Just Love

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Just Love Page 5

by Prescott Lane

  “So you have feelings for her?” my dad asks. “It’s not just a physical thing?”

  “Oh hell, I’m not discussing this with you guys anymore,” I say, the screech of the stool my exiting bell.

  Walking into the den, I find Ainsley on the sofa, all alone. Today is supposed to be a celebration—a happy day, but instead, she looks sad and lonely. All I ever want is to see her smile. She looks up at me, and the feel of her lips on mine flashes through my mind.

  She stands up, biting her bottom lip. “I hope we can save our friendship,” she says. “It’s important to me.”

  I take Ainsley by the elbow, leading her down into a little hallway for some privacy. The last thing we need is to have someone overhear. “You have a date?”

  I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to her in this harsh tone before, but she looks prepared to give it right back to me. Her hand finds her hip. Someone needs to do a study on why women’s hands fly to their hips when they’re pissed or annoyed with men.

  Her silent glare increases my level of pissed off tenfold. “Do you feel this with him?”

  Pulling her close, I don’t kiss her. I just let her feel the heat pulsing between our bodies. She doesn’t answer, but I can see her mind spinning. But there’s only one thing on my mind.

  “Fuck it,” I say, slamming my mouth to hers, claiming what is mine and trying to erase any memories she might have of any other man. From the way her hands are sliding all over my body, I’d say I’m pretty damn successful in my efforts.

  My hands slide down to her hips, pulling her closer. Neither of us seem to care that we’re in my parents’ house, that Brody and Skye are just outside. It’s not the thrill that we might get caught driving me. It’s simply the thrill of being with her. I can’t stop. I’ve been wanting her for too long.

  Her hips grind against me, her heat calling me. Daring me to take this further. I hear the back door open and close, the commotion from the party stopping me.

  Ainsley pulls back and straightens her hair, gasping. Her tits rise and fall as she tries to catch her breath. The first time we kissed, we were both in shock it actually happened. This time, we both know this won’t be the last time.

  I hear Skye’s voice asking where we are. Ainsley takes a few steps in that direction. I know she needs to go before we get caught, but still, I whisper, “Wait.”

  She saunters off, throwing me a smile over her shoulder. “I don’t have a date.”



  Did I tell you enough how much I love you?

  A. Rose


  Single. She changed her status to single? I still remember the day she put in a relationship. She was so cute about it, showing me her page, all smiles. It shouldn’t come as a shock that she’s changed it. It’s been long enough.

  No other updates. No new posts or pictures.

  I scroll down her page, finding not a single photo of us. It’s like we didn’t even happen. Our relationship was a secret for so long, she couldn’t exactly post pics of us together. They say if you put something on the internet, it lives forever. There’s no record of us in cyberspace. Nothing to prove how much I love her.

  Nothing except . . .

  I reach for the chain around my neck—her engagement ring resting on my chest.

  When an engagement goes south, a guy only has a few options for the ring. He can return it, sell it, or keep it. I think most men probably want their money back. I mean, why keep it? It’s not like you can give it to someone else down the road. Well, I guess if you don’t value your nuts you could.

  But that’s not why I kept Ainsley’s ring. I kept it as a reminder. A reminder of what my anger cost me. Every time I start to feel angry, I reach for it.

  It’s like I’m reaching for her.

  Sadie comes and rests her head on my legs. This is one reason I’m a dog person. Dogs are sympathetic pets. Even though I brought this whole situation on myself, Sadie doesn’t care. She doesn’t judge. She knows I’m a miserable asshole and loves me anyway. I haven’t been able to push her away like I did Ainsley.

  Not that Ainsley went easily. She put up one helluva fight. I may have won that battle, but I lost her.

  “It’s for the best. It’s the best thing for her. I know it is,” I say to Sadie.



  Most of my happy memories, you are there.

  A. Rose


  She’s not a good liar, yet she fooled me. Just that brief second of thinking she had a date with someone else was enough to make me realize that she’s mine. She needs to be mine. Jealousy isn’t often painted as a positive emotion, but in this case, it was just the kick in the ass I needed. The idea of her hand in some dick wad’s hand, her lips on his, his arm around her, made me crazy. What’s even crazier is that I’m no longer conflicted.

  Brody will have to be dealt with, but that can wait. Maybe he doesn’t even have to know. We can have a little fun together, and no one will get hurt. That delusion fuels my desire, ignoring the parts of myself that know this isn’t just a little fun, and never could be.

  Right after Sadie’s morning walk, I head to see Ainsley. It’s barely nine in the morning, but I couldn’t get her alone again at the party. I wanted to see her last night, but it was late when I finally escaped my parents’ house. And texting her just didn’t seem like the right move. Ainsley opens the door yawning, dressed in only a t-shirt and boxer shorts. Is there anything sexier than a woman dressed in man’s clothes? I’ll take her in one of my shirts over a tight nightclub dress any day.

  “Rhett,” she says, pulling her hair on top of her head in a messy bun. “Now’s not the best time. I’m . . .”

  Sadie comes alive, bombarding Ainsley with kisses. Immediately, I’m jealous of my own dog, who currently has her nose in a place I wouldn’t mind being buried.

  Smiling, Ainsley motions for us to come inside. I remove Sadie’s leash. Ainsley sits on the floor and lets Sadie give her a dog hug, wrapping her neck around Ainsley. “You know all my secrets, don’t you, girl?”

  I bend down, pat Sadie’s head, and ask Ainsley, “What secrets?”

  Sadie whacks me with her tail like she’s telling me it’s none of my business.

  “Sadie got me through a lot of rough days those first few months after Mom and Dad died. I soaked her fur with tears more times than I care to remember.”

  I don’t want to think about those times. It’s a reminder that Ainsley should be off limits, that I’m supposed to be protecting her from guys, not leading her into the dark side, about to encourage her to lie to her brother. But that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I take her hand and help her to her feet, running my fingers down her arms and feeling her quiver at my touch.

  The wait has been long enough. My eyes land on the curve of her neck, and I lean down, letting my warm breath tickle her. I swear she wobbles, weak in the knees. Lightly trailing kisses down her neck, I let my tongue linger, tasting her sweet skin.

  “Rhett,” she says breathless. “You have to go.”

  “You really want me to go?” I ask, continuing to kiss her neck.

  “No, but . . .” Ainsley moans, gripping my shirt and pulling me tighter into her body. Sadie runs to the front door barking, and Ainsley steps back, putting her hand on my chest. “Skye’s coming over this morning to look at wedding dress sketches.” I groan, and she shakes her head at me, smiling. “We can talk later.”

  Talking isn’t what I had in mind. “Can you lie to Skye and Brody?” I ask.

  “Do I need to lie to them?” she asks. Her lip pops out in an adorable little pout, but no matter how cute she is, it doesn’t change the fact that whatever this is can’t get back to Brody. She needs to know that. The last thing I want to do is hurt her. It’s best to be honest about what this is. What this can only be.

  “I think we can have a little fun together. I don’t think Brody needs t
o know about that,” I say.

  The door flies open. No knock, no doorbell, nothing. I guess Skye’s used to this being Brody’s place—where she came and went as she pleased. Ainsley and I both take a few paces back from each other, and Skye’s eyes dart to me. I’m not about to look away. That’s as good as admitting guilt. I keep my eyes fixed on her, and Skye holds my gaze while kissing Ainsley on the cheek.

  Skye turns to me and asks, “What are you doing here so early?”

  “The kitchen sink was clogged,” I say quickly. “I was just on my way out.”

  “Let me go grab my sketches,” Ainsley says, wringing her hands together.

  Jesus, she looks so guilty. We’re going to have to work on her acting skills. She disappears into her bedroom, and I grab Sadie’s leash to make a quick escape.

  “You better stop this right now,” Skye whispers harshly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, putting on my best innocent act.

  “Bullshit, anyone can see you are attracted to her.” Her judgmental eyes slide down to the bulge in my shorts. “You are putting me in a difficult spot with Brody.”

  “Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Fine, you want to play dumb and innocent, go right ahead. But you are jeopardizing your friendship with me, Brody, her, and your business.” Skye shakes her head. “You know her, how she is. A hopeless romantic. She wants the fairytale she has in her mind of her parents. Hell, what she thinks of Brody and me. The white knight, everlasting love. She designs wedding dresses, for goodness sake! And you know that she deserves it, so you better think long and hard about what you’re doing here.”

  “Skye, I don’t know what you think, but the sink . . .”

  She points her finger in my face. “I suggest you back the hell off before you break her heart. I won’t cover for you with Brody.”

  Ainsley returns carrying her sketchpad. “Everything alright?”

  “Fine,” I say firmly then walk out the door with Sadie.

  Who the hell does Skye think she is? What Ainsley and I do in our private lives is none of her damn business. I pound on the elevator keys, knowing I’m lying to myself again.

  The lies we tell ourselves are the ones that become our truths.

  Hardcore truth—whatever I do with Ainsley will affect Brody and Skye.

  I take Sadie off her leash and open the door to my condo. “Hey, dude, where you been?” Brody asks from my kitchen island.

  Note to self: change locks on both my condo and Ainsley’s condo, so these people can’t just let themselves in. “I took Sadie for a walk and then went down to Ainsley’s place. Kitchen sink was clogged.”

  “Glad you’re around to help her out with things like that,” Brody says, opening the refrigerator. “But why didn’t she call me?”

  “She didn’t want to bother you,” I say. “It’s not like you live two minutes away.”

  My stomach lurches, and I swear Sadie shakes her head at me. It’s just a little lie. But it’s yet another one. Damn, they’re really piling up.

  Brody looks at me, his forehead wrinkling up. “Dude, you really look like shit.”

  “Didn’t get much sleep.”

  Brody leans against the counter, untwisting the cap of his water. “Who is she?”

  My throat tightens. This isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. Trying to play it cool, I say, “You’re about to get married, have sex with the same woman for the rest of your life. You don’t want to hear about my nights as a bachelor.”

  “Lucky bastard,” Brody says.

  “That’s what you get for dating the same girl for ten years.”

  Brody smiles. “Want me to tell you the upside to marriage and committed relationships?”


  “Too bad,” he says. “The sex is a guarantee. So you might get lucky once a week, but I can have it every night.”

  Brody plops down on the sofa, all proud of himself.

  “I’m not sure that’s accurate,” I say as I look down at Sadie with her tongue hanging out like she’s laughing at me. “I’ve always heard marriage is the death of sex.”

  Brody is wrong thinking I have a once-a-week thing. I gave up on random hook-ups years ago, opting for something steady until the girl got too serious. But currently, there’s only one woman I want in my bed. My best friend just has no idea it’s his little sister.

  Does anyone even like engagement parties? I mean, besides the couple getting married. Thank God, there’s an open bar. The hotel ballroom is busting with people. It seems ridiculous to me to have so many people at an engagement party. What’s the wedding going to be like? How could it top this?

  I haven’t ever thought about getting married, but if I did, it wouldn’t be a circus or a show. Skye wants the whole deal, though. After ten years of being with Brody, I guess she figures they deserve it.

  Beer in hand, I try not to stare at the door. The room is full of women, Skye’s friends and future bridesmaids, but there’s only one woman whose arrival I’m waiting for. Ainsley’s been MIA all day, helping Skye with last minute details for tonight. I have no idea whether she scrounged up a date at the last minute so Skye and Brody didn’t catch her in a lie, or if she made up some excuse why her date cancelled.

  I look to the door as she floats in. Her strawberry blonde hair moves as she walks, and she’s smiling. The peachy pink color of her dress matches her skin, and the sweetheart neckline frames her tits perfectly. I have to force myself to look away.

  At least, she walked in alone.

  The night passes with well wishes, drinks, and food. I do my best not to stare, but Ainsley is beating me at my own game. Not once have I been able to catch her eye. Not one glance, smile, or hello pass between us.

  Things with Ainsley have been simple in the past. Our friendship was an easy one, but as soon as we flipped the switch from friendship to something else, things changed. Now, neither one of us seems to know how to act around each other, at least in public. If we were alone, I’d have her in my arms, we’d be talking and laughing, and kissing. It’s as if we talk now, everyone would be able to see right through us, somehow know that we kissed. But avoiding each other probably raises more of a red flag.

  Pulling out my phone, I send her a text.

  Meet me on the patio.

  I watch her from across the room, seeing her pull her phone from her purse. She reads my message and her eyes dart up, scanning the crowd in search for me. Her smile is my answer.

  I wait a couple minutes before I join her. The warm Charleston breeze greets me as I step outside. I can feel Ainsley’s presence before I even see or hear her. It’s like a wave of heat over my body.

  When she turns to me, her blue eyes are darker than usual. “Just fun,” she says, and I’m not sure if she’s reminding herself or me. “That’s all this can be.”

  She walks to the edge of the patio, hidden in the shadows behind some trees. She gets this look in her eyes like she’s daring me to come get her.

  In the game of truth or dare, I always did take the dare. It’s always easier than the truth.

  Her lips crash into mine. She’s full of surprises. I always knew she had a little wild child in her. I just never got to be on the receiving end. I turn, pinning her up against the wall, and meet her tongue.

  “Now,” she whispers, undoing the zipper on my pants.

  I get the feeling it’s now or never. She’ll lose her nerve if she thinks about it too much. Thank God, it’s dark and we’re a few floors up; otherwise, we’d be putting on quite a show, and probably end up on the internet somewhere.

  “Christ,” I whisper, reaching up her dress and sliding her panties off. I’m pretty sure I just lost my mind—I’m going to have sex with my best friend’s baby sister on the patio of his engagement party. I lift her up, and she wraps her legs around me as I slam into her.

  We both groan loudly then say “Shh!” to each other at the same time.
  I hold her there for a second and smile. She’s so wet for me, and she looks so beautiful and feels so warm wrapped around me. I want all of her and not fast and furious, but slow and savoring, but that will have to wait.

  “This is going to be quick,” I moan through gritted teeth, thrusting into her hard and fast.

  I watch her face as her eyes clench shut, and she bites her bottom lip. Her nails dig into my shoulders. I can feel her tightening around me. I told her this would be quick, but not so quick that she doesn’t finish. I don’t believe in that shit.

  She lowers her head onto my shoulder and bites down, screaming my name as she finishes. Her body coils tightly around me, then releases, and she makes this sound—this breathy little satisfied moan. Something inside me knows, that sound—that simple little sound will break me.

  “Good girl,” I say, not wanting this to end, but a few more hard thrusts into her and I’m there, groaning her name.

  Her name. I’ve said it a thousand times. But it’s never felt like this.

  She lifts her head, and I lower my forehead onto hers as she smiles. We wait for our breath to return to normal, then she lowers her legs to the ground.

  She flashes me a smile. “That was fun.”

  Trying not to laugh, I say, “More than a little.”

  Reaching up, she touches my cheek. “Better get that sex smirk off your face.”

  This time, I can’t control the laugh that escapes. Ainsley glances toward the patio door, suddenly aware that we’ve been gone too long. Zipping up and snatching her panties off the ground, I reach under her dress and wipe her gently, and she shakes her head, clearly embarrassed.

  “Better go to the ladies’ room,” Ainsley says. She smooths my tie, brushes off my jacket, and fixes my hair. “See you in a few minutes.”

  She starts back inside, and I grab her hand, pulling her into a lingering kiss, my tongue slowly circling hers. I move my hand to the back of her neck as I draw her closer, memorizing the feel of her mouth. She puts her hand on my chest, giving a sexy smile before walking back inside.


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