Edward's Exploits

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Edward's Exploits Page 2

by Jacqueline M. Wilson

  Off she scuttled, there was no time to waste

  If they were going to catch the train she would have to make haste.

  She was out of breath when she knocked on Edward’s door

  The only sound she could hear was Edward’s loud snore

  HE WAS STILL IN BED! “Edward” she cried

  But no matter how loud she shouted and banged, he never replied.

  Mary scratched her head not sure what to do

  “Oh Edward” she thought “I could throttle you!”

  She happened to notice his bedroom window was slightly ajar

  She scrambled up the drainpipe, it wasn’t too far.

  On the bed she climbed, and went right up to his ear


  Edward got such a fright he jumped straight out of bed

  Mary was thrown across the room and landed on her head.

  Edward ran to make sure his friend was okay

  “Edward” she said, as she rubbed her head, “We’re going to London today”

  “OH NO I FORGOT!” said Edward with a very loud cry

  Mary had heard these words so often she never batted an eye!

  “Come on get dressed, the others have been waiting for over an hour”

  “We were supposed to meet them at the station in front of the clock tower”

  Edward ran faster than the speed of light

  Holding Mary in his hand, carefully, not too tight.

  The train was pulling out the station, Edward started to worry

  His friends were shouting from the train “Come on Edward hurry”

  Edward made it onto the last carriage but only just and no more

  The guardsman was waving his flag, Edward quickly closed the door.

  Edward apologised to all his friends for being late

  For missing the first train and making them wait

  He felt upset that his memory wasn’t better

  “Don’t worry” said Eric “next time we go anywhere we’ll send you a letter!”

  By the time the train pulled into Waterloo

  The friends had all decided what they wanted to do

  First of all they headed for the London Eye

  Edward couldn’t believe the size of it, it nearly touched the sky!

  At Buckingham Palace there were people with cameras with a zoom lens

  Eric lost his hat on a boat trip down the river Thames

  At the Science Museum they learned a lot of facts

  And were absolutely amazed at Madam Tussauds House of Wax.

  They watched the changing of the guard, the soldiers looked sincere and solemn

  They counted at least twenty five birds on top of Nelsons Column

  The sightseeing bus came along they hopped on and paid the fare

  It was at least two hours before they came back to Trafalgar Square.

  It was getting dark and time to head back home, they were absolutely shattered

  But the friends had had a fantastic day and that was all that mattered

  On the train ride back there was not a sound nor a peep

  The five little friends were all huddled up together fast asleep.

  Edward’s Bad Memory

  Edward was lonely one day, none of his friend were around

  Everywhere was very quiet, not a peep or a sound

  This was very strange and unusual, not another animal in sight

  Not a stir or a movement, something wasn’t quite right.

  Had his friends told him something and he’d forgotten?

  Had his friends birthday slipped his mind? That would make him feel rotten

  He paced up and down the jungle trail

  Of course! Edward thought I’ll check my email!

  There were five messages in his Inbox

  Three from Fergus the frog and two from Eric the fox

  Reminding him not to forget about the circus coming to town

  About the tightrope walkers, the fire eaters and the antics of the clown.

  He ran out of the door, grabbing his coat on the way

  How could he forget, he’d been looking forward to this day

  He ran with speed, agility and determination

  He wished he’d switched on his computer instead of playing his playstation.

  Edward had ran so fast his legs started to feel like jelly

  If only he’d played outside with his friends instead of watching the telly

  He had to sit down and rest his aching feet

  Under a tree in the shade away from the stifling heat.

  He didn’t want to miss the circus, he would only rest a short time

  He checked his watch, it was nearly half past nine

  There was still a long way to go, nearly half a mile to run

  It would be hard work in the hot, baking sun.

  He was thinking of ways to get there fast, when suddenly of an idea he thought

  He’d run back to his home and get the roller blades he’d recently bought

  They’d get him there quick, without too much trouble

  So he jumped to his feet and started to run at the double.

  He fitted his boots and off he set again

  This would have to work it was now quarter past ten

  Edward was more alert by now and started to think

  He put on his sun cream, his hat and took a bottle of drink.

  He skated as fast as he could, he was almost there

  To miss the circus was more than he could bare

  He could see his friends waiting outside the big top

  The only problem was he was going so fast he knew he couldn’t stop!

  His legs straight, his arms out front, his mouth open wide

  Edward was approaching fast, his friends ran to hide

  With a CRASH and a BANG and a THUD he ended up in a pile

  Trust Edward to do things in such a theatrical style!

  He had made it, but with only a few seconds to spare

  From now on his memory he would try and improve and he wouldn’t dare

  Let his friends down, or let his lateness become a habit

  And that is the story of Edward, the very forgetful rabbit.

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