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by Administrator

  Cash turned and walked away.

  Macie moved in front of him and grabbed his hand. “Thank you. I had fun. Don’t listen to him.”

  Cash reached out and stroked his free hand down her soft hair. “I wasn’t. I’d never do nothin’ to hurt you, Macie.”

  “I know.” 211

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  “And in case you’re wonderin’ ’bout some of the crap he was throwin’ out, don’t listen to him either. You do have my attention. You’re smarter than to do something stupid to get it.”

  “I know that too.” Macie stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. She whispered,

  “I’ll go double or nothing with you on that bet. Same time tomorrow. Bring your money.”

  Cash smiled as he watched her walk away from him…and from Carter McKay.


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Chapter Thirty

  “Dumbass. Get away from me.”


  “Don’t. Talk. To. Me.”


  “No. Go.” She slammed the camper door in his face and locked it. Then she cranked Dwight Yoakam to a million decibels, effectively cutting off all communication.

  Damn. Carter kicked a dirt clod as he lumbered back to his pickup. How had everything gotten out of control? One second he’d been striding across the yard, looking forward to seeing Macie’s smiling face. Looking forward to showing his family what they were together. The next second he’d seen her perched on the back of that bucking bull and his heart just…stopped. He didn’t think; he just reacted.


  No shit. Now he’d pissed off Macie and her father.

  But he knew what he’d said hadn’t been totally out of line, merely bad timing. Macie was so eager for any kind of family connection, especially with Cash, Carter suspected she would do anything. Or listen to whatever free or bad advice her dad offered. Yeah, Carter could just hear that conversation:

  Forget about McKay. He’s proven he’s an insensitive prick, just like the rest of the goddamn McKays. Besides, you’re young. Don’t make the same mistakes I did when I was young. There’s no need for you to settle down. Or to settle for a hothead like him.

  Then the son of a bitch would probably hand over the keys to his camper and encourage her to hit the road—allowing Cash uninterrupted time with Gemma. If and when Macie returned, Carter McKay would be long gone. Which is exactly what Cash Big Crow wanted. 213

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  “Fuck.” He could totally see that scenario happening, since he knew Macie had no intention of sticking around here beyond summer’s end.

  How could he make her stay?

  He couldn’t. Not today, anyway. His only other option was to skulk around her door like some…whipped dog. Begging for scraps of her attention.

  Like that would work.

  Or he could go home and work.

  On pictures of her.


  He wondered if his day could get any worse.

  “Hey, bro, when did you turn into such a macho jerk? That was quite the display of testosterone.”

  Keely. Carter thunked his head on his hood. The universe fucking hated him today.

  “Yeah, well, I wanted to prove I was a true McKay, asshole behavior and all.”

  “Now that you mention it, you sorta were actin’ like Dad.”

  “Great, Keely, just what I wanted to hear.”

  “At any rate, I brought you a beer.”

  He looked up.

  She waggled a bottle of Bud Light at him. “I thought you could use one.”

  “Thanks.” He popped the cap off and drank. “What’re you doin’ out here?”

  “Hidin’ from the bull rider wannabes and lettin’ Amy Jo deal with them.”

  “Meanin’, you ditched her and you were sneakin’ off to drink a beer and you were afraid I’d caught you.”

  Keely grinned. “I knew there was a reason you’re my favorite brother.”

  “Favorite. Right.” Why wasn’t he surprised his sister hadn’t really come looking for him? No one else had either.

  Maybe it’s because you’re acting like a shithead who deserves to be alone.

  Keely blithely continued, “Besides, Amy Jo will probably come barreling over to Macie’s camper to listen to her rant and rave about you.”

  “Why would Amy Jo care?”


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  “She and Macie hit it off like gangbusters. And let’s just say Amy Jo is well-versed on dealing with a hot-headed McKay male who can’t see the forest for the trees.”

  Carter frowned. “Who are you talkin’ about? She got a thing for Colt?” Lord help the girl if she did. Colt would charm her, bed her, and leave her. And feel no guilt about it whatsoever.

  “No. Cord.”

  That was worse for poor sweet Amy Jo. Way worse.

  “So, how long have you been with Macie?”

  He said nothing.

  “Puh-lease. Even before your he-man tactics today, your eyes devoured her while you were supposed to be eatin’ supper last night. And I noticed this morning she had a streak of paint—yellow umber to be exact, your favorite color to be even more exact—on her neck. So, I figured you’d been doin’ a little finger painting after the bonfire.”

  Carter sighed.

  Softly, Keely said, “You have it bad for her, don’t you?”

  His head snapped up. “What makes you say that?”

  “Because you didn’t bother with niceties today. You were scared, you were pissed, and you didn’t hide it from anyone, least of all her.”

  He clamped his teeth together.

  “You work really hard at disguising your intense side, Carter. Almost everyone believes you are this calm, cool, laid-back kinda guy.” She plucked the beer from him and drank. “I’ve spent more time with you than the rest of our brothers have, so you’ve never fooled me. I know what you’re really like. Macie knows that side of you too. Or, if she didn’t, she got a taste of it today. But she knew before, didn’t she?”


  “And it hasn’t scared her off?”

  “Not yet.”

  “She’s exactly like you, which means she’s perfect for you because she will make your life a living hell. Or heaven on earth. Depending on the day and your collective brooding moods.”

  Carter was stunned into silence by Keely’s comments. 215

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  “So, no matter what anyone tells you, bro, fight for her. She’s worth it. And I’ll lie through my teeth if you ever tell anybody I said this, but you are worth it too.” She sauntered off and vanished in the copse of scrub oak trees.

  He’d underestimated his sister on many levels. When had she become so insightful?

  Or had he automatically discounted her lack of understanding about anything important because of her age?

  Was he doing the same thing with Macie?

  Either way, Carter realized everything she’d said was exactly on the nose.

  He also realized Keely had taken off with his beer.

  Happy as Gemma had been to see Channing and Colby, she breathed a sigh of relief after the rowdy crew returned to Campbell County.

  Cash and Carter hadn’t come to a resolution after the blow up over Macie. Far as she knew, Carter hadn’t been back to the Bar 9. Rather than ask Carter to help Cash with chores, it was easier all around if she did it.

  Things hadn’t returned to normal. Since the primary cook had quit at the diner, Macie warned them she’d be working tons more hours. Gemma knew Cash worried about Macie, but she also knew something had changed significantly between father and daughter in the past few days. Not that Cash confided in her, he was determined to figure this out with Maci
e on his own. Still, she sensed an acceptance, which hadn’t been there.

  Like they’d both let down their guards a little.

  She wished Cash would let down his guard with her. From a purely professional standpoint, they worked well together. They’d spent hours out in the field, fixing fence, tending cattle, watching for wildfires. She’d learned why he didn’t have a place to call his own, and it broke her heart. They’d sat at the table after supper, mountains of paperwork strewn across the table as they discussed the pros and cons of various breeding programs.

  When the stock contracting issue came up, he’d bluntly told her to let it go and to focus on other areas of the cattle business. She’d literally felt the weight of that burden leaving her soul.


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Was that because it’d been one of her final ties to her life with Steve? The Bar 9

  might’ve been Steve’s when she’d moved in years ago, but it was as much hers now as it’d been his.

  The door between the upstairs and main floor slammed. Pine-scented aftershave wafted into the living room and she automatically smiled.

  Cash plopped next to her on the couch, grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “You need help with the laundry?”

  “Nah. I’ve got it covered. But thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Sometimes the ease with which he’d inserted himself into her life astounded her. But times like these, it seemed Cash had always been here. Helping her. Loving her.

  Whoa. She loved him. The jury was out on how he felt about her.

  Why don’t you ask him? What do you have to lose?

  Him. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing him. Ever. She’d already waited a year to sort out her own feelings, now was willing to wait as long as it took until he was ready to sort out his.

  “I’m thinkin’ of surprisin’ Macie and buyin’ her a horse.”

  “Yeah? Is this some guilty throwback to ‘Daddy, will you buy me a pony for my birthday?’ portion of her life that you missed?”

  He nudged her with his shoulder. “No, smarty. She likes to ride. It’d be good for her to learn to train a horse from the get-go. It might also be an incentive for her to stick around here at the end of the summer.”

  “Things are going well between you two?”

  “Better than I’d hoped, which is why I don’t want her to leave. Selfish, huh?”


  “Are you okay with it?”

  “Yes, but you know she can’t live in that camper indefinitely.”

  “I thought once McKay left she could live in the trailer. It even has a barn.”

  So Cash had already written off Carter McKay. Gemma wasn’t so sure Carter had cashed in his chips with Macie—more like Carter was regrouping. She kept her opinion to herself. “A barn, which would be perfect for her new horse.” 217

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  “Yep.” He fiddled with the remote. “By the way, I heard from Trevor Glanzer today.

  He’s on his way through tomorrow night. Is it all right if he crashes here?”

  “Sure. But that’s odd. He just called you out of the blue?”

  Cash aimed the remote. “Wanna see what’s on TV tonight?”

  Gemma heaved a dramatic sigh. “We’re watching TV? The romance has already worn off.”

  “Can we just veg? I’m bushed, Gem. I know I passed out last night, but you plum wore me out two nights ago.”

  “You ain’t the one with the sore ass, cowboy.”


  “A little.” She smirked. “Okay, not much. It was hot as hell, waking up tied up. You having your wicked way with me. Telling me precisely all the kinky things you planned—”

  “This ain’t relaxin’ me none.”

  “Knowing I couldn’t make too much noise, even when your thrusts felt so good I wanted to scream. So hard I could feel your cock all the way in my throat—”

  Groaning, Cash picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “What are you doin’?”

  “Takin’ you to bed, winyan.”

  “But I thought you were too tired?”

  “Lucky for you I just got my second wind and a new rope to break in.” He spanked her butt and she shrieked. “Keep up that dirty talk and I’ll have to try out the gag too.”


  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Chapter Thirty-one

  “Hey, squirt, when you’re done in there can I talk to you?” Velma said in front of the pass-through window.

  “Sure. It’ll cost you a beer, though.” Macie tossed the metal-bristled scrub brush aside. She used a clean white towel to wipe down the grill and admired the sparkling surface before she shut the lights off in the kitchen and shuffled out front.

  Velma sat at the counter with a ten-key calculator. Long curls of white tape spilled everywhere. Without looking up, she said, “I put a six-pack of Bud in the small cooler.

  Grab me one too, while you’re at it.”

  Macie popped the tops on the cans and waited, thankful not to be on her feet. Man.

  She was exhausted. She’d been working split shifts the last two days. And with the way Velma was frowning, she figured it wasn’t going to get better any time soon.

  Why stay here? It’s time to move on anyway. You don’t owe anybody anything but yourself.

  It’d been a couple of weeks since her mom’s advice made an appearance. She hadn’t missed it.

  Velma chugged half the beer. “It sucks that TJ up and quit. I don’t know if he was threatened by you or what, but it’s actually a good thing.”

  “Why would he be threatened by me?”

  “Because you are a damn good cook. And not just the usual diner fare. You’re bringin’ something new and fresh. Something classy.”

  Macie squirmed.

  “Local folks who hardly ever came in have taken notice. And the changes ain’t drivin’ away my regular customers, which is a plus. The bottom line is my business has more than doubled in the last two months and I am attributing it to you.”

  “But hey, no pressure,” Macie muttered and swigged her beer. 219

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  Velma stared at her thoughtfully.


  “What are your future plans, Macie? Is the Last Chance Diner a blip on the roadmap to somewhere else?”

  Macie really squirmed.

  When she didn’t answer, Velma looked away and said softly, “I’m sure workin’ in a greasy spoon in Wyoming ain’t your life goal. Probably have loftier ambitions.”

  Macie placed her hand on Velma’s arm. “Don’t. You’ve built a great business here.

  And as flattered as I am that you think I’ve had something to do with business picking up in recent months, it still is your place, Velma.”

  “True. But you still didn’t answer my question, squirt.”

  “I don’t know if I can. You knew I’d only be around a few months. I do like working here better than anywhere else I’ve punched a clock lately. But you should know I’ve just never worked anywhere longer than four months.”


  “Honestly? I get bored. Or I get fired. I’ve never had a reason to stick around anyplace and put down roots or whatever.”

  “But your dad is here, ain’t he? Things are workin’ out with him at Gemma’s place?”


  “Are things workin’ out between the two of you?”

  Macie smiled. “Better than I’d hoped actually.”

  “I’m glad.”

  The clock ticked. The walk-in freezer hummed.

  Velma sighed. “How are things goin’ with you and that good-lookin’ artist feller?”

  Her stomach pitched when she thought of Carter. She hadn’t
seen him since the day he’d squared off with her father. Which was why laboring excessive hours at the diner hadn’t bothered her. She needed distance and time to think about what’d happened.

  Contrary to what other people thought, she hadn’t been mad at Carter for what he’d done. She’d been upset by the fact he’d cared enough about her welfare to challenge her father. In front of everyone, his family, his friends. Carter had been worried about her getting hurt. Or dying.



  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  She’d never had a man worry about her for any reason, let alone for her personal safety. It was cool. It was weird.

  It was confusing as hell.

  So, Macie didn’t know if she was supposed to throw herself at Carter in gratitude for his protective instincts. Or take her father’s side for his.

  Talk about riding the mental merry-go-round ’til it made her dizzy.

  And that didn’t even take into consideration the L-word.

  Macie was pretty sure she loved Carter. But how did she really know for sure? She had absolutely nothing in her life to gauge it by.

  Loving her mother didn’t count. Neither did the idea she was starting to love her dad.

  The skeptic reminded her she’d known Carter McKay for a little over two months.

  How could she possibly love him?

  Didn’t love take time to build? Did she think she loved Carter because of the incredible sex? Because he understood her? Because he calmed her fears? Because he made her feel daring? Because he went out of his way to share silly and sweet things with her? Because he showed her sides of himself no one else knew? Because he thought she was beautiful and worthy of his art?

  Or did she think she loved him strictly because he’d paid attention to her? When he’d made that same accusation to her father, it caused a ricochet effect, and the opposite reaction from what Carter probably expected. Instead of questioning her motives and actions regarding her dad, Macie questioned her motives and actions where Carter was concerned.

  Which always led back to the “Do I love him?” question. Or a scarier scenario: What would she do if Carter told her he loved her? What would he expect? That she’d follow him while he lived his dream? What about her dreams? Would Carter be ready to make the same sacrifices for her?


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