Bruno: Heartless Mafia Boss

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Bruno: Heartless Mafia Boss Page 9

by Addy Archer

  Her taste intensifies right before my name falls from her lips, her body trembles in my hands while she quivers through her orgasm. The ripples of pleasure are still vibrating through her body when I surge up, unbuckle and unzip to palm my cock and place it at her entrance.

  The tip gets sucked in and I brace myself on my elbows to connect our gaze. Her chest is rising and falling, her soft breasts caged between us and brushing my chest with each breath. I can feel the heels of her feet against my ass when a twinkle of mischief and a truckload of determination shines in her eyes before she pulls me forward.

  No damn way I am able to ignore the hint and bury myself with one hard push inside her body, ripping through the thin membrane, claiming her forever as mine. She gasps and buries her head into the crook of my neck.

  I’m a sick bastard because I might not want her hurt but feeling her body tighten while my cock draws blood is unleashing satisfaction through my veins. It makes me slide out and thrust right back in, my piercing adding pleasure.

  Her arms tighten around me, nails digging into my back but I have passed the point of sanity. Her pussy is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Add the fact I haven’t had sex in a long damn time, and never after I got the piercing. I’m on a hunt for pleasure and the raw need to coat her inside with my cum.

  But her change in whimpers along with her pussy clenching spikes the attention my woman is craving the same thing I am. I reach between our bodies to find her clit. She tilts her hips, seeking more friction and allowing for me to slide in deeper.

  A few more circles around her bundle of nerves and she lights up like the morning sun bursting through the curtains to share the fucking news about a brand new day. And it feels like a brand new era when my balls tingle, my cock swells a fraction and starts to pulse.

  I grind my hips, try to get even closer and deeper, grunting my pleasure and fully surrendering to a blissful moment. Never. Never have I closed my eyes and kept them closed to breathe through my orgasm and relish in a moment of serenity.

  Out of breath and heart racing I let myself fall on top of her, rolling to my side and taking her with me so she’s lying on top of me. My cock softens slightly and slides out, making her hiss and groan.

  “Shame you’re going to be sore.” I let my hand trail over her spine. “I have the desperate need to take you again once my cock is up to the task.”

  Her breathing slows and my chest tightens. I completely drained her; she fell asleep in my embrace. And to be honest? It makes me feel oddly accomplished. Fuck. I didn’t even think about going easy on her.

  But when I glance at her face and take in her serene look and the tiny smile tugging her mouth? She’s most definitely not hurting. I close my eyes and keep my woman in my arms as I let sleep claim me.

  A shift of weight on my chest rips me from my sleep. I surge up and reach for my gun on the nightstand, not finding anything. A muttered curse brings me out of my sleep haze and it makes me aware Winter was the weight on my chest.

  “I’m not used to sleeping beside anyone,” I grumble and pull her against me.

  “Better get used to it fast because I like using your chest as my pillow but not when I get ripped from my sleep.” She sighs and snuggles closer.

  I close my eyes and let the air from my lungs rush out in contentment but my enjoyment abruptly comes to an end when my phone starts to ring.

  “The life of a mafia boss,” Winter grumbles. “It never stops. As the wife-to-be I don’t have to get up, right?”

  I place a kiss on the top of her head and slide out from underneath her.

  “There goes my favorite pillow,” another muttered grumble slips from her when I finally have my phone.

  “Speak,” I snap.

  “I have to speak with you. I’m on my way. Torin took watch. I’ll be there in five minutes.” Emmet ends the call.

  Emmet has a separate house on my property connected to my mansion. He’s my guard and keeps an eye on everything. If he leaves, he calls for backup. Torin mentioned he might stay close since Emmet bought some new game that recently came out. Those two are both addicts and can multitask playing games while keeping an eye on the security cams. We also have a solid system in place which sends an alert when there’s movement around the property.

  I reach for my pants and start to dress when Winter asks in a sleepy voice, “What’s wrong?”

  “Emmet needs to speak with me. Go back to sleep, I’ll return when I’m done.”

  There’s a whispered, “okay,” right before I exit the room and close the door behind me.

  I’m heading for my office when I see Torin coming down the hall. He lifts his chin and is about to say something when Emmet steps into the house.

  “Motherfucking Caleb. Simon called me. I just came back from putting him and his wife and daughter into some motel. Earlier tonight the doorbell rang and his daughter’s boyfriend opened the door and caught a bullet. Seeing Simon’s family was in the garden and Simon was in the hallway himself, he managed to get them out safely and that’s when he called me. And guess fucking what . . . his place of business? Set on fire. All of this isn’t a coincidence, they want to get rid of him because they assume he talked to us.”

  “Is he safe at the motel you put him in?” Torin questions.

  Emmet swings his gaze Torin’s way. “For now.”

  “Get four trusted men and take Simon and his family to one of the safe houses. Talk to him if there are any more details to share and make sure you check on all the other businesses.” Emmet nods at my order.

  “We need to find out if it’s just Caleb and his men or if he’s managed to get others to back him up. As of now this is my fucking business and no one else’s. And I fucking say we kill all the rats.”

  “Sounds good to me, boss,” Torin quips.

  “Agreed,” Emmet growls low.

  “Meet back here once you have them all set.”

  Emmet gives me a lift of his chin in agreement and turns to stalk out of the door.

  Torin has his phone in hand. “Rhyes is pissed. He’s coming over. There’s been another fire in one of the restaurants across town. Doesn’t have to be connected, but who fucking knows with this shit.”

  “Let me get properly dressed. It’s going to be a long day,” I grumble and head back to my bedroom.

  Winter stalks out of the bathroom when I stroll inside.

  “Hey,” she quips and rubs the eye that’s not black and blue–and yet she’s still so fucking gorgeous.

  “Are you going back to bed?” I question.

  Winter slams a hand over her mouth to stifle a yawn. “What time is it?”

  “Six.” I close the distance and place a kiss on her forehead.

  “What happened? Everything okay?”

  I take a moment to think how to handle this. In the past I have never let women in or shared information with my wife. But Winter is different in all ways and has shown she can handle things since we all ready gave her details of what’s going on. She gets bonus points for not running away screaming, that’s for sure.

  Decision made. “Caleb extorts the people who already pay us money in return for protection. His son was the one collecting, hence the reason I killed him. Simon, Emmet’s barber, told Emmet about it. Mainly because he couldn’t cough up the excessive amount. Well, Emmet just let me know someone came to Simon’s house and shot his daughter’s boyfriend because the unfortunate guy was the one opening the door. Simon managed to escape with his wife and daughter. His business was burned down, and I just heard there was another fire at a restaurant downtown. I have no clue if it’s related, but that’s all the info I have as of now.”

  She blinks slowly, clearly she didn’t expect honesty and straightforwardness.

  “Okay. Well. I need more coffee if we’re handling all of that this early in the day. And clothes. Definitely clothes.” She stalks off to the closet and throws on panties, yoga pants, and a comfortable looking sweater.

�ve quickly changed into black slacks, a white shirt, and put on shoes. When we head for the kitchen, we find Torin who has made coffee for all of us. It’s going to be a long damn day, and I have a feeling trouble has only just begun.

  But when I take a sip of coffee while watching my underboss and soon to be wife fuss over the amount of milk in cereal, it’s clear change has come. But it’s also the ease of which those two laugh in agreement, showing me at the same time the acceptance of some change in life is possible to grow and move forward.

  While other forced change needs to be intercepted. Because I can say with certainty there won’t be a powershift. Not while I’m still breathing. And when Winter’s gorgeous eyes meet mine I know this woman isn’t a weakness; she’s my strength and my willpower to fight harder for what belongs to me in my fucking life.


  – WINTER –

  “Can I ask a question?” I hesitantly ask.

  I’ve been thinking this over since last night when we heard Ridge left the country. I know Bruno’s hands are tied right now and clearly the Caleb issue has priority with the killing and all. Shit. I can’t even begin to imagine how it is to have rats inside what should be a tight and loyal group of men.

  “You can ask, but don’t always expect an answer,” Torin says and shoots me a knowing grin.

  “Are you aware of how you look when your face does the whole smirk thing?” I question. “Because you turn into this boyish appearance that just screams for me to reach out and squeeze your cheeks.”

  Torin’s eyes go wide before they narrow. A bark of laughter breaks our silence and we both glance at Bruno whose laughter flows into a soft chuckle.

  He’s staring at me and his eyes don’t carry any of the harshness I’ve seen in the past few weeks. “Stop teasing Torin, darling. What was your question?”

  “I know you’ve put things on hold with Ridge being out of the country, and with it he’s unreachable. But you mentioned all your connections. The way you handled Nario by getting the US marshals to team up with Trigger Pull MC. How your brother is the president of Rebel Rage MC.” I wait for him to give a nod or something to indicate he’s following my train of thought.

  He merely raises one of his eyebrows and says, “I don’t hear a question in your statement.”

  “I was building up to it,” I huff. “So, here’s my question. MCs have different chapters in different states and countries, right? Why don’t you ask your brother if he knows a chapter he can contact to kill Ridge. Or do you want to do it yourself? Maybe you could have him shipped here in a box without anyone knowing. Kidnap him so you’re not connected and everyone thinks he’s still out of the country while you’re able to murder him here, and chop him up to have pigs eat his meat.”

  “I like the pig eating suggestion,” Torin dryly supplies, giving me another smirk when I shoot him a grin in thanks.

  “I like the chopping him up part.” Bruno is clearly trying not to laugh and suddenly I feel as if I’m being mocked.

  Fisting my hands I place them on my hips and glare at the both of them. “I meant what I said.”

  “I know you do. And I think it’s a brilliant suggestion. In fact, I think we need to swing by the clubhouse later today to discuss it face to face with Alaric.” The genuine smile Bruno gives me makes my heart skip.

  I don’t think he realizes he’s giving me a smile since the man never smiles. Well, yes he does, but it’s normally a sinister one giving me–and everyone else along with it–the chills.

  “Is that the same look I have when I smirk? Because if so . . . I can clearly see what you mean now.” Torin falls into a rumble of laughter. Bruno steps forward and punches him against the shoulder.

  This interaction is also new for me. As if I’m only now experiencing the closeness these men have. It also makes me feel special to be accepted. Fully accepted by all of them, as if I finally found a family and it’s not just me and my lonely-self.

  “I love you guys,” I croak without thinking and realize my mistake when they both fall silent and all eyes land on me.

  I swallow hard and think of a way to reverse time or to get those words shoved back into my mouth but it’s all moot. There’s a low beeping sound taking over the attention of both men and before either one can say something, shots ring out. They seem to be coming from the front of the mansion.

  “Now they’re attacking us?” Torin growls. “If this is Caleb, I gotta hand it to the guy, he’s got some mighty big balls for attacking the boss. Fucking hell.”

  The cocking of a gun makes my gaze collide with Bruno. He’s holding out a gun for me to take. “Point and shoot at anyone you don’t recognize.”

  My heart is racing in my chest as I wrap my fingers around it and give my husband-to-be a firm nod. I will not be helpless, I vow to myself. The sound of a door indicates whomever was out there is now inside of the house.

  “Get behind me,” Bruno whispers, a gun in one hand, a knife in the other.

  Torin is right next to the kitchen door. Without looking back he asks in a whisper, “Are you heading for the safe room?”

  “No fucking way,” Bruno growls but his eyes find mine. “Fuck. We should get Winter to the safe room first.”

  “No way,” I whisper hiss. “What if one of you gets killed by going there first while you can take them by surprise or whatever it is you’re planning to do. Besides, I’d go crazy if you lock me up.”

  Dammit. I don’t want to sound scared at the thought of being locked up, but I guess being kidnapped, chained to the wall, and sold at an auction would trigger fear of being locked up again, even if it’s for my own safety.

  As if Bruno hears my thoughts he nods and understanding glimmers in his eyes. “Lead the way, Torin.”

  Bruno steps in behind me and when I glance back, he quickly connects our lips and murmurs, “You’d better stay alive, woman. Because we aren’t done with each other yet.”

  I seriously want to reply something badass in return but all I manage is, “Samesies.”

  Samesies? Ugh. Really? But it seems to be the one thing earning me another heartwarming smile before more gunfire rips our attention back to the danger surrounding us.

  Torin glances around the corner. “Someone just slipped into your office,” he whispers. “Why the fuck would they go into your office while it’s dark in there?”

  He doesn’t seem to need an answer since he slides out of the kitchen and is glued to the wall of the hall the next second, inching toward the office. How does a man like that–with bulging muscles–move so stealthy?

  I try to mimic his moves but I swear I feel like a too curvy, wannabe ballerina. At least I didn’t stumble over my own feet or make a sound, but still . . . I’m feeling way out of my element here.

  A bullet whooshes past me and impacts the wall behind me. Fingers are wrapped around my upper arm as I’m being yanked down. I glance over my shoulder to watch Bruno firing his gun a few times at something behind us, the sound ringing my ears.

  More bullets fly and I suddenly see a man at the end of the hallway, gun aimed at Torin but Torin’s gaze is on the office where another man is shooting from. I raise my arm to point the gun in his direction and pull the trigger at the same time he does.

  Torin grunts and I gasp when I see he’s hurt. I clearly missed but the man is already firing another bullet our way. I pull the trigger two more times and suddenly the man falls back. I don’t have the time to think about the fact I just killed a man because bullets are still coming from behind us and from the office in front of us.

  “Die you motherfuckers,” a voice bellows from outside, more gunfire erupts right after.

  “Emmet’s here,” Torin grunts.

  His shoulder is bleeding and– “Motherfucking hell,” I gasp, pain shooting through my forearm as the gun I was holding falls to the floor.

  My ears ring and there’s a metallic taste on my tongue from all the blood I’m surrounded with. More gunfire makes my heart lurc
h until utter silence is all there’s left. I glance behind me to look at Bruno but there’s no one behind me. He left?




  My gaze hits the floor and I have to swallow hard. There’s a blood trail leading down the hall. I reach for Torin but also come up empty and notice how he’s down the hall close to the office to make sure the guys sprawled over the floor are dead.

  My forearm is burning and it looks icky with all the blood and flesh ripped open. The blood is dripping down all over my hand but when I bring my arm closer to my face and inspect the wound, I’m sure a bullet didn’t enter or go through it. It looks more like a miniature result of a snow shovel making a path through thick snow. Only the shovel was a bullet and the snow my forearm. And why the hell am I comparing something that looks . . . yikes? Ugh. And it hurts, dammit.

  My eyes go to the blood and then the trail leading to my art studio. I snatch the gun from the floor, this time in my left hand. Since I suck at shooting anyway, I might as well try shooting with my left hand. Sounds weird but I’ve always been able to draw and do stuff with both hands, though I’m fully right-handed.

  I tiptoe down the hall, whipping my head back and forth to keep an eye on things going on behind me. My heart is racing in my chest and I might be completely insane for doing this but I need to know where Bruno is. The blood trail doesn’t take a turn into my art studio but it’s actually heading for the back where the sliding doors to the garden are.

  Low curses ring out from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder I notice how Torin is heading my way. I should wait but I hear grunting outside. The sliding door is open and I can’t wait for Torin to be at my side while Bruno might be fighting for his life.

  Decision made. I point the gun in the direction I’m heading and step outside. My eyes widen at the scene in front of me. Bruno is most definitely not fighting for his life. And the human being he’s slaughtering isn’t either because the way Bruno is carving him into pieces with a knife leaves little to the imagination. And all the cuts, chunks missing, swinging knife and such is spraying the blood all over the fresh cut grass.


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