Sapphire FallsGoing for Wilder

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Sapphire FallsGoing for Wilder Page 12

by Trish Edmisten

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on!” Shelby turned and took a step closer to Jackson. “What’s going on is that I’m not going to let you stomp all over my sister’s feelings anymore!”

  “What are you talking about?” Jackson’s frown deepened.

  “Jillian’s not some toy, Jackson,” Shelby said, glaring up at him. “You can’t play with her for a little while after leaving her on a shelf for ten years and then put her back until you’re ready to play again.”

  “Shelby, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m not here to play with Jillian or stomp on her feelings.”

  “Then what are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to talk to Jill.”

  “What right do you have to talk to Jill after what you did to her?”

  “I get that you’re worried about your sister, but this is between me and Jill.”

  Shelby drew in a deep breath, probably gearing up for another rant.

  “He’s right, Shell,” Garrett said. “You have to let them work this out.”

  Jackson waited for Shelby to turn her anger on Garrett, but she exhaled.

  “Okay, fine, you’re right,” Shelby admitted, her eyes still on Jackson. “But so help me God, Jackson, if you do anything else to hurt my sister, I’m going to put a snake in your bed. Only it won’t be a garter snake.”

  Jackson tried to hide his smile at the long ago memory, especially when he knew Shelby probably meant it. Shelby spared him one final withering glance before she turned and stormed off.

  Instead of going after her, Garrett stayed behind.

  “Thanks,” Jackson said.

  “Thank me by not screwing things up with Jillian.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Good, because if you hurt her again, a snake in your bed is nothing compared to a pissed off Marine.”

  Jackson was no slouch in a fight, but he would take a venomous snake over a pissed off Marine any day of the week.

  It didn’t take long for Jillian to regret the long sleeved sweater and poodle skirt. The line hadn’t let up since she’d taken her turn at selling candy apples and hot apple cider, and the hectic pace had sweat running down her chest and pooling in her bra.

  “This is so awesome,” Claudia said. “At this rate, we’ll make more money than we did last year.”

  “I just hope we don’t run out of anything,” Jillian agreed as she returned Claudia’s infectious smile.

  Jillian and Claudia had gone to high school together, both of them playing in the orchestra. While Jillian had played piano, Claudia was a violin player.

  Claudia’s smile suddenly grew even brighter. “I didn’t know you and Jackson Wilder were dating.”

  Jillian blanched at the mention of Jackson. “We’re not.”

  “Then why is he coming this way dressed as Danny Zuko?”

  Just as Claudia asked the question, Jillian spotted him.

  Jackson made for a convincing Danny Zuko. Not even the leather jacket could hide the tight black T-shirt he wore. The way those jeans were molded to his legs allowed everyone to see his muscles flexing with every step he took.

  Rather than assuming a place at the back of the line, Jackson strolled right up to the counter.

  “Hey, Jackson,” Claudia greeted him first. “Your costume looks great.”

  “Thanks,” Jackson said, winking at her.

  “You can’t cut the line,” Jillian said.

  Jackson grinned. “I’m not cutting the line.”

  “You walked right past all those people.” Jillian pointed to the growing line.

  “I know, but I don’t want a candy apple or any cider.”

  “Then what do you want, Jack? We’re busy.”

  “I want a kiss.”

  “I’m not kissing you.”

  “Why not?” Jackson resumed his sly grin. “This is a kissing booth, isn’t it?”

  “The last time I kissed you, you said it was a mistake,” Jillian reminded him. “Now go away and stop making a scene.”

  Jackson’s expression sobered. “I’m not going away, Jill.”

  “Then stay there for all I care, but I’m not kissing you. Not now, not ever.” Jillian focused her attention on the next couple in line. “What can I get for you?”

  The husband asked for two candy apples while the wife slid her gaze in Jackson’s direction. Ignoring Jackson, Jillian turned to grab the order.

  “I love you, Jill,” Jackson said.

  Jillian froze, the candy apples forgotten for the moment.

  “I never stopped loving you,” Jackson continued.

  A snort escaped her, but the sincerity in his eyes had her drawing up short when she whirled to confront him.

  “I know I’ve hurt you for a long time, and I’m so sorry.” Jackson pinned her in place with his gaze. “I never wanted to hurt you. I was trying to keep from being hurt by you.”

  Jillian frowned. “Why would ”

  “When my mom died, and I saw how it affected my dad, it scared me,” Jackson cut her off. “I knew he loved her, but I didn’t realize how much he depended on that love until she died. I couldn’t take the thought of losing you and ending up a broken down drunk like him.”

  Jillian sucked in a sharp breath both at the words and the memory of her mother crying in her father’s arms. Countless times, her mother had begged her father to do something to help Vince so that he didn’t end up following Sonia to an early grave. Every time, her father would reply that there was nothing anyone but Vince could do.

  “I love you, Jill,” Jackson said again. “I know I’ve got a lot to make up for, but I want you to know I’m not giving up on you again.”

  Part of her wanted to throw herself over the counter and straight into his arms. The other part of her was afraid of trusting him and having her heart broken when he changed his mind again.

  “All I’m asking for is one chance, and I won’t let you down again,” Jackson said. “If you think you can give me that chance, meet me at the Ferris wheel when your shift is over.”

  Jillian’s mouth fell open as he turned and strolled away as though he hadn’t just splayed his heart open for the entire town to see.

  “Wow,” Claudia murmured. “What are you going to do?”

  Jillian had no idea what she was going to do.

  Sitting on the front steps of Scott’s Sweets, Jillian watched as kids and their parents wandered the petting zoo across the street. The cup of cider she’d purchased before leaving the booth had long since grown cold.

  Ten years, she’d been waiting for Jackson to admit his feelings. Now that he had, she wasn’t sure what she was going to do. What she wanted to do warred with what she thought she should do.

  “Is it okay if I sit with you?”

  Jillian looked up at the sound of her sister’s voice. Shelby stood over her, a tentative smile on her face.

  “Could I stop you if I wanted to?” Jillian asked.

  Shelby’s face fell, but she still moved to sit beside Jillian. “I guess you’re still mad at me.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  “Honestly, no. I’d be mad at me too, but I’d forgive me because I’d know I was only doing it because I love my sister so much, and I’d do anything to see her happy.”

  Jillian couldn’t help giving in to a tiny smile.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Jillian knew what her sister was asking, and she wasn’t surprised. It probably hadn’t taken long for Jackson’s public declaration to make its way through the crowd.

  As much as she wanted to throw caution to the wind, how could she trust him? Now that she knew the reason he’d walked away the first time, how could she be sure he wasn’t going to throw in the towel the next time things got too tough?

  “Do you want to know what I think?” Shelby asked.

  “Even if I said no, you’d tell me anyway,” Jillian said, smiling as she bumped shoulders with her sister.

  “I think you already k
now what you’re going to do, but you’re afraid.”

  “Wouldn’t you be?”

  “Terrified, actually, but I wouldn’t let it stop me.”

  No, she wouldn’t. Of the two of them, Shelby had always been the fearless one while Jillian was the practical sister who’d always played it safe.

  Letting her eyes drift toward the glittering lights of the Ferris wheel, Jillian wondered if maybe it was time to take a page out of Shelby’s book. Maybe it was time to go after what she’d wanted her entire life and not let anything stop her.

  “Good luck, Jackson. Hope she shows, man.”

  Jackson nodded his thanks, having heard those words and a few variations several times. More than an hour had passed since he’d left Jillian at the kissing booth. Plenty of time for word of what Jackson had done to make its way through the crowd.

  He had no idea how long Jillian’s shift at the booth lasted or if she’d gone home the minute his back was turned. It didn’t matter. Jackson would wait there all night if he had to, and if she didn’t show, he’d just show up on her doorstep tomorrow.

  Jackson meant what he said. Giving up on Jillian a second time was no longer an option, and he would do whatever it took to earn her love and trust again.

  As he watched the Ferris wheel doing a slow spin, he hoped she would show up. Not because he wanted to save face or spare his pride but because he wanted to be among the happy couples nestled in one of those baskets.

  Jackson tensed when he spotted Sophia and Ron Somers. No doubt they’d heard what he’d said to Jillian, and he hoped to God they weren’t going to tell him it was too little too late.

  A honey colored Chihuahua trotted ahead of them as far as his leash would allow. When they drew closer, he realized the dog was Jillian’s, and it looked like she’d dressed him in a jacket of all things.

  “Hello, Jackson,” Sophia said, smiling at him.

  “Ma’am,” Jackson said. “I see you busted out of prison tonight.”

  Sophia laughed. “I sure did, thanks to this here pirate.”

  “How are you, sir?” Jackson addressed Ron.

  “It’s been a fine evening, son,” Ron replied.

  Jackson glanced down at the dog who was in fact wearing a jacket, the word ‘T-Birds’ emblazoned on the back.

  “We heard about what you did,” Sophia said.

  “Yeah, I uh…”

  “We’re so proud of you,” Sophia continued.

  “What will you do if she doesn’t show?” Ron asked.

  “I hope she will, but it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t,” Jackson said.

  Sophia knitted her eyebrows together. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?”

  “I’m not giving up on her,” Jackson explained. “It took me ten years to realize what a fool I was for pushing Jill away. I guess I can’t really blame her if she takes ten years to give me another chance.”

  Stepping closer to him, Sophia laid a gentle hand on his cheek. “I’m glad to hear you say that, Jackson.”

  “I am too, but something tells me it probably won’t take Jilly ten years to come around, even though she can be a stubborn little thing,” Ron said with a sly smile. “You enjoy your evening, son.”

  “You too, sir,” Jackson said.

  “We’ll see you soon, Jackson,” Sophia added, and Jackson nodded.

  When they moved on, Jackson scanned the crowd, but there was still no sign of Jillian.

  “I’m not that stubborn.”

  Jackson’s shoulders jumped as he turned to face Jillian. “You’re here.”

  “I’m here,” Jillian agreed.

  The warmth of her smile filled him with relief while his heart skipped a beat. Even in that ridiculous poodle skirt and the sweater that covered everything, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “So,” Jillian said, drawing the word out. “Now what?”

  “I was hoping you’d go for a ride with me on the Ferris wheel.”

  Jillian considered it for a moment before she nodded.

  Jackson held an arm in her direction, and she didn’t hesitate to slip her arm through his. Since he already had the tickets in his pocket, along with a plan, he steered them toward the front of the line.

  “What are you doing?” Jillian asked.

  “I’m taking you for a spin on the Ferris wheel.”

  “I meant why aren’t we going to the back of the line?”

  Jackson grinned. “You’ll see.”

  “Hey, Jackson,” Freddie said. “You ready to go up?”

  “Yeah, we are,” Jackson answered.

  Freddie Lerner, the grandson of one of his grandpa’s friends, was currently manning the Ferris wheel. Jackson had offered him a fifty if he’d let them skirt the line if Jill showed up, but Freddie had turned him down and told him that he’d let them do it for free.

  When it came time for them to climb into their seat, Jackson held the gate open for Jillian to enter first. After he slid in beside her, Freddie closed the gate behind them and gave Jackson a dopey grin before he moved them up so that he could help the next pair inside.

  Smiling, she turned to face him. “How much did that cost you?”

  “Would you believe me if I said it didn’t cost a damn thing?”

  “Sure. It’s not like you’d have anything to gain by lying about that.”

  Jackson slipped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against him. “And would you believe me if I said I love you?”

  Jillian’s breath hitched, but she didn’t pull away.

  “I love you, Jill,” Jackson repeated. “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  Finally, she threaded her arms around his neck. “I love you too, Jack.”

  Desire darkened her eyes before he fused his mouth to hers. When her lips parted in a soft moan, he slid his tongue over hers. Jillian tightened her hold on him, at the same time deepening the kiss.

  Drawing back, he rested his forehead against hers. “You kissed me on the Ferris wheel. You know what that means.”


  “You’re mine forever now.”

  “I’ve been yours since the day I was born, Jack,” she said softly. “It just took you ten years to remember.”

  Jackson hadn’t forgotten. It had taken him ten years to admit it. Now that he had, and she was in his arms where she’d always belonged, he was going to do everything he could to keep her there; forever.


  Trish Edmisten is the author of several novels, including Extraordinary Will, a Reader Views Literary Award Winner. Her work has appeared in Writer’s Journal, Creative With Words and A Long Story Short. Besides being an author, she holds a degree in criminology. Trish lives in Fresno, California with her husband and their two daughters. To learn more about Trish, visit her website You can also follow her on Twitter, @trishthewriter and be sure you follow her blog [email protected].

  Look for these titles by Trish Edmisten

  Like You Mean It

  Extraordinary Will

  No Matter What

  Time for Love Series:

  This Time

  Next Time

  Tough Times

  It’s About Time

  Taking On Love Series:

  Taking a Gamble

  Taking a Chance

  Taking a Risk

  Taking Another Shot

  The Lincoln Brothers:

  Letters from Linc

  After All These Years

  The Kinkaid Brothers Trilogy:

  Change Up


  Welcome to SAPPHIRE FALLS—a tiny Midwestern gem overflowing with small-town charm. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy happy hour at the Come Again bar, a tasty treat at Scott’s Sweets, a country-music-infused party at the river with a mason jar of legendary Booze, or even join in the fun at one of the annual town festivals, where the locals specialize in making you feel right at home.
br />   But fair warning: Love is always in the air, and visitors tend to fall quickly—for the town and its inhabitants. You may not be looking for happily ever after…but in Sapphire Falls, happily ever after might come looking for you.

  Start with the original series by Erin Nicholas:

  Getting Out of Hand (Book 1 – Adrianne and Mason)

  Getting Worked Up (Book 2 – Phoebe and Joe)

  Getting Dirty (Book 3 – Lauren and Travis)

  Getting In the Spirit (Christmas novella, Kate and Levi)

  Getting In the Mood (Valentine novella, Kate and Levi)

  Getting It All (Book 4 – Delaney and Tucker)

  Getting Lucky (Book 5 – Hope and TJ)

  Getting Over It (Book 6 – Hailey and Ty)

  Getting to Her (Book 6.5 – Hailey and Ty)

  Getting to the Church On Time (Wedding novella – all)

  Getting His Way (Book 7 – Tessa and Bryan)

  Getting Wound Up with author Jennifer Bernard (Caitlyn and Eli)

  Then move on to these amazing Sapphire Falls reads from Kindle Worlds:

  October 2016 Release

  Going Back to Find You - PG Forte

  Because even vampires deserve a second chance.

  Going Crazy for You - Allison Gatta

  Getting her help is going to be a lot easier said than done...

  Going for Brook - Kinsey Holley

  He can’t live with her, he can’t leave without her.

  Going for the Moment - Elena Aitken

  Sometimes opposites don’t just attract, they collide.

  Going for Wilder - Trish Edmisten

  It’s been ten years since Jackson walked away from the only woman he ever loved. Maybe it’s time to get her back.

  Going Haywire - Rachelle Ayala

  Vampires, zombies, and wolves, oh my! Honey's vacation with her ex-husband goes haywire when he tries too hard to get her back.

  Going Home - Amanda McIntyre

  Sometimes what your heart is searching for is never far from home.


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