Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2)

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Vantage Point (The Point Series Book 2) Page 10

by Georgia Hamilton

  “Is this some sick joke?”

  She’s taken pictures from other people’s accounts, what a sociopath

  I go back to the article.

  “We have contacted a representative for Pearce Morgan? I don’t have a representative. This is not happening” I did not see this coming. I mean. Who would?

  “Well I kind of figured it wasn’t all as it seemed, especially after Friday night.”

  “Kelsey, let’s assume, I know nothing about anything, so I need you to be really clear when you are talking. Pretend I am stupid. Now start your sentence all over again”

  She rolls her eyes at me.

  “Guy, I knew it was rubbish because after seeing the way you were with Leilani on Friday night, it was clear there is only one woman on your mind, it was a relief to see it to be honest, I was glad this was bullshit”

  I feel better for a second then I am filled with dread.

  I go back to my phone. I scroll through all my messages. Nothing from Leilani.

  I listen to my voicemails. Nothing. Not a word.

  Hang on!

  “Kels? This only happened yesterday. Why would you be relieved on Friday? How long has this psychopath been in a fake relationship with me and why the actual fuck am I only just finding out about it?”

  “Guy, it’s been in the press for weeks. After the incident at Saxons, it’s been everywhere. I just assumed you were just being your usual secretive self. I was surprised you were in a relationship with Millie, but Dad said it was inevitable really. I just kind of forgot about it, you don’t do relationships, we know that - I thought you would tell me when you were ready”

  “I was never going to be ready because it’s shit. Willie has been trying to get us together for the last few weeks. I just don’t need this. I haven’t got time to deal with it right now”

  “I hope you don’t mind, I called Rayne and asked her to meet us here. Figured if you needed a rep, she’s who you would want. You should call Leilani, she must be really pissed off”

  “We’re not in a relationship, she’s got no reason to be pissed off. This is my life being royally fucked up, only I am allowed to be pissed off.”

  I strop off to my room. “Let me know when Rayne gets here”

  I close my door before Kelsey can reply.

  I’m not behaving like an adult right now, but I don’t know how to behave. I want to call Leilani, but we have no status, I don’t even think we are friends right now. We are barely colleagues and that’s a stretch. I lay my head back on my pillows. This is such shit. I suddenly feel really alone. I think about all the smart things that would be spewing out of Leilani right now. She should be here taking the piss out of me, ridiculing me for getting myself in this situation. Showing me that she cares by her presence alone. Instead, she has not even bothered to contact me, she’s acting like a child and I think it best if I just move on. I allowed myself to think, for a minute that we could be more than a fucking habit. But no. I feel like I have woken up after a bender and honestly, I am ashamed to see the mess I am surrounded by.

  There is a gentle knock on my door.

  “Guy, Rayne is here”


  I take a few deep breaths and pad into the lounge. Rayne is sat at my kitchen table, she’s setting up her laptop. She spins when she hears me come into the room

  “Right Mr. lets go get us a big old lying bitch and lead her to the slaughter”

  I give Rayne kiss on her cheek. With her here, I worry a little less. Realising I was a bit of a dickhead I kiss my baby sister on her head. “Sorry” I whisper. She pats my arm to let me know I am forgiven.

  I sit opposite them both

  “Do me a favor Rayne? Finish her please”

  Rayne just beams at me

  “After the shit she’s pulled over the years? It will be my pleasure honey”

  It sounds more like HUN-KNEE. There is no one else I would want in my corner.

  “Let’s get to work” I clap my hands as I say it.


  Considering I slept all day Saturday, almost, I am surprised I didn’t miss all of Sunday.

  It’s 9am when my eyes open for the first time. I made the decision last night to go to my parents today and tell them everything. There is no point in trying to deal with this on my own. I don’t know anyone with a spare £2m that I can borrow until I sort my accounts out. I mean, yes, I earn amazing money but once we cover our overheads there is little disposable income. My bank account is healthy and there is nothing stopping doing most things that I want but I sure as hell don’t have £2m laying around. I could raise it but not in his timeframe.

  I must dose off again, as my phone wakes me up.


  “Hey E Number”

  “How you doing sissy?”

  “Awesome now you’ve woken me up! What’s the deal?”

  “Just checking in. You coming to dinner today?”

  “Yah, I am. Need to have a word with the parents and I found some balls over night so need to strike whilst the iron is hot and all that”

  Ethan laughs

  “Coolio, I will swing by yours and pick you up, say 12.30?”

  I look at the time, 11.00.

  “It’s a plan, batman” I reply and hang up my phone.

  I jump in the shower before I make a coffee, not much time to get ready today.

  I pull out a pair of leather leggings and an off the shoulder oversize t shirt. Perfect for this not quite summer yet weather.

  Dressed, Hair in a low ponytail – Kim K eat your heart out. (Someone in a tabloid once said I was like a blue-eyed Kim Kardashian. I guess there are similarities, not many though. Kanye however, wouldn’t make the cut. Sorry bubs.) I decide to check out the papers for a bit, make sure all my clients are behaving.

  Lots of speculation about Malachi, especially as he has not been seen at the England training camp. There are also some whispers about Johan moving abroad. The trolls are out in force. Anfield Town has declined to comment on either. Roll on tomorrow when the speculation will be put to bed.

  I idly flick through some of the gossip pages. Dickhead Dom has got his work cut out. The drunken pictures dominating the pages are all of his clients. I laugh and feel some satisfaction that he is the lowest of the low.

  I couldn’t tell you what I saw first, if it was the headline or his picture.

  Guy. Breaking up with his almost fiancée in public. His almost fiancée being Millicent O’Sullivan

  I can’t believe a word of this. I read through the article. Lots of rubbish really, all speculative with no basis. He was so adamant when I confronted him before about her. I don’t think he would lie to me, but then he doesn’t owe me anything much less the truth. But my heart lurches when I remember her saying they were almost family and the fact they were having dinner with both their parents. Would I have so calmly let my boyfriend leave with another woman like she did on Friday? No. But she isn’t me. I also can’t ignore the fact that he was at the gym with her so early on a Saturday morning.

  Because it refers to her Instagram, I have to go and have a look. Pictures don’t lie do they?

  I feel sick when I open it up. He is all over her page. Tagged in pictures (I didn’t even know he had an Instagram) I go into his page, and there she is. Millicent. Pictures of her in a bed, at his parents, not many of them together but they’ve both got the same picture up from his birthday. There is no denying she was on holiday with him. I look at the dates. There is one with a philosophical quote from Thursday night, saying something about being stronger than the lies. Then she post another one on Friday morning about waking up alone one too many times. He woke up with me on Friday. Son of a bitch.

  It explains so much, him coming to me more than I went to his. She probably kept his bed warm whilst he was hopping into mine.. I climbed back into bed after my Instagram stalking. Fully dressed and put Netflix on. I decide to catch up on Queen of the South. It’s not our show anymore. My i
ntercom has buzzed for a second time. I ignore it again, I don’t want to see anyone right now.Ethan starts ringing my phone. My voice is thick with emotion so he believes me when I say

  “Sorry E, I have been hugging the loo for the last hour, going to give dinner a miss”

  Ethan doesn’t argue. He doesn’t do illness. “No worries Sissy will let the parental unit’s know, Madre is likely to pack me up with leftovers, shall I swing them by later?”

  “No, not feeling up to it. Will catch up with you in the week”

  I switch my phone off after the call. I don’t want to become obsessive over it all. I need to draw a line under Guy, I can be professional when needs be, but that’s it. I am done.

  I run through a million scenarios in my head, did I miss anything, were there any clues that I was the other woman.

  It was my decision to not do sleepovers and he went with it, no arguing, no questions asked. Was that to keep me happy or to stop any digging. How did I end up like this?

  Rayne is buying a house with a boy. Ethan is trying to be a grown up, he handled Friday like a pro. Alex is going from strength to strength and I am sure mum said Christopher had just started seeing someone. Elliott is always going to be single. He is the most intense person I know, oh well, he can be my plus one going forward, then can’t he?

  I think back to Trent’s party. Millicent was there too. I remember now.

  Guy was drunk when I arrived. Ma Rose asked me to keep an eye on him. She said Rayne was doing it, but she’s disappeared. Guy was like that embarrassing uncle, he had no coordination and was throwing himself around in an attempt to dance. The band aptly started to my play tracks of my tears, couldn’t let this clown ruin the party.

  Because it was a family affair, I had chosen my outfit wisely. My cobalt blue body con dress was specifically purchased because I look awesome in blue. True story.

  It was high at the front to keep the puppies contained but swept low at the back, fitting snuggly across my hips, stopping just above my knee. Having just got back from our annual trip to Dubai, Rayne and I go every year to celebrate the end of my birthday month, I am still tanned and my blue and gold Zanotti heels look fire.

  “Mr. PM you owe me a dance”

  He stopped flailing and pulled me into him”

  I owe you” he breathed.

  I didn’t think he was sober enough for a conversation.

  “Owe me for what?”

  “Saving me. I feel rough. I’ve just had to take an anti-histamine and I reckon Millie slipped me a horse pill”

  He laughed really loudly, abnormally loud. Not his usual self loud. We have only met a handful of times. A few social events and that’s about it but he’s always been quiet, observant.

  I made a quip about him being socially awkward or something once and Trent put me straight instantly. He said

  “I guarantee you that man can relay every conversation, every movement and every drink you’ve had. His brain works in such a way that I bet he could then convince you that you’ve spoken to, moved or drunk something completely different. Awkward he is not. He’s observant”

  I look back to the man in front of me.

  He is suddenly in my space, one arm around my waist, the other across my back. I lean my head on his shoulder and almost pull back. Jesus he’s built like Arnie under this shirt. Solid muscle is now my pillow. Clearly sensing my surprise, he flexes his arms around me and my god I’m a lemon. One squeeze and he’s literally juicing me. I shift my legs apart mainly to ease the friction but that inadvertently makes Guy shift, so his groin is flush against me. My arms can’t reach all the way around his back.

  His thumb is gently stroking my back, as he leads me around the makeshift dance floor. He feels safe and strong. He smells like absolute heaven and I forget where we are for a second. I follow him in his steps, the music is secondary, the people in attendance not on my radar. It’s only me and Guy. I don’t even notice the change in the music. Suddenly Motown is out the window and Gypsy Kings prevail. Guy groans heavily punctuating it with a deep sigh. He rolls me out away from him. It takes me a second to work out what is going on. Guy spins me out from him again and I stumble. Quick as a flash he pulls me back.

  My eyes must look wild – we’re moving to the music but with a good foot between us.

  He steps forward, I step back, he moves to the left I move to the right, he raises a hand and I spin under his arm. We both step out and then back into hold. In my head we look like we should be on strictly come dancing. He rocks his hip against me and I now know for a fact he is as turned on as me.

  What the fuck? I must have had one too many champagnes because this is feeling good. We swing round the floor and suddenly I am against a wall.

  Guy kisses me, his lips surprisingly soft, his hold firm. It’s an innocent kiss, no tongues clashing, just a kiss.

  He pulls on my bottom lip, a gentle suction that gives me all kind of feels. I try and follow him, I want to take the kiss further. I have never been into kisses but that felt so good.

  Guy rests his forehead against mine.

  “Leilani, I am about 20 seconds away from dragging you out of here”

  I lean up to get another kiss. He smiles against my mouth

  “Unless you want me to screw you up against this wall, I suggest we stop right now otherwise our family and friends will get a show they didn’t have to pay for”

  “I don’t know when you got sexy but fuck me Mr. PM.”

  “With pleasure, you tell me when and I am there”

  “After this.”

  He looks at me in surprise

  “Don’t play with me Leilani.”

  “Not playing, no games. It’s your fault I am now wound tighter than a clock”

  He leans forward, caging me between his arms, a hand either side of my head. He aimlessly plays with my hair.

  “I am going to unwind, undress and unravel you, but I will warn you. I am addictive. One night with me and you’ll never want to let me go.”

  “One night and I promise you, I will let you go”

  I don’t know where my balls come from, but I always get what I want and right now I want him.

  “Careful, if you break your word, how will I ever be able to trust you?”

  “It’s lust not trust babe”

  He pushes off the wall,

  “It’s both”

  I watch him head round the wall back to the party.

  I remember feeling conflicted, part of me wanted to follow him and take him home. It must be the champagne. I grab another one from a tray as I head back to see if Rayne has finished with the tall drink of Hubba Hubba.

  Ma Rose is waiting at the top of the steps for me

  “Leilani my favourite girl, come and dance with me” She grabs my hand and leads me back to the dancefloor, she grabs Rayne on the way to the main stage. Ma Rose has always been like another mother to me. She is the life and soul of any party, especially her parties. Rayne and I got our social skills from Ma Rose. The woman knows how to keep 100’s of people happy whilst having a good time herself. She is the party queen. If she says it’s time to dance, we dance. We show everyone how to have fun and let your hair down. She has no inhibitions and I love her.

  She spins us around and we do our own kitchen salsa in front of the entire crowd. I catch Guy’s eye mid twirl. It’s like he’s undressing me with his eyes. I need to get out of here and fast.

  Rayne slowly fills her boots with champagne, she is attached to me and I have no way of leaving without letting her know where I am going.

  “My daughter is a few sheets to the wind, can you get her up to her old room please Leilani, I have to see some people out. You are welcome to stay here too”

  “No Ma, it’s OK, I’ve got an early start”

  I get Rayne upstairs with the Ethan’s help. I don’t even bother to get her changed, I whip her under the duvet and I am out of there in record time.

  “Want a lift home Sissy?” Ethan i
s jumping in a cab


  I look up Guy on Facebook as we head through the back streets of London and send him a message. His profile is almost dormant, so I don’t know if he will get it. Seconds later I get a response

  “Oh Facebook, how very retro! Don’t tell me your latest hook up is an old flame that was at the party?”

  “Not even close Ethan. I am just being social”

  “Nobody is social on Facebook any more you weirdo.”

  “I use mine for work too you know!”

  “Oh so you’re working now? At this time on a Sunday?”

  “Yes. Now shut up and leave me to it”

  He drops me home and Guy is at my door straight after.

  “That was fast! What did you do, fly here?”

  “Not quite” he answers. Without pausing for thoughts I am up slammed up against my own door. Guy takes over in ways I didn’t expect. He leads the charge. I’ll be honest, I don’t actually remember what happened next. Not in detail. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was so wrong when I said I could let him go. I was hooked.

  Facing him the next day in Rayne’s office, I thought I would be fine. I’ve done it before, had a one-night stand with someone I shouldn’t. had to face them again, and every time, it’s been easy. They always want more, but me? I get what I can then leave them to it.

  Guy Pearce Morgan proved me very wrong. The second he looked at me, it was like a flashback. He leans in to kiss me hello and I blush. I know where that mouth was not 13 hours ago, and body remember too because she betrays me. She softens where she should be hard and hardens where she should be soft. My legs don’t work so I can’t stand, my brain cannot compute how to do anything, my nipples have turned to rock, you could hang your coat on them right now. I watch him work and see him in a different light. He’s sexier today than he has ever been. And that is a problem. He agrees that we have to go to Liverpool and he throws out commands. I do what I never do I obey.

  There is no way he could have been with Millicent then. She was at the party, but she left soon after I arrived. The pictures of them together at the party are candid shots not posed shots. He is holding onto her in one, but I remember he was a bit like Bambi that night.


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