Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 35

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “We thank you, ladies and gentlemen for attending not only our coronation, but also our first conference as your royalty. We will take questions at the end of this. Until that time, we expect that all commotions be kept to a minimal, as we have much to say.” I took a delicate sip of the blood water that had been placed on the stand for me, this gave the people in the room a chance to settle in.

  “We are declaring our allegiance to the werewolves. We stand before you as a united front against whatever shall come our way. We are certain that you'll have questions regarding this decision, please hold them until we're done. On another front, we're here to inform you that we're at war with an unknown source. We believe it to be dark spell casters. Do not confuse these people with the witches and warlocks that we find within our own communities. The reason for this war has not been brought to light as of yet. But we've already won the first battle. We don't expect to win this without any loss, particularly as we've already lost several lives to these monsters. These crimes will not go unpunished. We shall fight these beasts on all fronts.” I sipped my water again.

  “In our first battle, we were assisted by the wolves- in fact, if it was not for the bravery of Michael O'Shanold, we wouldn't be here today. We want to make it clear that although we've won one battle, this is far from over. We ask that the people use common sense, but don't give in to panic. Extra security will be placed in cities and patrols will be circulating through the smaller provinces. We also ask that anyone that has military experience, battle experience, knowledge of such things, or has a natural affinity for fighting come to the palace barracks. This is the first battle that we as vampires will not cower from, rather we will face it head on. Since the werewolves are fighting this same problem, we're also offering our aid to them. We are at war and we aim to win.” I smiled, stepped away from the mic and sat back down.

  Dominic stepped up with Mike and together they met the barrage of questions that my speech seemed to create. By the end, they were both tired.

  Wrap it up boys. I sent them, not wanting them to be under the verbal attack indefinitely and heard the meeting called.

  We ate dinner together. I had requested that the traditional ball be canceled- we needed to focus our energies on what lay ahead of us.

  “Thank you, Em and Dom. This is the first time that there has been such public peace between our peoples.” Dom smiled at Acacia.

  “It's only through this peace that we shall both be happy.” I smiled at her.

  “I propose a toast, 'To our peoples' happiness and our friendships.'” Dom offered.

  “Hear, hear.” We called out and sipped our drinks.

  “To us.” I said and we all raised our glasses and drank.

  Chapter twelve

  Time has a funny way of slowing down when one expects it to speed up. After the announcement of our alliance with the wolves, the attacks stopped. I figured it was so the bastards could come up with a new plan of attack.

  Life continued, we kept to our word and built up a military- the first ever in the vampire history. Within two weeks, we sent people into each major city, and started the patrols around the outlying ones. Our people felt protected and safe. Dom and I decided to start sending out people to try and get more information on these evil witches or whatever they were.

  Mike kept me informed about what was happening within the packs. They were shocked, but highly pleased by our public acceptance of the wolves. We had the backing of all the packs- not just the Ireland one.

  Acacia set the date for their wedding- the beginning of the year. She wanted it on St. Patrick's Day. When it came through the link, my stomach clinched in pain and I had to excuse myself from the light meal I was taking with the staff.

  Mia bella? Dom was in a meeting regarding the security around the vampire schools.

  Sì? I really didn't want to explain why I was in pain and pouting in my room.

  You knew this day would come. It's the cycle that is part of each of us. The wolves need their rulers to be united as well. His voice was reasonable and gentle- I didn't want it.

  Oh, bite me. You're happy for the news... I know you dislike how close I am to him anyways. I slammed our connection away from me as I would slam down a phone.

  “What the hell does he know anyways?” I huffed out into the empty room.

  “He knows enough to try to appease you before he throws his happiness out.” Dominic was standing in the doorway of my emergency door.

  “Get out!” I snarled at him.

  “Sorry, love, not bloody likely.” He scoffed at me.

  “I could have you removed, Dom.” My voice turned icy as I walked away from him and to the window.

  “No, you couldn't. I'm the King, just as you're the Queen. I could be the worst man on the damn planet and they wouldn't save you from me.” His voice was cruelly true.

  “Go away, Dominic. I'm not in the mood for this.” My stomach clinched again and I gripped the windowsill in a death grip.

  “Does it truly physically pain you?” His eyes clouded with concern.

  “Yes, because I feel his tension, yearning, desire, pain, and every other emotion rolling through him right now, as well as my own. It's like being assaulted on all sides.” I hoped that explanation summed it up.

  “Would you like me to call him?” I felt like it was a huge concession for Dom to ask me first- I knew he would either way.

  “I don't believe he's aware that he's doing it. He's currently withdrawn. I don't know if he'll even take your call.” The pain racked my body again and I fell to my knees.

  “Don't move, mia bella.” I knew he didn't understand the basis of what was happening- the emotions that held such a physical bond to each of us.

  Mike? I tried to reach out to him, but in his darkness he couldn't hear me.

  Dominic, I don't think he'll take your call... he isn't responding to my call to him. I had to figure out how to break the connection.

  “Acacia, this is Dominic. I don't know what's wrong with Michael, but whatever it is... it's hurting Em.” There was a brief pause as I listened to him talk to her. “ No, I don't know what the hell is causing this. She can't reach him either. Go in there and club him or something. For all we know he's destroying the universe or creating the Loch Ness monster... just do something.” He snarled at the phone.

  The pain swept through me again, I cried out and curled into myself.

  Mike, please, make it stop. I sent it to him with all the force I could muster.

  “Thank you, Acacia.” Dom's shoes made no sound on the floor but I knew the second he was by me again.

  I looked up at him and wished he would take me out of my misery.

  “Mia bella, I'm going to put you on your bed. The floor is no place for Her Majesty.” He smiled at me.

  I tried to return the gesture but it became a grimace.

  My bed was soft and molded to my body instantly. But the pain continued.

  “What did she say?” I croaked out.

  “She was going to try and talk to him, if that didn't work then she would try water and then club him. I don't think she was kidding.” I could see how Dominic wanted to be the one wielding the weapon.

  I willed myself to relax into a less clinched position. My breath was jagged and I was sweating as much as a vampire can.

  “You'll be okay, Emma.” He stroked my hair back.

  It stopped suddenly. I had the clearest vision of Mike being clubbed. I took a deep calming breath.

  “I'm okay. It's gone. I believe he's unconscious.” I shook my hands as I tried to shake off the feeling of the pain.

  “Hmm, that wouldn't have been my first choice to get him to stop, but it seems to have worked.” Dom sighed out a breath I hadn't realized he was holding.

  “He'll be okay.” I knew that she managed to knock him out and break through whatever had enthralled him.

  “That's good to hear. I think you should rest, mia bella.” Dom cooed at me.

  “Will y
ou stay with me?” I didn't want to be alone when I had the dream of his sister and dealt with whatever was going to stem from everything that had happened lately.

  “Of course. I'll tell Yasmin reschedule everything for tomorrow.” I watched him close his eyes and communicate with her. “It's done.”

  “Wonderful.” The thought of having double to do tomorrow didn't send warm tingling feelings through me.

  Dom pulled down my blanket and went and got out one of soft cotton sleep shirts. He beckoned me over and motioned for me to sit. He untied my boots I had been wearing, slid down my knee-high striped socks, helped me pull off the black sweater I had on, and unzipped my zipper on my black pleated skirt. His cool hands pulled me up, inched my skirt off me, unclasped my bra, and then he pulled the cool aqua shirt over my head- it fell to my knees. His lips brushed over mine like butterfly wings.

  I sat back on the bed. Dom turned me and lifted the blanket so I could scoot down. The sheets were cooler than me- I knew that even when they adjusted to my body, they would still be chilly to a regular human. He adjusted my pillows and then laid next to me- on top of the blanket.

  “Hold me, Dom. The dream will come, I can feel it.” I hated when I had to confess a weakness I couldn't beat.

  “I'm right here, mia principessa. I won't go anywhere.” His hand gently pushed my stray hairs away from my face.

  When I awoke a few hours later, my mind was cluttered with images of mangled flesh, blood, mobs, and death- so much death. Dom was whispering to me in the vampire language. I knew he was trying to soothe me.

  “Thank you for staying with me.” I looked down at my wrists as they felt sore- there were red marks on each, I raised a brow to Dom in question.

  “You started to thrash. I tried to wake you, but I couldn't bring you out of your spell. I had to restrain you from hurting yourself.” He rubbed at the marks.

  To mark a vampire took an incredible amount of strength. If I had marks, that only meant I was in a bad way. The dream was becoming more vivid, which could only mean that time was drawing near. My body shook and it took me a moment to get it under control.

  “Emma, mia bella, please tell me what's going on.” His eyes were lit with concern as his brows pulled together.

  “It was the dream of your sister. It's becoming more vivid. The last time that my dreams became more real, intense, it meant that...” I didn't want to tell him that his sister's time was drawing near.

  “You mean that your vision will come to pass?” I watched him gulp.

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Then we shall try to find Issy, warn her in some way. When the time comes we'll save them.” He sounded so certain.

  “I don't know if we can. I was only able to alter a little of the last vision I had. Or maybe I hadn't at all- I did follow it through until the end, but it was only after that I took control of.” I wasn't sure how certain my visions were- maybe the ones I dreamed were set in stone.

  “Well, we'll do what we can. Issy doesn't want to be given to a mob, and we don't want her boyfriend Jack to die- even if he's a werewolf.” A smile crept across his face.

  “Aw, you're just so full of pleasantness.” I laughed.

  “You know it. Now, I've got some Bella Notte business to attend to. I'll be down for dinner in a few hours. Will you be alright?” He kissed my pouting lip.

  “Yes, I'll be okay now. What's going on with BN?” My mind clutched to something else.

  “Some more renovations at some of the other ones. Abner wanted to talk about some possible ideas- like maybe calling each one something different, he liked Bella Vita. I like it and all, but I'm not sure if I want the chain to be titled different things- you can only stick the word beautiful in front of so many things.” He shrugged and got off the bed.

  “It's an interesting idea, I like beautiful life. Reminds you that life can be beautiful and in the dark moments you need to remember that. Just a thought.” I waved him off.

  “Cara mia, ti voglio bene, I'll see you in a little bit.” With that he left the room.

  Well, shit. I've no idea what the hell I'm going to do. I let my mind wander back to the details of the dream- trying to find a clue- as I went to take a shower.

  I tried to examine everything for an idea as to where this was going to take place. Something I could use to track down Issy and Jack. I knew that they went to one of the co-op schools. I could talk to Grandpa once he was better, but I didn't know if it would be soon enough. Maybe I should call Betty. I wasn't sure if my seer mentor would be helpful in this, but maybe she'd have an insight to it all. I decided that I'd call her.

  I got dressed quickly after the shower. It looked like black was my current color as I had thrown on a black tunic and some black leggings- and my black boots. I went to the War room looking for Dom. I wanted to tell him about my idea. I couldn't find him. I ended up in the library. I grabbed the phone and pressed my private line number and dialed Betty's number.

  “Ello?” A French female answer.

  “Hello, this is Emma Hutchinson, I'm calling to speak with Bettina.” I was sure I was making a faux pas in the world of how royalty reached people, but I didn't care.

  “Oui, oui, un moment, s'il vous plaît Votre Majesté.” The poor girl said in her haste to get her mistress.

  “Good thing I know French.” I said to the receiver.

  “What the bloody hell has got my poor maid speaking French and muttering at a speed it's so damn hard to understand?” Was Betty's way of answering the phone.

  “Hi, Betty.” I smiled as I heard her voice and her sudden intake.

  “Emma? You know you're supposed to go through channels to call people when you're royal. You never just pick up the phone and call people. My poor maid!” I could just see her shaking her head.

  “Um, being royal doesn't come with a stupid handbook.” I huffed.

  “True. Someone should've told you. Oh, well. What can I do for you?” I heard her shift the phone.

  “I need to talk with you about my vision of Issy and her beau.” My nerves shot back up.

  “Why don't you just share the images with me?” She asked as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

  “I hadn't realized I could share things like that with someone I'm not linked to.” My voice was uncertain.

  “Of course. Just focus on sending the thoughts to me- like sending an e-mail, that's what it's called right?” Betty asked.

  “Yep, an e-mail. Okay, you can get them at a distance like this?” I was amazed.

  “Of course. Now show me what you're so worried about.” Her voice was demanding- I heard her maid gasp as Betty used that tone with the Queen of the Vampires.

  I closed my eyes and pictured Betty, as I was thinking of her I thought of sending the dream to her. I was concentrating as hard as I could.

  “Interesting.” She said as the images reached her.

  A tear rolled down my cheek, big and fat, as the images ended.

  “Well, I can tell you one thing for certain. That happens here.” My mouth dropped open.

  “How do you know?” I whispered into the phone.

  “Because they were headed to the mixed club for wolves and vamps in old London. The doorway is hidden and it's down in the tunnels.” It sounded like a place Betty didn't think fondly of.

  “Can you tell me anything else?” I hoped something else might stand out to her.

  “Well, Jack is in a famous werewolf band, if he is attacked by a vampire, it wouldn't matter that you and Dom recognized them- they would want retribution. Period. But he wasn't struck down by Isabella. There is a flash before you manage to get there- whatever that is, it's what kills him. I have a feeling, dear child, that you won't be able to stop Jack's death- but you might be able to save Isabella.” She gave me a moment to understand what she was saying.

  “Do... do you think that the people who have been trying to cause the vamps and wolves to turn against each other are the same people who attack Ja
ck?” I wasn't even sure if that made sense when it finally came out.

  “Yes.” I took a deep breath in.

  “Then this really is war.” My voice held all the determination I felt about trying to save Jack and Issy and stop these stupid people.

  “Child, be careful. What you're up against is clouded in such darkness that even I can't see what's going to happen. The more the people you care about get involved- the more their futures disappear from my visions. I don't know what this means, but I worry.” Betty's voice was filled with worry and fraught.

  “We'll do our best to stay safe. But I can't stand by and let those I love die for something that wasn't their concern in the first place.” My voice was set.

  “I understand. You make a good Queen, Emma. Be well. I'll be visiting soon.” Betty laughed in the phone as she hung up.

  I shook my head. Some things will never change- regardless of me being the Queen. I laughed.

  I turned and was startled by Dom sitting in one of the chairs.


  “So how long have you been there?” I had my hands on my hips.

  “Well, I was tucked into the little alcove, when you didn't see me I moved over here- then you got on the phone and the room seemed to be forgotten.” He smiled at me.

  “Harmph.” My lips pursed at him.

  “So, mia bella, what did you learn from our favorite mystic?” His lips pulled into his cocky smile.

  “Noneya.” I replied straight-faced.

  “Noneya?” Confusion passed over his face.

  “None ya business.” I purred.

  “Ha ha, very funny.” He pouted.

  “Okay, fine, big baby... I'll tell you, but only if you scoot over.” I waved my hands at him to inch.

  I watched as he moved and then plopped myself down and threw my legs over his.

  “So here's the scoop. It'll happen in England. Jack is some famous werewolf. His death wouldn't be something that would go over well with them. Betty believes he's killed by one of the freaks we're dealing with now... but Issy will be blamed and they'll call for her blood. She also warns us all that our futures get lost when get involved with these dark witches or whatever they are.” I was staring out the window as I said this.


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