Interview With a Dom

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Interview With a Dom Page 6

by Holla Dean

  Alex told her to tighten the thumbscrews a little bit every hour or so. “You’re in charge, Kylie. But I want you to keep tightening them so you’ll know what it feels like.”

  “All right, Sir. I will do that.”

  “We have about an hour before we have to leave. Is there anything you’d like to do?”

  “If you don’t mind, Sir, I’d like to grab my laptop and write a few notes of things I want to make sure I don’t forget. I can do it at the kitchen table if that’s all right.”

  “Certainly,” he said with a smile. “We don’t want you to forget any of the wonderful things you’re experiencing. I’ll read in the living room while you do that.”

  Chapter Six

  The arts and craft fair was held outdoors over an area of several blocks. Parking was available in a city lot a few blocks away.

  When Alex had parked the car he turned to Kylie and said, “This would be a good time to tighten your clamps as we have a bit of privacy here.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Kylie replied as she reached up under her blouse and adjusted the thumbscrews ever so slightly.

  She had already adjusted them once right before they left the house and that was only about a half hour ago. She was hoping since this was an outdoor affair, there would be little opportunity for enough privacy to tighten them much more.

  Alex and Kylie meandered through the various booths looking at the work of hundreds of artists. They stopped at one of the food booths and got a quick bite to eat.

  There were so many beautiful things for sale that it was almost overwhelming. Kylie wanted to hold off buying anything until later in the day. She didn’t want to blow her budget on an item only to find something else she liked more.

  They were just over half way through the booths when Kylie spotted a beautiful small stained glass hanging that would look perfect in her kitchen window. It depicted bright red bougainvillea flowers with tiny hummingbirds over them. It was a very intricate piece and Kylie wanted it.

  “Oh Alex, Sir! Look at this gorgeous stained glass. I have to have it. I’m going to buy it.”

  Alex smiled at her and said, “Yes, it is lovely. But since we’re only halfway through all the displays, I think you should wait and pick it up on our way back if you don’t see anything else you’d rather have. That was your original plan, wasn’t it?”

  “It was,” she replied. “But there’s only one like this and what if it’s gone by the time we return?”

  He shrugged and said, “There are still lots of other booths to see and you could take the risk. I think even if this one is gone, this artist has plenty of other very nice pieces.”

  “Well, I don’t care what you think. I’m spending my money so it’s my decision. I’m buying it.”

  Alex’s eyes had turned dark and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow that told her she was walking on thin ice. But she didn’t know why.

  “What? What’s your problem?” She asked.

  Alex stepped away from the booth to the building behind it and motioned her to him.

  Kylie asked the man at the booth to please hold the item for her, she’d be right back.

  “What’s the problem, Sir?” She asked impatiently when she got to Alex’s side.

  “What’s the problem?” He mimicked her. “You spoke to me with complete disrespect and I won’t tolerate it.”

  “What are you talking about? All I said was that I liked the piece and since I’m spending my money it’s my decision. How is that disrespectful?”

  “Your tone was very disrespectful, as it is now. And you made a point of saying you don’t care what I think. For the weekend you are my sub and it is not acceptable for you to demand or ask me what my problem is.”

  She rolled her eyes and said, “I apologize, Sir. It’s just that I was excited over the stained glass. Please forgive me.”

  “Rolling your eyes at me is also disrespectful. I accept your apology, and you’ll be forgiven once you’ve been punished. Now go purchase your stained glass, we’re going home.”

  “But we haven’t seen everything yet.” She protested. “And why the hell am I being punished if you’ve accepted my apology?”

  “We’re going home because you’ve been disrespectful to me in public. Punishment is a consequence of your behavior regardless of your apology and my acceptance of it.”

  “I believe you’re being overly harsh, Sir.”

  “I didn’t ask for your opinion. You are the sub. I am the Dom. Now go get your stained glass or we will leave without it.”

  “Yes Sir.” She said as she realized she wasn’t getting anywhere with her arguments. In fact, he was only becoming more firm in his conviction and she was probably getting herself in even more trouble.

  She paid for her stained glass and wondered what her punishment would be this time. Would he put her on the cross? Or would it be the dreaded spanking pony? Which was worse?

  And why, why was her pussy having little contractions in anticipation of the prospect of punishment? Could it be that she really wanted to experience being punished on one of those contraptions? Oh dear.

  Kylie returned to Alex after purchasing the stained glass piece and he gripped her upper arm and almost forcefully guided her back to the car. Once they were seated in the vehicle he gave another one of his orders.

  “Tighten your clamps again, this time at least a half turn of the screws.”

  “That’s too much, Sir!” She exclaimed. “It will hurt too much!”

  “If I have to do it myself, I will turn the screws a full turn. Now which will it be?” His voice was sharp and hard.

  “I’ll do it ...Sir.” She answered. She knew she was in serious trouble now. She reached under her blouse and turned the screw the required amount.

  A small gasp escaped her lips. Whereas before she could feel the clamps without any pain, now there was a definite pinch to them. Not real pain, but they were uncomfortable. When she put her seat belt on, the edge of it was against her right nipple and it was very irritating. She tried to adjust her breast but it didn’t seem to help. In the end she simply pulled the seat belt slightly away with her hand and held it like that.

  On the ride to Alex’s house Kylie couldn’t think of anything but the coming punishment. What would it be? She finally decided to ask.

  “Sir, may I ask what my punishment will be?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Will you being using the cross thing? Or the...the...pony thing?”

  Did he hear a slight bit of excitement in her voice? Could it be she was not dreading this punishment but actually anticipating it?

  “Both of those would be good choices, but as I said, I have not decided yet.”

  “Sir, do you at least know which imp...”

  He cut her off. “Stop asking questions and instead think of your behavior and how you can avoid it in the future.”

  “Yes Sir,” she meekly replied.

  He pulled into the garage, opened her door, and unlocked the house.

  “Go immediately to The Room and wait for me.”

  “Yes, Sir”

  “You may remove the nipple clamps now.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Relieved to finally be rid of the clamps she hurried to The Room. She ripped off her blouse as fast as she could, and unscrewed the horrible things. As the blood flowed back into her nipples she felt a slight burning sensation. She gently rubbed them, but they were so sensitive now she decided it was better to just leave them alone.

  She finished stripping the rest of her clothes off, used the restroom and freshened up. Then she hurried to kneel on the pad, fearful that Alex would come in before she was in position and think it was cause for additional punishment.

  After waiting for about a half hour he still had not entered the room and Kylie’s knees were becoming very uncomfortable. She was trying to shift her weight from one knee to the other when he finally entered.

  Instead of coming to stand in fron
t of her as he usually did, he walked past her and she heard him opening a drawer. She couldn’t see him even out of the corner of her eye and didn’t want to risk looking up and being caught.

  He stood before her and all she could see was his bare feet. He didn’t say anything for several minutes. Then he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so she was looking up at him.

  “Do you understand why you’re being punished?” He asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered.

  “Tell me why.” He demanded.

  “Because I was disrespectful towards you, Sir.”

  “That is correct. Now tell me in what manner you were disrespectful.”

  She swallowed hard. “Um...I rolled my eyes at you, and, um...I spoke in a disrespectful tone of voice, and questioned you by asking what was wrong. Uh...Sir.”

  “Correct. Stand up now.” He released her hair but didn’t help her rise. She felt her knees cry out in relief at last.

  “Go to the cross and stand facing it.”

  Her belly did a flip-flop as she stood facing the black cross, waiting for his next direction. Was that a flip-flop in dread? Or one in anticipation? She had no idea.

  He did not give her any further direction. Alex picked up her left wrist and brought it up to the horizontal bar of the cross and tied it there with a leather strap that was not nearly as comfortable as the fur lined cuffs he had used to tie her to the bed. He repeated the action with her right wrist. At the top of the horizontal bar there were vertical grips at each end for her hands to hold on to.

  Next he pulled her left leg out and strapped it to the diagonal support. Then the right leg was strapped to the other diagonal. She was now spread on the cross, with her arms out to the sides holding on to the vertical grips, and her legs spread wide apart.

  She was completely vulnerable, her backside exposed, and she was unable to move anything other than her head. She heard him pick something up. He was getting ready to start.

  “I am going to spank you for your punishment. It will be a long punishment and it will be painful. I will strike you only on your buttocks and the very top of your thighs. I will not strike your back, arms, or below the top of your thighs. I will use several different implements. Afterwards, it will be some time before you are disrespectful again.”

  She whimpered. He sounded very angry. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea for this to happen now if he was angry with her. He did not ask if she understood so she felt it would be in her best interest if she remained still and just accepted the punishment. He spoke so sternly that she knew he really meant business. She reminded herself that she could always use the safe word if things got to be more than she could handle.

  The first smack landed on her ass and she could tell it was a wooden paddle. Yes, it hurt, but not terribly. The next one landed, and then three more. She yelped with each strike.

  “You will not roll your eyes at me.”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “You will not speak to me in a disrespectful tone of voice.”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “You will not be disrespectful to me in public.”

  Four more smacks brought the total to fifteen.

  Kylie held on to the grips at the top of the bar and was breathing hard. Her ass burned, but she thought the spanking so far wasn’t any worse than what she’d had with his hand.

  There was a lull. What was he doing now? Selecting the next instrument of torture? Why did her pussy like this so much? It was wet!

  She heard him walk a few steps away and then he came back.


  “Ow!” That was definitely a belt and holy shit! It stung like hell!

  Whack! Whack! Whack!


  He repeated, “You will not roll your eyes at me.”

  Whack! Whack! Whack!

  “Ow!” She thought about yelling out the safe word.

  “You will not speak to me in a disrespectful tone of voice.”

  Whack! Whack! Whack!

  “Ow! Damn it! That fucking hurts!!” Oh god, was she going to have to yell red?”

  “You will not curse or swear when you speak to me.”


  Ten strikes with the belt, making a total of twenty-five. No, she corrected herself. Make that twenty-six after that extra one about cursing and swearing. Weren’t they the same?

  Her ass was on fire. It was stinging and burning. Hopefully he was done. If not, she was very close to screaming out the safe word. She was on the verge of crying but so far had been able to control her tears.

  Several minutes passed. Kylie had heard him walk away again but she had not heard him come back. Was he done and he was just going to leave her there for a while? Oh, she hoped so. She felt her body slightly trembling. Screaming out the safe word was very appealing right now.

  Alex came back and stood behind her. “Tell me again why you are being punished.”

  Oh god, does that mean that it’s not over?

  “Um...because...I spoke in a disrespectful tone of voice, and rolled my eyes at you, and, uh, questioned you by...uh...sniff...asking what was wrong with you...Sir.”

  Kylie started to cry. She was afraid it was not over and she dreaded what he might use to hit her with next. The slight trembling in her body and turned into shaking and she couldn’t stop crying. Soon she was sobbing.

  Alex had been preparing to give her six quick strikes with the bamboo cane. But when she broke down and started crying and then shaking, he changed his mind. She wasn’t a true sub; she was just an author trying to find a way to write about something she didn’t know anything about. What was he doing treating her like this? He was disgusted with himself.

  “We’re done here.” He announced as he began to loosen the straps on her ankles and then her wrists.

  When she was completely free and tried to walk, she collapsed. Alex caught her before she fell to the floor. He picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  She couldn’t stop shaking so Alex got in the bed with her and pulled her close, holding her and murmuring soothing words to her.

  It didn’t seem to help. She was cold and there were no blankets in this room. Alex picked her up again and took her to his bedroom. He tucked her in, covering her with blankets and then climbed in next to her to help try and get the shaking to stop.

  He blamed himself for her condition. He had gone too far, testing this inexperienced woman, showing her what the ‘real’ BDSM world was like. He was an ass. He hoped she was not in some kind of shock.

  Gradually the trembling subsided and Kylie fell asleep. Alex got up and left the room. She needed to sleep undisturbed.

  While Kylie slept, Alex went into The Room and gathered all her clothing and toiletries and brought them to his bedroom. There would be no more sessions in that room. She’d have to make do with what she’d already learned.

  He went to his den and kept busy on his computer checking his email, looking over his investments, and killing time. In a few hours he peeked into his room and saw that she was still sleeping.

  He heated some canned soup, filled two bowls, prepared a plate with crackers, and put it all on a bed tray. Then he carried it into his room and set it down on the dresser.

  “Kylie,” he called her name softly. “Wake up, now. It’s time to have a little something to eat.”

  She stirred and her eyelids fluttered open. She recognized that she was in his bedroom, but didn’t remember how she got there. She couldn’t remember anything after being untied from the cross.

  “What happened?” She asked. “Why are we in here?”

  “I carried you in here,” he replied. “I think it may have been a little too much for you. I apologize for that.”

  She smiled at him and reached out to touch his hand. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to do. You gave me a weekend of finding out what a real BDSM relationship is like. It was what I wanted for my book. I was about to call out
the safe word anyway.”

  Alex sighed and shook his head. “I believe I might have gone too far with you considering your total lack of experience with this. I was worried that you might have gone into shock.”

  He got her to sit up in the bed and then brought the bed tray over and put it over her lap. He picked up one of the bowls, broke a few crackers into it and then went to sit down in the chair by the window.

  “Eat now.” He ordered as he began to eat his bowl of soup.

  She laughed and said, “You do like to order people around, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “I suppose I do.”

  They spent the evening in his bedroom talking of general things. He asked about the white band on her ring finger where it was obvious a wedding ring had recently been.

  “My husband died a little over eighteen months ago. I’ve never taken off the ring. But once I embarked on this research, I felt it wasn’t right to keep wearing it.”

  “My condolences,” Alex said. “I was in a long term relationship as well once and lost her to cancer. So I have an idea of what you’ve been through.”

  “But you weren’t married?”

  “No, we were engaged. Once she was diagnosed she wouldn’t agree to marry me. She said it was pointless since she was going to die soon.”

  “I’m so sorry, Alex.” Kylie felt bad for him. She knew how hard it was to move on after such a loss. She wondered if his fiancé had been his submissive but didn’t think she should ask.

  He was watching her and knew what she wanted to ask. Her good manners were all that was keeping her from asking.

  “She was not a sub. She only wanted vanilla sex. With an occasional erotic spanking thrown in. Sometimes we would play with light BDSM; I think she did it more for me than for herself.”

  “You must have loved each other very much.” Kylie said.

  “We did. Once she was gone, I went back to the dark side of the lifestyle. After losing her, it was easier to do that than to be alone or try to find someone else. It’s difficult for a Dom to find the perfect sub, and for a sub to find the perfect Dom. Everyone’s needs are so different that it’s rare to find a long term BDSM couple. Although it does happen now and then.”


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