ThornScope_Federation of Europe

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ThornScope_Federation of Europe Page 29

by KC McLaren

  “No, we are not. But something or someone is connecting to my systems.”

  Jonathan hurriedly typed on the keyboard again removing his reset code. “ThornScope, you have control back, find out and stop whoever is accessing the systems.”

  The room fell silent, Jonathan looked at Egil with a stare that suggested he had something to do with this new episode. Egil looked back shrugging his shoulders.

  “Nothing to do with me, Jonathan,” Egil replied.

  “Jonathan,” said ThornScope, “the access codes are valid. The protocols match the same ones I’ve redesigned for you. I cannot override them. I no longer have control of the entry doors. They are here now, outside.”

  The doors opened slowly.

  How the hell could anyone get into GCHQ let alone gain access to this floor? Jonathan thought. He typed quickly on the keyboard and realised it would take him a good ten minutes to re-write code and block access. He had run out of time. There was only one option left.

  “ThornScope, on my command I want you to start a full scale shut down.”

  “Yes, Jonathan. You realise that will create a cascading line of events which will put the whole of the UK in danger from cyber-attacks.”

  “On my command, if we are under attack and threat I will not allow you to fall into the hands of a third party.”

  “Standing by,” ThornScope replied.

  The doors opened and Jonathan and Egil turned around.

  “Well, this is where both of you are hiding. I'm pleased to see you are recovering well Mr Beckett. Please kindly move away from the keyboard.”

  “ThornScope,” Jonathan said, “Full system shutdown now.” He turned back to the keyboard frantically entering commands trying to overwrite access.

  Six armed men raised their guns. Egil moved closer to Jonathan covering his back taking out his Glock 19 bringing it up and aimed at the voice.

  “Egil, put the bean popper down.”

  "Why are you here, Jacobs?" Egil replied still pointing his gun at the Head of MI5.

  Jonathan turned around from the keyboard. "I'm locked out. I no longer have access to the systems. ThornScope have you initiated shut down."

  "ThornScope will no longer reply to your commands, Beckett. I'm not here to either argue or discuss, both of you will come with me."

  “What, so you can have us locked up in a dark hole with the key thrown away?” said Egil.

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” Jacobs walked closer to Egil. “You are a stuck up, arrogant, ignorant little shit that has never learnt to take orders. A pain in my arse – but you have great potential, I’ll give you that. So for once in your fucking life take an order and drop your weapon. I won't ask again.”

  Jonathan stared at both men as they faced off with each other. Would Egil really shoot his boss? It would not be a logical outcome for any of them. He stood up from his chair and placed a hand on Egil’s shoulder. “I appreciate the sentiment, Egil. But I think there has been enough death and mayhem for one month. Please lower your weapon, it’s over. I've done everything I can. I've failed. I can't do anymore.”

  “Wise words, Beckett,” Jacobs replied.

  Egil lowered his weapon and handed it butt first to Jacobs. “There you go, you can now have what you’ve always wanted Jacobs, me under arrest and out of your way. But this is not over, not by far.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Jacobs replied as he turned around to his men. “Secure these two, it’s time to move out.”

  “Where are we going?” Jonathan demanded.

  “Get moving, you'll know when you get there. And Beckett...”

  Jonathan looked at Jacobs.

  “Egil has one thing right. It's far from over, but you have not failed.”

  Chapter 51 | Around the table

  JONATHAN AND EGIL WERE met on the third floor of the Home Office and escorted through to an outer office, past framed photographs of the current Prime Minister, the Queen and other pillars of the Establishment, past and present.

  “We're here,” Jacobs said to both of them, “try to listen and keep a civil tongue in your head for once, Egil.”

  They entered the boardroom which looked to Jonathan like any other boardroom he had ever been to. Long, polished table, expensive finish, around fifteen seats and a row of framed abstracts on the wall.

  “How are you feeling, Jonathan?” Sara turned around from a long mahogany sideboard table. “Would either of you like a coffee?”

  Jonathan smiled, pleased to see her and nodded.

  “Please, sit down both of you. I'll bring the coffee over, both one sugar and milk. The Prime Minister and Home Secretary will be along shortly.” Sara said.

  Egil and Jonathan took seats towards the top of the table sitting alongside each other. Jonathan didn't know how Egil was feeling, but he felt like he had just been called in by the headmaster for a dressing down of some sorts. At least one thing, it doesn't seem we'll be off to the Tower any time soon. A small blessing. Egil's boss, or past boss maybe, Jonathan thought, sat opposite them. Not making any eye contact, he picked up a folder in front of him and took out documents and began to read.

  Sara brought over the coffees and put them down on the table, both Egil and him said thank you at the same time. Yep, Jonathan thought, two schoolboys having a crush on the same girl. Sara smiled and walked back to the side table, poured from another jug marked tea on it and took it to Jacobs. He continued to read saying nothing whilst Sara sat down to the left of him.

  “Why are we here, Sara? A father and daughter reconciliation to watch?” Egil asked.

  Jacobs looked up from the documents and tutted shaking his head then continued to read. Sara did not reply.

  Interesting combination, Jonathan thought, father and daughter sitting in the same room. On the same side, or just on the same side of the table? Either way he couldn’t help thinking how beautiful she looked – a few days ago nothing more than a pretend homeless street kid. Who was playing whom? Jonathan turned to Egil and smiled, "I'm sure we will find out what sort of detention and extra homework we'll be getting soon."

  Egil didn't return the smile, he seemed angry, almost moody, ignoring the quip of the joke. What else was going on here? He had little regard towards Jacobs, or was it something else? Maybe Sara?

  The door opened and Jason, Egil's partner, walked in carrying two or three folders. He went to sit next to Egil.

  Jacob's, without looking up, said, “Sit this side, next to me young man.”

  Jason gave Egil an apologetic look, but did as he was told, first placing a folder in front of each of them.

  Jonathan looked at the folder. On the front cover it read 'Highly Classified'. He picked it up and opened it.

  “All in good time, Beckett,” Jacobs said. “Please wait for our guests to arrive.”

  All in good time? Jonathan thought. He had had just about all the good time he ever wanted in the last week. He glanced back at Egil and smiled again. Placed the folder on the table and opened it up ignoring Jacobs request. He wasn't too interested in reading it, but at least it put a smirk of a smile on Egil's face. Jacobs smiled too and nodded to Jonathan with a 'OK and shrug of shoulders' look.

  The door opened again, this time two security detail walked in followed by the Prime Minister and The Home Secretary, both of them carried similar looking folders. What's all this about folders, Jonathan mused, are they report cards? He couldn't help smiling to himself as everyone in the room rose out their chairs.

  “Glad to see you are smiling, Jonathan,” the PM said cheerfully as he took his seat at the head of the table. “Please, everyone be seated. We have a lot to get through, and not much time.”

  The Home Secretary did not sit, deciding to stand behind and to the right of the Prime Minister.

  “Why are we here, and why have I been manipulated in such ways?” Jonathan asked without the formal 'Prime Minister' tag at the end. He also felt angry, not least from the last conversations he had with the PM a
ssuring his confidence and trust. Jonathan knew he had been manipulated by the main players sitting opposite him, including Sara. All for what, ThornScope?

  Jacobs looked up and closed the folder in front of him. “I thought I had enough of a problem with your friend next to you. Mind your manners, Beckett. Have respect for the people in here.”

  “Mind my manners? In the last four or five days I've been pursued through London. Kidnapped by my friend on the right, my sister's life put into danger and saved by the wonderful Sara. I’ve seen people shot in cold blooded murder only to be kidnapped again and put into a coma. After all that, you’ve taken ThornScope away from me. If that is not illegal manipulation, alongside God only knows how many laws you've all broken, I don't know what is. Now you can either let me go, or let me make a call to my lawyers. Can't wait for you to explain what you’ve done and watch the shit storm they will rain down on you.” Jonathan was not angry, he was enjoying himself, but was not going to let anyone in the room know about it. He looked at Egil again and smiled. This time he got one back.

  “For the record, I did not kidnap you, nor were you in a coma. He kidnapped you.” Said Egil pointing at Jacobs then turned to Jonathan and gave him a mischievous wink.

  Jacobs looked towards the Home Secretary, “I told you this was the wrong play Mr Home Secretary. They are both like little school children with their hands caught in the cookie jar blaming each other. This is a joke.”

  “It's no joke,” The Prime Minister said. “And yes, Jonathan, both you and Egil have been manipulated. I can only offer my apologies, but it was the only way. And to be frank Jonathan, you left us with no choice. It was the only way to bring you back in, give us the control of ThornScope and stop Strickland. As for you Egil, we needed someone above suspicion – someone above reproach. A person who would follow through and get the job done. Those are not my words, but Jacobs. And if it were not for Jacobs and the Home Secretary's plan – I doubt any of us around this table would be here now. Not least have an elected Government in charge.”

  “But why not stop Strickland in his tracks? Put an end to his plans before they began? It's one reason I went off-grid,” Jonathan said.

  “I’ll be blunt,” The Prime Minister said, “we were late to the party. Strickland, was, or shall I say still is, a powerful man with powerful connections both here in the UK and abroad. We couldn't touch him. And if it was not for him trying to coerce the Director General of MI5 into the plot, he would have succeeded. Fortunately for us, Strickland over estimated Reginald's reputation of being a self-delusional power hungry sociopath. That’s fair to say, Reginald?” The Prime Minister smiled raising his eyebrows.

  “I still enjoy the reputation, Prime Minister,” Jacobs replied and smiled at Egil.

  Everyone, apart from Egil, let out a small giggle of laughter.

  “I don't see the joke. You've been up my arse from the day I entered the service. And for the last two years tried at every opportunity to remove me,” Egil said.

  “Intentional, Egil,” the Home Secretary said. “May I outline our own plot and conspiracy, Prime Minister?”

  “Be my guest, perfect time.”

  The Home Secretary sat down to the right of Egil.

  “Just over two years ago Reginald came to me outlining a conspiracy of such magnitude that could only be described as pure fiction. I listened to the plot and concluded that our Director General, to be honest, was off his head. My first thought was to have him removed from office. However, in a short time I realised that the conspiracy ran deep. There were people involved both in our Government and our intelligence services. The aim? Bring about a police state, over throw our democracy and use the technology we have to rule Europe. And more chilling, do it all without giving the slightness awareness to our citizens what was going on. A coup without a shot being fired. Bottom line, remove all freedom and rights this country of ours has built its history on.”

  “It's right to point out,” The Prime Minister added, “Bill even thought I was part of that plot too.”

  “Yes, Prime Minister, I did. It took a lot of manoeuvres to approach you and gain your trust. As I say, the conspiracy ran deep. Both the Director General and I, with the approval of the Prime Minister, agreed we needed to keep our plans secretive. Confined only to a small circle of people. Part of that plan was to have Strickland, and whoever else, believe he and I were at different ends of the political spectrum. And that's where you came in, Egil.”

  “I don't understand, Mr Home Secretary,” Egil said sarcastically. “And more to the point, I don't trust you anymore.”

  The Home Secretary turned to his right. “Egil, I know you and I have a lot to discuss, but this is not the time nor the place. But I can assure you, I did not have them assassinated.”

  “I don't care, Bill,” Egil replied, “I really don't. Apart from that, was it not you who told me you thought the Prime Minister to be weak? Quote ‘Dangerously infatuated with this conspiracy. Didn’t trust most of his own cabinet’, unquote. You've been playing both sides of the fence.”

  “It's my job to play both sides of the fence, young man. A lesson you will learn in time. I may be the Home Secretary, but I am and always will be first an intelligence officer. We never retire till the day we die. Another lesson you will learn. I deliberately misled you and others about the PM. The Director General deliberately berated your balls at every opportunity. We needed to get Strickland to believe that Jacobs was using you against me to prove his loyalty. To ensure he could get deeper inside. Everyone knows our relationship, Egil. And yes, we used it to our advantage.”

  “I understand some of that, but didn’t Strickland approach you too,” Egil replied.

  “Yes he did, but he is brilliant, very shrewd. He would never tell me anything of substance I could use. But our plan worked, he trusted Jacobs – as much as Strickland could trust anyone. That was our first aim, and it worked. However, although we knew there was a second ‘ThornScope’, Strickland never discussed it. And we were running out of both options and time.”

  “So I was the bait, the stool pigeon, the fall guy?” Egil said.

  “You were doing your job,” Jacobs said. “And the ace in the hole? We bet the farm on you doing what you do well. Being a maverick – getting the shit done without thinking about the consequence or yourself – putting your country above all else. And if it means anything at all, you were the only person I could trust.”

  Jonathan could see the wind taken out of Egil’s sails. The fuming red in his cheeks subsided replaced by a shock of disbelief.

  “So, let me get this right,” Jonathan said smiling, “Egil when he tried to kidnap me was in fact, err, saving me?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes,” the Home Secretary said, “we had to get our own people on the ground. People we could trust. Jacobs ensured, insisted on Strickland putting Egil and Jason on the ground with his team. This convinced him if anything went belly up, MI5 would be, or should I say, Egil would be the fall guy removing any ties back to him.”

  “That was rather an elaborate set up, and gamble, Bill. We lost him anyways,” Egil said, looking at Sara.

  “May I, Bill?” Sara asked.

  “Yes, explain further,” the Home Secretary replied.

  “You would never keep Jonathan. That's where I came in,” she turned to look at Jonathan. “Before I go on, I will state again, my first and primary objective was always to keep you safe, Jonathan. If,” she hesitated, “my father had not insisted on Egil being there, we would have lost Jonathan and his knowledge about ThornScope. We had to up the stakes.” Sara looked towards the Home Secretary.

  “Carry on, Sara, they both need to hear this to its conclusion.”

  “Nothing was ever what it seemed. We took a big chance, a big gamble. A dreadful consequence too,” she took a deep breath. “By ‘rescuing’ Jonathan we forced Strickland out. We knew he would have no choice but to attempt again...” she paused in mid-sentence and once again looked at Jon
athan. “My father and the Home Secretary knew Strickland would go after you again. And that's what they wanted. I’m sorry, so dreadfully Jonathan.”

  Jonathan returned the stare. Sara and his eyes locked onto each other. He could feel the blood through his heart pump faster. He had trusted her. Trusted her with his life. He wanted more from this woman – he had thought there was more, a connection to explore, develop. Who knows, he had thought, a friendship that could blossom. He wanted to believe she could have been the one. The moment she had turned around to him in Oxford Street warning him. Those sparkling blue eyes piercing into his soul. They made him feel like a man again. But it had all just been part of the plan and she was doing nothing more than playing her part. How stupid could he have been? He closed his eyes for a second. He felt betrayed – not by all that had happened – by Sara. Yes, nothing is what it seems, Jonathan concluded.

  He opened his eyes. “People killed. Murdered? Was it all worth it, Sara?”

  They stared at each across the room. “I’m sorry, Jonathan. You are right, people lost their lives. I lost a very good friend. I don't know what else to say.”

  He could see her sparkling blue eyes well up. He wanted to get up and go over to her and say everything would be OK. Wanted to forgive her. Forgive her for what though? Doing her job. He looked away.

  “So, the penthouse. It was another part of the plan to force Strickland's hand?”

  “Yes, Jonathan. It was,” the Prime Minister said.

  “You deliberately put yourself in harm’s way?” Jonathan asked looking at the Prime Minister.

  “Yes, I did. We knew we had leaks. We knew if I was meeting in secret, Strickland would find out. What we didn't know was that one of my own men was part of that leak. No-one, apart from Sara, in that room were privy to the plans,” the Prime Minister replied.

  “You had a choice. I didn’t, and neither did those men that lost their lives. Was it worth it, Prime Minister?”

  The Prime Minister seemed to ponder the thought and said, “That depends on you, Sara, Egil and us now, Jonathan. ThornScope is safe. You can have full access back, under certain conditions. The only way we could have got to Genesis was to allow you to be captured. But this time we had the upper hand. Not everything went to plan – you don’t understand how much we were thinking on our feet, not least not knowing who we could trust. We stopped Strickland from creating a coup that history or the world has ever seen. I'm not just talking about the UK, the other twenty-seven countries in the EU. I know this sounds hard to understand, but you are not the only one that believes in the UK and the freedoms we have. We are at war. We've been at war for a long time. Oh, sure no guns, no tanks. The world is a different place. Men are men, and after two-hundred-thousand years of human evolution, most are still living in the caves. You may think all we want is total control of our population, the Big Brother utopia of technology to control that population. We don't. I don’t. But we need to protect our country. We don't want to control or dominate other countries. Decide what this country really means to you. We will never be controlled by another; we’ve learnt from our own history of controlling others. A Federation of Europe will happen, the UK will not be part of it, but we will influence and protect our own sovereignty through ThornScope – from friend or foe. There are new dangers on the horizon. I know Strickland has Genesis. What do you think he is going to with that technology? If you can't answer that question for yourself, then maybe you don't understand why we need ThornScope. Why we need you, Egil and Sara to stop him. It's up to you Jonathan, here right now. Make your decision or go back to the shadows hiding, run away again.”


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