Unwrapped by The Billionaire

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Unwrapped by The Billionaire Page 79

by Joanna Nicholson

  I’ll be honest, if not for the way I felt Kitty’s nails biting into my arm, I would have had a panic attack and bolted. I stayed my ground and walked forward.

  I looked into his eyes, afraid of what I would find. I was wrong. He loved me. There was a wide smile on his face. Tears slipped down his cheeks and he looked at me with such love in his eyes.

  His mouth was moving but I couldn’t comprehend the words, my eyes just followed his mouth movements. The blood was rushing in my ears as I thought of how he was crying, real actual tears. I strained myself to try and read his lips but kept getting distracted by how perfect and beautiful his mouth was.

  I came to my abrupt decision. Come hell or high water. Nothing will keep me from this man. This man who makes the world go around and makes my world so much better. This man who would tear apart the cosmos themselves for me.

  This man who provided for me and saw the greatness in me and loved me. Love isn’t a good enough word. He worships me, like some kind of celestial goddess that I definitely am not. He who loves and worships me so much he is crying, letting his shields down for everyone to know that I am his love and he worships the ground I walk on and when it comes to me, he doesn’t care who knows about it.

  My heart felt so full I wanted to sob.

  What have I ever done to deserve such a wonderful man who loves me so much he can’t even stand it?

  What have I done to earn the love and tenderness and care that shown in his glittering eyes?

  Of course, I know love isn’t something you earn because you are worthy of it. It is something you have to work for. And I believe, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for this love.

  The wedding moved at a blur as I held onto his hands for dear life. Nothing else mattered and I felt completely incapable of noticing anything but him. I stared into his passionate blue eyes and wondered if he could see the love I felt for him twinkling back in my eyes the way I devoured the sight of his eyes looking at me with such pure love.

  I was barely lucid enough to whisper a soft “I do,” when the priest asked.

  The breathless way Damian’s response sounded, made my heart beat a million times in a second.

  “The couple has written their own vows.”

  Damian grabbed my hand and brushed a soft kiss against the knuckles. “Beloved.” My face flushed against my will at the term of endearment. “I humbly give myself to you, all that I am and will be. I only pray that you are willing to teach me how to love you correctly. I promise to be your willing pupil and your devoted disciple as long as we both shall live.”

  Sobbing in happiness was all I could do. “Without you,” He continued. “I am in darkness and with you, I see only the light.” He slipped the ring on my finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  I had to compose myself. Get to my vows. The words were getting jumbled up in my frazzled brain as I felt so many emotions at once. I don’t even know if I will just combust with the happiness I feel in this instance.

  When I was calm enough, I began. My voice stronger than ever before. I have never been surer of anything than I am about this. This man is the man I will spend the rest of my life with and there is nothing I will allow to step in our way. “I promise to stay with you. Through thick and thin. When the rains fall and the cool breeze freezes you, you can count on me. Let’s travel through this adventure of life together. Whose most painful trials will be diminished by your presence, and whose moments of happiness will increase exponentially by you being by my side.”

  I slipped the ring on his finger and pressed my lips to his in a deep kiss.

  This kiss was so different than every other kiss we have shared.

  Every passion fueled moment was nothing compared to this. Compared to the taste of his lips as they caressed mine with all the gentleness and love that he could feel.

  All of a sudden, I found the secrets didn’t matter to me. Who cares? If we can be together, then it has to be enough. It has to be enough.

  The rest of the wedding and the reception was a blur. Who cares who we meet or what’s happening or where I am? His hands were in mine and his eyes were on me. And that is enough for me.

  I didn’t become halfway lucid until I heard the name. “Antony.”

  My eyes popped open and I refocused on the man in front of me. He was one of the men who were working with Damian that day I met him at work. Not the remarkable one, the one whose every feature I recall.

  But this man.

  He’s rather handsome on his own rights. Blonde hair in a purposefully mussed style. Brown eyes and a soft jawline. One could mistake him for a girl. He was the prettiest boy I have ever encountered, looking soft and innocent. Unassuming.

  I doubt he has ever done a single thing wrong in his life. He just has one of those faces.

  No wonder Damian wanted to help him. He looks almost helpless, if not for the crooked smirk on his face.

  “Antony. This is my beloved Clarissa.” I melted at the title once more. That one word could reduce me into putty. Oh, my life would just be so much easier had he never found out, but things couldn’t be that easy for me. “Clarissa. This is my best friend and best man, Antony.”

  “Good to meet the woman who ensnared Baby-Dami.” He had a childish voice and a jovial tone. I liked it.

  “Baby-Dami?” I asked humorously.

  Damian growled and Antony only snickered. “He’s younger than me so he’s the baby.”

  “Three days is not a long time, Antony.” Damian looked rather annoyed by his teasing. Oh, Damian. Sometimes my love really just needed to lighten up. Enjoy his life just a little bit. He was so serious almost all of the time.

  For now, I am so happy. Nothing could get any better than this.

  That’s what I thought until Damian had the cab drive us to the hotel. We couldn’t travel far due to my ‘condition’. I argued with him that I was pregnant not handicapped, but Damian could be extremely stubborn when he wishes to be. He was a mule in a past life, I swear to God. The best thing to do is just let him spin his wheels instead of pushing him and making him dig his heels in even more.

  It shows he cares.

  He took me to the honeymoon suite. “Let me show you a sweet time under the moon, Honey.” He purred, laying me down on the bed.

  I groaned at the awful pun. Does he have to make any puns right now? “Rea-”

  I cut myself off with a gasp as he pulled off my dress and my first layer of underwear. He massaged my stocking-clad thighs, making me whimper. He was really good at that. “You look good enough to eat.” He purred.

  He seems to not have any patience to really tease me the way he normally loved to do right now, as he immediately began to lick me. His tongue ran against me, over my panty covered pussy.

  He could no doubt taste the liquid that seeped through my panties. I couldn’t help it. I’m just so turned on right now; I can’t even control it. It’s just him so close to me.

  I whimpered softly.

  “Shh. Shh. Babe. Tonight is all about your pleasure.” He shushed me, giving me one of those dazzling grins of his.

  I wanted to say something like ‘But I want you to feel good’, but you know, romantically. I couldn’t form the words. He knew just how to shut me up. He had immediately continued to kiss and lick me through my silk panties.

  I could feel the moistness and heat of his mouth against the sheer fabric. My mind turned to putty and all I could think was what I said, whimpering it in a chant as I tried to grind against his tongue. “More. More. More.”

  He pulled away in order to give me his most wicked smirk. I cried out at the lack of contact. He’s such a god damned tease! He was 100% doing this on purpose. He just wanted to torture me. “Yes, Beloved. Was there something that you wanted?” He sucked at the innocent routine.

  “Stop teasing me!” I whined.

  “Aww. But, Baby.” He gave me his innocent pout. I wasn’t fooled. He is not anywhere near innocent enough to pull off that look. “I was only
trying to make you feel good.”

  “No, you weren’t.” I immediately argued, my tone more whiny and nasal than I would have liked it to be. “You were teasing me.”

  “Ooh.” He pretended to just realize what I was insinuating, even though anyone with half-a-brain (even me with my lust fogged brain) could tell he wasn’t being genuine. “You wanted me to do this.”

  He ripped my panties off me and before I could protest at his destruction of such an expensive piece of clothing, one I was hoping to reuse, his tongue was on me. He licked and nibbled every inch of my pussy, eating me out like his life depended on it. He sucked on my clit and ran his tongue over it, in intricate patterns so I was unable to get used to the sensation.

  It whimpered and shook as I built up to my peak. It shouldn’t happen so fast, but here I was, shaking and whimpering under his passionate ministrations. As if I was the most delicious thing he has even encountered in his entire life.

  It was all I could do to claw at the sheets. I clawed so hard that the edges of the fitted sheets were pulled from their correct spots. I whined and mewled as he ate out my pussy.

  When I got to my peak, I saw stars. It was so intense that I saw stars as he lapped up my juices. I thought that would be the end and we’d get to the main event.

  I heard and felt a whispering against my pussy. “I told you this was all about your pleasure.” And he continued licking my overstimulated pussy. Oh god.

  So intense it almost hurt. My hands went to his hair and I tugged his hair so hard I almost pulled out a few strands as my nails gently scratched his scalp. I couldn’t help but writhe and mewl as he threw me into a second orgasm, my head rushing as I screamed his name in ecstasy.

  It was too much and just enough and not nearly enough all at once. I felt like I was flying and sinking at the same time.

  He laid next to me, brushing a soft kiss on his cheek as my body was wracked with shivers. The bliss that overcame me made me see stars and it was amazing enough that I didn’t even question what he was doing.

  “So cute. So cute.” He mumbled against my shoulder as he pressed butterfly kisses against me. He’s so sweet. I could not have chosen a better man as my husband if I searched the end of the earth for the rest of my life.

  As I slowly regained my senses that went haywire with my pleasure, I felt him. His hard cock was pressing against my hip. Oh. He never did get off, did he? I should-

  Oh my god.

  A couple of his fingers had found their way to my overheated flesh and were teasing me. My eyes clenched shut for a few moments, whimpering at this blissful torment. When my eyes opened again, my cheeks turned a brighter red than they already were. I thought that was impossible.

  He was lying beside me, fully clothed. His head was propped up on his elbow as he stared at me with a smoldering gaze. I whimpered and looked away, unable to look him in the eyes. I just couldn’t stare him in the eyes as he continued teasing me like this.

  I moved my leg to the ground against his rock-hard cock. It was difficult to contain the smirk on my lips as I heard him gasp for breath at the unexpected friction. “Dami.” I purred. “I want to make you feel good too.”

  I began to kiss and nip his neck. I felt his Adam’s apple bob against my lips as he gulped in a breath. He never expects me to be sexy. It’s almost like he sees me as some sexually inexperienced teenager, or something equally as foolish.

  If I’m being fair. It might be due to my impatience when it came to pleasure. I wanted it all now, now, now. I never had the patience for his teasing, for his promise that he will make things so much more intense if I could just wait for a moment.

  It was intense enough for me, just to be with him.

  He gently pushed me away, his two long fingers still teasing my insides, so I didn’t struggle that much. “No. Not now, Sweetling. I love you. Tonight is all about you.” He was going to be stubborn about this, I could just tell.

  “But I want to make you feel good. That’s where I get my pleasure.” I whined. The fact that, as he twirled his thumb around my clitoris, I came for a third? Hundredth? Fourth? time didn’t help my case. I can’t help it; I can’t even keep track of how many times he took me over the edge of oblivion tonight.

  “Don’t worry about me.” He ordered. “I will deal with it myself later. All I want you to do is tell me how good it feels.”

  He kept doing it, he would not stop. Would not give me a moment of reprieve until my body couldn’t take it anymore and I was begging for him to stop. Just stop. It was too sensitive and it hurt now.

  My vision was getting blurry, but what I did see was the large wet spot on his pants where the tip his rock-hard cock was pressing against. I watched his hand pushing his pants and briefs down, releasing his large cock. The beautiful caramel color of his cock, and the veins that I just wanted to run my tongue over. Oh God, he was beautiful. The head was an angry red, probably from being turned on for so long with so little stimulation and was leaking pre-cum.

  I wanted to taste it. I was too tired to move and my eyelids are getting heavy as I watched his hand pump himself over and over, the soft grunts and noises he made were so beautiful.

  The pumping was to some rhythm that matched the soft sounds of the grunts and moans he tried to muffle by biting his lip.

  How can one man be so perfect?

  Chapter 14

  19 weeks pregnant. The beginning of my third trimester. Bloated, with swollen ankles, an inability to move around much. Just great. Great. That’s not even mentioning my dumb mood swings, cravings, or the fact that I was the size of a baby blue whale!

  My sweet Damian says I’m as beautiful as I ever was, but I doubt it all the time. Especially with how often he leaves for ‘work’. Is he even really going to work? How could I ever be sure? How could I ever really trust him?

  Of course, that’s a lie. He works with that adorable blonde.

  I tried to push it as far from my mind as I possibly could as I flipped through the TV channels. Most everything just sucked. Garbage. Crap. Overdone. Trite. Trying too hard. Antony’s mugshot. Animated kids show. Eel cooking. Garbage.


  It took an embarrassingly long time for that statement to catch up with me as I thought about it. I squealed loudly and the remote slipped from my hands, breaking open. The batteries fell over.

  I fumbled with the batteries as fast as possible, my heart rate racing. I hyperventilated, afraid I will completely miss what in the world Antony was doing on the channel 721 news in a mugshot. I mean, he’s so cute. How can he be tied up in…?

  I finally scrambled to turn the channel on. A beautiful girl with short pink hair was talking frantically into the microphone. “Infamous Richard Todd has been apprehended in the midst of a drug smuggling operation. This man has been charged with 8 accounts of assault and battery, 3 accounts of armed robbery, and 43 counts of drug smuggling. His notable aliases include Jason Drake, Antony Nelson, and Tim West. If you have any information on this man or any of his assistants, the cops are urging you to report it. The cops are willing to provide a certain level of Amnesty for this service.”

  The words just repeated in my head over and over. Alias. It was an Alias. Antony Nelson was never a real person. Drug Smuggling? I can’t believe it. I froze in shock, my body shaking. I just thought my mind was playing tricks on me or something.

  Oh my god. Damian would be devastated. It would kill him to know someone he trusted so much has been tricking him this entire time. Lying to him and cheating him. He was Damian’s best man for Pete’s sake!

  I mean Antony was a… colleague. He was a work colleague. A COWORKER. Oh god. Please no. Please be some awful, elaborate joke at my expense.

  Please, God. Damian, jump out of the shadows. Tell me you used your stupid amounts of money from your nondescript job to hire a fake news anchor to run a fake story. Tell me it’s his twin brother and he’s been using his twin to trick everyone!

  Damian. Damian my lo
ve. Damian who would never hurt me and has such a sweet face and such a kind smile. Damian who held me in his arms and promised to protect me from the entire world.

  Damian…. The man who won’t talk about his work no matter what. Damian who got furious when I showed up at his work. Damian, who has a partner wearing the most garish, eye-catching outfit so all eyes were on him and never Damian or the ones who are doing the worst things.

  So, if there was an eyewitness they would barely remember anyone but that man.

  Damian, who gets angry when I mention work. Who says he wants to protect me from everything…

  Even himself?

  Oh god no. “Please. Please. I’ll do anything.” I begged whatever deity was out there who could hear my prayers. Who could fix this? Who could fix us? “Let it be a lie. Let my Damian be a good man who was tricked by a master manipulator.”

  The gods never did answer. But I knew I’d have to confront him about this at dinner tonight.

  I put my hand on my stomach and began to cry. What am I going to do about our child? The one that was made, at least on my part, by love.

  Chapter 15

  This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. It’s been four entire days since I made the decision to confront him. I know I’m a coward. I feel like I physically can’t do it, and so I keep putting off the confrontation. Always with an excuse that is weak to even my own ears.

  The first excuse was simple, he had bought my favorite foods and movies. “I wanted to spend tonight showing you how special you are to me. Like a goddess who squanders her time on a lone mere mortal man.”

  Damn his words. Damn the tears that slipped down my cheeks at his tenderness.

  The next day, the excuse was that he depended on me for some normalcy. Who would he be without me to morally guide him?

  The day after, I don’t have a job right now and I wouldn’t be able to take care of a child on my own.

  But today… he skipped a day of work to be by my side. He says there is no face in heaven or earth that he would allow to keep us apart. That he worships me and I’m more than anyone could ever deserve.


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