Barbarian Beast Bitches of the Badlands

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Barbarian Beast Bitches of the Badlands Page 2

by Carlton Mellick III

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Bunny asked. She wasn’t looking at both of them, just Sam. “You’re not allowed to ride with Bat Girl.”

  “What?” Apple cried. “But there’s more room in this vehicle?”

  Bunny turned to Apple. “You can ride in here with Bat, but the Meat rides with the mechanic.”

  Skunky snuggled against Bunny and kissed her on the neck. “He’s not your Meat, Bun-hop. You can’t order him around.”

  The rabbit girl growled at Sam and Apple, but her temper was quickly subdued by the skunk girl’s affection as she nuzzled her head against her shoulder. Bunny gave her a quick peck against the cheek, as if embarrassed to give her a real kiss when others were watching, and then got onto one of the motorcycles and revved the engine. Skunky blew her a kiss before she rode on ahead. Apple could tell they were a couple who were very much in love, but judging by their interaction she couldn’t tell whether they had been together for several years or only several days.

  “Apple, right?” Skunky asked

  “Yeah. And you’re Bat Girl?”

  Skunky’s eyes lit up to hear somebody besides Bunny call her Bat Girl. “Yeah! That’s right!”

  The skunk girl embraced Apple and licked her ear. Then smiled.

  “Come on!” Skunky said to Apple, big white teeth smiling behind black fur. “You ride with me!”

  Apple looked at Sam, then looked back at Skunky. She got into the car without saying a word to her boyfriend. Sam sadly whir-chunked away from them, toward Kockwick’s vehicle.

  “Don’t mind my Bunny,” Skunky said to Apple inside of the car. “She doesn’t like Meat . . . Er, I mean men. Unless she’s eating them . . .” She giggled when she said that, but Apple could tell she wasn’t joking. “Most of the Warriors don’t like men. They don’t have any rights in our tribe and are more like our personal property.”

  “So Sam is now kind of like my slave?” Apple asked.

  “Yep, you own him.”

  Apple’s eyes widened with excitement at the idea.

  Wax jumped onto the back of the skunk girl’s buggy, standing on the gunner’s platform to man the heavy machinegun. Wax was very wolf-like, but she didn’t have any hair on her body, not even her head.

  Apple quietly asked Skunky what was wrong with Wax, and Skunky told her about how Wax was allergic to her own fur. Her wolf dander caused her to break out in horrible hives, afflicting her with rashes and swelling, her sinuses would clog with thick wolf snot and her eyes burned red. As long as she still had human DNA she would continue to be allergic to herself. Once the wolf DNA took over completely she would be fine, but Wax wasn’t ready to lose her humanity. She had decided to shave off all of her hair and burn her skin one patch at a time to create scar tissue where no hair could ever grow again. Skunky explained that it was a horrendous, painful procedure, but it was the only way she could relieve her allergies.

  Apple contemplated how ugly it had made the woman, with her scarred flesh and bald wolf features. She looked like some kind of goblin and was perhaps the most horrific person she had ever seen. Yet even with the deformities, Wax seemed to have a gracefulness that the other wolf girls did not possess, as if she had once been a wealthy upper-class dancer with celebrity status back when she lived in the walled city.

  When Wax looked down to see Apple staring up at her, she just coldly glared. Apple could see a truly miserable soul behind those pale blue eyes. The soul of somebody who had once had everything and now lived a painful, ugly, cruel existence.

  While the beast women drove their vehicles slowly through the forest, Apple examined Bunny as she led them between the trees.

  Bunny’s fur was dark brown. She had a short fluffy tail and floppy rabbit ears made of chainmail. Her clothing was sparse; spiked metal plates held together with leather straps.

  “How come some of you are transforming into different animals? You’re turning into rabbits and hyenas. I thought all women only turned into werewolves. Is Bunny a were-rabbit?”

  Skunky laughed with her mouth wide open.

  “No!” she said, her breasts jiggling as the car hit bumps in their path. “We’re turning into wolves, too.”

  Apple was confused.

  “We just think wolves are boring, so we try to make ourselves look like different kinds of animals through body modification. We want to be unique.”

  Skunky went on to explain how the wolf girls cut and styled their hair to look like the animals they would have preferred to transform into:

  Skunky dyed a white stripe from her forehead down her back, clipped her ears, and added extensions of hair to her tail to make it twice as fluffy.

  Hyena tattooed black spots onto her skin below her blonde fur coat, and dyed the hair on her face black, she also clipped her tail and styled it similar to that of a hyena’s.

  Bunny chopped off most of her tail and puffed out the fur into a fluffy ball. Then she attached floppy chainmail rabbit ears by weaving the chainmail into her natural wolf ears.

  “Did it hurt to do all that stuff?” Apple asked.

  “Oh, yeah, but it was totally worth it.”

  Skunky gave her the thumbs-up with her black furry hand.

  Late in the evening, the Warriors arrived at a camp in the woods. The camp belonged to the enemies of the wolf women, a group who called themselves the Outlanders.

  “Be on guard,” Talon yelled to Skunky and Apple through the car window. The women armed themselves as they exited their vehicles, leaving Sam in the back seat but taking Apple with them. They stalked into the camp, hunched over, almost on all fours as they crept. They didn’t see anybody around. The fire was smoldering, there were three vehicles parked nearby, but not a soul could be seen.

  Talon drew two long-handled axes from her back and pulled open a flap on one of the tents. It was empty, except for a trail of blood on the floor leading to a large tear in the back of the tent. It looked as if a body had been dragged away. The blood trail stopped four feet outside the tent.

  “Nobody’s here,” Talon said. “They’re either all dead or they ran away.”

  “Did our big sisters do this?” Skunky asked.

  Talon looked around. “Not sure. I can smell them. They’ve definitely been in the area recently. But there’s no sign of an attack.”

  Hyena came out from behind one of the Outlander vehicles and yelled at Talon, “Over here.”

  The wolf girls followed Hyena into the woods. She led them to what at first appeared to Apple to be a large fallen tree trunk. But upon closer inspection, and judging by the smell, Apple realized that it was an enormous piece of feces left by one of the giant wolves.

  “That’s one big poop,” Skunky said, pointing at the poop with a long black finger like nobody else had noticed.

  Skunky looked at the others to see if anybody else was as excited about the size of the poop as she was, but they paid no attention to her.

  “They’ve definitely been through here,” Kockwick said.

  Apple noticed something white sticking out of the feces. She leaned in to take a look. Then said, “What’s inside of it?”

  Talon rubbed away a layer of feces with her bare hand, revealing a human skeleton. Apple jumped back.

  “It’s a person?” Apple said.

  Talon nodded at her.

  “But why is it still in one piece?”

  “This must be Baal’s shit,” Talon said. “She’s the alpha of the rogue pack. She’s big enough to swallow men whole.”

  “She’s that big?”

  “Bigger,” Talon said. “For Baal, this poor piece of meat was as easy as slurping down a worm. If we continued digging we’d probably find a few more of them in there.”

  “There’s something else in there as well,” Kockwick said as they examined the skeleton. Kockwick inserted her gloved hand into the feces and pulled out a long snake-like creature. The thing shrieked and whipped around. It seemed to be made of some kind of metal. Its eyes glowed red.
  “What is that?” Apple asked.

  The wolf women all stared at it with perplexed expressions.

  “No clue,” Kockwick said as the creature snapped at her face with piranha-like teeth.

  “Do you think these things have something to do with what’s causing their strange behavior as of late?”

  “Could be . . . ” Kockwick said, placing the creature in a bag and twisting it up until the thing could no longer move. “I’ll have to examine it better when we’re in a safer place. It could just be some kind of strange new parasite.”

  While they spoke more about the possibilities of what the creature could be, Apple zoned out. She was just overwhelmed by how big the piece of shit was. The skeleton sticking out of it was so small in comparison. It made her feel tiny herself. The mass of feces was more than double the mass of all seven of the wolf girls combined. And they were supposed to be hunting the beast that shit it out? Apple wondered if joining these wolf women was such a good idea.

  When they emerged from the forest, they encountered a group of armed men standing in the middle of the camp. They looked to be Outlander survivors who had fled from the wolf attack, and were now regrouping. They looked just as surprised to see the wolf girls as they were to see them.

  There was a moment where both groups just stared at each other, as if they were both so caught off guard that they had forgotten they were enemy tribes. During this time, Apple noticed that there was something wrong with these men. They were not completely human. They were mutated. Many of the men had multiple limbs. Five arms, three legs. Some of them had enormously large heads that their small bodies could hardly hold upright. Others were coated in sores and blisters.

  The pause was broken when Talon leapt off of the ground at them, driving the blade of one of her axes into the skull of the nearest bighead. Then Hyena opened fire on them, shredding two mutants before they could even raise their weapons. The others scattered, running in different directions for cover.

  Bunny pulled a long deadly weapon from her back. It was boomerang-shaped, but the blades were like chainsaws. She held it by the handle, which allowed her to grip it safely, and then pulled a chord to rev up the miniature engine inside. There was a smile on her face as she watched the dual blades roar in her hand. Apple could tell that she was somebody who was happiest while she was killing.

  As one of the mutants ran away, Bunny tossed the chainsaw boomerang at him. It whirred through the air and then sawed right through the man’s midsection, cutting him into two pieces that fell in opposite directions. Then the boomerang curved in the air, decapitating another mutant as he tried climbing into a jeep. The boomerang continued through the air until it returned to Bunny, who caught it by the handle above her head. The blood dripping from the chainsaw blades created a wild sparkle in her eyes.

  Apple didn’t fire a single shot. She held her submachine gun in her hands, but was too overwhelmed by the battle to get herself to do anything. This mostly came from watching Talon fight, who killed with the precision of a falcon.

  Talon was in the middle of a crowd of five men armed with guns. She was only armed with axes, but that’s all she needed to tear them apart. She hacked one through the chest, dodged another’s bullets, and then decapitated a third. Then she struck one of them in the back of the head and pulled him with the axe handle into the way of gun fire, to act as her human shield. Once the mutant shooter needed to reload, she tossed one of the axes into his face.

  And when the last of the mutants came at her, firing, and screaming, she just twisted around to dodge the bullets and knocked his legs out from under him with the back of the axe head. He fell into her arms and she put him in a headlock.

  The young mutant immediately gave up, dropped his weapon and began to cry. Talon hushed him, held him gently in her arms to calm him down. Once the man stopped crying, she snapped his neck.

  The only mutant left had gotten into one of the vehicles and started it up. He hit the gas and the engine roared into the forest. Kockwick stepped forward and pointed her weapon at the fleeing man. Her weapon looked strange, homemade. It was like a cross between a grenade launcher, a crossbow, and a large telescope. When Kockwick fired, a black, eye-sized ball covered in spikes shot out of the barrel. It was launched up into the air like an arrow and came down on the mutant. The ball stuck into the back of his ribcage and the jeep crashed into a tree. The mutant, still alive, tried to get the spiked ball out of him, but before it could be removed it exploded, taking out the mutant and his vehicle together.

  Bunny watched the flames as they rose into the twilit sky. It was so beautiful to her that it inspired her to grab Skunky and kiss her deeply, wrapping her claws around her furry black ass and squeezing hard.

  “Now that was fun,” Bunny said, but the skunk girl wanted her to stop talking and keep kissing.

  With the mutants all dead, the wolf women decided to take over their camp for the night. Bunny and Skunky wandered off together for some alone time, Hyena and Wax kept watch along the perimeter of the camp, Sam went to find a tree to use as a bathroom somewhere, and Kockwick sat by the fire examining the metal snake creature which was now docile and weak.

  “Is it natural?” Talon asked about the creature. “It looks like somebody constructed it.”

  Kockwick raised her goggles. “It sure doesn’t seem like anybody created this, but I have no idea how it can be natural for an animal to grow a metal exoskeleton.”

  “Let me know if you figure anything out,” Talon said, then she turned to Apple. “Where’s your man?”

  Apple replied, “Going to the bathroom somewhere.”

  Talon kneeled down. “If you want to be with us, you’ll have to learn to follow the rules of our tribe. For starters, your man isn’t allowed to wander by himself.”

  “He’s not?”

  “Your man is not an equal to you anymore. You own him. He is more like your pet, so you need to put a leash on him and make sure he doesn’t wander.”

  “Oh . . .” Apple said. “Okay, I guess.”

  Kockwick said, “Plus, his battery is about to die. Almost any minute.”

  “Battery?” Apple asked.

  “His engine is not as efficient as mine,” she said, patting the machine on her back. “It is solar-powered so it really only works well during the day. He has power reserves, but they don’t last very long in the dark. He’ll survive until morning, but he won’t be able to walk for long at night.”

  “His legs won’t work?”

  “No, so you might want to go find him before he collapses.”

  “I don’t even know where he went,” Apple stood up and looked around. Then charged off into the woods in the most logical direction possible.

  “Oh, and don’t feed him anything either,” Kockwick yelled at her. “His digestive system doesn’t function at night.”

  Apple found her boyfriend collapsed by a tree in the forest. He was moaning, but nobody could hear him until Apple came nearby.

  “My machine broke,” Sam said.

  “It’s not broken,” Apple said. “It’s solar-powered, so it doesn’t work at night.”

  “I won’t be able to walk at night ever again?”

  She nodded. “Your digestive system doesn’t work at night either.”

  A look of panic crossed Sam’s face.

  “I wish we never would have left,” Sam said.

  “All I wanted was to have sex more often . . .” Apple said.

  Sam fell in lust with her because he thought she had the most beautiful Asian eyes. Most guys were attracted to plump girls with freckles and red hair, but Sam liked Asian-eyed girls. It was probably due to the fact that they were so rare in the walled city. Apple noticed him looking at her all the time when they were working in the recycling plant. Every chance he got, he just had to see her eyes again. He just couldn’t stop himself from looking at her, even when she caught him staring.

  She quickly became attracted to him because the guys she found
most attractive were the ones who couldn’t keep their eyes off of her. The more attracted they were to her, the more attracted she was to them . . . as long as they were not remarkably ugly. She didn’t want a man who was going to be her equal, she wanted a man who would look up to her, worship her as a goddess and do everything she wanted him to do.

  After they started dating, she realized that it was quite sexually frustrating to be around a man who found her irresistible when it was illegal to have sex without a permit. If you had sex illegally it was easy to prove because a woman’s wolf features would begin to show. If this happened it meant banishment.

  The first time they had sex, Apple wasn’t thinking straight. Her desires were too strong and she just couldn’t resist anymore. She seduced him into doing it, convinced him that it was what he wanted to do. As she reached orgasm, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. When she opened them, Sam saw two yellow wolf eyes glowing in the dark at him. The next day, Apple ditched work and stayed at his house. He tried to figure out ways for her to cover up her new wolf features, such as wearing sunglasses or hats that could cover her eyes. But, instead, she convinced him that they should just stay indoors and have more sex.

  Eventually, the wolf features were too prominent to cover up. She had a full tail, pointy furry ears, wolf’s teeth and lips, the tip of her nose was turning black, and her tongue was getting longer and wider. She convinced Sam that they should voluntarily exile themselves so that they could live in the wasteland and be together. Sam didn’t like that idea at all, but Apple had her ways of making him change his mind.

  “I never should have let you convince me to leave with you,” said the remaining half of Sam as he fingered the hard metal parts of his body.

  “Yeah, I don’t know. . .” Apple said, lying down on the ground next to him to rub a long-nailed finger across his new body. “I’m glad we left, but I wish you didn’t get all mechanical. I just wanted to be able to have sex with you more often. Do you even have a penis anymore?”


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