Unwrapped by The Billionaire

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Unwrapped by The Billionaire Page 56

by Joanna Nicholson

“What’s what like?”


  “Your feet get swollen, your back hurts, you have to go to the doctor all the time,” the pregnant woman said.

  “A lot of people say it’s the best experience of their lives,” the nervous woman said.

  “If you like being in constant pain, it’s the best thing in the world.”

  “So you aren’t experiencing the joys of childbirth?”

  “Different people experience different things. I’m guessing you’re on the fence,” the pregnant woman said.

  “Yeah,” the nervous woman replied. She walked over and picked up a magazine. She flipped through it and then set it down again.

  “Well, I can’t tell you what to do. I had an abortion before. Just wasn’t time for me then. Now I feel better. I’m more ready now,” the pregnant woman said. She’d watched the nervous woman’s obvious agitation and had stayed calmly in her seat.

  The nervous woman nodded.

  “Candice,” the nurse called. The nurse had come from a back room. She was dressed in bright purple scrubs.

  “Yes,” Candice replied. She got to her feet and followed the nurse.

  “Doctor Gerrity will see you.”

  The nurse led Candice into the patient’s room. There was a thin white piece of paper on the bed and a detailed map of a woman’s reproductive system. Candice spent some time looking at the map. She knew where her ovaries were, her uterus and was schooled on her internal organs.

  Candice looked at her phone but there were no messages. She studied the picture instead. She tried to imagine the inside of her body with all of the organs. She pushed the top of her left hip where her ovary was. Knowing that it was there didn’t make her feel any different.

  “Hey, Candice, how are you?” Sam said when she came in.

  Sam was thin and wore colorful glasses. She had short blond androgynous hair and a bubbly personality. She’d been Candice’s doctor for the last few years, and the two ran into each other occasionally at the grocery store or about town.

  “So the nurse said that you are considering ending your pregnancy?”

  “Yeah. It’s still early. I’m not on birth control and the guy… Well he’s just a hook-up.”

  “I remember talking about birth control with you before.”

  “It just gives me too many mood swings. I thought I’d be fine without it but we were drunk and…” Candice trailed off.

  “It happens. So you took a pregnancy test,” the doctor said. She stood in front of Candice. Her voice was neutral and Candice felt comfortable. She didn’t feel like she was being judged.

  “Took one yesterday, it showed up positive,” Candice replied. She made eye contact with the doctor who was holding a clipboard. The doctor made a quick note on her paperwork and then looked back at Candice.

  “Okay, so we’ll do two things today. First we’ll make sure you are pregnant and then we’ll take care of the pregnancy.”

  Candice nodded.

  “So, I’m going to get a test and an ultrasound. Do you need some water? I hope your bladder is full.”

  “I should be good to go.”

  “Great. I love a woman with a full bladder in times like these,” Sam said with a laugh. “Then we’ll do the ultrasound.”

  Candice smiled and was put at ease by Sam’s easygoing banter.

  The pregnancy test was easy to do, as was the ultrasound, and confirmed the results. Candice was indeed pregnant.

  “So when was your last period?” Sam asked her.

  “I think it was six weeks ago,” Candice replied.

  “Obviously, you’re not showing signs. We can have you take a pill. It’s two pills but most people think of it as one. The first is mifepristone. This blocks out progesterone which is the hormone needed for the pregnancy to move along. We’ll give you some antibiotics as well. The second pill you’ll have to take a day or two later. That one is called misoprostol. You can take it at home. This may cause some bleeding and cramping. It’s basically like having a heavy period. It should just take a day or so to recover. No big deal,” Sam said.

  “Okay.” Candice waited for a moment for the doctor to continue.

  “So because the progesterone is blocked, the uterus lining begins to shed, like in a normal period. The misoprostol makes the uterus contract and the pregnancy is expelled within six to eight hours. The good thing is that you can time when you want it to be expelled, to some degree. You have twenty-four to seventy-two hours after you take this first medication to take the second one.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  “You might begin cramping as soon as twenty minutes after you first take the second pill so you might want to distract yourself with some Netflix. Within six to eight hours, the pregnancy will miscarry.”

  “Sounds riveting,” Candice said with a smile.

  “It truly is,” Sam said smiling back. “We’ll do a follow-up exam with you in about two weeks to make sure that everything went well, but the pills should do the trick. I’ll give you the first one now. It’s easy. The second one you’ll want to insert into your vagina. Its placement isn’t a big deal but you will want to stick it high up.”

  “Thank you,” Candice said. She took the first pill and put it on the tip of her tongue. Sam handed her a glass of water and she swallowed it down.

  “If you have any problems at all, please contact me or the office. I’ll give you some good articles as well. Do you have any other questions?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Great. Well, I’ll see you in two weeks.”


  Candice got off the table and walked out of the office. The sun was overhead and she stopped at a bagel shop nearby.

  Mitch was there.

  Candice didn’t expect to see him. He was seated by himself. A cup of coffee sat in front of him. His eyes were red as if he’d been drinking for the last ten days straight.

  He didn’t look up at her when she ordered her food. He didn’t look up at her when she got her food. His eyes continued to stare down at his coffee cup.

  She thought it would be odd if she didn’t say anything at all to him.

  “Hey, Mitch.”

  He looked up at her. He had white skin that looked slightly jaundiced in the mid-day light…

  “Hey, Candice, how are you?”

  “Good. Good. What are you up to?”

  “Oh, thinking.”

  “Oh, okay,” Candice replied.

  “Do you want to get together sometime soon?” Mitch said. His eyes pleaded with her.

  “Well, I’m going down to my dad’s for the weekend.”

  “When you come back?”

  “I’m not really sure yet,” Candice said.

  “Okay, I’ll call you,” Mitch said. His eyes dropped down to the coffee cup.

  “Sure. I’ll talk to you soon, I guess,” Candice said.

  She walked out of the café and wondered what the hell had just happened. She could have told him about the pregnancy and the abortion but instead she’d said nothing. He also looked beaten as if nothing was going right for him. She wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to talk to him about it at that time.

  Candice wasn’t sure that it would be a good time to tell him that she didn’t want to see him anymore. It wasn’t necessarily the pregnancy that spurred her decision but it had made her realize that things were going nowhere with him. She promised to herself that she would talk to him when she got back. In the meantime, she had to recover and take care of her body.


  The next few days passed without much event. She took the second pill and stayed at home. She cramped but it wasn’t bad. She’d had worse periods. She spent the weekend on the couch watching Home Alone. The fourth movie in the installment was particularly bad with none of the original actors returning to play their roles.

  The real joy of the weekend was eating the cold leftover pizza. She ate it and was happy. She didn’t hear f
rom Mitch that weekend or for the next few days the following week. By the time the follow-up appointment with her doctor had come up she hadn’t heard a peep from him. She was glad that he’d ghosted. It made the separation easier and she wouldn’t have to tell him about the pregnancy. She didn’t have to confront him about anything. She felt like Mitch was in her past now and that she had a brand-new start in front of her.

  As the days passed Candice got more and more excited to go see her dad. Pauline had said that she would be free to spend time with her as well. She hadn’t seen much of her sister lately and the two didn’t talk much.

  When Candice took the train to the airport she felt like things in her life were improving. She smiled as the plane was taking off.

  Chapter 3

  The flight didn’t take long, only a little over an hour. Her father wasn’t there when she arrived though. He’d sent her a text message instead.

  Hey, I’m a bit busy. My friend Alex will be picking you up.

  She didn’t know what Alex looked like. She’d heard a lot about him from her father though. The two had become fast friends and worked together years ago.

  Candice was pleasantly surprised when a handsome and tall man walked up to her at the airport. He was thin and his face had sharp angles. He had an undercut and was dressed in slacks and a polo shirt. He looked to be in his early 50s but was in amazing shape.

  “Candice?” Alex said.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” Candice said with a smile.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Alex.”

  “I know. My dad talks about you all the time.”

  “I hope it’s only about the good things.”

  “Ha ha! Absolutely.”

  “So I’ll be bringing you home.”

  “I couldn’t ask for a better escort,” Candice said.

  Alex put his hand on Candice’s arm and squeezed gently. “I’m only an escort for pay,” he said.

  “And what does your wife think about that?” she asked in a sarcastic manner.

  “I’m single,” he said. He picked his hand up and showed off that he wasn’t married. “Nothing on the hand. I do better as a single man to be honest. Plus the ladies like it that way.”

  “I bet they do.”

  The two walked out of the airport and were soon in Alex’s modest car. It was a Honda Accord from last year. Alex kept the car clean, and Candice felt increasingly comfortable around him. It had been a while since she’d spent time with a real man and she’d taken a liking to Alex immediately. He was handsome, and her father had spoken highly of him.


  At dinner that night they had a wonderful time. The whole family was there: her father, her mother, and Pauline. Pauline and her father had made dinner. Everyone over ate and soon people were lying tirelessly on the couches. Candice’s father and her mother announced that they would go to bed early.

  “I assume you can get yourself home,” her father said to Alex.

  “Yes. I’m not sure I’m ready for bed quite yet.”

  “I am. I’ll be taking off,” Pauline said.

  “Do you want to do anything?” Candice asked her sister.

  “I’d like to but I can’t. I have to get up early,” Pauline said.

  “I’m still game to do something,” Alex said to Candice. “There’s a new beer bar down the street if you’d like to have a beer or a cocktail.”

  “That sounds great actually.”

  “Yeah, you two go out and have some fun,” Candice’s father said.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Just let me know when you think you’ll be back.”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, I’ll be going home as well. Thanks for coming down, Candice,” Pauline said. She hugged her family goodbye, and walked out the door.

  The ride to the bar was short and quick. Alex drove well and he put on one of Candice’s favorite bands, The Jesus and Mary Chain.

  “I saw them ages ago,” Alex said when he turned on the music. “They were quite good live.”

  The bar was elegant inside and had a Victorian parlor feel to it. Alex ordered a Manhattan and Candice ordered a dirty martini.

  When the two got their glasses, they clinked them together.

  “Cheers,” Alex said.

  “Cheers,” Candice replied.

  “So how is Oakland going?”

  “It’s okay. My job in the city is going all right. There hasn’t been too much going on with me, I suppose.”

  “No boys?”

  “Not really. There was a guy I was sort of seeing but things just sort of faded away recently.”

  “Hmmm… I can’t imagine you being single that long,” Alex said.

  “Why is that?”

  “Well, have you looked in the mirror lately?”

  Candice laughed. “I suppose not.”

  “You are a good looking lady,” Alex said. He put his hand on her leg. Candice looked down at it. He didn’t move it for a moment and then withdrew it. When it was gone, Candice longed for it.

  “Well, thank you,” Candice said. She put her hand on his arm. “That’s really nice of you to say.”

  A wide smile crossed his face and Candice could feel herself heat up.

  She hadn’t known Alex for very long but it had been a few weeks since she’d slept with anyone. He was older than her by twenty years at least, but he was fit and handsome and seemed like he had it together. She smiled as seductively as possible and drank the rest of her martini in one long gulp.

  “Well, I guess we should get going… to your place” Candice said.

  “Ok,” Alex replied. He lifted his eyes in surprise and then emptied his Manhattan. The two were in his car nearly as quick as they’d departed.

  The drive to Alex’s house was short. They both knew what would happen and how.

  “You have a really nice place,” Candice said.

  “Thanks. I bought it a while ago.”

  The house was small but a decent size for one person. It was decorated with a lot of paintings.

  Alex took Candice’s hand when she entered and the two walked into his bedroom. He slowly undressed her and then took off his clothes.

  He pushed her onto the bed and lay next to her. She could feel his cock on the back side of her ass. Candice sighed and pressed into his hard erection.

  “Do you have condoms?” Candice asked. She reached around and began to stroke his cock, then she rolled over and began to kiss him. She rubbed the head of his cock, and precum was leaking out of it.

  His kiss was soft but he slid his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues danced together.

  “I don’t. I had a vasectomy ages ago,” Alex said. “I get tested regularly too.”


  “I might have condoms if you want to use them though.”

  “Well, I guess we don’t need them then since you’re clean,” Candice said. She could feel herself getting wetter.

  He kissed her demanding mouth. He pulled back from her and began to kiss down her body. She stroked his soft hair as his lips touched her nipples and then her stomach and finally just above her clitoris. Candice pulled his head up before she touched her hot button.

  “I need you inside me,” Candice whispered to him.

  Alex smiled and rubbed his hard cock up and down her wet pussy.

  Candice’s eyes opened wide when he pushed into her. She gasped as she felt him fill her up.

  “Fuck,” Candice said. “You feel so good.”

  “Your little pussy is so wet,” Alex said.

  Alex pulled his cock out and then pushed himself in deep. She could feel his hardness hit against her cervix.

  “You’re so big,” Candice said. She bit down on her lips and Alex smiled wider.

  Again, he pulled himself out of her and then teased her with short strokes. He would put just his head inside of her and then pull out.

  Candice moaned.

  “Fuck me deep,” Candice cried.

She wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him deeper inside of her. Alex held back for a moment and then began to pump into her. He rocked his hips against her, which made her clitoris light up with passion.

  “You’re making me so wet,” Candice said.

  Alex loved the feeling of being inside of her. He began to pump faster and deeper. Candice felt her cunt contract around his cock and she began to orgasm. She was driven crazy with passion. His mouth felt like fire. She moved her hands up and down his back.

  Alex lifted his cock out of her. Candice moaned in complaint. She pulled her legs around him and he drove his cock back into her. He pulled out of her again. The tug and pull action between the two repeated several times. Each time that she pulled her into him, her clit would become a fire of sensation.

  Candice was losing control of herself.

  “Fuck me!! Just fuck me,” she cried.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” Alex said.

  He began to pick up the pace of his thrusts and began to slam into her.

  “I’m going to fucking cum,” Alex screamed.

  “Cum in me. Fill me up!”

  His hips went into overdrive and he pressed deeper and deeper into her. He felt himself empty into her. His cum filled her up and he lay on top of her for several minutes.

  It took some time for both of them to catch their breath. Waves of bliss softly lapped against them long after the two had orgasmed. Alex pulled his soft cock from her and a waterfall of his cum followed. He took a deep breath and stood up. He walked to the bathroom and came back with a soft towel. He gently dried her pussy and then he brought her to the shower.

  The two bathed together. Alex lovingly soaped Candice’s body. He gently massaged her breasts, her hips, her ass, and her legs. He washed her clean and Candice did the same for him, paying special attention to his cock, which was hardening for a second time.

  “Hmmm…” Candice said as she felt his cock stiffen in her hand.

  “That feels good,” Alex said.

  Candice dropped to her knees and began to lick his cock up and down. The shower poured down on their heads as she sucked him. Alex leaned back against the shower wall and felt her mouth pour all over him. His dick became incredibly hard within her mouth.

  “I’m going to cum,” he screamed.


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