Falling For Him (A Celebrity Romance)

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Falling For Him (A Celebrity Romance) Page 5

by P. G. Van

  She laughed showing no sign of being affected by him. It annoyed him, women blushed when he flirted with them, they gasped at his sight, stroking his ego, but she was unfazed.

  She picked up her camera and clicked a picture before he could move. “Good start.”

  “You should slow down and let your body heal from the bite.” He rested his bare shoulder on the doorframe.

  “Really, and where do you think you are going without your photographer?”

  “It’s going to be Andy’s show today. You should take the day off.” His voice was soft.

  “Doc, I’m fine. Look, no swelling.” She pushed her dark hair aside sticking the column of her neck on display.

  Veer didn’t know why he felt excited about getting close to her. His heart raced like he hadn’t been with a woman before. He moved slowly to take his hand to gently graze her skin before running his fingers around the back of her neck and pressing on the bite with his thumb. She winced but did not say anything.

  “How much does it hurt?” He knew his voice was shaky.

  “Doesn’t hurt at all.” He picked up on the stubbornness in her voice.

  “Good. Can I take a closer look?” he asked softly.

  She nodded, and he tightened his grip on her neck and moved closer, his eyes never leaving hers until he bent down to nuzzle the area of the bite. Her fingertips gently dug into the solid muscle on his arms, but she did not move. “I think I smell the sting.”

  “What kind of a doctor smells for diagnosis?” Her voice wavered making his lips widen in a smile against her tender skin.

  “An animal doctor and the doctor who sucked the sting out of you.” His lips were so close to her skin, his breath blowing over the beating pulse in her neck.

  Veer took in the sweet smell her skin emitted and couldn’t get himself to step back until she let go of his arm to flatten her palm on his chest and gently push him away.

  “Let’s go, Doc.” Her voice was super steady and calm making him wonder if what he felt moments ago was real. She had gone back to being rigid, almost cold.

  “I'll be ready to go in ten. Don’t eat a heavy breakfast here. I have a plan for us.” His voice was thankfully back to being casual, but his body is still responding to him touching her.

  She narrowed her eyes like something was fishy. “A plan?”

  “Are you here just to take my pictures or for the experience?”


  “Do you trust me to show you the real Amazon rainforest?”

  “Sounds good. See you in a bit.” She smiled, and he swore he caught a twinkle in her deep, dark eyes.

  Ariya went down the stairs taking one slow step at a time as she gathered herself. She was sure her heart was going to crack through her ribcage when Veer took a whiff of her neck to check on her bite wound. She was surprised it felt like he robbed her of the air in her lungs with one long breath. She had a tough time staying steady and took an endless amount of energy not to respond or react when she felt his facial hair graze her skin.

  His deep eyes shone at her like they were searching for a reaction in her eyes. They threatened to look deep into her soul and question her resolve. Her skin layered on goosebumps at the memory of his lips on her skin. She took her hand to her neck and felt the warmth. She brushed aside the tingling deep inside her as a response to the extreme good looks, good nature, and manner of Veer.

  It was only a bodily response, nothing more.

  She spilled every detail of her first night and day when her sister had called that morning. Her sister started reading all the comments posted on the picture from the previous day when Ariya hung up the phone.

  There was no denying that she enjoyed hanging out with him, just like she did with Stefan, Andy, and the rest of the folks. She liked how Veer made her feel, how he made sure she didn’t take the equipment van, made her feel comfortable, and how much he respected her work, but she knew better. It was a bad idea to get too friendly with a ‘co-worker’ who was too popular and extremely enticing with his looks.

  Ariya stepped into an almost empty lobby and a beautiful view of the sunrise. It was almost thirty minutes before reporting time. Veer was the one who wanted to meet early to discuss the plan for photography with her, but he wasn’t in sight. She settled into a plush chair and pulled out her notepad with notes from the first night. She was halfway through her second round of reading the notes when she felt eyes on her. She looked up instinctively to meet the intense eyes that were becoming more familiar by the minute.

  Ariya felt the similar jolt she felt the first time she saw him on the horse when their eyes met, and a smile inadvertently surfaced as he walked toward her, his eyes riveted on her face.

  “You’re late.” She faked annoyance.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he crooned making her twitch.

  Get a hold of yourself, Ariya. He is used to being flirtatious with all women... he is a celebrity.

  “What’s the plan for today?” She put her notebook away and followed him to the dining area where breakfast was being served.

  “Do you need everything planned? Do you not like surprises?”

  “Okay… hang on. You need to tell me what the sequence of the shoot is for today.”

  He held the door open for her into the dining room and spoke only after sitting down at the table. “We are headed out to the same place we went to yesterday and then a short ride on a boat up the river to the location the guide suggested for other animal sightings.”

  “What animals?”

  “Rainforest animals. Are you scared of animals?”

  “No, why would you ask me that?”

  “You seemed alarmed.”

  “No… I’m not scared, but I need to know how close I can get to you and the animals for taking the pictures.”

  “Me… you do not want to get close to me, just get close to the animals.” His voice was steady, but his tone indicated he was being sarcastic about getting close to him.

  “Right,” she said.

  ‘Don’t get close to me’ says the man who sniffed my neck for a diagnosis.

  Veer pulled out a map and marked out the plan for the day and gave her an overview of the landscape and possible animals that could be spotted. “In the past, I’ve had photographers who wanted me to hold the animals a certain way, let me be very clear… I refuse to hold them a certain way just so you can get a good picture. If you know how to capture the moment, you will, no matter how long I’m able to be in the same frame with the animal.”

  She smiled at the passion in his eyes. “I like that.”

  “What?” He seemed to be surprised.

  “I like it that you will not pose for the pictures, and I am a candid photographer. I don’t like people posing for my pictures, although I have taken such pictures from time to time.”

  “I like that,” he repeated in the same tone she said making her smile.

  “I know… you can say that when I take those awesome pictures.” She winked.

  “Not cocky at all.” He laughed.

  “Nope. Just confident.” She laughed and put her notebook away. “I’m gonna go get a champion’s breakfast.”

  “Don’t… don’t eat too much. I have a surprise for everyone.”

  “What kind of a surprise?” she looked at him, curiously.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “No. I’ve known you for less than two days,” she blurted out.

  He laughed easing the moment. “Let me rephrase. Do you trust me to find you good local food?”


  “Good. You won’t be disappointed. I am taking the crew to eat at a local eatery for lunch.”

  “Okay. I like those kinds of surprises. I’m going to go enjoy some food on the balcony.”

  “You can eat here at my table.”

  “I don’t like to work when I’m eating.” She smiled.

  “Great! You are at work now?”

  “Yes, you are my work, and I
don’t mind if you come sit with me but don’t expect me to talk when I’m eating.”

  “Fine, you have fun. If Stefan sees you outside by yourself, he is going to freak out, so don’t let him see you sitting away from me.”

  “That’s just such a ridiculous thing to say… why would you say that?”

  “Trust me when I say Stefan is going to freak out.” He winked.

  “No. He won’t. I’ve known him for ages, he is the coolest cucumber I know.”

  “Just saying.” Veer shrugged smiling.

  “We shall see.” She walked over to the breakfast buffet and picked up some eggs and fruit before stepping onto the balcony into the warm morning air.

  Ten minutes later, Stefan joined her at the table.

  “You’re up early.” He set his plate on the table and sat next to her.

  “Yeah, Veer wanted to chat before we headed out.”

  “About what?” Stefan scrunched his nose.

  “About how he doesn’t want to pose for a picture.” She snorted.

  Stefan put his fork down and slowly finished chewing and looked straight at her. “Veer is a nice guy, he is very passionate about what he does and has had some weird photographers in the past and…” His voice trailed off when Ariya started laughing.

  “You look adorable right now.” She continued to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Stefan was not his calm self around her.

  “You are worried I would leave because of Veer?” She couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Before you make up your mind…Veer is rough on the surface. Give him time to adjust to what you want, and you need to know why he is the way he is… he is not the typical pretty face.”

  “Stop. Stefan. I can’t…” She held her stomach and continued to laugh making Stefan wonder what was so funny.


  Ariya bit her lip to stop herself from laughing and made a wild guess, based on what Veer indicated. “Are you worried I would run just like the others?”

  He threw his napkin on the table almost in frustration. “Yes. You were the only one who made it past day one, and I am freaking out about today.”

  She put her arms around Stefan. “I got this, my friend, for old time’s sake… and Veer is awesome. He is just who he is, and it’s perfect that I prefer my subjects to be doing their thing while I take their pictures.”

  “I knew it. You guys are made for each other. I can’t believe I didn’t team you up sooner.” Stefan laughed patting her shoulder.

  “Made for each other is pushing it. I think I like him. He is not a drama queen,” Ariya whispered.

  “I’m glad you like him. I can tell he likes you, too.” Stefan’s voice was soft, and something about the fact that Veer liked her made her happy inside.

  Ariya spent the next day with the crew in the tour bus that carried part of the equipment in the back. Andy was riding with her. She admired his creativity and dedication to his work. Veer and Stefan were in the open-top jeep in the scorching sun with the guide team looking around the area, as they talked. She settled into her seat for the long ride to the location Andy and the team picked for the shoot that day.

  Barely thirty minutes into the ride, the vehicle jerked to a halt causing alarm. The group in the mini-bus didn’t seem to be as alarmed as she did. She watched as the crew filed out of the bus in a mad rush.

  “Ariya, let’s go. This is how Veer rolls,” Andy called out, turning to look at her briefly.

  “Seriously?” she muttered under her breath when she saw Veer run into the shrubbery like he was being chased by a wild animal.

  It was like the crew was being chased by something all the time. Day after day, the crew followed Veer on his adventures and captured every word of his as he spoke about the animals. There were times when she would just want to throw up looking at the slimy reptiles Veer would hold and bring close to the camera.

  Chapter 8

  On the fourth day in the rainforest and nonstop running around the national parks, the crew came back to the hotel sooner than planned because of a looming storm. She dusted off her shoes, clothes, and her camera bag with a brush for any lingering bugs before stepping into her room.

  The bite she got the night she arrived was still healing, and she was glad she didn’t have to care for it much after the first day. She went straight to the bathroom hoping to wash off everything she had collected on her skin along with the soreness in her muscles.

  Her body felt stiff as if she had been cooped up in a plane for hours when she had been spending most of the days outdoors. She has been arriving dead tired to her hotel room the past few days and would fall asleep just thinking about how much fun she had.

  Ariya’s phone was ringing when she stepped out of the shower.

  “Hi, Siri.”

  “Hey, jungle girl, how are you doing?” Her sister laughed.

  “I am so tired, it is not funny, but I love, love, love it here.” Ariya smiled at her sister.

  “I haven’t seen you so happy in such a long time. You looked so stressed on your previous assignments.”

  “No… I enjoy all my assignments.” Ariya scrunched her nose.

  “This assignment seems a lot more enjoyable I suppose… hot celebrity?”

  “Gosh, stop it,” she growled at her sister.

  “Is he not hot?” Siri teased.

  “Yes, he is. He is not the only reason I’m having fun. Stefan is here, and I like working with the crew.”

  “Is Stefan trying to keep you away from the celebrity?” Siri asked, curiously.

  “No… Veer… Veer is not bad. He is not like a typical celebrity. He is different.”

  “Oh… he is different, huh?” Siri teased.

  “Yes, and I like working with him because he is nice. He does his job well and lets me do my job.” Her voice was suddenly elevated.

  “Nice, huh?”

  “Yeah… I still don’t know what the other photographers did to piss him off.”

  “Well, he might have been the cranky one,” Siri retorted.

  “No, he doesn’t seem to be…”

  “Having a crush on a celebrity… Ariya?”

  “Gosh, stop it, Siri. I said he was nice because he held my hair up when I was puking my guts out.”

  “Oh… puking?”

  Ariya rolled her eyes. “I threw up yesterday, because the ride made me sick.”

  “Fine. Whatever!” Her sister pretended to be hurt.

  “What are you up to? Mom told me you were close to picking a date for the wedding.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t pick the date… the temple priest did, and we agreed even though it is four months out. Now, the location… wait for it… it is going to be at the Jaipur Palace Hotel in beautiful India.”

  “Oh my… how exciting,” Ariya squealed.

  “I can’t wait for you to be back because I need to start shopping.” Siri was excited.

  “Siri, didn’t you just say you had four months.” Ariya rolled her eyes at her sister.

  “I need to pick the outfit for my wedding and take the time to fit into that outfit.”

  “Siri, stop it. You have no weight to lose.”

  “I do have a few more pounds to shed, and I meant getting my flat butt into a perky kind of readiness.” Siri laughed, and Ariya shook her head. “Well, you have no idea what it means to have a flat butt. You have a nice cushion on your rear.”

  “Okay, I will help you pick the outfit when I’m back.”

  “How much longer…” Siri’s voice was lost in the sound of thunder.

  “Wow, this is some storm,” Ariya said looking out of her window.

  “Stay in your room, don’t go wandering off in the dark,” Siri ordered.

  “Okay, I’m gonna go pick up something to eat and go to sleep. Tell Mom I’ll call her in the morning before I go on the river cruise.”

  “Oooh… river cruise. Let me know how that goes.”

  “Yes, I will. Love you. Bye.”

  Ariya missed her mom and sister quite a bit when she was on assignment. She ended up spending a lot of her time with them and less in her apartment when she was not traveling for work.

  Shortly after, Ariya went downstairs to the almost empty restaurant and ordered soup for dinner. She sat at the table with a couple of other crew members who were waiting for their food to take back to their room. The crew had been working tirelessly, and the storm turned out to be a blessing in disguise for everyone to catch their breath.

  When her soup was ready, she took the bag and almost walked out of the restaurant and then decided to eat her meal on the covered balcony. The rain was coming down hard, but she wanted to enjoy the cooling effect the downpour brought that night. She settled on a table away from the splash and sipped her soup staring at the rain.

  She loved the rainy season, and she missed the showers that were a relief from the heat and not the freezing rain in California. She loved the monsoons in India. She remembered playing in the rain as a kid when she visited family during her summer break. The last time she was in India on an assignment, it was during the monsoons, and she had a good time enjoying the piping hot street food in India.

  She sipped the last spoonful of her soup gulping down the warm liquid before getting up to walk closer to the rain. A strong urge to walk into the rain enveloped her, but she knew better. She had just showered, and her hair was still damp. She slowly stuck her hand out under the rain, and the droplets felt heavenly on her palm.

  Ariya walked to the side of the balcony that had a small flight of stairs leading to the picnic area behind the resort. She took off her sandals and stood on the very last step enjoying the feel of the drops on her bare feet. She wanted the feel of the rain on her face but without getting her clothes wet. She put her phone in her pocket and hugged the wooden pillar at the end of the staircase and leaned back to stick her face in the rain.

  She moaned taking in the moment of bliss as fresh rainwater splashed on her skin and what was supposed to be a few seconds to feel the rainwater turned into minutes. Her hair was getting wet, but she could not get herself to step under the covering over the staircase.


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