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by Administrator

  “A little.”

  “Pleased as I am to have you in my arms, can I ask why you’re actin’ so…”

  Please, don’t say childish.


  Although thankful he wasn’t making fun of her, she couldn’t find the guts to answer.


  She wasn’t surprised he kept prodding her. But it was his gentle tone that made her whisper, “Because I hate storms.”

  “I kinda guessed that.”

  Rain beat on the roof in the silence, mocking her fear.

  “I’ve been terrified of them since I was a kid.”


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet


  She didn’t answer.

  “It might help if you tell me what happened.”

  Macie suspected he wouldn’t quit pestering her until she told him the truth. “When I was about four, I woke up in the middle of the night during a bad thunderstorm. We were living in a two-bedroom trailer in Texas. I went into my mom’s room, only to find she wasn’t there. So I crawled in her bed and waited for her. Scared out of my mind that someone had broken in and kidnapped her. I hid under a blanket, but I couldn’t even cry because I thought maybe the bad guys would hear me and come back. The lightning was so close I remember the hair on my arms and the back of my neck standing straight up.

  “Then a hailstorm blew through and hailstones the size of baseballs pounded the roof, and beat on the side of the trailer hard enough the bedroom windows broke. Glass covered the floor. Everything was soaking wet from the rain. I remember it was so dark and I was alone and I couldn’t move. For hours. It seemed like I spent a solid lifetime in that bed. Whenever it storms it reminds me of being helpless and alone—”

  “Ssh. Macie, darlin’, I’m here. You’re not alone now.” Carter rocked her.

  She released another shuddering sigh. “My mom never understood why I was afraid, so I’ve never told anyone else.”

  “I’m glad you told me.”

  “Yeah, well, it seems kind of embarrassing not to have outgrown that childhood fear.”

  “It seems perfectly justified to me. Besides, we all have fears we try to hide.”

  “Even you?”

  He laughed softly. “Even me.”

  Macie lifted her head and peered in his eyes. “You know mine, it’s only fair you tell me yours.”

  “Promise you won’t laugh?”

  She nodded.

  Absentmindedly, he brushed the damp hair from her cheek. “See, I’m way worse off than you because I have two. The first one is, I’m petrified of dancin’.”

  “You’re afraid of dancing?”

  “Stupid, huh?” 69

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  “Why? Did you have a cowgirl spurn you at a junior high dance or something?”

  “No. I’m afraid I’ll look like a fool. It is a bone-deep fear that keeps me far, far away from weddin’ dances and the dance floor in honky-tonks.”

  “You’ve never two-stepped?”


  “Slow danced?”


  “So, your high school prom?”

  “Skipped it, but I went to the kegger afterward.”

  “Huh.” She fingered the collar on his T-shirt. “No woman in your life has tried to teach you?”

  “Not a lot of women in my life, Macie.” He laughed softly. “Besides my mom. And to further emasculate myself, I have a fear of monkeys.”


  “I think it stems from The Wizard of Oz and those damn flyin’ monkeys. My brothers found out my fear and used to torture me, tyin’ me to a chair and replayin’ those scenes with the flyin’ monkeys over and over. Same goes for Planet of the Apes. Then when I was older I read a short story about a possessed toy monkey—you know the kind that you wind up and it plays the cymbals?—this monkey had the power to make people kill and go crazy.” He shuddered. “Not cute and cuddly creatures. Hairy overgrown rats, that’s what they are.”

  A crack of lightning flashed outside the window, followed by a booming crash of thunder; Macie jumped and hid her face against his chest.


  A couple of beats passed as rain pounded on the roof.

  “You okay?”

  No. “I’m better than I was.”

  “Glad I’m good for something.”

  “I just don’t understand why you’re here. Or how you knew…”

  “Gemma called me to tell me she wasn’t gonna spook the new horses and drag them through the storm. She and Cash would be stayin’ overnight in Spearfish. I figured that 70

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  meant you were here alone. When the electricity went off, I thought I’d better check on you.”

  Gemma had called him? Not her dad? Rather than analyze that, she said, “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Plus, I wanted to apologize for not showin’ up last night.” His thumb swept the top of her ear, causing gooseflesh to break out on her neck. “Gemma said you probably needed time to settle in. I should’ve ignored her and listened to my gut and come here like I planned.”

  “I wondered what happened. I figured maybe it’d all been—”

  “—a line? What I said to you at the rodeo grounds wasn’t a line, Macie. I’ll keep tellin’ you that until you believe it.” His mouth grazed her temple. “So, you wanna pack your stuff and come home with me?”

  Macie didn’t respond. Despite the fact Carter was being sweet and thoughtful, she didn’t want to be away from everything familiar.

  Right. Nothing about this situation was familiar. But it smacked of trouble to just let Carter swoop in and take care of her. She knew better than to rely on anyone besides herself.


  “Thanks, but I think I’d rather stay here.”

  “Is it because you’re afraid of leavin’ and goin’ out into the storm?” He paused and leaned back to look at her. “Or just afraid of me?”

  “Maybe a little of both.”

  Carter considered her for a moment. “Well, I didn’t bring my toothbrush, so you’ll have to share yours.”

  “You’re staying here? Why?”

  “And miss my chance to show off my cowboy manners by helpin’ a little lady in distress?” Carter grinned. “Not on your life, darlin’.”

  “But. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna—”

  “I have nothin’ else in mind for tonight, I swear.”

  Macie gave him a skeptical look.

  “That doesn’t mean things won’t change in a heartbeat after you’re not lookin’ at me like a scared rabbit.” He traced her cheek with the back of his hand. “Fear is the last thing I wanna see in these beautiful brown eyes when I take you the first time.” 71

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  Not make love to her. Take her. Despite her lingering fear of the storm, his words sent a thrill through her.

  “Although, I ain’t chivalrous enough to sleep on the couch.”

  “If you didn’t bring a toothbrush, I don’t suppose you brought pajamas either?”

  A slow smile lit his face. “I’ve never been overly fond of pajamas.”

  The thought of sleeping all night next to a naked Carter…Lord. You’d think she was bone-cold from the sheer amount of shivers racking her body.

  Lightning spiked nearby, accompanied by a deafening crack of thunder. She gasped and threw herself against him again.

  “Hey. It’s okay.”

  After she quit shaking, he stood. “Maybe we should crawl in, pull the covers over our heads and try to forget about the storm.” Carter peeled back the denim comforter and smoothed the rumpled sheet. “You first.”

  Macie heard rustling sounds as Carter stripped down to nothing.

  The camper shook from another gust of wind. Th
e covers were lifted, the bed dipped and a hot, hard male pressed against her.

  Carter swore under his breath. “Darlin’, your skin is clammy and you’re freezin’.

  Come here and let me warm you up.”


  “Innocent warmin’ this time, Macie, I promise.” His hands drifted up and down her back, and he tucked her against his chest.

  She relaxed and let him calm her. She began to block out the sounds of the storm and synchronized her breathing to his.

  After awhile he murmured, “Better?”


  Carter kept his caresses light, but constant. Another few minutes passed and he said,

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Does your dad know what happened to you when you were a kid? About your mom leavin’ you alone and your fear of storms?”


  “Why not?”


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Yeah, why not? That same smarmy voice persisted.

  She ignored it. “Because he wasn’t around much.”

  “Yeah? How come?”

  “My mom was older than my dad by ten years. When she found out she was pregnant, she thought he’d be a lousy parent, so she did the mature thing and took off. I saw him maybe once a year. Seems pointless to tell him about this now, especially when he never knew some of the other crazy things my mom did.”


  “She’d keep me out of school so I could experience ‘life lessons’ not math lessons.

  We lived all over the country. The year I turned twelve, Dad wanted me to spend summers on the reservation. My mom believed he’d take me on the rodeo circuit; she refused to leave me with him. When I was old enough to contact him on my own, I did.

  Right after my eighteenth birthday, Mom was diagnosed with liver cancer. She died quickly, which was a blessing for her. Her death immediately thrust me into the adult world, but truth was, growing up I was more the adult than Mom ever was, so it wasn’t really that big of a change for me.”

  Talk about spilling your guts, Macie. She stiffened, full of self-recrimination for baring all of her pitiful past, and braced herself for his pity or for more questions.

  But Carter said, “That flat out sucks,” and his arms gathered her close as he kissed the top of her head. “Get some sleep, sweet darlin’.”

  And for the first time in hours, she thought sleep was a possibility.

  Carter wanted to punch something, namely Macie’s clueless father. As Macie curled into him, he thought back to his own childhood. It hadn’t been perfect, but it’d been damn near idyllic compared to hers.

  He’d never been a pawn between his parents, never worried about waking up scared and alone. A large part of that was because he’d shared a room with Cam. And he had three other brothers down the hall.

  Another bout of fury washed over him and he ground his teeth together. Jesus. Who was Cash Big Crow to warn him about staying away from Macie for her own good? It appeared Cash had stayed away from her plenty. It also appeared Cash didn’t know squat about what was best for his daughter, or what she needed. Macie’s combination of independence and neediness made perfect sense now. 73

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  Macie made a sexy, contented sound between a sigh and a moan, snuggling deeply against his chest. Carter held his breath and clenched his thighs together, trying—and failing—to fight off an erection.

  This was so not the way he’d envisioned the first night with Macie in his arms. But he’d take what he could get. After another kiss on the top of her head, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Chapter Eleven

  A loud snort burst in Macie’s ear, startling her. A hard male body spooned hers.

  Strong, male arms snaked around her waist. A steady stream of air drifted over her temple.

  Where was she?

  Her father’s camper. Then she remembered the storm and Carter showing up.

  She was in bed with Carter McKay. Oh man. She squirmed. The arms tightened. And something nestled firmly against her ass tightened too.

  Macie’s pulse spiked.

  Carter groaned, but made no move to release her. Instead, his right hand swept her belly to span the area between her hipbones. Just the very tips of his work-roughened fingers stroked the skin where the top and bottom of her pjs left a gap.

  The continual, sensuous, rhythmic touch heated her blood. Tingles raced over her flesh, from her neck to her thighs, sending a rush of moisture between her legs. A man’s simple touch on her skin never caused this intense reaction.

  She waited, expecting him to stir. Her mouth opened. Then closed. Did she really want to wake him? Did she really want him to stop touching her, whether it was conscious or not?


  His breathing didn’t change even when his hand dipped beneath the stretchy waistband of her pajama bottoms. The tip of his long middle finger breached the curls on her mound, and slid right between her pussy lips.

  And stopped.

  Macie bit her tongue to keep from crying out. Before she chickened out, she widened her thighs slightly. 75

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  Immediately Carter’s fingers slipped further down. Another soft groan rumbled from his throat as he found her wet. He rubbed his fingers through the juices gathering at her entrance and glided them back up.

  At the first contact with her clit, she nearly shot straight up in bed.

  He drew light circles, drawing out that elusive little nub of pleasure until she whimpered.

  Then Carter’s first two fingers slid back across her swollen sex and slipped inside her.

  This time she couldn’t help it; she gasped.

  His husky voice whispered, “That’s right, darlin’, let me hear you.” Carter scraped his teeth across the cord straining in the back of her neck. “Let me make you feel good.”

  As his fingers moved in and out of her, the base of his palm pressed her clit, creating the perfect amount of friction. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head from the burst of pleasure. Still, she was afraid to speak, fearing if she did, he would stop. Or she’d wake up.

  “Don’t be shy. You want this.” His fingers plunged deep. “I can’t wait until it’s my cock pushin’ inside you. Hearin’ my name as I make you come.”

  His words, coupled with his hot breath and kisses dampening her skin, made her pump her hips harder into his hand.

  “Let go. Let it happen.” Carter curled his fingers and stroked the magic spot on the inside of her pussy. The heel of his hand ground into her clit and the combination set her off.

  Macie turned her head and opened her mouth to cry out, only to have Carter’s lips covering hers in a soul-stealing kiss. The pulses throbbed; inside her sex, outside under his hand, in her blood, in her head, in her mouth. The spasms multiplied in intensity with every searing stroke of his velvety tongue across hers.

  Then he slowed and sweetened their first kiss as her orgasm ebbed to a faint, but steady throb.

  Carter removed his hand, allowing a leisurely caress up the trembling center of her body. His damp lips drifted to her ear. “Good mornin’, darlin’.”

  She felt so pliant she couldn’t find the strength to stretch her arms. She murmured,

  “That wasn’t a dream this time, was it?”


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  “No.” A soft kiss teased the nape of her neck. “What’s ‘this time’ mean? You been dreamin’ about me?”

  “Will you get cocky if I say yes?”

  He chuckled against her shoulder. “I’m already cocky.” He shifted his pelvis. The unabashed male hardness caused her belly
to clench with want. “In more ways than one.”

  Carter rolled Macie flat on her back. Leaving his bare leg draped over hers and their dark gazes locked, he brought his fingers—those long, clever fingers that had driven her over the edge—to his mouth and sucked them clean.

  This time Macie’s pussy clenched, not her belly.

  “Mmm. My favorite breakfast. But one sweet taste of you leaves me cravin’ more, Macie.”


  He fastened his mouth to hers and his hot tongue swept inside to thoroughly share her taste.

  She clutched his shoulders, yanking his full body weight onto hers. Macie jammed her hands through his hair and arched her hips against his erection.

  The kiss grew desperate. Hungry.

  Carter rocked his pelvis from side to side, rebuilding her sharp ache of desire. She raked her nails down his naked back, gripping the firm butt cheeks to do a little grinding of her own.

  He broke the kiss on a soft, frustrated moan. “Macie.” He whispered, “Touch me.

  I’m dyin’ to feel your hand around me.”

  Macie said, “Yes.” Just as she reached between them, three thunderous raps sounded on the camper door.

  Carter went absolutely rigid above her.

  “Macie?” was shouted outside the window.

  “Shit. It’s my dad.” She tried to shove Carter aside, but he wouldn’t budge. “Okay, don’t panic. We’ll pretend we were sleeping.”

  The lust cleared from his blue eyes. “Why? There was nothin’ wrong with what we were doin’, when we both wanted to do it. Besides, you are an adult and—”

  “—and he’s still my father. Catching us sleeping is a lot better than catching us dry humping, don’t you think?” 77

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  “Good point.” Carter jerked the covers over both of them and spooned against her.

  “Macie? It’s me. I’m comin’ in.” A gleaming ray of sun cut through the camper walls and disappeared into shadow as the door shut.

  Bootsteps thumped as loud as her heart.

  “Honey-girl? Sorry ’bout leavin’ you alone last night. I tried callin’ you…” Then,


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