Rock Me Slowly

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Rock Me Slowly Page 13

by Dawn Sutherland

  I take Josh’s bottom lip into my mouth and suck gently. Josh lets out a groan from deep within his chest. It’s the most erotic thing I have ever heard.

  “Christ, Sophie you are fucking killing me. Do you know just how fucking sexy it is you taking control over me?” Josh pants sporadically and I can see just how sexy he thinks it is. I smile against his lips and he growls at my response.

  The next thing I know Josh grabs me by my thighs indicating that I should wrap them around his waist. I do as I’m told, he then quickly takes a hold of my ass and lifts me into the air. He positions me against the wall. Now it’s my turn to breathe rapidly as he pins me and holds me effortlessly with his brute strength. Josh quirks an eyebrow realising just how much I want him. This whole seduction effort has turned him on beyond anything I have ever felt before. It makes me giddy with need.

  Josh positions his rock hard cock against my opening and I whimper at the contact. Josh is not being gentle now, he needs this hard and fast and I’m going to let him have it that way. Josh thrusts his cock straight into the depths of me and I clench at the feeling of it. He is so deep that I can almost feel him hitting my cervix.

  “Hold tight baby I’m going to fuck you good.” I hold tightly onto Josh’s muscular arms and wrap my legs tighter around his waist in apprehension of the pummelling I’m about to get.

  Josh doesn’t waste any motion getting going. He thrusts his cock in deep at a punishing pace and I love it. It doesn’t take long for the burn deep in my stomach to start rising. I can feel my climax getting ready to wreck my body. My legs start to feel like jelly and my fingernails dig deeper into Josh’s back, this only makes Josh pummel me harder.

  “I want to hear you Sophie, don’t you dare hold back on me.” Josh says between sharp breaths. Oh, believe me I have no intention of holding back. Just as that thought escapes my foggy brain my climax grips me.

  “Fuck Josh!” I scream at the top of my voice just as Josh finishes spilling his cum deep inside of me. My hands are now braced against the glass doors and my heart beat begins to steady to a normal beat.

  “Holy shit Sophie that was incredible. Fuck, I love going bareback with you. It’s even better when we are sober. Where the hell did you learn those seduction skills of yours? You have been holding out on me woman.” I giggle as the euphoria starts to wind down.

  The seduction totally paid off but I have lots of other wicked things up my sleeve for you yet.

  Josh pulls out of me slowly and I feel the emptiness instantly. Josh and I stand under the shower to cleanse ourselves of our sweaty session. Josh wraps his arms around me while I wash and I think just how sweet he can be when he wants. He pulls my hair back so that he can rain sweet kisses down my cheek and my neck.

  “Sophie, we have to get out of this shower before I want to take you again. I have practise with the guys in a bit before the show tonight. Will you watch again?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Come, let’s get out of here before someone starts banging on the door.”

  We both get out of the shower and wrap towels around one another. I feel a sense of contentment that I haven’t felt for a long time and it’s got everything to do with the rock god standing beside me.

  The rest of this tour is going to be epic, I can feel it in my bones.


  Practise for tonight’s show goes without a hitch. I love touring especially performing in front of home crowds. There is just something about the electricity of performing in front of crowds that supported you right from the start. It’s those guys that have been there for us when we were a struggling band doing the small time clubs that payed a pathetic fee to us on completion of our set.

  God, how things have changed for the better. Things are even looking up in the relationship department, with a blossoming sexual relationship with Sophie. If I’m honest I can see it going further.

  Sophie is an insatiable creature in bed, she is like nothing I have ever experienced before and I have to admit that I freaking love it! How she took control of me sexually was very liberating and I could picture myself allowing her to do that more often. The sex was fucking explosive, she knew every sex position possible and I found myself at her mercy, totally. It was sensual yet raw, carnal but gentle and beyond all else I could feel the love between us grow with each torturous stroke.

  The faces she made as she came sparked a longing inside of me that almost broke my heart. She was so vulnerable in that moment that I was scared I could break her..

  Who would of realised I was such a sap?

  The day goes past without incidence or drama which is a miracle in itself. We have a couple of hours to go before our final show in San Diego so I decide to spend a little time with Sophie.

  I remove myself from the plush leather sofa in the entertainment room and go in search of her. Just outside Sophie’s office I’m blocked by Mickey. Great, just what I needed another episode of douchery with the leader of the douchebags.

  Mickey is standing with his muscular arms spread wide on either side of him against the walls. It’s apparent that Mickey isn’t going to let me past until he says whatever it is he needs to say. All I want to do is spend some time with my girl and this dick has to make it increasingly difficult due to some crap that happened a year ago. To this day I still don’t know why he was so wound up about me sleeping with some cheap girl. He never had an issue about us sleeping with these girls. Why was she so different?

  “Looking for someone Josh? I think you’ve have been getting down and dirty with Miss Sophie, haven’t you?” Mickey sneers at me, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “What if I have Mickey, I don’t see what the fuck it has to do with you? What we do together is nothing to do with you. If you feel jealous and want to get laid I suggest you go out to the nearest club or street corner and bring one back here.” I can feel the heat building back up again and it takes all my willpower to keep it together. I want to launch myself at him and pummel him like there is no tomorrow.

  “I told you Josh, I would be watching and I have been. I happened to be going to the bathroom this morning to take a slash, when what do I find? A locked door. Just as I was walking away what do I hear? Well I would tell ya but I think you already know since you were there.”

  Just great, we had a fucking audience and it could only have been Mickey.

  “Do you actually think I care that you heard us. I just couldn’t contain myself, Sophie is some woman.” That’s the truth, Sophie is amazing. I still can’t believe she would want someone like me but I try to convince myself otherwise.

  “Oh Josh you’re right about that. She is some woman alright, the noises she made while you fucked her sounded delicious. In all the time we have toured and shared hotel rooms I have never heard you so into having another woman. I heard the things you were saying to her. Could it be that you have some feelings for this girl? Unlike the girl you fucked last year, huh?” Mickey says sardonically and I realise this is the crux of the issue. He will never let that one fuck go, will he?

  “Mickey, why the hell won’t you let that one night go, huh? Okay, so you got chatty with her but if you were going to make a play for her then why the fuck didn’t you? You have always told us that every girl is fair game and you never had an issue with me going after other women, so why the drama with that one?” I really am stumped with the reasoning behind Mickey’s behaviour. Okay, so she was a looker, I will give him that, but hell not enough to be a dick over.

  “That has got nothing to do with you, Josh. That is my business and that is the way it is going to stay. Believe me when I say that I’m very tempted at having a little go of Sophie myself. After that she wouldn’t want to have your tiny cock anywhere near her again. She’s a little screamer, aint she? Yes, I’m very tempted to get on that.” Mickey flashes his arrogant smile that reaches his eyes and flashes his perfect white teeth. It seems that this is the only way that Mickey can get back at me and he is grabbing it with both hands.

  I just hope that Sophie is capable of making up her own mind. If her feelings are as strong for me as mine are for her then hopefully I won’t have anything to worry about, hopefully.

  “I swear Mickey you had better stay the fuck away from Sophie. She doesn’t deserve to be fucked over by you. She is pure, decent, she has a heart of fucking gold and you destroy everything you touch. If you destroy her I won’t think twice about breaking your fucking face. The one person I actually care about and you want it. How typical of you. What’s wrong, are you not getting the attention you are used to? So in typical Mickey fashion you have to throw your toys outta your fucking pram until you get what you want?”

  Both Mickey and I are now nose to nose and you can feel the tension radiating all around us. I want to smack some sense into him, but he also wants to goad me and punish me for something that happened a bloody year ago! It makes no sense at all; he has never behaved this way over some girl he had only just met.

  I hear voices coming from down the hallway and both Mickey and I are surrounded by the guys. I have Blaine and Tanner pulling me away from Mickey and Zack attempts to do the same with Mickey.

  We both retreat but this is far from over, I can tell. Zack tries to talk Mickey down and Blaine and Tanner keep staring at me waiting for an explanation at what has gone on between us this time.

  “Look Josh, we know that Mickey can be a prize douche at the best of times but we really don’t need the conflict during the tour man.” Blaine stands with his arms folded. Judging by his tone I know he is worried about the whole Mickey chasing Sophie thing. He just wants to fuck me up but Blaine doesn’t know what he can do about it.

  “Yeah, but Blaine I could always poke his eyes out with my sticks just for shits and giggles.” Both Blaine and I burst out laughing at Tanner’s inappropriate timing. Tanner is the master of diffusing a situation, he is the class clown but we love him for it.

  “Come on man let’s go and get a beer and chillax for a while. Not long to the show after all.” Blaine suggests when Zack finally gets Mickey to walk away from the situation. I smile at the guys, but if truth be told I’m sick to my stomach worrying about the potential consequences of Mickey chasing Sophie.

  I feel fucking sick.

  Chapter 14


  I stare at my laptop at the email I have just received from Tony, the band’s manager. Apparently for the second leg of the tour they have decided to change the whole order of songs to be played. He also wants a radical change image wise for the boys on stage, hence why he was emailing me. I really have no clue what I am going to come up with. The boys have already gone through the goth stage when they were first starting out. Their recent style has a more rock edge, so what in the hell am I going to do with them?

  You have just got to love the cock suckers that sit behind a desk.

  What Tony doesn’t realise is, that it can take weeks to come up with a successful style that works for the guys. So thanks a lot for increasing my work tenfold, dick! At least I have a good week to get it all done, but I just know I will be pulling some late nights.

  Sometime later I’m interrupted by a knock to my office door. I don’t know how much time has passed, or whether I had actually fallen asleep at my desk, but I feel weary and drained. I have been working hard to get some designs worked out but it’s going to be a drawn out process over the next few days.

  I pull myself out of my chair and answer the door to find Josh leaning against the door jamb. He must be fresh out the shower as he is standing there in only his ripped jeans, with fresh water droplets falling from his hair onto that well sculpted chest. It takes my breath away. He is literally heart stopping, but as well as being in awe of him I’m secretly worried about the disintegrating relationship between Josh and Mickey.

  I heard their little altercation earlier but wasn’t brave enough to step outside of my office to find out exactly what was going on. Every argument between those two has either been about me and my budding attraction to Josh, or about that little night of passion that Josh had a year ago with some groupie that Mickey was lusting after. I have absolutely no idea what that is all about, but I’m going to make it my mission to find out.

  “Hey beautiful, are you going to let me in or are you going to have me standing out here all night?”

  “Sure come on in.” It seems I have lost all capacity for speech and I utter those words breathlessly. Even after spending lots of time with the man it seems he can still affect my emotions greatly.

  Josh walks into my office sexily and closes the door and locks it behind him. It seems that for whatever reason he has come in here he doesn’t want to be interrupted. As if I couldn’t guess?

  If Josh thinks he is going to come in here and take charge of me sexually he has another thing coming. I absolutely love having control over him in that department; after all its the only part of this crazy situation I can have any measure of control over.

  I shut down my computer for now and clear my desk of all my various cuttings and sketches of possible outfits the guys could sport during the New York leg of the tour. Whilst I’m doing all that I can almost feel the back of my neck burning as Josh never takes his eyes away from my body. Its seriously hot that someone as normal as me could turn Josh’s head. I know exactly what will get his engine revving.

  Thankfully Josh locked the door to my office, so I have no hesitation on performing this little act for him. I’m wearing a navy shift dress and my favourite pair of wedge sandals; well, I have been working after all. I bring my arms back behind me and pull down the zip of my dress and let it fall around my ankles. I seductively step out of it and kick it aside while never taking my eyes off of Josh. I’m now standing in my bright pink bra and panties set. I know I’m arousing him and it’s an empowering feeling.

  I turn around and in one swift movement I rid my desk of all of its contents letting them all scatter to the floor. I need all the room I can get for what I’m about to do. Josh seems to be frozen to the spot and I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t blinked in a really long time.

  I stand directly in front of the desk and slowly ease down my panties and watch Josh’s reaction. He is stunned speechless and if I’m not mistaken his breathing has started to get harsh and irregular. I kick my panties away and all that’s left is to take my bra off, I throw it at Josh and it lands right in his face. He holds it in his hand and sniffs the garment, it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

  I hoist myself onto the desk and spread my legs wide giving Josh a perfect view of the show that is about to unfold. Josh rubs his hands up and down his thighs. Hmmm so he is obviously feeling the heat in here.

  I put my index finger and my middle finger into my mouth and give them a good coating. I slowly pull my fingers out of my mouth and bring them down to my breasts so that I can play with my nipples; the action has me moaning in gentle appreciation of the touch. When both my breasts have had equal pleasure from my fingers I lead them down the path to my pussy via my navel, another erogenous zone of mine.

  I tease myself a little by massaging my thighs just to build up the anticipation of getting near my clit. Josh edges closer to me and finds my office chair in the middle of the room so he brings it over and places it in front of me. He takes a seat and leans his elbows on his knees and links his hands together. He is ready and willing for the show that only he is privy to.

  Josh sitting there in front of me sends a jolt of electricity searing through me. I’m strangely not embarrassed or even the slightest bit nervous. I’m just excited to try this new experience and even more excited to see Josh’s reaction.

  I start massaging my clit very slowly building up the pleasure gradually. I’m already soaking wet not only from the feel of my fingers over my body but also at the fact that I have an audience. I flick my clit slowly then build up the pace to the point where my insides are throbbing in the need to have my release. I pull back and let my impending orgasm settle back down again. I d
on’t want to come too early, I really want to let this last a lot longer than my traitorous body wants it to.

  I pinch my clit again and rub the hood up and down creating a very intense feeling deep within my stomach. I take my fingers and I gradually position them over the entrance to my pussy and I hover momentarily letting Josh think about what I’m about to do. I don’t want it to be too easy for him. When I think that both Josh and I can’t take anymore I plunge both my fingers into the depths of my pussy. I almost explode at the exquisite feeling.

  I pump my two fingers in and out of the moist hole that is giving me so much pleasure, even without a cock. I now ease in a third finger and up the pace of the thrusts creating a burning friction that gives me both pleasure and pain. I love it!

  I can feel my impending orgasm building and it won’t be long before I’m coming apart at the seams. Two more hard thrusts and my insides explode with the pleasure. I can feel my pussy clamp down on my fingers and coat them with my juices. God, that was one of the most sexiest things I have ever done, but now I just feel spent.

  Josh gets up out of his seat and walks slowly over to where I’m sitting on the desk. He puts his hands on either side of my thighs as I finally pull my three fingers out of my pussy. I bring them up to my mouth and I start licking my juices letting Josh know that nothing is too taboo to me. The two of us together could really open up some doors sexually.

  Before I go to lick the last drop off my fingers, Josh grabs my wrist gently and brings my hand up to his mouth he starts licking my fingers with his tongue. It feels amazing but sensual both at the same time. Josh then puts all three fingers into his mouth and sucks every last drop from them before finally letting them go.


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