Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 38

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  My lips curled back in disgust, my fist clenched and I socked her in the face as hard as I could.

  Serves you right! My mind sent a jolt along with the words.

  “Emma!” Dom practically shrieked at me.

  “Ahem, Your Majesty, I don't think that will help the patient mend. I also have a feeling that this isn't just misguided anger, rather her mind has been spelled to see you as the enemy.” A brave young vampire doctor with a clipboard stepped forward.

  “How do you know that she just hasn't become a bitch?” My eyes were slits and I desperately wanted to hit something else.

  “Mia bella, you know my sister. At the very least you know her core. She would never be this cruel or hurtful.” Dom's words struck true as he held a handkerchief to her bleeding nose.

  “You're right. I am sorry to the Issy I once knew. I'll do my best to get rid of the spell binding her, but I'll have to think about how to go about this.” I turned and sat in the corner chair.

  The doctors fussed about her. Leland came and stood by my side, physically letting me know that he would take my side over his best mate's and his evil sister. I tried not to laugh at his hurt pride, the gesture was kind enough.

  I watched Issy and the doctors for several hours, Leland remained at my side throughout the entire episode. Dom helped his sister try to remember herself while dealing with the staff. I mentally warned anyone that walked into the room that they shouldn't take what she said to heart and to try their best to make the most of the situation. I also promised a bonus for anyone dealing directly with Issy. I knew that Dominic would make a fuss over this once he found out, but there was no reason why our people should have to deal with his sister's royal bitchiness without a damn good reason- and money provided it.

  I sat in the room on and off for days trying to get a fix on what was wrong inside her. But I couldn't pick it up from a distance. After the third day of listening to her degrading the people that came into her room, I decided that I needed to touch her and really dig into the depths of her mental state. Leland and Dom came to assist me. I knew that I couldn't put her in the blank state because then I wouldn't be able to get into her mind and locate the spell. I didn't try to explain to Issy what we were going to do.

  Leland stood on one side of her and Dominic on the other. A grim set of determination was arranged on each face. Dom's bright green eyes were hard and cold. I knew he was upset that this was what I had chosen to do. My attempt to please him by removing the staff from the surrounding rooms, did nothing for him. Leland's hazel eyes shifted with his emotions. The green leaked out more as the room filled with tension.

  “What are you two apes doing in here? And what do you want?” Issy's tone was not flattering.

  “We're here to help you, and hopefully restore you to yourself, Isabella.” I kept my face blank and nodded to each of the boys- they took her arms and held her to the bed.

  “What the fuck do you think you're doing?” She shrieked at them, her legs shot out and one clipped me.

  “Issy, you need to be quiet otherwise things might be more uncomfortable for you than I would like to see.” Dom's voice was calm, like he was talking to a scared animal.

  “If you don't calm yourself down, darl, I'll have to knock you out.” Leland's smile was that of a hunter.

  I watched Issy gulp and nod, her cries became silent.

  “Issy, I'm just going to hold your hand. You might feel some pressure in your mind, don't fight me as it'll only hurt you and I won't stop.” I stared her in the eyes with my face as blank and cold as possible.

  “I understand.” She looked away from me as I took her hand.

  Most minds are kinda like a house, there are rooms for everything- sorta. When I finally managed to break into Issy's mind, it looked like someone had broke in and thrown everything around. I wasn't sure how to fix the mess besides cleaning it up, but I didn't know if that would make the problem worse for her or break the spell.

  I broke contact from her and told the boys that I had to make a phone call before I continued.

  I stepped out of the room.

  Mike? I didn't know who else to turn to.

  Sup, my love? His warm voice was like a large comforting blanket thrown over me to protect me.

  I'm trying to heal Issy, but I have a problem. I sent him the mental images and tried to describe what happened in her mind.

  Well, it sounds like the mess is an illusion. This sounds familiar. I think you need to look over or through the mess to see the real problem. It was really good that you didn't go trying to put things right, I've got a feeling that it would've made things worse. I could feel him trying to find the best way to help me.

  Don't worry, I'm going to go back in there and try to find the spell buried in that mess of a head. I just don't understand why anyone would do that to another person. I felt disappointed in other people.

  Maybe it was done to make sure you didn't have another ally, and to draw a line between you and Dom. I knew then that Mike knew what I was going through- even though I had tried to mask it all from him.

  I think you're right. Well, soon we should have the same old Issy back. Anything new with Jack's murder?I really wanted something good to tell her once I brought her back to normal.

  Nope. The scent is masked, the vamps you sent can't find anything, and my people are crying out for justice. I don't really know what to do, Em. I feel like this is only going to end poorly. I could really use a bit of sunshine and it seemed like Mike needed it too.

  Thanks, Mike. Let me know if you find out anything new. I'll let you know how she's doing. I broke away from our connection.

  As I walked back to Issy's room, I felt like I had been submerged in ice water. Bad things were coming, but I couldn't see what they were. I really needed a way to get my head together and to figure out how to save Issy and us.

  The door opened silently, the scene before me utterly shocked me. Dom was on the floor- he clearly had been knocked out. Leland was trying to fight Issy off, but having a very hard time at it as she was latched onto him like a leech. Ew, gross.

  “That's enough of that!” My voice boomed in the empty space as I shocked Issy into unconsciousness.

  “Leland, you okay, mate?” I was standing over him trying to apply pressure to his wound.

  “Fuckin' aye, what the hell was that?” His eyes were confused and glazed.

  “I was hoping you could tell me. I'll send for some blood for you.” I mentally asked Yasmin to have some blood sent up as we had a little accident.

  “Well, it's like this, you walked out, Dom was talking to her, she turned to talk to me and then she swung- like full on as hard as she could- Dom into me. Our heads collided and he went down. I was shocked and she grabbed me and bit me. She bit me! And then you came in. Thanks for that.” I could feel his gratitude was clearly mixed with his anger for being taken by Isabella.

  “Let me check on Dom, you gonna be okay?” I didn't want to take my eyes off him in case he went down or something.

  “Yeah, yeah. Check on him.” He gestured to Dom.

  Dom?I was trying to prod him for any injuries I could find.

  Mia bella? Even his mental voice seemed to be confused.

  Your sister knocked you out. Are you okay? He still hadn't opened his eyes.

  Yes, my body is healing. She got us good. Is Leland alright? I watched him like a hawk, his body still wasn't showing signs of life.

  He's fine. She bit him. I'm going to give you blood. Your body isn't showing any signs of real life. She injured you worse than I thought, but it's healing slowly. My blood will help the healing, then I'll be able to assess the extent of the damage that I'll need to heal with my gift. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him as I couldn't find any direct damage.

  “Leland, can you hand me the wicked sharp letter opener from the top drawer of the desk? Here's the key.” I tossed him the key without looking.

  “Is he okay?” I listened to him shuffle over to
the desk, open it, and search for a second for the opener, before he closed and relocked it.

  “He's hurt, but I'm not sure how. I need him to have some blood now and then I'll try to heal whatever is wrong inside.” I was trying to tell him what I'd have to do, but my mind was trying to figure out what was going on in my world that things like this were happening.

  “Alright, darl.” He handed me the letter opener, blade toward him.

  “Thank you, Leland... for everything.” I sliced open my wrist- it hurt like hell and looked very gory, but I knew it would heal very quickly.

  I held my wrist to Dom's mouth and gently pulled back his lips to let the blood into his mouth. His body jerked at first and then laid still. I worked his throat to get him to swallow.

  “Come on, honey. You've got to get this down, it'll help make you stronger.” My voice was pleading.

  Swallow for me, baby. I didn't know where he was lost to.

  “Em, what's wrong with him? Your blood makes me wanna drink.” His cocky smile was half-hearted.

  “I appreciate you saying that... but I've no clue.” I was trying hard not to panic.

  I closed my eyes and went as deep into Dom's self as I could without causing him pain. I felt the oddness to his mind. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack, but I found two things wrong. Someone had spelled our bond so that I couldn't feel him... and that he was spelled into this state. I was starting to get really tired of all the magic that was floating around in my friends and loved ones. These spells were done quickly so they were easy enough to strip away. I broke the spell surrounding our bond- pain flooded my body and I cried out but continued to work out the spells from him. The second one coiled around him, like a snake waiting to strike. That was when I decided that it was meant to spread to people. I decided that Issy must've brought it with her.

  I stayed out of the reach of the vicious snapping snake that the spell had manifested. The bolt of energy I shot at it hit it full on and silenced it. Once I could really get close enough to the spell, it came undone very easily.

  As soon as it released him, Dom's fangs sunk into my wrist. Pain and lust shot through our bodies. I pulled myself out of his mind and felt him draining the blood from me. I must've looked paler or something because suddenly Leland was forcing Dom away from me. My vision was becoming tunneled and all I could hear was a snapping sound.

  Emma, what's wrong? Mike's voice danced into my thoughts as my mind finally shut down.

  Mia bella, please, please, please wake up... I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Please, wake up. My Little Emma Bird, please, wake up. Dom's words were the first thing floating around in my mind.

  Emma! WAKE UP! I could hear Mike shouting at me as well.

  My eyes popped open. The room was bright and filled with people.

  “Mia bella!” Dom came and knelt next to me.

  “Child, you woke up.” Grandmama was sitting knitting- something very odd to see.

  “Emma. Welcome back.” Grandpa was standing behind her.

  “Emma, thank goodness.” Mike's face was on my other side.

  “What the devil happened?” My voice was croaky and hoarse.

  Dominic's face drained of all color. My grandparents suddenly became very aware of the ceiling pattern. Mike's face went red with anger.

  “Dom almost killed you after you saved him.” Leland stepped forward, his eyes were drawn with tiredness and worry.

  “Hmm... perhaps I shouldn't have busted open a vein until I knew he was better.” My mind was suddenly detached from my body.

  “It wouldn't have mattered. Your wrist wasn't the only place he got you. But by the time I got him off you, you were out. I thought you might truly die.” His eyes were brimming with tears.

  “Vampires can't die from bleeding out... can they?” I looked to Grandpa.

  He nodded his head in confirmation.

  “Well, shit... I didn't know that.” I think I must have fainted.

  When I regained consciousness, I felt fine. The room was empty except for Leland.

  “Hey, Mr. Outback.” I smiled at him.

  “Good day, Your Majesty.” Although he was smiling, his voice was strained.

  “Where did the troops go?” I felt relief at them not being there.

  “Michael left once you were out of death's grasp, he left this letter for you. Dom went back to watch over things and to ensure that Isabella doesn't start eating the staff. Your grandparents just left- I think your grandfather knew you'd wake up soon. Your parents ducked in as well. But they left as soon as they heard you'd be fine.” He held a small piece of paper in his hands.

  “Why'd you stay?” My voice was small.

  “Because I care. I've got nothing to call me away- even if I did, I wouldn't go. I know you hated me in the beginning, Em. But I'd like to think we're friends. When Dom almost killed you, well, it scared the shit outta me. Darl, I thought I wouldn't be able to save you. Bugger you being his lady or the damn Queen of the Vampires, I was afraid I was going to watch my friend die in front of me.” He looked down at the letter and then held it out to me.

  “Thank you, Leland. You're one fine gentleman.” I patted his hand.

  “No, I'm not.” His words were a growly whisper.

  “I think you are. Are you staying? When do I get to go home?” I tried to change the subject, and I was tired of being in hospitals.

  “I'm going to take you home once the paperwork has been cleared. The doctors said you'd be fine and you'll recover quickly now.” He gestured for me to read the letter in my hand as he went and sat by the window.

  Em, that was one scary ride. I'm so glad, no that isn't even the right damn word. I was so scared I was going to lose you. I felt the life drain from your body and I hopped on a plane for here. I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke, but I left in the middle of dealing with further investigations about Jack. Nothing new. I made them do a transplant with my blood, I knew it would help heal you faster. Truth be told, I almost killed him when I came in and found out what happened. That guy Leland had to take me outside for a bit... he's a good guy that one. Anyways, let me know when you get back home. I love you, my love. I feared for my own death there for a second when the pain ripped through me. One day we'll have to talk about all this. Rest well. M.

  “Thank you, Leland, for stopping Mike from doing something that he would have regretted.” I smiled over at him.

  “It was nothing. I knew exactly how he felt because I felt like killing him when he was doing it. I damn well tried...” He looked out the window.

  Leland, you saved me. Have no shame or guilt. With my words I sent calming, healing vibes.

  My Queen, I've come to learn I would in fact die for you or kill someone I've known my entire life... and I can't even answer why. His head was a snarly mess of confusion.

  “Would you like to know why, Leland?” I knew I could unlock it for him, if he truly wanted to know.

  “I don't know.” He was still looking out the window.

  “Life is too short, even for us vampires, to worry about questions that we don't truly want answered. Be calm, Leland. I'd like to offer you a position on my personal staff, if you'll accept.” The words came naturally to me.

  “You what?” He turned his brows pulled together.

  “You have risked more than anyone I know... and although you look for a reason, you don't say you wouldn't do it again...” I gave him the opportunity to deny it.

  “I'd do it again.” It came out in a tiny whisper.

  “I want you on my private staff... you would answer only to me. You could move into the palace if you want to... in fact, it would probably be best if you did. You have tons of abilities, I could help guide you further with the ones I understand. Not only that, but your gifts could help save me in a situation that could otherwise prove fatal.” I stopped to think about how I could get this done without Dom knowing.

  “Like your private bodyguard?” His face twisted with

  “I suppose it would be something like that. I wonder if I should keep it from Dom...” My thoughts drifted easily from me in Leland's presence.

  “I'd be honored to be your personal bodyguard. I do believe you could in fact keep it from him if you wanted to. Talk to Yasmin. She'll help set it up... we could tell Dom I am there to learn more of my abilities.” His face was lit with excitement.

  “Would you be okay with lying to your best friend?” This would be the ultimate test for having him as part of my personal staff.

  “I would. I don't know what that says about me as a person or about my friendship with Dominic, but I would for you, my Queen.” He put his hand to his chest and bowed, it was similar to the Arabic gesture for “thanks.”

  “Then it shall be done.” I bowed my head and raised my right hand to my chest as well.

  By the time we made it back to the palace, I was tired again. The doctors felt the need to put me through several tests before I was allowed to leave. My annoyance level was high, but I tried my best to stifle it as I walked back into my home.

  I knew that Dom was with Issy. I decided this was the perfect time to deal with getting things straight with Leland via Yasmin. I went into the library and called her in.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” She bowed to me formally.

  “I've decided on my personal bodyguard. However, he's going to be my private and secret one. Do you understand?” My eyes stared into her warm honey eyes.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. The King isn't to know that this person is your protector. Can I know who the person is? And under what pretense will he be staying here?” Although her voice was calm and level, you could tell that she was excited about the cloak and dagger aspect.

  “Please step forward.” I said it to Leland, but Yasmin did as well, she wasn't aware of his presence in the room.

  “Yes, Your Majesty?” Her voice was smooth and gentle.


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