to get it so perfect?” It was the only word that could explain how I felt- all of my doubts were instantly washed away.

  “I'm so glad you feel that way... now let's get a look at your maid of honor. Javier, bring her in.” Amelia's voice was authoritative and carried far for being quiet.

  I watched Javier in a plain black suit, his shaved head slightly glistening with sweat. He totted Kelly along as he walked her into the room.

  “Em, they won't let me look until you see...” Kelly whined.

  I looked at my friend in wonderment. We chose a slick number for her, way less frills and embellishments. At the base of her slip dress was a long slit that went up to her thigh, but instead of revealing flesh it showed a deep slash of crimson- keeping with the wedding colors of red and black. Even with the pink hair, she looked just as I had imagined. Part of me wanted to throw some wings on her back, but I resisted the urge.

  “Well... can I look?” Kelly tapped her foot.

  “Yep.” I didn't want to give anything away.

  I watched as she opened her eyes, much like I did. She looked from the bottom to the top. Her face pulled into pure radiance. I could tell that she loved it.

  “Holy mother of somebody... this is the flipping best dress ever!” She shouted.

  “I'm glad you like it. Now let's get you girls into your shoes and headed to the pictures of just you two.” Amelia was determined to keep us on schedule.

  Kelly and I were shooed from one place to the next. We went through several rounds of pictures with various parts of the wedding party, yet managing to keep Dom and I apart. I was dead set on keeping that old tale about it being bad luck when you see the bride before the ceremony. When all the shots were done, minus the bride and groom and complete wedding party, Grandpa, Kelly and I walked to the bride's suite. Grandpa had debated with my dad and they decided that he would walk me down the aisle- yes, our weddings are very similar to regular ones- well, minus the blood sharing and drinking.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” Grandpa was a calming presence as I felt my body start to lurch outta control.

  “Oh, you know, just wedding jitters. Has anyone ever been stood up before at one of these?” My voice became a squeak.

  “That is just ridiculous, Em. Dom loves you more than most people love to breathe!” Kelly was trying to be reassuring.

  “Yes, it has happened before. Although it's a rarity. The last one to occur was Isabella. She made it this far, but they turned their backs on her for a minute- she said she needed to use the powder room, and the rest is history.” Grandpa's eyes were knowing; he wanted to make sure I knew the history of this ceremony and the people involved.

  “Wow. I bet Dom is even more jittery than you.” Kel laughed.

  “Thank you for telling me, Grandpa. How much longer 'til it starts?” I swallowed audibly.

  “Well, first you're going to take a sip of this drink and then one of Anna Mills's people will be in to put us in place when necessary.” He handed me a flask.

  “Um, Grandpa, I hate to break this to you, but alcohol... eh... doesn't really affect us.” I bunched my brows at him.

  “Just take two sips, child.” His calm tried to force itself into me.

  I slugged back two sips and instantly felt better. It was blood, and something else- but whatever it was helped to calm me.

  Just as the calm spread through my body, a thin man stepped into the room and whispered something to Grandpa.

  “Well?” I needed to know what was going on.

  “In about five minutes the ceremony will begin. We are to move to position in three.” He rose from his chair.

  “OHMYGOD, Emma! You. Are. Getting. Married!!!” Kelly bounced up and down in front of me.

  “Apparently, I am.” I giggled at her.

  We did a final check in the mirror, and had Grandpa look us over before we were both handed our bouquets. The deep red roses looked striking against the black dresses, but mine stood out for the sunflower and daisies that it also held. I brought the flowers to my face and took in their deep fragrance- well, what I could detect under the spray they had been applied with.

  Grandpa led us both out to the hallway that would take me to Dominic and my future. Fear seized my body and throat shut. Can I really be what they need? Am I capable of being their queen? I didn't know if I could be what they expected of me.

  Emma Mary Hutchinson, you were born for this. You will do just as you've always done, be yourself and be true to what you know is right. Grandpa's words were like a boot stomping out the fire I had just started under me.

  “Now, we must be in our positions.” He stepped back and took my arm as Kelly stepped forward.

  One of Anna Mills's people gave us a thumbs up for positions.

  Somewhere in the distance an organ began to play. The music swelled in the hall in front of us. I gulped for air- I was suddenly very short of breath. With the way I was struggling to get air into my lungs, I was certain I would faint or have tunnel vision or something- then I remembered that my need for oxygen is less than most people's. I took a deep breath.

  Calm the hell down, Emma! I wasn't sure that shouting at myself would work, but I had to try.

  “You will be your radiant self and this will be over before you know it.” Grandpa cooed into my ear.

  Thanks. My voice was failing me.

  Calm and collected, as the saying goes. His voice was soothing.

  The doors opened in front of us. Kelly looked back just once and then stepped out. I started the internal count that I was supposed to follow.











  I stepped out into the aisle. Everyone in the room rose. My heart beat way faster than usual. I reminded myself about the second pause between each step. The music wrapped itself around me, breaking away my fear. I didn't look at the people I passed, I was still afraid and nervous. Then I found Dom.

  He was in a tux with tails, his shirt a rich scarlet, and his bow tie was black. When I reached his face, I knew that he was so happy; that this moment was the best in his life. His entire body seemed to be glowing with excitement and happiness. Just seeing him, and knowing that I was the cause of the emotion caused my entire panic feeling to disappear.

  I reached the point where Grandpa and I parted ways. He put my hand in Dom's and bowed away slightly.

  Dom escorted me the rest of the way. We bowed formally to each other- well, I curtsied. We turned toward the robed figure in front of us. My mind instantly drifted to a different moment with robed figures.

  Focus! I ordered myself.

  The hooded person spoke and his voice was a thick creamy sound. The language he spoke was the one I knew was lost- used only now for rituals, but I knew it.

  Eare nega, nez foth ere nowe... His voice boomed.

  Merry Met, we're here to celebrate... My mind translated for me internally.

  Ishink jegt dex qoul begono. He continued.

  The joining of two souls as one. It somehow sounded more like a spell to me.

  Ne via, ne merta, nez petrel ey ishink, ne gertn insticles wednea Emma Hutchinson t Dominic DeDominico. I could feel the spell circling us.

  In life, just as in death, we're destined to be joined, so we come together to bring Emma Hutchinson and Dominic DeDominico.

  Ne via, nez foth ere nowe noa viez exex ishkin jegt lepend. He continued.

  In life, we celebrate our lives with the joy of another.

  Wexen esetl asteple, Emma t Dominic nist slova instincla fere. The spell wove on.

  Through this union, Emma and Dominic will be bound to each other.


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