Bruno: Heartless Mafia Boss

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Bruno: Heartless Mafia Boss Page 11

by Addy Archer

  “Why am I nervous?” Winter mutters to herself. “I wasn’t even nervous when you had to shove a damn gun in my hand, but I’m nervous now.”

  I take her hand as we head for the kitchen and place a kiss on her knuckles. “There’s no need to be nervous. You’re quite loveable. So, I’m sure they will love you when they get to know you.”

  Her cheeks heat and I squeeze her hand. Time passes while we make coffee and have some breakfast, but when it’s past ten o’clock and no one visits, concern spikes my veins. I try to call Rhyes but he doesn’t answer.

  My next call is to Alaric, he picks up on the third ring. “Hey, did you get my message?”

  “What message?” His reply instantly puts me on edge.

  “I sent Rhyes over at four this morning to ask if you could swing by at ten with the old ladies and your VP. But seeing it’s past ten and you’re not here, I tried calling Rhyes but he isn’t picking up, and you not knowing about the message I wanted him to deliver–”

  “I’ll send a few men out. I’ll let you know.” Alaric hangs up and I press speed dial for Torin.

  “Rhyes is missing,” I grunt when Torin picks up.

  “What the fuck?” Torin snaps. “How is that possible?”

  “I asked him to swing by Alaric to deliver a message, haven’t heard from him since.”

  “Let me make a few calls.” Torin hangs up and it leaves me staring into Winter’s concerned eyes.

  “Caleb is dead, most of his men too. Ridge is out of the country. Who is doing this? Anything else happening, or other men . . . women I should know about? Out for blood sure sounds real now.” Her voice is thin and filled with worry.

  “There are always a few things at hand but none you have to worry about or could escalate. Maybe it’s a vigilante Caleb follower who is fucking with us. Maybe Ridge has other men working for or with him. Rimmel for instance, though Rimmel would risk the Circle coming after him if it becomes known he’s working with Caleb and Ridge.”

  “Ridge’s wife who spread lies about you and killed herself, she was Rimmel’s daughter, right?” I nod in answer to her question.

  She grabs her fresh, third cup of coffee in both her hands and takes a sip before she says, “You should work with other heads too. If Ridge is conspiring with a mafia boss, and has tainted one of your capos, you should create some kind of bumper too and forge alliances.”

  “That’s exactly what I had Torin do all night, contacting all the heads who are a part of the Circle.” A soft smile tugs my lips and it’s all for this woman. I love and value her train of thought. As if I have another man on my team with a fresh look on things.

  I reach out and cup the side of her face, letting my thumb slide over her bottom lip before I lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back I murmur, “My counterpart.”

  There’s a tiny gasp when she takes in my compliment and admittance. Her eyes start to twinkle with mischief but I press my thumb against her mouth to silence her.

  “Woman, don’t you dare say samesies.”

  A giggle flows out and she places her cup on the counter before her arms are around me, pressing her sweet body against mine. “I don’t have to, I made you say it.”

  Another one of her giggles, along with her scent envelop me as I place a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Boss.” One of my soldiers placed on guard duty requests my attention as he stands in the doorway. “Bikers are approaching. Looks like your brother and three others.”

  “Let them park their bikes around back,” I order.

  We head for the hallway and wait for my brother to enter the house along with his VP, Hunt, and two other men. They are accompanied by two women; Angie, along with Peyton, the VP’s old lady.

  “Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my wife, Winter. Well, she will be my wife tomorrow but that’s just a technicality.”

  Winter–who I have tucked underneath my arm– places her palm on my chest and rubs slightly before she steps away to shake hands with my brother and the others.

  When she comes to stand beside me again, I ask, “Can you please offer the women something to drink and keep them company while we discuss matters in the office?”

  She gives me a radiant smile in return and I instantly lean in to kiss her addictive mouth. Regretfully I have to end it just as fast and when my eyes land on Alaric he’s eyeing me with an all telling grin.

  As soon as the women are out of earshot he smirks. “Never thought I’d see the day where my brother looks smitten with a woman. It suits you, though.”

  “All it takes is the right one,” I admit with pride, because he’s right and no way in hell would I regret or be ashamed of my feelings. How can I when she makes me feel so damn good.

  We head for my office where Alaric’s face instantly turns grim. “Bad news, brother. We found a car in a ditch near our compound. Dead body in the front but no trace of Rhyes.”

  “Fuck,” I bellow at the same time Torin walks in.

  “What happened?” Torin questions.

  “They found Rhyes’ car, driver is dead.” I rub my eyes and try to think who might be behind it.

  “How was the driver killed?” Torin questions.

  “Shot straight through the front window by the looks of it. No other bullet holes or blood indicating Rhyes is hurt,” Hunt states.

  “They took him,” I muse. “They need him for something.”

  “Hostage? I can’t think of anything anyone would want to force our hand to obtain. It’s common knowledge we never give in to demands. And if they took him to obtain answers they are screwed. Rhyes would rather swallow his own damn tongue than to give them the joy of one fucking scream due to torture.” Torin’s anger is vivid in every word he spits out.

  “What was the reason you sent Rhyes over? Why did you need me here?” Alaric questions.

  I grip the back of my neck and tell him, “Ridge Blacksson. We heard he left the country and Winter suggested I ask you to see if there’s a chapter overseas who can take him out so it won’t backfire on me.”

  “Your wife-to-be suggested it?” Alaric lets out a bark of laughter. “No wonder you look smitten, sounds like she really suits you.” There’s no hint of laughter in his voice when he says, “I’d be more than happy to make it happen. But, are you sure, brother? I know the vendetta you carry and the need to end this yourself.”

  “It’s been going on for too long and I need for it to end. Before I didn’t have–” I abruptly stop because I have no clue how to put into words what changed.

  “Winter. Before you didn’t have anything to worry about when shit backfires in your face. We all have old ladies, brother. We understand completely, and this shit doesn’t make you look weak or make it seem like you’re taking the easy way out. This is about priorities and value what you have. You’re the fucking boss and sometimes you have to leave it to others to help clean up the mess. And if you want, I’ll get my ass on a plane and handle it myself.”

  I step closer and grab his shoulder, giving it a squeeze to let him know how much his words mean to me. “Thanks, brother. But I need you here and not risk getting tied to it. You’re a boss, well, a prez of an MC, whatever, and you mentioned leaving some things to others. You know someone we can trust to handle it and show me proof? Because I need to see that fucker’s life has ended.”

  “I do. I’ll handle it. Smooth and perfect. You’ll see,” Alaric vows.

  Smooth and perfect sounds too good right now, but I guess we’ll indeed see how things will go from here on out.


  – WINTER –

  “You’re kidding me? Ugh. He’s such an asshole,” I tell Angie with a smile on my face while both Angie and Peyton laugh.

  I don’t think I’ve ever felt as if I’m among friends casually drinking coffee while chitchatting. Laughing and feeling careless. And the chitchat? It’s about how Angie met Bruno. When she was called in to get rid of his mistress’ body after Bruno killed h
er. It shouldn’t be hilarious and yet it is because it explains Bruno to a T.

  “He seems very taken with you. I have never seen him this way,” Angie tells me and Peyton bobs her head in agreement.

  “We’ve grown close over the last couple of days,” I admit.

  “You love him. I can see it in your eyes but it’s in his too,” Peyton says in a gentle tone, making my cheeks heat.

  She’s right, I do love him. Even if I can’t stand him at times. My new phone gives a buzz and it makes me curious to see who it is. Maybe it’s Coral since she’s the only friend I have who has my number next to Bruno and his trusted men. I’m stunned to see I have a message from Rhyes.

  “I . . . sorry, I’ll be right back,” I tell both women and head for the office.

  I don’t stop to knock but barge right in. I’m greeted by men throwing me surprised, mixed with angry looks, but I rush toward Bruno and hold out the phone.

  “What the fuck?” he snaps and takes the phone, holding it out for Alaric to see who is standing across from him and then to Torin.

  “Let her write a reply so he knows a woman typed and thought it up,” Torin grunts and his gaze finds mine. “What would you reply to this?”

  My heart is pounding in my chest. What would I reply? The text freaking states “I will kill Rhyes when I’m done draining information from him. Torin will be dead soon too. Poison Bruno and you will be free.”

  “Fuck you, I’m already free,” I snap without thinking.

  “I like her,” Alaric chuckles. “But you don’t want to reply with that, Winter.”

  “This is bullshit. Ridge’s promises are empty and I didn’t reply to the offer he made the first time. First it’s ‘be my wife,’ then it’s ‘you will be free.’ Nothing makes sense,” I seethe.

  “He’s grasping for anything to get the head position,” Torin states. “I’ve contacted all the heads of the circle. Like eighty percent wasn’t aware of what was going on. Three of them were working with Rimmel. Those were the ones you needed to reach out to and report matters. They were the ones who demanded for you to wait, how it needed to be discussed during the next meeting. To say the eighty percent were pissed is an understatement. Gian is on his way, he’s called a meeting and he might have mentioned something about chopping off heads.”

  Bruno chuckles but the sound gives me a chill. “Gian loves chopping off heads a little too much. But this time I’ll gladly help.” His eyes find mine and he adds, “Gian is from New York, another mafia boss and a good friend.”

  “Why don’t we let her set a trap? It’s worth a shot. The dude is screwed-up in the head if he thinks he can text her and think she’d kill the man who bought her and wants her to become his wife. Wait, that sounds twisted too.” Hunt sighs and Bruno shoots him a glare.

  “Stall. Let her make a demand first,” Torin says.

  “No one is questioning if this is Ridge? You said he was out of the country, right? Is Rimmel doing this?” Alaric questions. “Give me the details and let me see if we can have eyes on him to give us a visual.” Alaric’s attention slides to me. “Do what Torin said, stall. Make demands to let it seem like you’re interested but need to know he keeps his word if you do it.”

  I grab the phone and start to type a message, asking about guarantees if I do what he says. Alaric leaves the room and there’s a long period of silence before my phone alerts me with another message. This time it only contains the message, “You have my word.”

  Peyton and Angie join us and after about half an hour Alaric returns. “They have some kind of lookalike in the hotel room you said Ridge was supposed to be in. My guess is that it’s a setup. The fucker is still in the country.”

  I gape at Bruno’s brother. “It’s been, what? Thirty or forty minutes tops. How did your guys figure out it’s a doppelganger?”

  A sly grin spreads Alaric’s face and I can see the similarities between the two brothers. “Let me break it down for you. Twenty minutes to get to the hotel and think of a plan, five minutes to get into the room with the guy, ten minutes for the whore to suck him off, and another five minutes to report back.”

  I wince and mutter, “I really didn’t need to know that.”

  Luckily Alaric finds Bruno’s gaze and says, “No doubt, it’s someone who looks like him, the chick was positive.”

  If Ridge really did take Rhyes himself and put a lot of thought into the whole doppelganger angle, he might be anxious enough to come running if I told him I killed Bruno.

  I grab my phone and shoot him a message. It takes a second to see it’s been delivered and read before the dots start bouncing, indicating he’s typing a reply. He asks where Torin is and I quickly answer with one word; out. The only reply he gives is to tell me he’ll be right there.

  “He’s coming here,” I state while I stare at the phone.

  “What?” Bruno questions and takes the phone from my hand.

  “Brilliant,” he mutters and hands my phone to Alaric.

  “You did good,” Alaric states and hands me my phone back. “How do you want to handle this?”

  “No one leaves.” Bruno nods thoughtfully and adds, “If he has eyes on the place right now he will notice people leaving or coming. All of you park out back so the front looks deserted. There are four guards, Me, Torin, the four of you.”

  “Our women can handle a shoot to kill order,” Hunt states.

  “My woman killed two the other night,” Bruno proudly adds as if they’re having a pissing contest.

  “Nice,” Alaric and Hunt say simultaneously.

  I shake my head while Peyton rolls her eyes and Angie shoots me a look that says, “Men.” And she’s right. Ugh. Men. Something about boys and their toys.

  Torin steps forward, catching everyone’s attention. “We could have you lying in the hallway, gun in hand beside your body with the door open so you have a clear sight of who walks in. Let Winter stand near the door as if she’s panicking. The one coming won’t notice anything else when he sees that scene. We can take him out from all sides.”

  Bruno’s eyes hit mine. “Are you okay with this?”

  “Do I also get a gun in hand?” I question.

  He gives me a tight nod.

  “Then I’m okay with this.”

  “If it is Ridge coming here, I want him alive.” Bruno takes his time to give everyone a piercing gaze so they know his demand is settled in their heads.

  “Okay, let’s get things set because we have no clue how long it takes for this fucker to get here. For all we know he can be right around the corner,” Hunt grunts and hands Peyton a gun.

  Everyone jumps into action and takes a place out of sight. Three are outside and the rest are spread out near the hall. I should feel perfectly safe but I know very well how fast things can turn for the worse.

  Bruno is standing in front of me, his hands cupping my face. “A little hiccup, then we’ll get married and take a long honeymoon.”

  “I’ll settle for two days in bed watching romcom movies and sleeping in late with my favorite pillow,” I croak, unable to keep the emotions running havoc through my body.

  Strange how a sudden invasion puts me on edge and jumping into action while now–knowing danger is on its way–there’s a whole load of realization, doubt, and fear running through me.

  “I don’t know about the romcom, but anything with you is worth enduring.”

  A tiny smile tugs my lips and I tilt my head to look at him.

  “Kiss me,” I demand.

  “Anything for my woman,” he murmurs before taking my lips in a soft and tender kiss.

  A tear slides down my cheek and when Bruno pulls back and notices it, he pulls me close and guides my head to his chest.

  “Sweet, sweet, Winter. You’ve become my strength. As fragile as we stand here it might not feel as if we’re going to face this shit and survive, but the reality is the fact that we’re not done yet. We have barely started and there’s no way we will be ripped apart when s
omething feels so damn good and connected. Agreed?”

  I swallow hard and recite once more, and this time for the both of us, “Survive. Live. No regrets.”

  “No regrets,” he murmurs and crashes his mouth against mine for one final, passionate kiss before he sprawls himself over the floor, taking the form of a dead body.

  I try and concentrate but my nerves are shot and I feel like ants are crawling up my pants. I tug on my sleeves–especially my left one where I’m hiding a gun I’m holding–and nervously whip my head around.

  Shit. I should be cool, calm, and collected. But on the other hand for Ridge’s mindset I just killed Bruno. And to be honest? I’m a brilliant actress because I do look the part.

  A dark SUV appears and drives up to the gate. I press a button to open it and allow the SUV entrance.

  “Stay inside,” Bruno growls low underneath his breath.

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I’m one step away from jumping behind the wall and I am damn fast if I want to be. The SUV comes to a stop and three guys step out, one of them is Ridge.

  “Three,” I mutter, loud enough for those inside to hear. I clear my throat and wave my hand to catch Ridge’s attention. “What do I do? Oh, God, what did I do? Please, help.”

  My gut churns at the sight of his self-absorbed grin, and the way he strides over as if he owns the world makes me want to put a bullet in his head. Except, I’m not a good shot and those other two men he brought would probably shoot me before I have a chance to aim the gun.

  “Where is he?” Ridge asks and he comes to a stop while the other two men keep striding toward me.

  “He . . . he’s here,” I stammer and point behind me. “What are you going to do?”

  One of the guys bares his teeth at me and sneers, “We’re going to kill you, cunt.”

  He reaches for his gun and I flash my arm forward. But I have no time to fire when I’m being pulled against a hard chest, a gun enters my line of sight and fires off two rapid shots. I blink a few times but my eyes aren’t betraying me. The two men are crumbled to the ground, a hole in their head. Ridge is rooted to the ground and stares wide-eyed at Bruno.


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