Bella Vita

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Bella Vita Page 42

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “Welcome, Yer Majesties. If ye and yer party will follow me.” His hair was clipped short, but his smile was kind- I briefly wondered if he was one of our wolf donators.

  “Yes, of course.” I said and nodded for my people to follow me- Leland fell back slightly to allow Dom and I to step forward, but he wasn't far enough behind us to be out of my sight.

  The man droned on as we walked through several halls. He spoke of their history and heritage, as if that would matter at this moment. When we came to two very large wooden doors, he stopped.

  “One moment, Yer Majesties, and I'll announce yer party.” He slipped into the room ahead of us.

  Everyone keep your wits and calm. Show no reaction. I cautioned them, as the doors opened.

  “The King and Queen of the vampires, and their party.” The words filled the room as we stepped inside.

  It was the leftover from the ruins of a throne room. There was a long red carpet that led up to the thrones- yes, there were real golden thrones atop three steps. The room was lit by candles and had several high stained glass windows. It was a chilly, drift-filled room because it was all worn stones. I didn't want to be in it.

  Dom and I stepped forward, Derrick and Leland filed in after us, then Harold and Georgie. We would present ourselves in order of our rank- highest first. We didn't make a sound as we glided down the walkway. I watched the mood change in the room as several of the wolves didn't like how quiet we were. They would find out we could be silent and deadly, if the need arose.

  Acacia and Mike rose from their thrones as we approached. Dominic and I bowed our heads in tribute, but the Boys all took a knee.

  “Merry Met, Queen Emma and King Dominic.” Acacia came and embraced us.

  “Merry Met, Your Majesty.” I wasn't sure of her official title yet.

  “Oh, not yet. But soon enough.” She smiled at us.

  “Merry Met, Em and Dom.” Mike shook hands with Dom and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on my cheek.

  “Merry Met, Mike.” We said in unison.

  “Please rise, your men are well trained.” Acacia gestured for them to get up.

  “Thank you.” Dom said stiffly.

  “Normally we would invite you to a feast or something in honor of your arrival. However, because of the circumstances, we'll proceed to the tribunal room.” Acacia said.

  “Would it be possible to see our sister, before this trial?” I asked Mike, I wouldn't use Acacia as the go-between.

  “That request would usually be denied. However, we'll grant a brief audience for you and Dominic.” Mike rose. “Your men will have to stay here though.”

  Leland and Derrick stepped forward, Harold and Georgie tensed. I shook my head slightly.

  “Will you ensure their safety?” I asked Acacia.

  “Of course.” Her smile was honest enough.

  I'll stay in contact with you. I sent the Boys.

  “Please follow me.” Mike led the way.

  The passage was dark and dank. I didn't want to step further into the oppressive atmosphere. I swallowed back my comments and followed Mike down.

  “Has she been well cared for?” I doubted it.

  “She has been as cared for as we could, under the circumstances.” His voice pleaded for us to understand.

  “Understood.” Dom's voice was icy.

  “We've bent many rules and traditions. But once she was here, she was safe from harm. I've had my most trusted men guarding her.” I could feel his despair of the situation.

  “Was she hurt before she got to you, Michael?” I hoped to never hear Dominic turn so cold again.

  “Yes.” The air seemed to charge.

  “Is she alright?” I sent a small prayer up to protect us all.

  “She's healing. She's had blood. Her spirits are very low.” His head was downcast.

  I couldn't think of anything that would fix this.

  “Did Kelly make it up here?” Maybe a change of subject would help the mood.

  “Yep. She's down in the tribunal room. She wanted to go there as soon as she got here. She seemed really twitchy.” Mike shook his head.

  “Well, at least she's here.” I forced a smile.

  We stopped at a wooden door. Mike knocked on it, and a piece slid back. A pair of eyes peered out. Then the wood creaked as it was opened for us.

  “How is she?” Mike asked as soon as we were through.

  “She's scared. She wouldn't take blood today. Who are they?” The man was gruff.

  “The vampire King and Queen. Show your respect.” Mike's tone was harsh.

  “Beggin' yer pardons, Yer Majesties.” He bowed slightly.

  “You're the one keeping Issy safe?” I poured my thoughts at him, and looked into his thoughts.

  “Yes, ma'am.” I knew he truly was.

  “Then we're in your debt.” I bowed down to him.

  “If there is anything that the vampires can do for you, don't hesitate to ask.” Dom added with his bow.

  “When this is all said and done... I would like to be added to the vampire guards, Yer Majesties.” His thoughts showed me he was tired of the werewolves and their crap traditions, he wanted to protect people and do the right thing.

  “It shall be done, if Michael doesn't object.” Dom looked at Mike.

  “It's his choice. Several of my men would like to join up with you guys, actually.” He lowered his voice.

  “We'll discuss this later than.” I smiled at him.

  “Come, she's over here.” Mike took an ancient key off the wall.

  The door was something out of a castle dungeon.

  “Issy?” I called out as Mike was unlocking it.

  “Emma?! You came?” Her voice warbled.

  “Of course we came, sweetheart.” I said as the door swung open.

  “Isabella.” Dom embraced his sister gently.

  Her beautiful blonde hair was pulled back. There were bruises all over her. Her left eye was swollen. She had a nasty gash on her lip.

  “My goodness! Michael O'Shanold! What the hell did they do to her?” My rage ripped through me.

  “Quite a bit. We've tried healing it, but she won't take the blood and our doctors aren't very good at healing vampires.” His cheeks shaded red.

  “You idiot!” I snarled at him and shoved Dom out of the way.

  “Oh, Em!” Tears coursed down her cheeks, I saw all the images of the day she had been taken in very graphic detail- she had been abused inside and out.

  “Lay back, honey. I can heal the outside, and internal bruises. But the scars on the inside we'll work through together, sweetheart.” I looked meaningfully at Dom as I said 'internal bruises' and hoped he understood.

  I knelt at her side, closed my eyes and took her hand. I coursed through her body healing any injury I could find. I knew that this would only take away the physical pain and she'd be haunted for years, if not the rest of her existence. I opened my eyes. When I stood my knees popped.

  “Michael, we'll have words about this. This will not go without punishment. Whether it's dealt by you or us- it'll be done. I know the people responsible.” I hissed the words at him.

  “Yes.” He cringed back.

  “Let her rest until she needs to be taken to the tribunal.” I said as we left Issy resting on her cot.

  “Yes.” The gruff man said.

  “We love you, Issy. And this'll all be over soon.” I whispered at her.

  When we entered the room, Leland was separated from the rest of the group and had a wickedly sharp sword pointed at him.

  Good grief. What now? I knew I had to stay calm.

  “Why is one of our men being restrained in such a manner?” I let Dom ask the question.

  “He tried to insist on going to where his queen was,” was the answer Acacia provided.

  “Release him.” Mike's voice boomed.

  Leland, are you okay? I asked.

  Yes, I could feel your distress and anger... and for what they did to her. His anger rolle
d off him in waves.

  You control yourself, Leland, or I'll send you back home. My words were firm.

  Yes, Milady. He bowed his head and walked back over to the others.

  “It's time we go now.” Acacia rose from her throne and came and stood next to Mike. As beautiful a couple they were, I knew that Acacia had a darkness inside of her- and it made me want to hurt her.

  We followed them to the caverns below the school. I was tempted to try and let Leland wander around and find those alternate routes, but his emotions were too raw- too much could go wrong.

  The room was a giant rock cavern. There were marble supports put in, but other than that it was very primitive. It was also freezing- even to my vampire blood. As we stepped further into the room, we were searched for weapons. Both Dom and I had nothing taken. The Boys had their surface weapons taken. I was very curious about where they still had weapons.

  In the middle of the room- which was already full of people- was a large wooden platform. Two tables and a smaller raised area with a chair on it were also part of it. I saw Kelly standing with the people pushed against the platform. She smiled kindly at me.

  Dominic and I were told to sit at the head of one table, our men were to stand behind us. I didn't like the openness of the position. Acacia sat at the head of the other table, Mike sat in the seat closest to us. Several more wolves came and sat at both tables.

  I heard the chain scrap before I saw her being brought in. Issy's head was down. I could see the tear streaks down her cheeks. My heart filled with hurt and anger. I took a deep breath and pushed them away. Once she was positioned on the chair, the tribunal opened up.

  “For the sake of our guests, this tribunal will be held in English. Tonight we come together to pass judgment on, Isabella DeDominico, for the death of our beloved Jack.” Acacia's words boomed around the room.

  A soft growl and gentle howl seemed to bounce off the walls afterwards.

  “The vampires are here to offer her innocence.” She continued.

  A real hiss erupted from the people below us.

  “It has been in our traditions...” I zoned out on Acacia's spiel.

  I let my mind search through the minds in the room. I was looking for information that would help save Issy. There was a hum in the room that I was having a hard time pinpointing.

  Dom elbowed me gently.

  “We will bring this to a vote.” Acacia continued.

  “Wait, we were there the night Isabella supposedly killed Jack.” The words were out of my mouth before I had time to think.

  “Can you provide any evidence that has not already been shown?” She asked.

  I looked at Dom, he shook his head.

  “No.” The humming continued to bug me.

  Where have I felt that before? I mentally searched for the source of the feeling.

  “Then it's up to the tribunal to decide her innocence or guilt.” If I wasn't mistaken I could see Acacia enjoying her position.

  “Vote, vote, vote!” The crowd took up the chant.

  “To the vote it is.” She offered it to the tribunal. “Those in favor of a death for a death, say aye.”

  Of the eight werewolves present, five said 'aye'.

  “Those opposed?”

  Three 'nays' were spoken.

  “The majority rules, death to Isabella DeDominico.” Acacia ruled.

  “No!” Our entire party shouted and launched itself at Issy, landing around her in protection.

  The humming grew louder and more present.

  “If you stand between us and our sentence, then you too will die.” Acacia's eyes gleamed in delight.

  “No, this is not the way.” Mike said and came to stand by us.

  “You dare go against your people, Michael O'Shanold?” There was fire in her eyes.

  “Aye, for what's right. I will.” Mike's words were sure.

  I realized that I knew that hum from Issy's mind. It came from the spell the witches had put in her. That meant...

  “The killer is in this room. I can prove it!” I shouted.

  A large gasp rocked the room, and then I heard the charge of magic as I pinpointed its source.

  One word floated around my mind before the darkness took hold of me.


  The story continues with

  Bella Tristezza

  Coming Soon

  Please enjoy this preview of

  Dead to Bites

  Book 1 in the

  Kat Purrowells Series

  Dead to Bites Excerpt


  My name is Kat Purrowells, when I was five years old, I was bitten by a vampire.

  Perhaps, I should say, I believe I was bitten. I went to sleep on my Step-dad's living room floor on an egg crate mattress. When I woke up in the morning I had two perfect circular scabs on my collar bone. I might have easily dismissed them or accounted it to one of the numerous reptiles he had living with him at the time, except my sister told me that I was bitten by a vampire. Needless to say, my five year old mind adsorbed that information and it stuck with me ever since.

  I am an occult cultural anthropologist. Basically that is just a fancy way of saying that I like to study the oddball cultures. Wanna guess what my flavor of choice is? That's right, vampires.

  Now, I'm sure you're thinking there are no such thing as vampires, let alone their culture. But you would be sadly mistaken. Vampires exist as much as anyone. All it takes is believing in something for it to be true.

  It was another bumpy ass plane ride. It wasn't the first time I was on a red-eye headed to another city. I had been to London, Atlanta, and Vegas all in the last six months. This shitty plane was headed to Burbank airport in the San Fernando Valley- a small hub of Los Angeles. I had requested they land at Van Nuys, but apparently they wanted the official clearance.

  I leaned back in the uncomfortable seat and sipped on my whiskey. I was twenty-two last summer and I was probably on my way out sooner rather than later. My end could come in the form of a plane crash from my constant travels, my drinking that helped to keep me calm up in the air, or by being attacked by some occult being that most people believed only existed in fairytales and myths.

  But I'm not one of the norm, never have been. I am Kat, yes my parents named a girl that, Purrowells. I studied Anthropology going through college, my focus- the supernatural. I was a cultural anthropologist to begin with, but we all must find our calling- mine was vampires.

  The Valley was infested by a particularly mean branch of vamps, or so I was told. The local cops had decided it was gang activity. Nothing uncommon for the SFV. It was a place I was familiar with from my younger days. Days when the bogey monster was under my bed and not trying to get into it. When I still believed that the click of a light could make all the bad things in the world disappear. Not that I'm saying all the beings in the world that would defined as 'monsters' are necessarily bad or evil, shit most of them aren't even mean. I've met quite a few normal people that have given me nightmares.

  I bet you're wondering what a cultural anthropologist was doing chasing monsters and murders? Nothing sane and normal, I can tell you that much. After I graduated two years early with high honors, I went and got my Master's degree. I'm a bona fide monster expert. You can say that I'm a little odd and I don't relate as well as I should to normal people. The thought of trying to work with them- that just makes me cringe, especially since I'm not what you'd call “normal,” but more on that later.

  When I graduated with high honors once again with my Master's, people took notice. I had been set to start teaching paranormal anthropology at the school- I couldn't think of anything else to do with my new found expertise. Two days after I had my diploma in my hot little hand, my cell rang. Nothing odd about that, except that no one had that cell's number. The conversation went like this:

  “Hello?” I crouched down and answered in a confused voice.

  “Miss Purrowells?” A deep male voice responded.

bsp; “Yes?” Somehow everything came out in a question, like it was a test.

  “This is Agent Black...” I snorted as he was about to continue.

  “You're kidding right? Who is this? Is this Paul? How did you even get this number? It's my emergency phone.” I laughed at my phone, still not realizing what was going on.

  “No, Miss Purrowells, this is Agent Samuel Black. This is not a joke. As for how we got the number, we have our ways.” He answered very coded.

  My mind briefly blanked.

  “Why are you calling me, Agent Black?” I was still unsure as to what the heck was going on.

  “Ma'am, we need you to come in to our headquarters to help us with a problem.” His voice told me he was uncomfortable with the topic.

  “First of all, I'm not a ma'am, second, what kind of problem?” My annoyance was growing- if it was a joke it was not funny.

  “Miss Purrowells, I am not at liberty to discuss any aspects of this issue. I was handed a number and told to get you on the next plane to Colorado.” He told me.

  “And I am just supposed to agree to this?” The thought of getting on a plane without any information did not seem appealing.

  “Miss Purrowells, there will be a car waiting for you in about an hour. It will arrive at your residence. Please have a bag packed.” He continued.

  “Dude, I've not even said I was going anywhere.” I protested.

  “I'm sorry, ma'am. Orders are orders. Have a nice day.” He hung up.

  I remember my shock and confusion. I also remember throwing a bag quickly together and waiting outside my house like a kid waiting for Santa. It was like the Gods had decided to liven up my life. I took the chance with both feet. It was my first real leap of blind faith.

  A year later, I was chasing down the big bad monsters of the world. I had been brought into an elite secret group, a side of the F.B.I., we were called the P.N.I. Yes, take a minute, get it out. I know I sure as hell did. Only I was not as gracious as you are, trying to laugh behind your hand. I looked my boss in the face and blurted out, “We're a bunch of cocks!” and the giggling that followed caused many sterns looks and “blah, blah, blah, not taking this seriously...”


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