Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2) Page 5

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Rose, I have to pop out for an hour or two to see Guy, is there anything you needed me for this afternoon”

  “At this rate we will have to organise another retirement for you as I don’t think you’ve stopped since you left. It’s fine mi amor”

  I think he kisses her, not sure, all I do know is I suddenly feel like a third wheel

  “Te quiero” I hear her say. The line muffles for a moment and I bounce the ball against my wall to fill the silence.

  A few moments later and he is back.

  “Sorry son, first rule of life, always put the woman you love first. Over everything. Makes life a whole lot easier. I will be there in an hour.”

  “Thanks Trent. See you soon” I drop the receiver and instantly feel better. As long as nothing effects that deal, I don’t care what they find.


  What a shower of shit today was?

  I’ve just got home and all I want to do is have a hot bath and hide in my bed until Monday. Waking up somewhere else this morning set my day off badly and I haven’t recovered.

  I am about to run a bath when my intercom goes

  “Hello?!” I answer not hiding my irritation.

  “Sissy Pants! Let me in”

  It’s my brother Ethan

  “E Number? What are you doing here?” I love my brother, I love all my brother’s but they know better than to just rock up.

  “Sounds like someone forgot. Are you going to buzz me in or what?”

  I press the door release, unlock my front door and head back to the sofa. I can’t remember making plans to see him tonight but we’re changing them and getting a take away.

  “Where you at Lei?”

  “Lounge” I scan the take away app to see if anything grabs my attention. I need one that sends alcohol too as I need something heavier than wine.

  “Why aren’t you dressed yet! Come on the sooner we get there the sooner we can leave”

  Ethan is standing just inside my door. He’s wearing a pair of grey trousers, bright white Gucci trainers, crisp white shirt and a bomber jacket in the same material as the trousers his hair is swept back off his face, it’s so long now it tucks behind his ears. His face is clean shaven, and he’s got on a pair of wire rim reading glasses. It’s only Ethan, Elliott (his twin) and I that have mums’ eyes. Christopher and Alex have dads’ hazel ones. We’ve all got dads dark hair (although yes, I do dye mine black) Ethan Elliott and I have mums almost cherub nose and her full lips. Chris is a mix of mum’s nose and dads’ lips and Alex is daddy’s boy through and through.

  “E can we just hang out here instead, had a really shit day”

  He sits on the arm of the sofa and cups his hands in his lap

  “You have so forgotten, haven’t you? Lei you promised to be my plus 1 at my appearance tonight. The Bridge? The new bar? Remember when I split with. Hartley and you said don’t go jumping into bed with the next insta model. Take your time. And I said but I’ve got an appearance booked in May and you said...”

  I finish is sentence; “that I would go with you if you stayed single. Fuck sake E, couldn’t you have reminded me like a week ago about it?”

  “Where’s the fun in that now chop chop go get ready!”

  I pout and sigh and dramatically throw myself off the couch and head to my bedroom. My room is a mess from this morning. Usually I put my clothes out the night before hanging inside my bathroom but due to my unplanned sleep over, it looks like my wardrobe exploded.

  What to wear. I scour my wardrobe trying to work out if I am going dress, casual smart or smart casual.

  I dial Rayne on speaker phone. “Sugar tit’s” I love her.

  “Yes, Baby Cakes. How’s it going?”

  “A mess boo, What you up to? Fancy coming to a bar opening with me and Ethan? It’s one of his appearances so not an all-nighter?”

  “I can’t! Got a dinner meeting with some new boy band, was about to call you to see if you wanted to come with me. Can think of nothing worse than having to pander to some teenage boys. I hate looking after musicians!”

  I hear Connor in the back ground.

  “Please go with her Leilani! I really don’t want to have to break some dickheads face tonight”

  The thing about Connor is that neither Rayne nor I saw him coming. He is built like the hulk, a face of a God and the manners of a perfect gentleman. He epitomises everything we swore we would never want in a partner. We are independent women who know what they want and who they want, we say when and we say how. Except Connor now says “when” and I will admit, I am not mad at her for jumping. He’s the best thing to happen to her, except me. OBVS.

  Rayne has admitted on more than one occasion that she loves when he gets all protective over her, that’s probably got something to do with the fact that she does the same to him.

  “But what you don’t know, won’t hurt you baby! I just won’t tell you anything and then ‘Voila’ no breakage of face age”

  A sound that resembles a growl explodes in my ear, followed by the highest pitched squeal that belongs to be my best friend in the whole world. My mind instantly says Connor has rugby tackled her and they are about to fornicate. Without asking, I scream as loudly as politely possible. “Not ready to be an aunty just yet… wrap it up and call me tomorrow!”

  Rayne giggles and shouts “Bye” as I hang up.

  I forgot for a moment that E number was here...

  “She tied up?”

  “Not yet but probably will be later if Connor has his way!!”

  Ethan laughs,

  “Didn’t think Connor was into that kinky shit, although if Rayne asked to piss on my…”

  “Shut your god damn mouth you heathen. Don’t even think about finishing that sentence” He is sick. Brother or not, he is in no way allowed to think about my best friend in that manner. In fact, I cannot think about my brother doing that shit. I think I need to put the boundaries back in place, this relaxed attitude around me needs to stop. EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW.

  Ethan, even though I have four brothers is my favourite.

  He left school at the same time reality TV kicked off. Because Dad was in the press so much as the “surgeon to the stars”everywhere we went there were paps or press there.

  The rest of us would go out the back with Mum and a guard, Ethan would always go with dad. He got his first offer to show up somewhere for a fee before his uniform was binned.

  By the end of the summer he had a deposit for a house. Not any old house, he could buy our neighbours house. Before he hit 19, Ethan was a millionaire in his own right, and he has never looked back, Dad wanted him to follow his lead and go into medicine. He had the grades for it, but he didn’t want the stress. Ethan always looked after me, he’d be there to pick Rayne and I up from school when it was raining, and we didn’t want to walk. He took us to the best places to eat and brought me the things dad wouldn’t. He even convinced dad to let me have my boobs done when I was 16, used an old psychology essay and some research to convince him.

  Ethan uses his popularity to make a difference, he works with charities that need their profiles raised, endorses products that could make a difference. Ethan Barros the socialite is worth more than gold, Ethan Barros my brother is priceless. People assume because our surname is Barros that we are Latin American, but truth be told, Dad was born in New Jersey and moved to California as a junior in high school. Granddad always told us that our Latin blood was so diluted we may as well have water running through us.

  I used to pretend I was from somewhere amazing like Rayne. I used to love hearing about the stories from Rose (Raynes Ma).

  The only reason that Rayne and Rose are ‘Sinclair’ because Rose went back a few generations when she decided to change their names. Rayne’s dad was, and in fact still is, a bit of a nutter and she needed to distance herself from him. I was surprised when she didn’t take Trent’s name after they got married, she told Rayne it was because she loved the person she became when she chan
ged her name and refused to become anyone different.

  Dad owns the biggest clinic in Harley Street, he came over to the UK from California when he graduated Stanford. Granddad joined him when Grandma died. Granddad sold his family land in Carneros to some winemakers who had been hounding him for years.

  Sensibly, part of his deal gave him shares in their company. He used the capital to help dad buy his first clinic and he lived off his shares for a while. When dad started to offer treatments that nobody else could, he attracted an inclusive list of clients, the list increased when he brought a ‘retreat’ where super celebs could discreetly head off and be treated without being under the glare of scrutiny. By the time I was at school, dad chose who he worked with, when he worked and if he worked at all,

  We were afforded a fantastic life and on days like today when I feel like the walls of reality are about to close in on me and squeeze the last breath out of me, I remember to be grateful, Grateful that I woke up at all, grateful that my dad isn’t a convicted drug dealing murderer. (Sorry Rayne) Grateful that my mum was always there for me growing up, that I didn’t have to survive on memories like Guy did. Does. Grateful that my brother comes to me when he needs help.

  “Ok. Let me get ready. How long have I got?” I semi dismiss Ethan from my room

  “How long do you need? I get there, when I get there, sissy pants”

  He gives me that reassuring kiss on my head only Ethan can.

  My hair is a flat and greasy mess, so it’s needs to go in ponytail, my legs could probably do with a shave, so a dress is out of the question. I opt for a white trouser suit that I have never worn, a nude lace bralette to slip under it (It’s supposed to be worn without anything underneath, but a nip slip is not an option today.) I find a pair of suede nude strappy shoes which will work. Given my hair is not only greasy but needs a trim, I use half a can of dry shampoo at the roots and throw it up into a band on top of my head. Inadvertently I look as though I have styled myself on Ariana Grande.

  Thank god for lash extensions, cuts my makeup time in half. I opt for a smoky eye and a nude lip. I say opt, what I mean is my eyeliner fucked up so many times, I smudged it in and the smoky eye was born. Nude lips because that’s what was in my handbag and I am good to go. Douse on some Jo Malone and we can roll.

  Ethan doesn’t smoke or drink, so he always drives, those pictures you see of him surrounded by champagne bottles and sparklers? He will only ever have a glass for the pictures. Although he didn’t make it to University, he loved science and will be able to tell you what every chemical does to you internally, the effects every action you take makes on your body. He is a killjoy!

  We jump in his Range Rover and are outside The Bridge in no time. Bulbs are flashing as I step out the car. We stop and do the obligatory pose outside the heavily sponsored “wall” hoarding. I am on autopilot. Left foot in front of right, hip toward the camera, head tilted to the right, hands crossed in front of me.

  “Ethan! Ethan! Over here!”

  “Leilani how’s Malachi? Is he ready for the Euro’s?”

  “Leilani no man on your arm tonight?”

  “Give us a little more Leilani, show your assets”

  I bite my tongue as the comments keep rolling. Ethan whispers away from the cameras.

  “I am going to fucking lamp him in a minute – lets go”

  Ethan waves politely and nods for someone from the bar to get me inside. He stays for a few more shots and poses with the owners for a shot or two.

  I am led to a table roped off for us. There are a few ice buckets with bottles in and our names are discreetly placed on the sofas.

  I fall back on the chair and wait for them to come and pour my champagne. Ethan is doing the job he’s been paid for. Taking pictures, signing bits of bodies and being groped. Women should ashamed of themselves. If a man grabbed me like that I would be pressing charges.

  Just in front of us is the standing reserved area. It’s getting busier by the minute and there are a couple of low rent reality stars jostling for attention and taking selfies, you know the type. Enhanced to within an inch of their lives pouting up a storm for the cameras. One of them looks my way and I shudder as I see her clock Ethan coming in from my left.

  “You alright Sissy?”

  I nod and point my glass in his direction

  “You won’t be though. INCOMING”

  He spots the blood hounds and grit’s his teeth.

  “OMG Ethan Barros” one of them leans over the rope and kisses him on his cheek. “How are you?” She’s dripping all over him. God I hope he hasn’t slept with her!

  Before I can drain my glass and raise it for a refill, we are surrounded. Ethan’s always really good, he never invites people to sit at our table or invade our space: he knows that’s not my thing. The girls have been joined by 3 males costars. I am sure one of them slept with both the girls, not that you’d know they’re all chatting like mates.

  I spot one of their management team heading my way. Great. The problem with these ‘stars’ is that they are loose cannons and looking after them is like having a new puppy, you have to be there to mop up their spills before someone stands in the shit.

  Dominic Broad is as slimy as they come. He’s been desperate to sign Ethan but there’s no way I would let that vulture near him. Ethan manages himself with a bit of help from Rayne and me wherever I can. Trent used to look after his legal affairs but now he’s got one of the other partners dealing with him.

  Ethan drops down next to me “An hour more sissy and then we out”

  “That’s about as much as I am going to be able to take”

  Dominic had rounded our table and is helping himself to a vodka.

  “Looking spectacular as always Leilani… any more thoughts about joining my team”

  “Why would I leave my own company to work for you Dom?”

  “I always forget you brought their books. How’s that working out for you, few loose cannons around eh?” He guff’s as he says it. I really want to punch him in his mouth. Like really want to. He’s a condescending prat, who looks like dodgy 70s porn star.

  “Business is great thanks Dom, but you know that because you’re forever stalking me and my clients. Is there something you want?”

  “Your brother to sign with me. That’s what I want. He is hot property right now and I could use his collateral”

  I laugh, I laugh so hard. I know I am drawing attention to us but I don’t care.

  “Use his collateral? I mean look Dom. All this regurgitated plastic anatomy around us, they’re all yours. You make them and their scripted reality happen! You don’t need Ethan. You’ve got it all”

  I am talking shit, but it does the job. It makes Dom feel like a king and it will stop him harassing my brother all night.

  Speaking of plastic anatomy. Do my eyes deceive me or is that Millicent O’Sullivan here? She’s like a magpie. If it’s shiny (and rich) she’s all over it. Millicent isn’t an unattractive girl. She just gets it wrong. Tonight she’s obviously had some sort of a blow dry and her poor hair has been sprayed to death to keep it in place. She’s wearing a pink sequin ensemble, and some chunky black sandals that look like they are cutting off her blood circulation at her ankles. I retrieve my champagne flute, I want to spy on the room whilst it’s still fairly quiet. I get to within touching distance of Millicent and her friends.

  “He should be here soon. The reservation says 8.30. I am going to meet him out front”

  I just make out that much of the conversation. Interesting. Millicent has a date. I watch her make her way to the door. There’s a commotion just as she gets to the front of the bar. She gets slightly jostled and is knocked off her path. I flick my eyes back to the doors, curious to see who has created such a stir.

  “Well, well.” Although I can only see the back of his head. I know exactly who that is. No wonder Millicent was in such a hurry.

  Millicent manages to right her self and is at his side in seconds. There
are two ways I can handle this. Cocky and loud or Dangerously calm and calculated. I am too frustrated to work out which it will be but I am striding towards them with adrenalin motoring my feet. I will not be lied to. Ever.


  When my sister Kelsey reminded me that we had dinner with Willie and some friends at the launch of their new restaurant, I could have screamed.

  After spending a few hours with Trent earlier I wanted to go home and sift through the notes we made today. The good news is that the conglomerate case and the retainer are cast iron. We had someone else glance over it and there is nothing out of place with it.

  Trent made a passing comment that someone may be trying to discredit us in order to lure clients or staff away. If they’re after me, they are not going to get me. I am not being big headed making that statement, I am approached on a weekly basis by other practices, some of the largest ones in Europe have tried to grease my palm but Trent taught me about loyalty at the very beginning. What we do is cut throat and the only way to retain clients is to show them complete loyalty. Our client base is testament to that. We will be twice the size in 24 months and then who knows. Anyone that has tried to lure me and test my loyalty has failed. Georgia hasn’t got shit on me, I am loyal boo.

  I was leaving the office when Kelsey text me. I would have tried to find a way out, but Kelsey is my baby sister. Esther is the only mother she has known, and Kelsey will do anything to keep her happy. I take it Amber (my pretty awesome half-sister) either hasn’t been asked or has got out of it. Although Amber is Esther and Willies daughter she is nothing like either of them. She is an artist who spends most of her time traveling the world, she is filled with humility and believes in the opposite of everything her parents do. My brother Gareth left London when he got married and I know full well he won’t be here tonight so it’s down to me and Kels.

  I think I moaned all the way here. Threw my car around in a strop and just about made polite conversation with Kelsey.


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