Interview With a Dom

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Interview With a Dom Page 2

by Holla Dean

  “Thank you,” Kylie said as she sat down in one of the chairs in front of the desk. “I appreciate you taking the time to see me and help me with my project.”

  “I’m happy to help,” Alex replied. “There is so much bad information out there on this lifestyle that I look forward to having an honest and truthful depiction of it in your novel. Why don’t we start with whatever questions you’ve prepared?”

  “I haven’t prepared any questions, Alex. I’m afraid I have absolutely no knowledge of this lifestyle. I thought you could just start out talking, telling me about it, maybe explaining how and why a person gets involved with this kind of life. Then I’m sure I’ll have some questions.”

  He looked at her with his dark eyes and said, “You will address me as ‘Sir’ when you speak to me.”

  It clearly was a command and not a request. Kylie didn’t really feel she needed to address him as ‘Sir’ but since she needed his help, she would humor him. She figured it must be some Dom thing so she’d go along with it for now.

  “Very well, Sir.” Kylie said. She couldn’t keep from raising her eyebrows in an expression that clearly said, Uh okay, in an exaggerated way.

  “Do you have a problem with my request?” He demanded to know.

  “, sir. I don’t. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it. I don’t normally address anyone in that manner.” She tried to appease him; the last thing she wanted was for him to ask her to leave before she got the information she wanted.

  “Then I would suggest you keep your disrespectful facial expressions under control.”

  “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Kylie replied.

  Alex began to talk about why someone becomes involved in a Dom/sub relationship.

  “I believe that it is not a decision one makes, but rather a ‘need’ a person has. A Dom has a need to dominate. He or she generally does not do well taking orders and being submissive. A sub has a need to serve, to take direction, to make his or her Dom happy.”

  They spent the next three hours in Alex’s office talking. He discussed aspects of personalities for Doms and for subs. He explained that contracts were often used, but not always, to clarify the roles of each party and to agree on what punishments would be administered. Kylie took notes and had plenty of questions that she asked as Alex continued to talk.

  Finally, Alex said he had another appointment coming and would have to end their visit.

  “I would be open to meeting with you again, Kylie.”

  Kylie replied, “I would like to organize my notes and write out what I’ve learned today. I’m sure I will have many more questions from the information you’ve given me today.”

  “Why don’t we make an appointment for next week? Perhaps it would help you in your research if you came to my home and I could show you”

  “Are you referring to your dungeon?” She asked.

  “Yes, though some call it a playroom.”

  Kylie thought for a moment. She supposed this was her one chance to see a room like this and she should take advantage of the opportunity. She did feel comfortable with Alex and felt it would be safe to go to his home.

  “All right, I’d like to see your room. For research purposes only, of course.”

  “Of course.” Alex smiled slightly.

  “Thank you very much for your time,” Kylie said after they agreed on a date and time for their next appointment.

  Alex raised his eyebrow and looked at her. When she looked back at him inquiringly, he said, “Thank you very much...what?”

  At first she didn’t get it and then she clicked her tongue, rolled her eyes, and said, “Thank you very much, Sir.”

  “Careful young lady, you are coming very close to disrespect with your attitude.”

  Kylie almost clicked her tongue again but caught herself and said, “I apologize, Sir. Until next week.”

  She left his office and drove home to contemplate over her visit with the Dom. There was so much she had to think about; it was almost overwhelming. She was very attracted to Alex. In fact, he was the first man she had felt any attraction for since her husband died. If she didn’t know he was a Dom, she might want to get to know him better.

  Kylie got on her computer and began transcribing her notes and organizing them into subheadings. She labeled them Traits of a Dom, Traits of a Sub, Contract terms, and Punishments.

  After her next appointment she would add headings for equipment, dungeon furnishings, and clothing. She was looking forward to seeing his dungeon and his equipment; she would ask him what the purpose was of every unfamiliar item.

  The week dragged by for Kylie. She started writing another novel just to keep busy. It was of the same type as her previous novels had been. What she now knew was referred to as ‘vanilla romance.’ She supposed she could spice it up as she learned more about the Dom/sub culture and BDSM.

  Finally the big day arrived. In her mind, she’d been calling this ‘The Dungeon Day.’ She dressed conservatively again so as not to give the wrong impression. She wore a skirt that came down to a few inches below her knees, white blouse, and a sweater.

  Alex’s neighborhood was upper middle class. Or, Kylie thought, lower upper class. It was definitely out of her price range. It was a gated community with an attendant at the gate who phoned Alex to announce her before he allowed her to pass through the gate.

  His home was at the far end of the subdivision, the last home on his block, and situated on a larger than average lot. Kylie wondered if the location had been purposely chosen.

  She pulled into his driveway and when she walked to the gate of his courtyard, he was there waiting for her.

  “Welcome,” he greeted her. “Please come in.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” She responded.

  Alex shut the gate and locked the padlock on the latch before turning around to take her into the house. He saw the flash of concern in her eyes when she realized that he had just barred her from exiting the courtyard on her own.

  “I always keep this gate locked,” he explained. “Being in a gated community keeps the riff-raff out, but every now and then we have residents who feel they must door knock for political or other community organizations. I prefer to keep them out. I give you my word that no harm will come to you within my home.”

  He sounded sincere and Kylie felt comfortable with him, so she let it go. She figured if she was completely wrong in her judgment, she was in good enough shape to scale the gate and get the hell out of there.

  Alex led her to the kitchen where he offered her a glass of wine. She was nervous and accepted it, hoping it would calm her down for the dungeon tour.

  “Did you come up with any other questions for me?” He asked her.

  “Yes, Sir.” She responded. “I have several and expect to have even more after you show me your room.”

  “Why don’t we get the questions you already have out of the way and then we’ll deal with the rest of them later? It’ll be easier for you to make notes out here. My room is not very well lighted for note taking.”

  Kylie spent nearly an hour going over her questions and jotting down his answers.

  It was time for the dungeon. She followed him down a hall to a room with double doors. Alex took a key from his pocket, unlocked the door, and held it open for her to enter.

  Kylie looked around when she stepped into the room. It appeared to be a modified master bedroom. Three of the walls were painted black and the fourth one was red. A huge king size bed was up against the middle of the red wall. It was a four poster bed with loops around each post resting on the mattress.

  For tying his sub to the bed, Kylie surmised. She felt a shiver run through her as she imagined a naked, sexy woman tied to the bed.

  She tore her eyes away from the restraining loops and continued looking around. To the left of the bed was a rack with various implements hanging from it. She saw several canes of various thickness, wooden paddles - some with holes drilled in them, leather paddles of dif
ferent lengths, whips, floggers, riding crops, leather belts, a folded leather strap, an eye mask, and some metal clips that Kylie was sure from her internet research were nipple clamps.

  Kylie felt her buttocks clench at the thought of being struck with any of those implements. Her thighs squeezed together and she wondered if that was dampness she felt on her panties. Was her pussy wet? Not possible, she told herself. No way could these instruments of torture excite her.

  She turned her back on the rack of implements and looked across the room. There was a wooden contraption that she could only describe as a cross mounted on a sturdy base. The horizontal bar had restraints on it. The tall upright had diagonal posts attached to the upright and the base. These diagonals had restraints on them as well. Kylie could imagined it was to spread the legs of the sub and tie them in place. She wondered what kind of punishment was done to the sub once she was in this position. And was the sub restrained facing the wall or facing out towards the room? Or both? Maybe it depended on what the cross was being used for. Again, the shiver ran through her body.

  The third wall had another contraption that looked somewhat like a saw horse, though it was padded on top. There was an upholstered bench next to it. Without thinking she pointed at the saw horse and asked, “What’s that for?”

  Alex cleared his throat and raised his eyebrow.

  Kylie said, “What’s that for, Sir?”

  “It’s a spanking pony. The sub is placed on it and restrained. It puts the buttocks in perfect spanking position and the sub will not be able to move. It is very useful when a long punishment spanking is called for.”

  She took a deep breath, pointed to the cross and said, “I thought that’s what that thing was for...uh... Sir.”

  “It is to some degree. The cross is a little more versatile and with it the Dom can administer punishment that may use several different implements.”

  Kylie pointed to a table that was about waist high on the wall near the bathroom door. It was padded and about the width of a single bed. “And that table? What is done on that table...Sir?”

  “That table is of a proper height so the Dom can fuck his sub while standing. He can bend his sub over the table and she will be of the right height for him to take her in the ass. Or she can sit on the table and be fucked in her pussy. Or the Dom can perform oral sex on her if he so desires.”

  Kylie swallowed hard as images of these acts raced through her mind. Her pussy was getting wetter.

  She walked into to the bathroom and switched on the light. The lighting was much brighter in here, though it could be controlled with the rheostat switch. The long granite countertop had two sinks and there were several bottles and tubes of various lotions and potions. The commode was in its own small room. The shower was big enough for six people to have an orgy in there and had several showerheads. The bathtub was a giant Roman tub with jets.

  Thick, plush towels were hanging next to the tub and shower. Matching plush bathrobes were waiting to be used.

  She walked back into the dungeon/playroom and perused everything again. Unbelievable, she thought. That anyone would willingly come in here and submit their bodies to another person. One who enjoyed causing pain.

  She noticed a pad on the floor at the foot of the bed. It was two feet by two feet square. She asked what its purpose was.

  “When I send my sub in here, I expect her to kneel there and wait for me. She is to be naked and looking down at the floor until I enter the room and tell her she can lift her head.”

  Kylie couldn’t think of a response for that. There was nothing further she wanted to know or see. She was ready to go. At this point she didn’t even know if she could write about this sort of thing. She looked over at Alex.

  “I’ve seen enough. I want to thank you for speaking with me and for showing me your room. I’d like to leave now.”

  Alex raised his highbrows in that way that she had learned meant she’d forgotten to say ‘Sir.’

  Kylie didn’t care. “I’d like to leave now, please. Will you please unlock your courtyard gate and let me out?”

  Alex sighed, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Kylie was not going to address him as ‘Sir’ again.

  “No, I don’t believe I am forgetting anything. I’d like to leave now.”

  “You will address me as ‘Sir’ when you speak to me.”

  She sighed and said, “No, I will not. I am not your sub, you are not my Dom. I appreciate that you’ve helped me out with my research, and I’ll pay you for your time if you so desire. But I will not call you ‘Sir’ again.”

  Alex walked over to the upholstered bench that was next to the spanking pony and sat down.

  “Come here, Kylie.”

  She was sick of his commands and orders. But she wanted to get out of this place and if obeying him this one time would get him to unlock the gate latch, she would do it.

  “You don’t like this room, do you?” He asked her.

  “No, I don’t. I’d like to leave.”

  “You seem to have a hard time displaying any respect for things that are out of the ordinary.”

  “It’s not that, Alex. This room makes me uncomfortable and I’d really like to leave now.”

  “Is the reason for this uncomfortable feeling because you don’t understand why your pussy is wet?”

  Oh god, how could he possibly know how her pussy reacted to the things in this room?

  “It’s not that, Alex. It’s just that...”

  “Now you are lying to me, Kylie. I will not have it and you will be punished.”


  Before she could finish, she found herself over his knee and he was spanking her! Spanking her hard!

  He paused long enough to pull her skirt up and tear down her panties and then continued on her bare bottom!

  Kylie cried out with every blow to her ass. She begged, “Stop! Stop it right now! You can’t do this to me!”

  Alex continued spanking her ass while he lectured her. “You are an ill-mannered young woman. You came to me for help and I freely gave it you and still you speak to me with disdain. You are lucky that I don’t take my belt to your ass!”

  She was sobbing now, “Please! Stop! It hurts!”

  “Yes, it hurts. And it will hurt more before I’m finished with you! Perhaps this will teach you to behave when people go out of their way to help you!”

  She couldn’t take it anymore. Her ass felt like it was on fire and she knew her pussy was dripping wet.

  “Please Sir! Stop! I...I...apologize for my behavior! Please Sir, stop!”

  Miraculously, once she addressed him as ‘Sir’ he stopped spanking her. He pulled up her panties and lowered her skirt.

  Her face was wet with her tears as he led her out of his home to the locked courtyard gate. Neither had spoken since Alex stopped the spanking. Kylie hic-cupped a couple of times as she tried to get herself under control.

  When the gate was finally open, she walked out without saying anything.

  Alex called out to her, “Kylie.”

  She turned toward him but said nothing.

  “Be here tomorrow evening at eight o’clock. I have a few more things to show you.”

  Her jaw dropped open and her eyes widened. She chose not to answer him. She would never see him again. Kylie got into her car and drove home in a daze of disbelief, wondering what exactly had just happened.

  Chapter Three

  Kylie had a mostly sleepless night. Thoughts of that torture room and the spanking she had endured kept her from being able to fall asleep.

  Her traitorous pussy had completely shocked her when she was in the dungeon. That she had almost come while she was being spanked and humiliated was beyond anything she could understand.

  She spent the next day doing very little; her mind occupied by the events of the previous night. Kylie was so confused. She had not enjoyed the spanking. Not one iota. It was painful and humiliating. Yet, she had been extremely ar
oused. Her panties were soaked through when she got home. In fact, they were so wet that she suspected she’d had an orgasm while she was begging him to cease his abuse. But that couldn’t be right, who would not know for certain that they’d had an orgasm?

  It had to be simply that she was sex starved. Kylie had not so much as flirted with a man since Ben had died. That was the reason she had been aroused by such a barbaric act. Not because she had enjoyed it.

  By the middle of the afternoon she was talking herself into going back to Alex’s home for that eight o’clock meeting. She was curious to know what else he had to show her. But he had humiliated her with the spanking and she didn’t know if she could bring herself to face him again.

  Surely she had enough information to come up with some sort of storyline for a book. She didn’t really need to see him again.

  But what if he had something to show her that would make her book shine above all other books of this genre? Could she really risk missing out on that possibility?

  At six o’clock she ate a light dinner and then took a shower and dressed to go to Alex’s home. She wore pants this time thinking just in case he found another reason to attempt to spank her, it would be a lot more difficult to bare her ass.

  But really, she didn’t have to worry about that. She would make sure she addressed him as ‘Sir’ and that she didn’t let her disapproval of any aspects of his lifestyle show. He would have no reason to take her over his knee again.

  He was waiting at his gate. As she walked past him, into the courtyard, she said, “Good evening, Sir.”

  “Good evening, Kylie. Welcome again to my home.”

  Alex took her to the living room where he had a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket. He poured two glasses and handed one to Kylie.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Sit down,” he ordered. “I have something to discuss with you that I think will be helpful in your writing.”

  Kylie sat on a chair across from Alex and waited for him to tell her what it was he wanted to discuss.


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