ThornScope_Federation of Europe

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ThornScope_Federation of Europe Page 24

by KC McLaren

  Walter looked back up to Egil, “My dear boy. Yes, there is a lot going on. And I will tell you frankly. I honestly don’t know any longer what side I’m playing on, or indeed what side you are on. Who’re you working for, Egil?”

  “You know exactly who I am working for. And apart from that I’m the one with instructions from the PM. Not you. Not from a third party either, directly from him to me.” Egil replied.

  “You know I’ve never trusted the Home Secretary. I don’t care if he is your godfather. I don’t trust him. He plays more games than any Russian Czar could have ever thought up…” Walter paused, “And he could have done a lot more to help your father. I will never trust that son of a bitch, or forgive him.”

  “That’s all in the past, forgotten. I will say one thing, whatever is going on, I’m on one side only. And that is to carry out my duties to protect the UK. That’s the bottom line. As for Bill? No, I don’t trust him – Not fully anyways. No one in their right mind would trust people like you and Bill. But I respect my godfather as I do you too. So, get on with it and tell me what is happening.”

  “I will tell you what I can. But not for Bill. For your father,” Walter replied.

  “Leave my father out of this. Get on with it,” Egil said.

  “This has been going for years. Ever since Jonathan Beckett, the coding billionaire who developed ThornScope went off the grid. You know him?”

  “Yes. Never met him personally, but I know him,” Egil replied.

  “I’m sure you know more than you’re telling me, Egil. Anyways, there's been political in-fighting ever since. And not just within our own ranks. Everyone is trying to get control of ThornScope, not least foreigners and other governments, friend or foe. A movement started to surface about three years ago – Some think they go under the name of Genesis.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of all that.” Egil said. “But what I can’t fully understand is why it seems that MI5 have been kept out of the loop on most it.”

  “That’s Jacobs,” Walter replied. “He has his fingers into everything. I don’t fully know what sort of game he is playing or what side he is batting for.”

  “He’s working with David Strickland. That is one thing I am sure of.” Egil said.

  “Don’t be, Egil. Not all things are what they seem.”

  “I’ve heard that a lot today.” Egil replied. “I’m sure Jacobs had a hand in what happened here today and the kidnapping of Beckett.”

  “That could well be true. But maybe not for the reasons you think. If I were you, I would look closer to home. Someone else is pulling the strings. Which is why people like me have no fucking idea which side we are supposed to be on.”

  Egil took a step back and sat down on one of the chairs. Without Walter explicitly saying, Egil knew he was talking about his godfather, The Home Secretary.

  “You’re wrong, Walter. Your mistrust of Bill is being clouded with the past…” Egil said.

  “I don’t care what you think of him. He is playing games that I’ve never seen before. I don’t trust him, and neither do a lot of other people in our organisation.”

  “Which organisation is that, Walter?” Egil replied. “So, you believe Bill is behind all this? And it’s him that wants a Federation of Europe to put Britain back on its so called rightful seat? That would go against everything he has ever done for this country… You’re wrong Walter.”

  “I admit. I don’t know his end game. Either way, don’t get blinkered for your love of him. There are two other things you need to know…”

  Egil raised his eyebrows.

  “The Russians.” Walter continued. “They are here. Here in the UK. They are a lot more advanced in building a ThornScope than most give credit, including our own government. And they are just waiting to take advantage of any opportunity that may arise should our own government go into meltdown. And that my friend, is not too far off.”

  “Are you out of you mind, Walter? I think it’s time you thought about retiring, you fool.” Egil replied not quite sure what he was hearing.

  “The second part.” carried on Walter. “There is another ThornScope already built. At least to the point of it can operate for short periods of time…”

  “You need to stop taking whatever it is you are on, mate.” Egil replied.

  “I’m been serious. Genesis is not a group, Egil. It’s a replica of ThornScope. Built here in the UK. Strickland – and yes, I believe your godfather in some way is behind it all…”

  “If that is the case, Walter, why has MI6 not taken action? More to the point why has this fictional crap not been passed onto MI5?”

  Walter shrugged his shoulders. “What happened in Greece today? It was Genesis. Spain and Italy will be next. It’s already started. You have no idea do you? We’ve been at war for years, Egil. No guns, no bullets. A cyber war has been raging right in the front of our noses. I knew one day everything would end up here. With you. With Jonathan Beckett. The reason MI6 or anyone else for that matter have not taken action of what I’ve just said is… No-one knows about it as much as I do. And you’re the first person I’ve shared my thoughts with…”

  “You’re rambling, Walter. Are you back on the drink? Don’t forget. The reason you’ve still got a job is because of the very man you say is behind this.” Egil got up from his chair, “God damn it! You are lying to me again…”

  “Egil, I beg of you to listen to me. Regardless of what you think. If Strickland gets his way, we’re all fucked. If your god father gets his way, we are certainly all fucked. If the Russians get what they want, the world is fucked. Greece was the start. Spain and Italy next if it's not already happened. The EU will be forced to step in again, but they don’t have the money. No-one has the money anymore to bail a country out. Strickland will get access to ThornScope. It’s the only system to be able to hack the Bank of England. The UK government will be forced to hand over to the EU ThornScope. In return, Strickland will get what he wants. President. A Federation of Europe. And then he has a backup plan to control so much more. He will be a God, Egil. A fucking God. I know all this because, I’ve been working for Strickland too. I thought he was on the good side. The right side. But this goes way beyond Strickland, Armageddon is just around the corner. You’ve got to believe me, Egil…”

  Egil looked at Walter and in that very moment eye to eye he knew what was going on. “Tango-2 to Tango-1…”

  “Tango-1 here. Copy.”

  “Are you the only one that can hear me, Carl?”

  “Copy that…”

  “For your sake I hope you’re right. Release the men tell them to go home, or whatever they want to do. There is no MI6 presence here official or otherwise. Tell them get out of here now…”

  There was a moment of silence.

  Egil looked at Walter. “If they don’t go, there is only one command I can give and I have no idea if it will be carried out. But I will go out there and do what I need to do, you understand me, Walter?”

  “There is no need for that. Let me go out there and speak to my men, they are not part of this. Not part of Strickland. There is protocol they will follow. They will do as I as say.”

  “You are not going anywhere, Walter. What’s the protocol?”

  “You are certainly your father’s son. And this I do for him… Protocol Stand124. They will leave, simple.”

  “Don’t give me crap… That’s stupid...”

  “It may be, I only made it up today, knowing what would happen.”

  “Do you require assistance in there?” Carl said over the secure comms.

  “No. Stay out.” Egil said.

  Walter stood up and walked across the room to the other side. He leaned over the desk and took something from behind the computer.

  “Say the protocol, Egil. There is nothing else here for them.”

  “You’ve played me haven’t you? There has been no message from control, or indeed the PM. You knew I would be here. How? I don’t know or care, but you’re finished Wa
lter. You’ve been drinking, haven’t you? I can smell it from here.”

  Walter continued to lean on the desk facing away from Egil. “I’m not lying, Egil. And yes, I’ve had a few drinks. But I’m not drunk.”

  That’s what they all say. All drunks only have one or two drinks, Egil thought. Why the hell did he come here for this?

  “Carl, you got your weapons trained on the men out there?”

  “Copy that…”

  “Tell them Protocol Stand124. If they don’t leave, shoot them…”

  “I am not going to shoot our own, no matter who they work for…”

  “Tell them now. That’s a direct order.” Egil said walking towards the door. Please God, don’t let this happen.

  Chapter 44 | Traitor

  EGIL WALKED TO the exit of the room and placed his hand on the door handle.

  “Egil, you there?” Carl asked.

  “Yes, what’s happening?” he replied.

  “They’ve stood down, moving out. No resistance.”

  Egil turned around, Walter still leaned against the desk. “Your men have gone, Walter. What the hell is all this about and what are the Russians doing in the UK?”

  Walter turned around brought his hands together and leaned backwards onto the computer desk.

  “Walter. What the hell are you playing at?” Egil concentrated his focus on the gun Walter was now holding in his hands.

  “Don’t worry, Egil. I would never harm you. I knew this day would come. What I’ve said? Yes, it can sound shocking, but I know you will investigate everything yourself. You have no choice. As for the Russians. They know because I told them."

  Egil could feel the blood rush to his head, anger taking over, "You’re a traitor and drunk, Walter. I should shoot you where you stand."

  “You don't understand, no-one else would listen. They know there is another ThornScope somewhere here in England. But no-one would listen, not even your high and mighty godfather.”

  Egil could see tears forming in Walter's eyes, realising he needed to calm the situation he said. “Walter, put the gun down before I do something I'll regret. We can talk this through, work it out. No-one needs to get hurt here…”

  “It’s too late for me, Egil. It’s up to you now to sort all this out. I have no idea how you will, but I know in my heart of hearts you will. Especially because of what I’m about to tell you…”

  “Come on, Walter. Put the gun down, man.”

  “Your father…” Walter stopped talking, looking at the gun in his hand.

  “Walter, what about my father? You talking about the car accident? He was drunk, we all knew he was drunk, Walter. Don’t bring up the past.”

  “He was not drunk. He had been sober for years. Didn't you know your father and Bill were the ones that got me into AA and rehab? Saved my career bless the buggers. Your father wasn’t drunk, he wasn’t even driving the car, Egil.”

  “Don’t be daft, it’s just the drink talking. I miss him too you know.”

  Walter put a hand into his pocket and pulled out a whiskey flask. He laid the gun down on the table. Opened the flask and took a long hard swig. “Don’t trust Bill, Egil. Don’t trust anyone but Jonathan Beckett. Your father died around the same time Beckett's own parents did. In an apparent car crash.” Walter drained the last of the whiskey from the flask. “It’s up to you to protect this country now. You and Jonathan Beckett. Our country is being put up for sale to the highest bidder.”

  “What do you mean, my father was not in the car? You are making no sense at all, Walter. Come on let’s get out of here. I think I need a drink myself…”

  Egil made a step forward. “Don’t come any nearer young man,” Walter said picking the gun back up. He stared at it seemingly memorised by the shine and coldness of the metal.

  “I know your father was not in the car.” Walter continued. “I know the Beckett’s were not in a car crash either. I should know.” Walter raised the gun to his face rubbing it across his cheek, caressing it like a woman. “It’s one of those secrets that only two men know about. I know because the gun I am holding killed all three of them. They were working for the Russians. The god damn Russians, Egil. Bill could have turned them, could have done more.”

  Egil stepped forward. Walter pointed the gun at him, shaking in his hand. “Your father was like a brother to me, Egil. A brother. Bill could have done more. But instead he had me murder all three. To protect you.” Tears started to stream down his face, he began sobbing like a baby.

  “Walter, you said you would never hurt me, stop pointing the gun and don’t be silly. We can work all of this out...”

  “I’m sorry…” Walter looked back at Egil one more time. Brought the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger.

  “No!” Shouted Egil racing over to him. The door behind Egil crashed opened. Carl and two of his team were inside before Egil reached Walter who laid on the floor, blood flowing from the back his head. He tried to kneel but felt hands on him from behind. He tried to struggle free but he was no match for the three highly trained and powerful team members. They got him off the floor, pulled him away and out of the room. He shouted at them let go.

  Egil’s brain screamed. The memories of attending his father’s funeral rushed back. The nine-year-old boy. He saw Walter and his godfather standing next to him. They had known all the time. And Jonathan Beckett? What the hell did he have anything to do with it? Walter’s words bounced off every corner of his head. My father was a Russian spy? Never. Can’t be true. Not true. Not possible.

  Carl came out of the computer room. “Release Egil now please,” he told his men.

  “What happened in there?” Sara demanded, “Egil, what the hell happened, are you ok?”

  Egil walked calmly over to Carl. Looked up and left hooked him straight across the bridge of his nose. Carl took it, not flinching as blood started to role from his nose. “You were supposed to secure the area, how the hell did he get a gun in there?” Egil shouted at him.

  Carl’s men started to move forward. “Stand down,” Carl commanded. “I’m so sorry, Egil. We searched them all. He must have hidden the gun somewhere before we arrived. We never thought to search anywhere else. You should have let us remain in the room with…” Carl stopped mid-sentence.

  Egil knew he must look like a crazy man right now, but Carl was right. He should never have broken protocol. He was as much to blame as Carl was. Even more so.

  “Get cleaned up. We still have to work to do. And get that body out of there…”

  “Body?” Jason asked.

  “The MI6 officer blew his brains out. No more questions. Get in there, you and Sara, and do your bloody job. I want that computer cracked within the next fifteen minutes.” Egil commanded.

  Sara and Jason almost ran over the door as Carl moved aside. Egil knew he was being hard on them, but this was not the time for pleasantries. He had to focus, he had to analyse what Walter had said. And this was not the place nor the time.

  “Get some bed sheets or whatever you can find,” Carl told one of his team members. “Wrap the guy up and get him out of the room. Then clean up as best as you can. Egil, we need to speak.”

  “Not now, Carl. I need to think.”

  “I have to insist, Egil.” Carl replied.

  Carl walked away towards the door they first came into whilst his team busied themselves carrying out his orders.

  Egil followed, “What is it, Carl?”

  In lowered tones Carl spoke, “You left your mic on. I heard all the conversation in there.” He took from a pocket the gun Walter had used. “I think you’ll be needing this. I don’t know how long I can keep this under wraps. Whatever has been said, I can’t let a dead MI6 officer lie around for ever, even if he was a traitor, a deranged drunk. He blew his freaking brains out, Egil.”

  Egil looked at the gun, blood stains covered it. He didn’t want it, but he knew he had no choice and at some point he would have to confront his godfather about the conversation.
He took the gun from Carl. “Thank you, Carl. I’m sorry about hitting you. I should have taken your advice about staying in the room.”

  “Get over it,” said Carl wiping the blood from his nose. “You’re your own man, and I am here to follow your orders. And I will. I need to call the Home Secretary, Egil. I have no choice. What do you want me to tell him?”

  Egil thought for a moment. If Bill, the Home Secretary was deeply involved on the wrong side of things, so be it. He had played too many games for Egil’s liking. And he wanted to know the truth, no matter the consequence.

  “Tell him everything. Everything you remember of the conversation.”

  “The conversation is automatically recorded, Egil. He will have a transcript on his desk within the hour. Standard protocol. There is nothing I can do about that.”

  “Who else will get the conversation?” Egil replied.

  “That is up to the Home Secretary. You know the drill. The good news is though, only the Home Secretary will have access. And ThornScope.”

  Egil looked around and over towards the doors that led to the lounge in the apartment.

  “What’s up, Egil?” Carl asked.

  “Nothing, I thought I heard something coming from the lounge… Never mind, my mind is playing tricks on me. OK. Call the Home Secretary, tell him everything. I don’t want to get into it with him at present. You understand?”

  “Yes. I do. I will do whatever you want…” Carl paused, “Within reason. But don’t forget, I may report to you. But ultimately he is my boss. Anything else?”

  “Not for now, Carl. Thank you. Thank you for being here. We’ve still got a lot do. Go call him.” Egil replied.

  Carl walked off taking his mobile out dialling it as he walked.

  Egil turned around and headed for the computer room. Time to see what the guys had come up with. Again, he thought he heard a noise coming from the lounge. Some sort of beeping sound. He stood still. Yes, a bleeping noise. Coming from what though. An alarm clock he thought to himself. He decided it would best to go investigate, he was sure Carl’s team had swept the area. He looked around for Carl and spotted him in the corner next to the computer room his back turned, obviously in deep conversation with the Home Secretary. That conversation is more important.


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