Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights)

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Insatiable Craving: 2 (Insatiable Nights) Page 6

by Rosalie Stanton

  Their lips parted and Ginny’s back met something soft. She blinked, tried to gather her bearings and realized he had pushed her onto a sofa. Before she could think to question him, however, he was on the ground before her, his hands on her knees.

  “I know we need to talk,” he growled, running his palms up and down her legs. “But I can’t fucking think straight.”

  Ginny just blinked some more. Thinking really wasn’t her forte at the moment either.

  “Can’t think,” Razor echoed, his right hand inching toward the apex of her legs. When his fingers brushed over her sex, any lingering doubt fled the room. She gasped and arched off the cushions, desperate to feel him against her.

  “Fuck, you’re hot.”

  “What?” Ginny asked dazedly.

  He didn’t respond, since he was busy ripping her sandals off her feet and tearing her slacks down her legs. Then he was on her again, his lips this time landing on her knee and quickly making their way up.

  Oh shit. Small trembles broke out across her body. Some strain of awareness fought through the haze in her mind and she grew tense. The last time a man’s mouth had been south of the border it had been a sloppy precursor to rape. A way for Travis to appease his conscience—make him think that if he could bring her to orgasm or get her body ready for him, her pleas of no would turn into screams of yes.

  Having her pussy eaten was one of those things she had sworn off experiencing. Despite how incredible it allegedly felt, she found the task of getting in the right mood a little tricky because of the onslaught of unwanted memories. Yet by the time Razor’s mouth found her center, the rest of her body had turned to warm goo. She remained tense, but her raging hormones battled over why.

  Razor hooked his fingers under her panties’ elastic lining. “Can I?” he asked. “Please?”

  “What?” she whispered again.

  “Your scent’s been driving me wild.”

  “My…my what?”

  The corner of his sinful mouth crept up. “Your scent,” he said, as though repeating the word would magically make it make sense. “You’re hot, like I said. I gotta taste you.”

  “You can smell me?”

  He nodded, and the heat in his eyes would have frightened her were she not so aroused. Her clit screamed for her permission and her body trembled so hard she thought it might crumble to pieces around her.

  “Oh yeah.” His left hand abandoned its hold on her panties and the next thing she knew, his index finger was pressed against her vaginal lips, rubbing a sensual line up and down. “Ever since you walked in.”

  “You could smell me when I walked in?” That didn’t make sense but he nodded anyway. Ginny frowned. “How—”

  “Not important,” Razor said, his finger pressing deeper against her. “But this goes no further if you don’t want it.”

  Ginny blinked hard, a swell of…of…something rising up her throat, damn near choking her and inspiring an unwanted rush of tears. Could he tell? Was it all over her face, what had happened to her? Or was this the way it was with men who weren’t like Travis? Who didn’t take first and ask questions later?

  She gasped for air, feeling as though something had sat on her chest. “Razor…”

  He frowned but pulled back, his eyes flicking with concern. “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have—”

  “No, please.” She lifted her hips in offering, something alongside need spearing through her body. A sense of tenderness for which she hadn’t been prepared. “I want it. I do. I’m sorry, I just—”

  “Don’t ever apologize,” Razor said. He had her panties off the next second, but his eyes remained on her face. “There are some things you just can’t help.”

  If anything, his understanding only furthered her distress. Ginny felt her eyes welling again, but her messy emotions did nothing to scare him off. He lowered his face to her pussy and nuzzled her gently, his whiskers tickling the insides of her thighs. He brushed a kiss over her mound, then hooked his arms under her knees and coaxed her forward until she was dangling halfway off the sofa.

  “Mmm, yeah,” he murmured, setting one of her legs over his shoulder. “You’re so pretty.”

  Ginny barked a laugh. There were a lot of adjectives she’d use for her lady parts, but pretty was not among them. There had been times, not so long ago, she’d thought her vagina irrevocably scarred, physical markings or not. She’d felt she’d never be clean or desirable again.

  To have the man who had wreaked havoc on her libido perched between her legs, his attention claimed by her naked pussy, had her on a high. She felt at any moment she would wake up.

  Be plain ole Ginny as she had been just yesterday.

  Apparently Razor’s declaration had not been made with humor in mind. He arched one of those thick brows and favored her with a skeptical look. “You don’t believe me?” he asked, thumbing her clit. Ginny hissed and bowed off the couch again but he didn’t take things any further. “Need me to tell you how pretty you are?”

  At that, she felt embarrassed. She wasn’t the sort of girl who required flattery. “N-no,” Ginny replied. She hesitated, then threaded her fingers through his lush, thick hair. “I’d rather you show me.”

  Where in God’s green earth did I get the courage to say that?

  It didn’t matter. The words, about as far from character as she could get, seemed to do the trick.

  Razor flashed her a grin and abandoned his line of questioning, instead dipping a finger inside his mouth as he had hours earlier. “All this for me?” he asked, spreading her labia wide. “You’re drenched.”

  Ginny breathed out a shaky breath. “Yeah,” she agreed. “All for you.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl who gets wet like this.”

  Oh great. She was a freak show.

  Razor studied her exposed flesh a moment longer before meeting her eyes again. “You could make good men go bad.”

  “And bad men?”

  “Know many of those?”

  Too close to the mark for comfort. Ginny’s face felt as though it was on fire. She inhaled deeply and looked away. Damn, why wouldn’t he just fuck her like a normal guy? Who got between a girl’s legs and stopped for a chat? No, instead he had to get all introspective and make her feel even more out of her element than she did already. Asshole.

  When she didn’t respond, Razor lowered his head to her warm pussy. “If you don’t, let me introduce myself. My name’s Reyvon Zeigler, and I’m a very bad man.”

  And before she could summon a thought to accompany his words, let alone a response, his mouth had clamped on her sex and all rational thought flew out the window. An inhuman gasp clawed at her throat, her hips arching up and fireworks shooting through her body. The grip she maintained on that pretty hair of his tightened. God, she wanted to smash his face against her and never let him up.

  All from one small touch.

  Razor chuckled against her, sending delicious vibrations through her tightly wound body. “You are so fucking responsive, it drives me crazy,” he murmured before his tongue snaked out to lick a wet path from her slit to her clit. Ginny bit her lip and arched again, desperate for friction. He evaded her, circling her needy pearl twice before repeating his journey to her opening. His fingers joined in, teasing her with shallow thrusts inside her cunt.

  “Oh God, oh God.”

  He chuckled again, but before she could do something stupid—like curse him for teasing her—he sucked her clit between his lips and pulled.

  Ginny unwound, tumbling over the edge before she could even appreciate its approach. And damn if that wasn’t a shock. Never before had she reached climax so quickly, not even with her trusty vibrator. It washed over her without warning, leaving her toes tingling and her body, while content, hardly satisfied. Her legs parted wider, her muscles threatening to go slack.

  Razor pulled back and appraised her with a cocky look. “That was fast.”

  She nodded, then surprised herself. “More.”
br />   “Another?”

  “I loved that.”

  He laughed again outright. Of course he would. He didn’t realize the significance of her confession. How could he? He didn’t know her at all.

  The thought should have terrified her. It didn’t. It just made her want him more. As it was, his head descended again and her clit was his lips’ prisoner before she had time to second-guess herself. She felt hot and wanton, slippery and desired. His tongue swirled around her, teasing, licking, his fingers pushing in and out of her in a steady rhythm.

  Then, from nowhere, tears stung her eyes.

  Dammit, don’t do this now.

  But fuck, she couldn’t help it.

  It had never been like this. Not in the clumsy encounters before Travis and certainly not in the pain afterward. No one had ever loved her body, and though she knew she had to be imagining things, she could almost pretend she felt Razor’s affection with each swipe of his sinful tongue. Every time he flicked her clit, every time his fingers delved into her pussy. What’s more, whenever she braved a glance between her legs, she found his eyes were on her face, as though he were as mesmerized by her responses as she was by what he did to her.

  “You taste like honey, you know,” he murmured, pulling his fingers out of her sex and rubbing them between her intimate lips.

  “I’ll take your word for it,” she replied, lifting her pelvis up. “Please…”

  “Please what?”

  “Razor…” The need in her voice was foreign, as were the sparks firing through her bones. Her legs shook and though the thought crossed her mind the death grip on his hair might hurt, she couldn’t bring herself to release him. She felt so liberated, so completely not herself.

  “I love the way you say my name,” he said, then ran his tongue down her slit. Then he was lapping at her, drinking her down, tasting her with long licks and swipes and murmuring his contentment as he consumed her whole.

  Hot white sparks ignited through her body. Ginny whimpered and lowered a hand between her legs, her clit aching for attention. If he wasn’t going to—

  A warm hand snatched her wrist. Razor clucked his tongue and shook his head. “Nuh uh,” he murmured. “Don’t think so.”

  “I need—”

  “I know what you need.” He repositioned her leg on his shoulder and drew closer. “And I’m gonna give it to you.”

  His head descended again, his lips clamping hot around her clit, and he sucked hard. And that was it. The pressure mounting stretched through her insides and opened the floodgates. Ginny threw her head back and sobbed, her heels digging into his back, her body seemingly flying off the cushions as her cells detonated and shards of pure rapture sent her to the heavens. She felt him pulling on her arms but didn’t open her eyes, not even when she felt his naked dick slip along her inner thigh before finding her aching cunt. Not even as her hot flesh parted and welcomed him, her pussy walls clamping around him.

  Ginny forced her eyes open. She was on the floor—in his lap—her legs linked around his waist and his cock buried deep inside her. Razor stole her lips in a kiss, his hands dropping to her ass and coaxing her up just far enough that she could enjoy the feel of his skin against hers as she descended again.

  “You’re amazing,” Razor whispered, a moan tearing from his lips.

  Every nerve tingled. Her skin felt so damn warm she was surprised it didn’t melt off her body. Ginny planted her face in the crook of his neck and stifled a whimper. Her hips began moving of their own volition. She needed more. Her blood was on fire and she tingled all over from awareness, her pussy so wet she would have been embarrassed if she didn’t need him so much, and every sensual slide sent her deeper into oblivion. She had never felt so whole in her life—so completely connected to anyone or anything, and she didn’t know how to handle it.

  It was too much and not enough at the same time. His hot, ragged breaths in her hair, his hands coaxing her, guiding her up and down on his shaft, the hard smacks of their bodies rocking together. She couldn’t get enough. Couldn’t…

  She couldn’t recall a time when sex had been pleasurable. Though she was reasonably sure she’d had fun before, her few pre-Travis exploits had been tarnished in her memories. That whole period in her life was grouped under the heading of mistake. She’d never imagined finding herself in another man’s arms, let alone someone like Razor. How was it he knew her like no one else when he didn’t know her at all? When he couldn’t know what this meant for her—when he couldn’t conceive how much of herself she’d given him?

  Ginny didn’t have the answers, so she just kept rocking. Welcoming his thrusts, wanting it hard and tender at the same time. She wanted him to fuck her so thoroughly she forgot her name, but not so much that he did. She wanted her bones rattling and her ears ringing, but she wanted his arms around her when she fell back to Earth.

  She wanted more of this—of his cock driving into her again and again. Of her pussy hugging him, his lips peppering sweet kisses along her sweat-drenched skin. She wanted to crawl up inside him and never leave, and the thought—the acknowledgment—had her terrified.

  How had she given him so much of herself without realizing it? How had she let it get to this without a fight? She hadn’t come here for sex. How could someone she didn’t know make her feel more loved than anyone before him?

  Her eyes stung again but Ginny didn’t fight it this time. Didn’t fight her tears and didn’t attempt to quiet her whimpers. Instead, she clung to him, clenched him tight every time his dick dipped back inside her. Maybe if she squeezed hard enough he’d never leave.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be over and she wouldn’t have to worry with what came after.


  “Mmm, fuck.” He panted, his fingers digging into her ass. “You grip me so good.”

  Her muscles clenched around him again, a small whimper choking between her lips every time his cock drew away from her. “Oh… Oh God…”

  One of the hands on her ass disappeared and was, the next second, slithering between their warring bodies.

  “Come again, baby. I know you have another in you.”

  Ginny hiccupped, a hard tremor shaking through her.

  Then he was touching her, his fingers on her clit every time her pussy swallowed him, and she was a goner. Shapes blurred and colors melted and she could do nothing but follow. Her body broke into spasms, her vaginal walls hugging him tight and the air around her head growing so hot she didn’t think she could maintain consciousness.

  After a few seconds, fighting the welcome black seemed foolish, so she closed her eyes and let it come. As the last of her world melted away, she would have sworn she heard an animal roar, but she was gone before she could question it.

  Chapter Five

  If his heart thundered any harder the ground beneath him would shake. Razor couldn’t think, couldn’t move—hell, at this point he was afraid to breathe. The dull ringing in his ears blocked out the sound of his own hard gasps, but given how deeply his chest ached he knew he was gulping air like a man who just seconds ago was drowning.

  His arms were still around her, but by some small saving grace, Ginny had passed out. Though he had no way of knowing what had sent her over the edge—the orgasm that had ricocheted through her body and into his or the fact his wolf had struggled free.

  Fur lined his arms and stretched up his neck. His eyesight had sharpened and his canines were extended. The sweet smell of woman had crawled into his nostrils, spiced with the hot twang of sex and sweat. Something resembling a howl had seared off his lips just seconds before, taking all sense of sound with it. He had lost control in a very real way—a way he couldn’t conceal or deny, and it hadn’t been due to anger. For the first time in his life.

  Panic smacked his chest like a gunshot. “Oh my God,” he whispered, and at once sound returned—a booming explosion that nearly knocked him onto his back.

  Then another scent tickled the air. A very welcome scent, no matter ho
w much the prospect of discovery terrified him.


  Thank Christ. Maybe she would know what to do.

  “Holy fucking shit!” she screamed, making him wince. An abundance of anything while he was wolfed out was too much, and no one knew how to pitch a shrill like Arianna McClain. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

  Razor tightened his hold on Ginny and tried to turn. Aria stood in his office doorway, her jaw inches from the floor, her wide eyes glaring silver daggers at him. “This isn’t what it looks like,” he said, then winced. God, how pathetic could one man be?

  “So you didn’t just take a long-ass stage break to fuck a stranger with your goddamn door open?”

  “All right, it might be exactly what it looks like.” Razor frowned. He really had forgotten to close the door. Jesus, what in the world had gotten into him?

  The answer to that particular question was easy. Ginny. The second she’d stepped into Electric Panther tonight, his body had gone tense with awareness and his cock had hardened damn near painfully. He’d known then he was in trouble, but hadn’t realized nearly how much until their gazes connected. Until he saw the need on her face. At that moment, he would have taken her in the middle of the goddamn room if he’d lacked other options. Something primal had called to him. Something beyond anything he’d ever experienced—and the rush had tasted so damn good it hadn’t mattered at that moment whether it made sense.

  The girl was bad news. If not for encouraging his own recklessness, then certainly for the fact that he sat now with her passed out in his arms and his inner wolf had made half the transition to outer.

  Aria raised her hand and worked her magic. The next second, he felt his fangs recede and the fur stretching up his limbs vanished. His ears stopped ringing and the smells he’d enjoyed grew faint until reaching normal levels.

  And though the world righted itself, nothing could be right again. Twice. Two times in one day he had lost the grip on his inner animal. He had tumbled over the precarious edge he’d spent years learning to navigate. His wolf hadn’t been so temperamental since after Natalie’s death, when the girl’s friend—Raegan Something-or-other, if he remembered correctly—confronted him and demanded what, if anything, he knew about the murder. With guilt, anger, confusion and hormones jacking his nerves, it hadn’t been the best time to corner a strung-out werewolf. Thank fuck animal control had been on campus that night to chase him away, or Raegan’s blood might be on his hands as well. Razor released a trembling breath. “I don’t know what came over me.”


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