Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 30

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Dominic, we can't just sit by and let this go.” I pleaded with him once again to let me to the scene before all the traces would disappear.

  “Emma, you're to be their queen. You will not be sacrificed over one death.” He countered.

  “No death is acceptable!” I boomed, the room stopped all the activity.

  Dom's face was pinched and he clearly was not used to me in an authoritative role.

  “ I will not be a queen of any kind if I'm forced to sit on the sidelines!” I thundered.

  “We don't know the reason for this attack, it may be the wolves, it may be hunters. Please, Emma, mia bella, for me... stay home. Perhaps there is another that would be able to sense these traces you speak of?” He was looking for anything that might protect me.

  “My annoyance with you has no bounds.” As soon as the words were out, Dom's face relaxed just a bit, as he knew he had won me over.

  “There are only two people that might be able to help with this, Bettina and Charles from my class. Betty would be the best choice, but Charlie might be able to get insight through his artwork if he were at the scene. Other than that, I know no one else that has the right ability.” I felt like I was letting someone down.

  “It will be done, Milady.” Dom bowed to me and left the room, I heard him on his phone as he walked out of the room.

  I stood and began to pace like a caged wolf. This will not do! My face was contorted with my frustration when Grandpa came in.

  Child, what is the matter? His brow was arched.

  Dominic will not let me help! My mind wailed.

  That is because you're more valuable than a common tracker. He walked over to the velvet bench that was in front of the large window which opened out onto a patio- I was currently forbidden to go out on.

  I'm far more skilled than a tracker at this sort of thing, and you know it. I knew why he had said it, but it still hurt that he would take Dom's side in this.

  I'm not taking a side. It is a simple truth that most of the vampires that will be under your rule, would put down their lives willingly, if they thought it would save you. Do you want people to be jumping in front of the train for you because you put yourself in the situation that caused the train to head for you? His eyes sparkled with wisdom

  “No. I would never want to endanger people. I just want to... help.” I sat down in frustration.

  “Sweetheart, you can't save them all. We had many more deaths before you. Perhaps you should talk to Michael and see if there is anything happening on the wolf side that might help us.” I knew that Grandpa would be my council as I needed guidance through my reign as the vampire Queen.

  “That is a brilliant idea, thank you.” I kissed his cheek and then let the connection take me to Mike.

  Mike? I knew that something was stirring around him.

  Em? Are you okay? Worry and concern colored every word.

  Yes. What is happening? I had a feeling that they had been attacked as well.

  We've had several attacks. They look like vampire, but they smell wrong. Something tells me that is why you're asking about this. Mike was not going to be caught unaware.

  Well, we've had attacks that are similar. They seem to point back to the wolves- well, I have to assume that they do. I'm not allowed at the scene. I tried to hide my disappointment.

  I can't believe they're keeping you from the scene! You might be able to see something! This is crazy! Why would my people try to frame your people? His words huffed at me.

  Come on, you know why. Someone is trying to get us to fight against each other. They obviously don't know about our connection yet. Hmm, this person or persons isn't afraid to kill to try and continue our feuding. We need to protect our people. My mind was going a million miles a minute.

  Calm down, Em. We don't know for sure. It could just be some sort of fanatic targeting both sides of the fence. We will have to watch and wait, but I still think you should be able to go to the sight. Mike's voice was final.

  Why are you being so collected about this? I knew my voice was shouting at him.

  Because, it's only through being calm that I can try and keep a clear mind... if I allow the worry to enter than I'm useless to my people because I'll be trying to protect you. His words were filled with anger, I could feel him grinding his jaw.

  I don't need to be protected. I huffed at him.

  It doesn't change the fact that you've already been attacked once because of our connection, I want to be able to protect you from any further attacks... even if it's not my place. The last of his words were nothing more than a whisper.

  It's no one's place. I can fend for my own damn self. I appreciate the thought, but Mike, we need to be on the same page here. It's true that I don't want anything to happen to you, but I also don't want anything to happen to the vampires- especially if it coulda been prevented. My frustration was clouding my words and I knew I had stung him slightly.

  Well-spoken from the vampire Queen. I felt the sarcasm drip from his words.

  Very mature. Are you okay? My concern for him intensified as I felt his emotions roll through me, he had learned to shield some of himself from me- or spelled it away- and suddenly it was crashing into me.

  Is this what you want to know, Emma? His anger fed the fuel and more rolled into me.

  Mike... I didn't know. I... I knew I had hurt him with my wedding, especially since it was on his birthday, but I had little choice.

  We all have choices, Emma. You didn't even wish me a happy birthday on that blessed day. He sneered.

  Michael O'Shanold! You stop being so damn ugly inside or I'm going to beat you, so help me. I'm sorry I didn't wish you a happy birthday. I didn't forget it, the day was just... busy. I didn't want to send you something that I knew would never make up for my lack of appearance or even the pain I knew I would cause. Forgive me or hate me, we're bound for all eternity- whether you like it or not. I wasn't sure if I had made the best choice in words- but it was a start.

  We might be bound, but that doesn't mean that we get to cause each other pain. Emma, I know your damn wedding day was busy, and I know you had to go through with it. But it doesn't stop the pain any more than if I had a gash and you poured alcohol into it. His words were harsh.

  Yes, well, I'm sure that I'll experience the same not too far from here. But you have to remember that I was bound to you first. No one, not Dom or whatever all powerful beings may or may not exist can even take that. You were my first... in all ways. So stop being a dick. I was getting tired of him being a jerk about things he knew were coming.

  You're right. I'm sorry. Forgive me, Em? His voice cooled and was sprinkled with sorrow.

  There's nothing to forgive. I love you now and always. No matter what. I cooed to him.

  Please stay safe. I'll do what I can on this side to try and track these attacks. He broke the connection.

  I blinked back into the palace room I was sitting in with Grandpa.

  “Things often take time to heal. But sometimes, the right words help the process along.” He smiled at me and his bright eyes twinkled with knowledge.

  “Thank you, Grandpa.” I hugged him gently. “Mike said that there have been attacks there as well, but they've been done in a way to look like vampire attacks... the wolves are not fooled.” My voice was hard and business.

  “Then this is something outside of us... or within us.” He stroked his chin between his thumb and index finger.

  “I need to get to the attack site. We can have a double or bodyguards or an armored box... whatever... but I need to go there. Our people need to see that I will not be frightened into a fox hole by an attack on our people.” I walked briskly to the window.

  “You are a fine ruler for our people, Emma. I'm very proud of you and I agree one hundred percent. But I think it would be wise to get Dominic's backing on this. The people must see a united front from their rulers, there can't be any discord. Do you understand?” He laid his cool hand on my shoulder.

>   “Yes, I understand. Do you know where Dominic is?” I asked.

  “He is in the war room, awaiting the arrival of both Bettina and Charlie.” He gestured to the hidden door in the wall behind us.

  “Thank you.” I kissed him on the cheek and went to the room where I would be needed, whether my husband realized it or not.

  The War room was a circular room, hidden between walls but large enough for twenty-five people to fit comfortably in. There were no lurking shadows, and the only people that could betray you were the ones looking at you. The walls were soundproof, as were the windows in the ceiling. There were two doors, each hidden in other rooms, and an emergency escape hatch under the war table. An Oriental rug was currently hiding it from the rest of the people in the room. The walls were covered in maps, and glass walls for writing on.

  As I walked into the room, an argument was going on. I didn't interrupt. I went to look at what had been written on the walls and which maps had been brought to the front- much of this was digital, for the sake of space.

  “What do you mean you can't find the trail?” Dominic's voice boomed.

  “Well, Sire, it disappears.” The poor man was trembling, I could smell his fear- it was sour.

  “Do you want your Queen to be murdered in her sleep?” He continued to bellow.

  “No, we would never want anything to happen to Emma. She has brought life back into our people, she is our sunshine.” The man looked at me and smiled.

  “Dominic?” I interjected.

  “Yes, mia bella.” He clearly didn't want to stop yelling at the poor man.

  “I would like a word with you.” Relief washed over the man's face, I could taste his gratitude- sweet and salty.

  “Of course. Please excuse me.” Dom turned from the table full of people.

  “Follow me.” I stepped out of the war room and into a side room, built between the two rooms- it was a hidey-hole.

  He stepped in after me and slid the hidden door into place.

  “You can't badger people like that. They will not respond well. And what's this 'Sire' nonsense?” I kept my voice cool and calm.

  “They need to know this is serious. The people have taken to calling us the King and Queen, therefore, the titles that go along with them are used when people address us.” He crossed his tattooed arms over his chest and leaned against the door.

  “That is bullshit and you know it. No power trips. I will not stand for it. Our people need to be able to turn to us in time of need, like this one... not fear us. We are to rule, but not oppress. The vampire people have existed for thousands of years without royalty... they've allowed us to take it back. Do not underestimate these people or what they can do. If we're to stay in this position of power, then you need to realize that we're a partnership... you will not make decisions for me or without me. Period.” My voice had turned regal.

  “ I will not let you get hurt for these people, either, Emma.” His eyes were hard and cold like gemstones.

  “I'm not a doll to be dressed up and put into an ivory tower. I'll protect these people as much as I possibly can. I need you to accept this.” My eyes pleaded for him to understand.

  “Emma, I can't lose you.” Fear filled our bound.

  “Oh, Dom. With our new position comes the chance that we could lose it all. I understood that when I married you. Why is it that now when the danger is near, you feel the need to throw an entire population in front of me to protect me?” I laughed gently at his concern.

  “It's irrational, I know. But what else do you expect me to do? Let them walk right up to the door and murder you?” His brows pulled together in distress.

  “Dominic, I expect you to know that I'm very capable of defending myself. I expect you to remember my gifts and put your personal desire to keep me from harm aside and stand united by my side as I try to help in the ways I can. I expect us to take on anything that comes our way together and win because of it.” I placed my palm on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

  “But Emma...” His words trailed off.

  “You know I'm right. You also know that we must always stand united, or we will fail.” I kissed his cheek.

  “Yes, you're right.” He let out a big sigh. “How would you like to handle this?”

  “I need to go to the attack site. You can have whatever setup you want for my safety, as long as it does not emit the taste of fear or panic. I will not have you frighten our people more than they already are.” I gently inched him away from the door.

  “As you wish, my Queen. Would you like the area cleared of people as well? Am I welcome to accompany you?” Dom was staring down at his feet.

  “Only the most useful people are to be in the area, or those that might have seen something. I would like you to join me, as well as Charlie and Betty. I think we can leave Grandpa in charge of the palace while we're away.” I took his hand.

  “Yes, of course.” He opened the door for me to slide out.

  “Thank you, my love.” I kissed him and then walked into the War room.

  “Emma has need of a small escort to the site. Derrick, you'll arrange this.” Dominic barked to a caramel colored giant with long brown dreadlocks and the palest green eyes I've ever seen.

  “As it pleases the Queen, it shall be done.” He bowed lightly and then walked from the room.

  “Derrick Yertl is head of security. I trust him with my life.” Dom explained to me briefly.

  “Do we have an ETA on Bettina and Charles?” Dom asked a woman in plum.

  “Bettina will arrive in about two hours, Charles shall be here in the hour. In that hour, however, both you and Emma have a small meeting with a representative from New York regarding the vampires in the US.” Her words were crisp and clear.

  “Thank you, Yasmin. When does this meeting start?” He asked her.

  “In about fifteen minutes.” Her hair was in a perfect black bun at the base of her neck, her honey colored eyes took in everything as she spoke to Dom.

  “Thank you.” Dom turned to me.

  “This is Yasmin, she is our personal assistant. She knows everything and somehow manages to keep me in the right place at the right time.” He beamed at the woman.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Yasmin.” I held out my hand.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I'm merely the head personal assistant. You both have your own. They have not been hired as of yet. But ultimately, everything they know I'll know.” Her grasp was firm and strong- I liked her instantly.

  “Good. You're the go-to girl.” I smiled at her.

  “Yes, I suppose I am.” She smiled back.

  “Will this meeting require a certain attire?” I wasn't sure if I was dressed for something like this.

  “Perhaps a quick change into a business skirt and button up shirt would be a little more appropriate.” She suggested.

  “Thank you, Yasmin. Dom, I'll be right back.” I kissed him and slipped out of the room.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was standing at Dom's side wearing a black pleated skirt, blood red button up, black leather Mary Jane pumps, my hair pulled back in a tight bun, and light makeup. We waited for the party to arrive at the top of the stairs, to welcome them to our home.

  Three city vampires got out of a black town car. The leader of the small pack was a short female with flame red hair cropped short. She wore only black and had a rose that turned into a dagger tattooed on the back of her neck. Her second was a man of medium build, a shaved head, piercing black eyes, and his entire body covered in tattoos. The last of their party was a stocky gent, with thick raven hair and warm brown eyes. Looking at them, I realized that they were chosen to intimidate and strike fear.

  “Greetings Morgana, William, and George. It is a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to our home.” Dom hugged each in turn.

  “Merry Met, Sire.” They all chimed in.

  “Let me introduce you to my wife, Queen of the Vampires, Emma.” I smiled at each of them and gave them a brief handshake.
  “Well met, Milady.” Morgana curtsied at me, her two wingmen bowed slightly.

  “I hope your trip was to your liking.” I said as I led them into one of the many rooms that had been designed for comfort and business.

  “It was quite well, thank you.” Morgana took the chair that I offered to her- I had strategically separated each of them from one another.

  “Would you like something to drink or eat?” I knew I had to play this role perfectly, we needed the US vampires to recognize us as their rulers as well.

  “Just some red. Doesn't matter what kind. For all of us.” Her words were cut, and when she used the nickname for blood, I knew she was relaxing.

  “It shall be brought right away.” I watched as Dom picked up the phone and ordered blood for us.

  “Your Majesties, our time here is brief, so I would like to get to the point. If that is alright with you.” Morgana chimed in.

  “Please, speak your mind, Morgana. We are all friends here.” Dom cooed at the woman.

  “The vampires of the States want to know that with this change in rulership, things will not be taken to excess. We want to be protected but not caged. Although there have been people that guided the vampires before, there have never been official rulers, you're the first. We want to know what your intent is.” She sat inched forward on the chair, leaning into her legs, her hands grasped together, but remained in eye contact with us through all her words.

  “We are quite aware of the newness of the situation. The vampires are our people. They will not be oppressed. The same rules will be in place as before. However, there will be new ones added. Just as there have always been leaders, such as yourself, they will now report to us. Our word will be law. But don't think that this means we will not listen and trust the vampires that know their areas better. There is one law that will be in effect immediately after our swearing in, and that will be that the hunting and or murder of the wolves will be forbidden.” Dominic's words bounced off the walls as the room was hushed.


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